JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    JFT Tuesday Recap
    1. Be kind :)
    2. Log all food :)
    3. Lots of water :)
    4. Meds AM and PM :)
    5. Fish oil after dinner >:) But I did take it this morning!
    6. Protein shake for breakfast :)
    7. Prelog tonights dinner to make sure it stays in the green! :) And then I ate a whole chocolate bar. Womp womp. Last night the washing machine that came with the house started sounding like a jet engine :s Its a front load so it looks like I cant replace just a bearing, have to get a whole rear tub assembly to the tune of $225, probably more from the "authorized dealer" - service company is closed today. I let it overwhelm me. BUT! We have our health, a roof over our heads and food in our bellies. Stuff is always going to go wrong, at the worst times usually! So I'm learning to roll with the punches and make a plan instead of while eating chocolate bars. DH is home sick today. I really wanted to use that as an excuse to get fast food - but I packed my frozen entree pad thai - instead of the tuna sandwich I knew I didnt want and would definitely go get fast food. Baby steps. Also, has anyone heard from @nickssweetheart lately?

    JFT Wednesday
    1. Eat packed lunch
    2. Log all food
    3. Lots of water
    4. Meds AM and PM
    5. Fish oil after dinner
    6. Be kind
    7. Unpack 3 boxes
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,615 Member
    Recap T 9/11 ~ Rest day after several late nights in a row
    1) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work = Fitbit 8,128 steps, 250+ steps 13/14 & 34 floors :smiley:
    2) Meals & snacks prelogged / stick w/ plan / net calories w/i 100 green / 12c water = Net calories -78 (yay), sodium -630, sugar -18, fiber good, protein ok & 14c water :smile:
    3) Evening: deadhead roses :smiley: / put safflower seed in garage container & refill feeder :smiley: / brew tea :smiley: / meal plan & grocery list :smiley: made easier when sister PM'd they want to go out to eat Sat. evening instead of me cooking ~ fine by me! :smiley: / balance checkbooks :/ no time / 15 min. declutter :smile: / other to-do's? :/
    4) Unplug 9:00 :smiley: / FLOSS (really slacking) :smiley: / retainers :smiley: / bed & TV off 10:15 :( more like 11 (walk dog before work W)

    JFT W 9/12 ~ Unplanned rest day ~ forgot to turn on alarm! Currently using phone, I really need to get a new bedside clock. I enjoyed the extra sleep, very glad I didn't oversleep, and arrived at work on time.
    1) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work
    2) Usual breakfast, lunch & snacks prelogged / supper unsure ~ maybe eat at farmers market? / net calories w/i 100 green / 12c water
    3) Work: complete all 3 stages of work project / start summarization by Th
    4) Evening: Wed farmers market / grocery shop / sort laundry & put up clothesline for Th / balance checkbooks / 15 min. declutter / at least 1 more to-do
    5) Unplug 9:00 / floss / retainers / ALARM ON IN BED & TV OFF 10:15 (this is getting ridiculous ~ walk dog before work Th)
  • HEGoddard0928
    HEGoddard0928 Posts: 824 Member
    1. Log all food. Be accountable! 😀 Wasn't going to but I did anyway. Over by 1k call...
    2. ORDER MATT'S INHALER😂 Ordered it from the wrong pharmacy. Came to an obscene amount. Have to transfer the prescription to the right one
    3. Move quilt😥 Just didn't have it in me yesterday.
    4. Call ND/OFP!!!!😣 This either. Have to call today though. I have an appointment on Monday that I can't make.
    5. Pack lunch😁 Ate it too!
    6. Leftover soup for dinner😞 Ordered pizza and a couple of cannolis
    7. Talk to DH about medical leave😀 He's going to fill out the paperwork tonight and hand it in tomorrow.
    8. Dinner right after dishes🤣 Just realized I wrote this wrong. Didn't do it anyway.
    9. DH time😀 Ended up cuddling in the couch and watching baseball.
    10. Early night😁 Didn't feel great last night so I laid down before 9 and was asleep before 10.

