Lose 5lbs+ in August!!! YES WE CAN



  • ErikaSwenson
    ErikaSwenson Posts: 160 Member
    Name/ real name: ErikaSwenson/ Erika Swenson (<---my username is soooooo creative :wink: )

    Goal weight on August 31st: 130-132

    08/01: 135.5
    08/08: 135
    08/15: 133: yay! I checked twice...so happy but am now a bit paranoid that the weight will come back quickly since it came off quickly!
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,380 Member
    Don't forget cut to turn in your numbers. I will annouce our daily winner after 2:00 PM EST
  • thurberj
    thurberj Posts: 528 Member
    Name: Jody

    Goal August 31: 150

    08/01: 155.8
    080/8: 155.3
    08/15: 154.6
  • aninamika
    aninamika Posts: 159
    WOOOHOOO AWESOME STUFF! Keep up the fabulous work!
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Name/ real name: Carrriebear/Carrie

    Goal weight on August 31st: 168.4

    08/01: 173.4
    08/08: 170.4
    08/15: 169.8 (really the 17th, sorry)

    I am slightly behind due to being on vacation last week?! Hope everyone is seeing the numbers they want :wink:

    I am excited to see that loss!!!! I am going on vacation later today and will work really hard to maintain or even lose more :wink:
  • mommyoftwins05
    mommyoftwins05 Posts: 645 Member
    Name/ real name: Mommyoftwins05/ Jenn

    Goal weight on August 31st: 126.0

    08/01: 131.4
    08/08: 130.7
    08/15: 129.2
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,380 Member
    Zoe67 was our winner this week with 3.6lbs gone!
    2nd place is Kalrez with 3.4 pounds missing
    3rd place went to supermom4abcd with 2.9 pounds dropped.

    https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqfM2VasNXWbdF9pamhabzZXbWE4dkQyVlQ2Ny04Rnc&hl=en_US#gid=0 I still have more updating to do. I have company in town and that is why I am posting this late. Zoe would you please post your weekly challenge for the group.
  • maiituu
    maiituu Posts: 81 Member
    Zoe67 was our winner this week with 3.6lbs gone!
    2nd place is Kalrez with 3.4 pounds missing
    3rd place went to supermom4abcd with 2.9 pounds dropped.

    https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqfM2VasNXWbdF9pamhabzZXbWE4dkQyVlQ2Ny04Rnc&hl=en_US#gid=0 I still have more updating to do. I have company in town and that is why I am posting this late. Zoe would you please post your weekly challenge for the group.

    Awesome Job! Looks like several people are close or have gone pass their goals. Keep it up!
  • aninamika
    aninamika Posts: 159
    Zoe67 was our winner this week with 3.6lbs gone!
    2nd place is Kalrez with 3.4 pounds missing
    3rd place went to supermom4abcd with 2.9 pounds dropped.

    https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqfM2VasNXWbdF9pamhabzZXbWE4dkQyVlQ2Ny04Rnc&hl=en_US#gid=0 I still have more updating to do. I have company in town and that is why I am posting this late. Zoe would you please post your weekly challenge for the group.

  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,644 Member
    So my numbers have been all over the place this month...

    08/01: 171.2
    08/08: 173-hopefully due to TOM...otherwise I'm gonna be super bummed! I worked really hard this week!
    08/15: 174- seriously?!!? I am going the wrong way!

    End of last week the scale told me 171.6 then monday I was at 174 for offical weigh in. Now today I am back at 171.6. I believe this lower number is probably more accurate as the 174 would seem to be unrealistic weight gain unless i was retaining for some reason. This is why i weigh myself more than once a week otherwise if I just went off of Monday's weigh in this month i would be baffled as to why I am climbing....
  • nikkit321
    nikkit321 Posts: 1,485 Member
    On Monday 8/15 I weighed in at 147. Today I'm at 144! I think my body is liking that I've added Shred to my C25K runs. I've also increased my cals slightly, so between the two I'm friends with my scale again. Now if the scale still says 144 Monday, which means I successfully navigated the weekend, I'll be really happy!

    Hope everyone is having a great week.
  • erzille
    erzille Posts: 524 Member
    You are all doing great!...Enjoy the weekend!:smooched:
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    I am logging mine today as I can't weigh on Mon or Tues next week! Only lost a quarter of a lb but that's in 5 days, hopefully will be more next time.

    GW: 126

    08/01: 131
    08/08: 130
    08/15: 128
    08/22: 127.75

    Aaaargh 1.75lb to go, I HAVE to make it! :explode:
  • ZOE67
    ZOE67 Posts: 72

    Sorry bit late with weekly challenge but still time,

    "To try something new"

    get back on that bike in the shed
    find a new route to walk the dog
    find which supermarket you can park furthest away from the entrance in - and shop their!
    try a new sport

    good luck all this week

  • aninamika
    aninamika Posts: 159
    Name: Anina

    08/08: 71kgs / 156.2lbs
    08/15: 71kgs/156.2 lbs
    08/22: 70.6kgs/155.3lbs
  • Rainbow011
    Rainbow011 Posts: 61 Member

    Name/Real Name: Rainbow011/Rina

    Goal weight on August 31st: 142lbs

    08/01: 150.6lbs
    08/08: 149lbs
    08/15: 147lbs
    08/22: 145.4lbs
  • aqua_zumba_fan
    aqua_zumba_fan Posts: 383 Member
    Name/ real name: tamsanger/Tam

    Goal weight on August 31st: 144

    08/01: 149
    08/08: 148
    08/15: 149 :(
    08/22: 147 :)

    Phew! I've been trying to get to 147 for SO long :) Not likely to make my goal but then I'm only supposed to be losing 1lb per week.
  • ZOE67
    ZOE67 Posts: 72
    real name : zoe
    Goal weight on August 31st: 164

    08/01: 171.8
    08/08: 169
    08/15: 165.4
    08/22: 163.2
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    August 1: 119
    August 8: 116
    August 15: 115
    August 22: 112
    August 29:
    August 31:

    Total: 7lbs or 5.9% of my weight in 3 weeks.
  • emmajane_2288
    emmajane_2288 Posts: 132 Member
    08/01: 145.4lbs
    08/08: 142lbs
    08/15: 143lbs
    08/22: 143lbs