

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,655 Member

    Hi Gals,

    Oh my, I have missed days and days – but not for bad reasons just more on my plate than I can juggle!

    So some old responses!

    The stoat is cute and determined! I’d never heard of one! We are all as determined as that Stoat to get to our healthy weight, and each of us offers the others what Penny’s hubby offered the stoat, a helping hand.

    The urban “farm” I visited is truly in suburbia so not many wildlife issues – well birds and tree squirrels maybe a rat or two. It was pretty interesting, although not as amazing as I expected.

    Lisa – thanks for your comments to Allie – I agree with you! Allie the Tom disaster was his fault.

    Meg – sending you and hubby good thoughts

    GOOD grief – I forgot to post my notes…

    So here are a few more!

    Barbie – great news!

    Suite Lady – I’m in CA too, the east bay area.

    Mary – I can’t imagine re-homing Levi, I know you are doing what is best for Shep, and that has to be a hard decision. I don’t know anything about property assessment fees but it sounds wrong wrong wrong…

    Karen in NY – do you think that you could find a quiet time to talk to your son about the firewall issue and how it appears to be passive aggressive, and that while you would “never think” he would do that on purpose that maybe he has some thoughts or feelings that should be discussed instead of this behavior? It would be hard but maybe not the ugly mess that it could be if/when it happens again.


    Kim from N. California
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,679 Member
    stats for the day:

    bike ride hm 2 gym- 7min, 13.4mph, 132mhr, 1.5mi= 75c
    apple watch- 62c
    TREADMILL slow jog- 45min, 10.18min mi, 5.7-6.4sp, 132ahr, 153mhr, 4.46mi= 411c
    apple watch- 507c
    ride gym 2 dome- 5min, 17.6amph, 137mhr, 1.4mi= 59c
    apple watch- 43c
    ride puy 2 sumn station- 14min, 13amph, 124ahr, 148mhr= 135c
    apple watch- 116c
    jog sta 2 wk- 5min, 9.14min mi, 143ahr, 152mhr, .5mi= 63c
    apple watch- 55c
    jog wk 2 sumn sta- 4.07min, 123ahr, 149mhr, 9.04min mi, .4mi= 50c
    apple watch- 49c
    bike ride dome 2 hm- 17.52min, 8.8amph, 153mhr, 124ahr, 2.6mi= 182c
    apple watch- 150c

    total cal 974
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,384 Member
    Did a Fit in 10 DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do Bob Harper Pure Burn Super Strength DVD.

    M – It’s no wonder you almost fell asleep! I, too, wish we could stay on DST. St. Kitts doesn’t change time so when we go to ST, Jess will be an hour ahead of us. What a pain!

    Karen in VA – doing a happy dance with you! What wonderful strides your grandson is taking

    Lenora – my feeling is that if we offered free college for, say, even two years; what will that mean? What I mean is it used to be that a high school diploma meant something. Then everyone had free schooling. Now a high school diploma is no longer considered an accomplishment, but college is. If we give free college, then that probably won’t be considered an accomplishment. Did I make myself muddy enough?

    Well, we had the Newcomer board meeting. They said they were sorry that I was excluded and from now on I’ll be included. Big deal! The damage has already been done. Come April, I’m out of there. Seems they have no interest in even trying to get the website to be decent. I’m ashamed of it. So I won’t be back, that’s for sure. One gal has been doing this for quite a while, you mean to say that she didn’t feel it appropriate to say something like “why isn’t Michele being included?”. Why? Because it looks like I’m not needed or wanted. Heaven forbid we hurt the feelings of that guy. Who cares about Michele’s feelings? I’m actually counting down the months. Six too many more for me. I’ll be sad in a way, but in another way I just don’t like the way this organization is going so I’m getting out. I was told that they weren’t going to phase out the old directory (yea, right, and I believe in the Easter Bunny is real). I told them that if they do and no one has php (whatever that is) experience, there WILL be a problem and this guy can’t fix it. Vince said it might even be Sequel (or however that's spelled), but he doesn't know that either. So if the other woman who is working on the website doesn’t have this experience, I’ll be even more glad to be out of there. I was told that the new directory is a backup for the old directory. Why do we need that? Our webhost backs up our information and we have a spreadsheet with all the information, why do we need another directory? Of course, because the long-range plan is to do away with the old directory. So now it seems that I’m supposed to enter the exact same information 3 times. To me, that’s 2 times too many. There is one time when I need to enter the email address separately. But I feel I should only have to enter the information once on the website and then the email on the mail list, that’s all. Let someone else do all this work, I’m not after April 1.