  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    Can you believe this...A day of discovery for me. I've been hiding out. I have been saying that I'm sexy as a "self help pep talk".. But I only realized this morning that I didn't really believe it. After walking my nieces to the bus stop, I suddenly became paranoid to the passing cars and literally froze. When it dawned on me what was happening, I shook myself to snap out of it and that's when I saw the parking lot... Yes it's been there all along, but I didn't view it as a place that I'd be welcome.Crazy right?? I mean, I didn't hear anyone say that I couldn't walk there... It has to do with some inner stupidity that I allowed to block my progress all my life..."THE COLOR OF MY SKIN"... I honestly haven't felt worthy to have things in life. Everything I work to achieve would get snatched away, including my husband...I MUST STRONGLY INTERJECT HERE, I AM NOT PREJUDICE!!! AND PLEASE DON'T TAKE THIS OFFENSIVELY... Please don't. But I must say it for you to truly understand my life.
    My husband of 19 full years together, left me for a caucasian woman. And it is not about her color/race... I am labled AFRICAN AMERICAN, but my father was
    American Indian and I can't recall what tribe. I have no idea, for all I know, I could have caucasian ancestery. The point is I have stepped back more times than I've gone foreward.
    Amazing what stepping outside of yourself can reveal. I never saw race...my family are not that kind of people. Mom and Dad taught us to love everyone, and be quick to apologize, and quick to forgive. Something I've lived by all my life. Truly not having met any of you, it's like you've become my extended family of fantastic sisters. So when I send the emoji roses etc. I'm sending you real heartfelt love the only way that I can.
    Ooooo lookie... I think I wrote a book... Lol….
    Sorry for being long winded...
    Hope you will still love and accept me.😅

    I love you, Mary!
  • HEGoddard0928
    HEGoddard0928 Posts: 824 Member
    As you can see above, I had a cruddy night. I don’t know why but I was just miserable all day. I think it may have been the crappy weather. It was gloomy and rainy most of the day. It has been for like 5 days now and it’s not supposed to get better until at least next week. I’m sick of it! I think I must be suffering from SADD recently.

    I didn’t do much of anything yesterday and didn’t pull myself out of bed until 7:25 this morning. I have very little recollection of my DH getting up and leaving for work. But I managed to pull myself out of bed and make it to work a few minutes early. Was even able to squeeze in a few minutes to enjoy a cup of coffee and a Panda in my lap.

    Now I’m sitting at my station at work with nothing to do. I guess people don’t want to come out in a dreary, dingy day anymore then I want to. I really need to get myself together though!

    I am going to get up early tomorrow and at least do something. The DH will be up early too so I guess we can keep each other awake and going. I’m ready for it to be Friday. Anyone else feel that way? Lol.

    Okay, onto goals for the day. They will be short today.

    JFT, 9-12-18

    1. Log all food and be accountable
    2. Move quilt!
    3. Make phone calls!
    4. Leftover soup for dinner.
    5. Do dishes right after dinner
    6. Figure out something to do after dinner
    7. Early night
  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
    AJB1014 wrote: »
    JFT Tuesday Recap
    1. Be kind :)
    2. Log all food :)
    3. Lots of water :)
    4. Meds AM and PM :)
    5. Fish oil after dinner >:) But I did take it this morning!
    6. Protein shake for breakfast :)
    7. Prelog tonights dinner to make sure it stays in the green! :) And then I ate a whole chocolate bar. Womp womp. Last night the washing machine that came with the house started sounding like a jet engine :s Its a front load so it looks like I cant replace just a bearing, have to get a whole rear tub assembly to the tune of $225, probably more from the "authorized dealer" - service company is closed today. I let it overwhelm me. BUT! We have our health, a roof over our heads and food in our bellies. Stuff is always going to go wrong, at the worst times usually! So I'm learning to roll with the punches and make a plan instead of while eating chocolate bars. DH is home sick today. I really wanted to use that as an excuse to get fast food - but I packed my frozen entree pad thai - instead of the tuna sandwich I knew I didnt want and would definitely go get fast food. Baby steps. Also, has anyone heard from @nickssweetheart lately?

    JFT Wednesday
    1. Eat packed lunch
    2. Log all food
    3. Lots of water
    4. Meds AM and PM
    5. Fish oil after dinner
    6. Be kind
    7. Unpack 3 boxes

    @AJB1014 ... No Have been wondering where she is.… and by the way, love you and hope DH gets to feeling better soon
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    As you can see above, I had a cruddy night. I don’t know why but I was just miserable all day. I think it may have been the crappy weather. It was gloomy and rainy most of the day. It has been for like 5 days now and it’s not supposed to get better until at least next week. I’m sick of it! I think I must be suffering from SADD recently.

    I didn’t do much of anything yesterday and didn’t pull myself out of bed until 7:25 this morning. I have very little recollection of my DH getting up and leaving for work. But I managed to pull myself out of bed and make it to work a few minutes early. Was even able to squeeze in a few minutes to enjoy a cup of coffee and a Panda in my lap.

    Now I’m sitting at my station at work with nothing to do. I guess people don’t want to come out in a dreary, dingy day anymore then I want to. I really need to get myself together though!

    I am going to get up early tomorrow and at least do something. The DH will be up early too so I guess we can keep each other awake and going. I’m ready for it to be Friday. Anyone else feel that way? Lol.

    Okay, onto goals for the day. They will be short today.

    JFT, 9-12-18

    1. Log all food and be accountable
    2. Move quilt!
    3. Make phone calls!
    4. Leftover soup for dinner.
    5. Do dishes right after dinner
    6. Figure out something to do after dinner
    7. Early night

    Weather is also bumming me out! And making me want ALL the comfort foods...I'm going to try vitamin D again! Hope you feel better soon
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    Guys. I ate my lunch. Then I went to Wendy's and got 4 chicken tenders. And I'm eating pizza for dinner because DH is cooking (he must be feeling better and feeling bad he stayed home) and I'm not saying no to that! But I feel kinda crummy about it. Like, I couldnt hold myself accountable not to get Wendys - I could have gotten something healthier at the grocery store instead to curb my hunger. Blah just needed to vent! The weather, this time of year, maybe PMS'ing, definitely stress eating...One day full of carbs quickly snowballed into ALL THE CARBS. Going to start over again tomorrow with a different attitude.
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    Happy Birthday @Snowflake1968 !!! Hope you have a day as great as you are!!!
  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
    @ABJ1014 I messaged ...nickssweetheart... I'm hoping we hear from her. Great looking out.. I want all my sisters with me.... The more the merrier...or crazier...or girls gone wild...or off our rockers... Who think up these clichés any way?😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    Evening everyone. Another hectic day here and I feel like every day I’m just whining about being wrecked! Plans for today were thrown off as I had to drive the kids in to school due to rain and a million bags for the oldest as she had a school camp out. So parked up near there and then had to really pace it up to work as there is no parking there. And then go back to collect it at the end of a long day. Steps are good but I’m so tired and no hot yoga again so sadness..

    Wednesday goals recap
    - morning workout ✅
    - April to September challenges ✅
    - CALL ALARM COMPANY! ❎ oh for goodness sakes!!
    - Prep stuff for planning cover teacher ✅
    - Hot yoga??? ❎
    - Early night

    Thursday goals
    - morning workout
    - Planning time out of class (yay!) No snacking!! Try and keep moving
    - April to September challenges
    - Call alarm company
    - Make appointment
    - Check re dinner plans for kids
    - Home early
    - Leave on time for DEXA scan
    - Meet boyfriend after??
    - Not too late a night

    Welcome to the new members and love and hugs to all. Can’t quite believe we are almost halfway through September already!

    Night all x
  • missheidi
    missheidi Posts: 465 Member
    sooo sleeeepppyyyy...,
    Tues recap.
    stayed on plan
    got to bed too late.