    Kim – love your comparison of the stoat and Penny’s husband and our members here.

    Michele in NC
  • wellness63
    wellness63 Posts: 1 Member
    First time reading and messaging! Inspiring.
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Good Morning ladies
    A bright sunny morning here, and quite mild too. The last few mornings have been quite cool so I've dug out thick cardigans and my earmuffs but didn't need them this morning :) It was quite dark when we walked Leah earlier (around 6:30 a.m.) so we never know what the weather is going to be like.

    We saw two baby deer yesterday on our walk, they were enjoying a bit of late afternoon sun, felt bad disturbing them, they ran off into the woods when they saw us. Good job Leah didn't notice them, she would have chased them if she had.

    I'm going out to lunch today with a group of ladies. The group is called 'Ladies Who' my friend Jean told me about them as she joined a few years ago when she retired. Shelagh the organiser arranges coffee mornings/ lunches/ book club/trips out etc. This is getting me out of my comfort zone. I find it difficult meeting new people, I never know what to say. I've been on two coffee mornings so far and a trip out to Harrogate (shopping). I'm making an effort to join in and say "yes" to going on the trips . I've already booked for a two day stay in Edinburgh in November, and a day trip to Newcastle next month :o A few things don't appeal to me wine tasting for example, but I feel it will be good for me to go on as many events as I can.

    Heather I admire you keeping your cool in the frustrating business of moving. I must admit that is one of the things that puts me off. Too much work needed on this house first mind you :) but it is something I'd like to do in the future. I did want to downsize to a smaller house until No 1 Son decided to move back home, it doesn't look like he is going to move out any time soon so I'll have to move to another 3 bedroomed house to accommodate us all. House prices in York are high, I'd maybe need to take out a joint mortgage with the 3 of us to get somewhere half decent. Good Luck, keeping my fingers crossed you know one way or another.


    Viv York UK
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,140 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Vince said it might even be Sequel (or however that's spelled), but he doesn't know that either.

    It's called SQL and is pronounced sequel or S Q L. It is a database programming language, and it's what I study and what I do for a living. The people you're working with are creating a database for the members behind the website ... a very common thing to do, and not too difficult to create and maintain. I've created the same sort of thing for projects in uni, and I'll likely be doing something very similar at work in months to come. It's the way many websites are going, and even this site (MyFitnessPal) will have a SQL database of some sort behind it.

    A very common SQL statement is:

    SELECT * FROM table

    That'll show you everything in your database table. :)

    You can learn more about it here: https://www.w3schools.com/sql/ ... but you'd also have to find out which database they're using. Most like SQL Server, I would guess. Or possibly MySQL.

    I love working with it and learning more about it. Just last week, I started learning T-SQL (Transact-SQL) which is a more programmatic SQL. I've got a bit of that code in the project I'm currently working on and it works like a charm. :) Exciting!!

    Machka in Oz
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,790 Member
    Morning Ladies~
    I am up and staggering.. I get pounced on by Alfie lol having my tea and then im off.. today is my day off, but have lots of running to do..walk the boys, feed DFIL ,have a phone conference with attorney, and order food for after the burial... and stop at Verizon...
    trying to remember what else that needs to be done..
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    klanders30 wrote: »
    Work is busy as usual, so intense, but am steering clear of most toxic conversations, I mean what's the point in spiraling down with negative talk/gossip, its kind of like spending time walking around a large buffet table with absolutely no healthy choices :s Just walk away is my mantra. NYKAREN

    NYKAREN, I'm doing the same thing... old habits die hard at any company, and toxic gossip has been the order of the day in the interpersonal relationships for a lot more years than I've been around. It's harder to walk away when you're at the other end of the phone, but I'm trying to change the subject if necessary, and am determined not to be the person who either encourages it or begins it with an offhand remark. I'm biting my tongue a LOT these days, but it's all for the greater good. Mostly I'm stomping on my penchant for sarcasm... got footprints all over it! :wink:

    I fought my new laser printer for HOURS yesterday until I finally figured out that the cyan (blue) cartridge it shipped with was faulty, or damaged in shipping. The inside of the printer looks like a Smurf exploded in there. Got it printing correctly, and five minutes later, the electricity went out. Stayed out for two hours, and I had to work using my laptop on battery and my phone as a hotspot, and of course, no electricity for the printer. When the power finally came back on, my laptop couldn't connect to my printer at all, so that was more hours invested in trying to figure that out, because I forgot the one simple rule... reboot your computer. Gah. Shut everything down overnight, and this morning it worked like a charm. Annoying, when I've been working with computers for more than 20 years to forget the simplest fix.