    stay on plan
    church/crochet group tonight
  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
    AJB1014 wrote: »
    Guys. I ate my lunch. Then I went to Wendy's and got 4 chicken tenders. And I'm eating pizza for dinner because DH is cooking (he must be feeling better and feeling bad he stayed home) and I'm not saying no to that! But I feel kinda crummy about it. Like, I couldnt hold myself accountable not to get Wendys - I could have gotten something healthier at the grocery store instead to curb my hunger. Blah just needed to vent! The weather, this time of year, maybe PMS'ing, definitely stress eating...One day full of carbs quickly snowballed into ALL THE CARBS. Going to start over again tomorrow with a different attitude.
    Darling we've had one of those days... Lol…...shucks... My real Yuck day was yesterday... I scoffed down not one but 3 hotdogs... LMBO... I felt like a Weiner after...lol…. Girl... I say, chill and look for a brighter tomorrow... Dang we can't dive inside our bodies and retrieve what we ate... 😂 That would be freaky...
    WomanO to WomanO... We definitely can do better tomorrow...
    Ok Babygirl? Let's synchronize our alarms to get a better start tomorrow😉
    We got this Sister🙋🙆
  • missheidi
    missheidi Posts: 465 Member
    AJB1014 wrote: »
    Guys. I ate my lunch. Then I went to Wendy's and got 4 chicken tenders. And I'm eating pizza for dinner because DH is cooking (he must be feeling better and feeling bad he stayed home) and I'm not saying no to that! But I feel kinda crummy about it. Like, I couldnt hold myself accountable not to get Wendys - I could have gotten something healthier at the grocery store instead to curb my hunger. Blah just needed to vent! The weather, this time of year, maybe PMS'ing, definitely stress eating...One day full of carbs quickly snowballed into ALL THE CARBS. Going to start over again tomorrow with a different attitude.

    it happens. drink lots of water and take a deep breath.
  • missheidi
    missheidi Posts: 465 Member
    As you can see above, I had a cruddy night. I don’t know why but I was just miserable all day. I think it may have been the crappy weather. It was gloomy and rainy most of the day. It has been for like 5 days now and it’s not supposed to get better until at least next week. I’m sick of it! I think I must be suffering from SADD recently.

    I didn’t do much of anything yesterday and didn’t pull myself out of bed until 7:25 this morning. I have very little recollection of my DH getting up and leaving for work. But I managed to pull myself out of bed and make it to work a few minutes early. Was even able to squeeze in a few minutes to enjoy a cup of coffee and a Panda in my lap.

    Now I’m sitting at my station at work with nothing to do. I guess people don’t want to come out in a dreary, dingy day anymore then I want to. I really need to get myself together though!

    I am going to get up early tomorrow and at least do something. The DH will be up early too so I guess we can keep each other awake and going. I’m ready for it to be Friday. Anyone else feel that way? Lol.

    Okay, onto goals for the day. They will be short today.

    JFT, 9-12-18

    1. Log all food and be accountable
    2. Move quilt!
    3. Make phone calls!
    4. Leftover soup for dinner.
    5. Do dishes right after dinner
    6. Figure out something to do after dinner
    7. Early night

    a PANDA IN YOUR LAP???? omg, the jealous!
  • Lifestyle0
    Lifestyle0 Posts: 17 Member
    1. Burn off calories that are over my deficit goal
    2. Decent amount of sleep
    3. Water
    4. Stop freaking out over small weight gains
  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
    Hi guys, I'm new here and this sounds like an EXCELLENT idea.
    I have a yo yo history as most of us do. I went to the extreme of having the gastric sleeve in 2012 and only lost 40 lbs due to my poor eating habits. As of Friday I was 15lbs from where I started prior to the surgery. I am holding myself more accountable and trying to eat healthy so here I go. Friday and was at 248.8lb today I am at 243.4! Working so hard on my eating!

    So for today my goals are:
    1: Track ALL my food
    2: Try my best to stay within my calorie goal
    3: Cook healthy dinner tonight
    4: Meal prep food tonight for next couple of days

    Looking forward to following the post here and gaining some insight and encouragement from all of your journeys.

    @Babyprincess2291 ... 💝🌹 W E L C O M E! THANK YOU FOR JOINING US. Way to take control!! YIPPIEEEEE... I Celebrate you... We All Celebrate you
  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
    They schools have been cancelled for the next two days.
    Soooooooo. Yeahhh!😱
    The store shelves are bare of water, milk, bread...propane.
    Hopefully the early morning will be dry for me to get some great walking steps in. Good time to catch up on reading and planning.
    A wee bit of laundry left...
    Anyway... Good news is, we survived another day. Hopefully we can take any lemons thrown at us tomorrow and make some kick butt lemonade😁🙆
    That's my story and I'm sticking with it.
    Love you my Sisters💝🌹🌈
    Good night.
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    Checking in from Wednesday
    1. AM basic run: 16 laps, aim for <35 m. Feed cats. Shower. Morning meds. Tea! Log 1 item. PACK SHOES.
    2. Print project work for ALL CLASSES. Print gradebook roster. WEEK 4 POST. Review Week 8 plans and draft. Make coffee. Review week 4 essay. Input back work.
    3. Class 2-3: Presentations. Dialogue review. Villain narrative.
    4. Class 4: Presentations. Check for PRs returned. Upcoming: Research.
    5. Parent calls for no PRs. Review semester plan. What is my purpose for each unit? Sketch out semester block. Shift lessons to units.
    6. Update class websites. Have K use keys to mark student work. Write blog post.
    7. PM duty. CALL N ABOUT LOAN TERMS. Strength 4:30. Week 4 comments. Fold laundry while watching Good Place. Dinner: Pork chop.
    8. Plan out and log meals for Thursday. Prep lunch. Chop celery. Meds. Floss, rinse, brush teeth. In bed by 8:45; devices off by 9:00; alarm set for 4:50.

    JFT Thursday
    1. AM speed run: 12 laps, timed on even laps 2-10, aim for <1:40. Feed cats. PLEX Flexibility sequence. Shower. Morning meds. Tea! Log 1 item.
    2. Review Week 8 plans and draft. Make coffee. Write blog post. Print research materials.
    3. Class 2-3: Presentations. One-Pager. Villain narrative.
    4. Class 4: Finish Presentations. Check for PRs returned; parent calls. Intro Research.
    5. Review week 4 essay. Input back work.
    6. Update class websites. Week 4 post 2.
    7. PM duty. CALL N ABOUT LOAN TERMS. Zumba 5:30. Week 4 comments. Quiz. Dinner: Strawberry smoothie.
    8. Plan out and log meals for Friday. Prep lunch. Chop celery. Meds. Floss, rinse, brush teeth. In bed by 8:45; devices off by 9:00; alarm set for 4:50.

    Scale goals
    End of 2017: 174.6
    February 2018: 173.6
    March 2018: 179.6
    July 2018: 189.6
    August 2018: 187.4
    Today: 185.2

    Upcoming to-do:
    1. Develop 5PE mini-unit. Use after JC as a sponge; combine with challenge books. Maybe a comparison with another required text? Have students ask a parent or teacher what the most significant text they studied was, and then create a comparison between their challenge book and that text - which has more value and why? Possibly do the one-sheet as an assessment.
    2. Write next blog post. Comment on 3 posts each week -Tu Th Sun? Check on #engchat on Mondays at 7?
    3. Keep track of medical stuffs. Dentist? Appt w D 10/22 9:20; McC 10/22 10:15. Also Feb 7 9:30 w Ac Int. Sub already set up.
    4. Organize and grade narratives. Update parent group lists with NAMES. Note reply emails.
    5. Check on conference; follow up on seminar proposal. Do research on characteristics: curiosity, persistence, creativity, responsibility, optimism - others? Can poetry unit be condensed?
    6. Return mascara to Walmart with receipt. Go to used bookstore; take bags-of-bags and look for Beauty (McKinley), Design for How People Learn (Julie Dirksen), Dying for a Paycheck (Robin Hardman) and The Prince (tr. Tim Parks).
    7. Put jewelry away. Yikes! Reinforce patches on old pants.
    8. Go to Mac store and see if they can retrieve the files off the iMac.
    9. Make plan for classroom observations; ask other teachers about projects or lessons they feel confident about.
    10. Create vocabulary lists for each unit that come from the texts used. Find a way to incorporate changing words from one part of speech to another.
    11. Convert lesson plans to unit format.
    12. Design minibuttons with school logo, mascot, crest.
  • jeschepp
    jeschepp Posts: 307 Member
    Hi all, short post today. Work was busy again, and I decided to hang back today and skip exercise, using the evening to recharge. I was really craving fast food, but I have a pizza night with friends on Saturday so that helped me make the smart choice to go home and eat healthy leftovers instead. I went over by 100 calories, mostly due to eating my typical menu without the exercise to balance it out, but I am ok with that. I think it's also important to listen to the days when sliding a little is self-care.