    Busy day ahead, but work is progressing at the mountain house! I'll post up pics on my blog once the bathroom is complete. So exciting... I'll be up there tomorrow prepping the bedroom that Corey and I will sleep in and the hallway for painting. And need to look at carpet tiles online for the hallway and bedroom. We're not going to try to rescue the old parquet floor - it was installed badly, crooked lines everywhere, and honestly not worth restoring. Eventually, when we remodel the two back bedrooms into one master suite, we'll decide on permanent flooring in the whole bedroom area of the house, but for now, carpet tiles will do.

    Love y'all,
    Off to the races,
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,679 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,332 Member
    edited September 2018
    Viv - I'm liking your plans for more socialising. I'm incredibly antisocial, so it wouldn't do for me, but if I were single I would have to connect more. Force myself. :* My friend who lives in York says it is very good for clubs etc. She joined a walking one.

    Done some writing today and just finished my run. My second podcast was on the Wichita Lineman. Made me think of some of you gals. :D

    The weather is glorious again. DH cut the grass while I was out running. <3

    Lots of love, Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,140 Member
    Finally managed to squeeze a few minutes into my evening to work on cycling club stuff. Given we've got a weekend of events coming up in a month, I figured I'd better get moving!!

    Machka in Oz
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    edited September 2018
    Michelle As someone who has worked the majority of her life on the fringes of the IT department and as the trainer and primary user of custom databases - I’d run not walk away from the position you have at newcomers. In my experience, a custom SQL database for a small not for profit organization with a data set (#of membership tracked) is less than a number in the tens or hundreds of thousands is a nightmare with data locked in a vault only one person will be able to access.

    Without going into details of flat vs. relational databases and the necessity of knowing both the SQL programming language, query structure, and specific makeup and tables in this custom database - - - at the minimum one needs some very in depth education in databases and SQL in particular to access data in these databases in my opinion.

    I think it is a shame they bypassed your experience and feelings when deciding to go this route, I think your instincts (the primary user and data upkeep responsibilities) are right on track. In my experience when something like this database is implemented without a trained STAFF of people to use and maintain, the end result is the average “jane” without SQL skills just keeps her own spreadsheet of data so they can report, access, and add new columns (like 2018 Xmas party volunteers ) on the fly. Then the database designer eventually quits or retires and no one knows the structure of the specific database built for your data (which never was updated for the useful on the fly lists) and it gets abandoned.

    I hope your Newcomers have thought of my reservations and are planning a non-computer professional user interface to get reports out of the data, but I think you will be well away from there regardless!

    My ( unnecessary) 2 cents - (with apologies to our favourite trained and highly educated computer professional, Machka - just being on the other side of the fence, I run, not walk from custom relational databases - especially for small data sets that are easily managed in a flat file database or even excel. I realize with web programming and php pages etc, the website might be able to do cool things with a proper database underneath, - but the reality I saw was the day to day business which was then intended to be run off that same database suffered and untrained non computer programming educated business users tend to create their own data storage and access solutions that fit their own technology level - when faced with such situations).

    Rye getting off her soapbox
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,939 Member
    We had an airplane cruise into the park! Stranger things!! Lol.
    Aliens at the laundromat!

    RV Rita
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Machka & Rye ~ I am in awe of your technological knowledge! :)
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    1948Peachy wrote: »
    Machka & Rye ~ I am in awe of your technological knowledge! :)

    Thanks, but lol, all I know is enough to know how much I don’t know. I have served as the user ‘liaison’ or intermediary between the programmers and the end users a time or two, tho, so I’ve seen it in action.

    I am in awe of Machka, her position and education parallel my husband’s in many ways, but he has a several decade head start!

    And for big organizations - complex relational databases SQL, or Oracle based are the bread and butter of data management. But that means the data (accessing or adding new types to it) is out of end users hands. Necessary in big organizations with hundreds of thousands of records! But, IMO this is rarely a good idea in small settings, especially In a volunteer organization without a dedicated IT department.