    For today:
    30 minutes exercise :( skipped on purpose
    Track food and exercise ✅
    5 good groups ✅
    Water challenge ✅
    Gratitude: today I am thankful for skills I've learned to navigate the days with unexpected chaos
    Sleep log: bed at 9:15, up at 6am
    Post here for accountability ✅

    For tomorrow:
    30 minutes exercise
    Track food and exercise
    5 good groups
    Water challenge-80 oz.
    Daily gratitude
    Sleep log
    Post here for accountability
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Well, yesterday was a bust. I ended up falling off the wagon both food wise and alcohol wise. I'm kind of annoyed with myself about the alcohol, I really did want to make it till the end of September without doing weekday drinking. It was a combination of different things - it was a stressful day, but I also think I was in a half celebratory mood in that it was 'nearly my Friday' as I'm not working on Friday and am having a weekend away - so I think it was a 'nearly made it through the week' celebration. Celebratory mood is much more dangerous for me than negative moods in terms of wanting to eat/drink.

    Anyway, will NOT do it again! Need to find more productive ways to celebrate...

    I have actually decided to buy a DIY foot spa (i.e. plastic bowl that I can put hot water and nice smelling bubbles/ oil in). I don't always have time for a relaxing bath to calm/ de stress me but I reckon I can squeeze in a quick mini foot spa in front of a comedy :smiley:

    Yesterday's commitments:

    - Log everything I eat :/
    - Stick to food plan :/
    - Eat slowly and mindfully :/
    - Be in the green :/
    - 4 bottles water :/
    - No alcohol :/
    - 5+ fruit/veg :smiley:
    - Run to work :smile:

    - 45 minute lunch break :/ 30 mins only
    - Meditate :smile:
    - Duolingo & French book :/
    - Finish work by 6.30 LATEST :/
    - Pack for weekend :/
    - Do the washing up! :/
    - Lights out by 11 :smile:

    Today's commitments:

    - Log everything I eat
    - Stick to food plan
    - Eat slowly and mindfully
    - 3 bottles water
    - Meditate
    - Duolingo
    - Do not take laptop away from work!!!
  • MLS1582
    MLS1582 Posts: 71 Member
    Since I felt so good about logging yesterday, I've decided to do it again today! I even measured stuff for my breakfast (I quit measure food even before I quit logging, but that means it's been so long, I really had forgotten what 1/2 cup looks like!)

    JFT - Thursday
    1. Log everything
    2. 10 minute workout
    3. abs

    I make no promises about tomorrow. I'm just going to log for today!
  • HEGoddard0928
    HEGoddard0928 Posts: 824 Member
    JFT, 9-12-18

    1. Log all food and be accountable 😁 And I was even in the green! Barely but I was!
    2. Move quilt!🤣 Did it right before I left for work this morning but it's done!
    3. Make phone calls!😥 I have to today. The DH asked me specifically to set up an appointment with our GP
    4. Leftover soup for dinner.😁 Didn't get takeout today! Am very proud about that!
    5. Do dishes right after dinner😣 Still sitting in the sink...
    6. Figure out something to do after dinner 😀 Started a new book by Bill Bryson. He's hysterical!
    7. Early night 😁 10 pm.

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,420 Member
    Last night I finally caught up with JFT posts ~ so much happening. Sending hugs for those that need them, especially @maryrobinson40 @Faebert @missheidi @toaljasa @PackerFanInGB !

    Lately, it's been one thing after another for me ~ nothing major but it all adds up. Office relocation & new office-mate, work computer problems (yesterday, my desktop wouldn't start ~ needed a new power brick), now today system upgrade and trying to figure out how everything looks to find my usual stuff. Throw in recent stuff like middle brother's wedding, 5K for Veterans (terrific event, so supportive of all who serve and I beat my goal of < 44:30 ~ I finished in 44:27 and average pace of 14:16), lots of yardwork & hubby time over weekend. Can't forget Sunday night football ~ what a game! What an ending! @PackerFanInGB were you biting your nails like me?!? Late nights and too little sleep don't help.

    Thanks to all JFTers for posting your successes & attempts. All of you inspire me to do better, just because you try every day. I love you all! <3

    Oh my gosh, YES! Not only a nail biter, but was yelling and whooping it up and if my hip would have let me, I would have been jumping up and down in the living room! That was a CRAZY game! Wow, wow, wow! We could hear the crowd cheering at Lambeau from our back deck. What a game!

    Also, I wanted to congratulate you on your finish in the Veterans 5K!!! I felt so proud when I saw that! You are a rock star!