The Sober Squad- Alcohol Free Living



  • SisterSueGetsFit
    SisterSueGetsFit Posts: 1,211 Member
    Good Morning to everyone B)@SisterSueGetsFit Sounds like a good plan. New start!! You CAN do this! Hoping the best for you <3

    Thank you! I'm ready for a positive change.
  • Nomseys
    Nomseys Posts: 43 Member
    @RubyRed427 sorry you missed out on the food, such a bummer! Thanks for the encouragement I am starting to feel pretty normal again.
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,306 Member
    Lifelong non-drinker here.

    To be honest, because of the social side of drinking, had I started drinking as a teenager, I might not have the crippling depression I have now! But I'm still glad I don't.

    I don't drink because:

    1) Physically, it's really not a great substance to put in your system
    2) I resent how it's practically compulsory in our society - you're a weirdo/boring if you don't drink. Or if you do drink and choose not to one particular night, it MUST be because you're ill/pregnant/going insane
    3) There's no escape from it. Out with friends? Have a beer! Sad? Have a whisky. Celebrating? Champagne! Nasty shock? You need a brandy!
    4) The hypocrisy of the situation with regard to legality makes me furious
    5) Drunk people annoy, depress, and sometimes scare the hell out of me

    Thanks for sharing. You made good points. I’m happy you never drank. It’s a curse, really.
    Also, alcohol causes depression and anxiety in the brain. So, imagine how much deeper your depression would be now. I hope you have a good support system. I’m sorry your depression is crippling.
  • Nomseys
    Nomseys Posts: 43 Member
    How is everyone else doing? I had a pretty easy day nine full of friends and a 3.5 mile jog!
  • Alpha12
    Alpha12 Posts: 251 Member
    edited September 2018
    fdhunt1 wrote: »
    26 more days to go on Annies's 30 day experiment. i figure if I can go 30 days, I could probably go the next 3 years w/o a cocktail.

    Is Annie's 30 day experiment free? If not, how much does she charge? I looked at her website but I can't tell.

    ***ETA*** I just found it, it's free. I'll think I'll join today.

    Congrats on 4 days AF.
  • Nomseys
    Nomseys Posts: 43 Member
    fdhunt1 wrote: »
    Day 4 here. Doing ok. Kinda eating more than normal, maybe boredom, but I can handle it. Has anyone sat through Craig Beck's free webinar? If so, what is the jist of it? Also, does he charge for his program? I watch his Youtube videos, but they all seem to stop short of a main point. However, I agree with RubyRed427 that he is well spoken and somewhat entertaining. 26 more days to go on Annies's 30 day experiment. i figure if I can go 30 days, I could probably go the next 3 years w/o a cocktail.

    Congrats on day 4, I also was very hungry/bored at first so I went to the veggie market so I could eat a lot of high volume food. 😂 I am still eating a large quantity of food but I am a lot more active too. You can do this!

  • lorrainequiche59
    lorrainequiche59 Posts: 900 Member
    Hello everyone :) Pretty quiet on here!! Hoping everyone is doing good.
  • Nomseys
    Nomseys Posts: 43 Member
    Hello everyone :) Pretty quiet on here!! Hoping everyone is doing good.

    I am doing well. I hope everyone else is too. I am on day eleven and have been struggling a little bit pulling through. Choosing to stay the course amongst challenges. Hope you are well!
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,306 Member
    NormInv wrote: »
    Hi All, I am too going to be AF again, I hope. I did Dry January and Dry July, so I know I can do it, just need a push

    Consider yourself pushed:) Hang in there. One day at a time. Sober October is here at last. You did it then and you can do it again. Remind yourself how good you feel AF and how fit you get.
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,306 Member
    fdhunt1 wrote: »
    Day 4 here. Doing ok. Kinda eating more than normal, maybe boredom, but I can handle it. Has anyone sat through Craig Beck's free webinar? If so, what is the jist of it? Also, does he charge for his program? I watch his Youtube videos, but they all seem to stop short of a main point. However, I agree with RubyRed427 that he is well spoken and somewhat entertaining. 26 more days to go on Annies's 30 day experiment. i figure if I can go 30 days, I could probably go the next 3 years w/o a cocktail.

    I didn’t notice his videos stop short of the point. I usually watch the more general ones with a topic. Usually about 10-20 min. Long. Doesn’t he say just what you need to hear. I get inspired by his messages.

    I liked Annie’s 30 day program. I may give that a try again for inspiration and motivation. I think our brain is used to the sugar that alcohol gave us. So, probably eating more is part of the initial part of abstinence. Hang in there. You’re doing very well! Xo
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,306 Member
    Nomseys wrote: »
    Hello everyone :) Pretty quiet on here!! Hoping everyone is doing good.

    I am doing well. I hope everyone else is too. I am on day eleven and have been struggling a little bit pulling through. Choosing to stay the course amongst challenges. Hope you are well!

    Congrats on day 11. Alcohol never solved struggles or helped challenges, keep that in mind. You’ve come so far. Treat yourself to a little gift! You deserve it. I once bought a bracelet at day 10 AF and I still wear it and remember how good I felt then,... and now.
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,306 Member
    LC0924 wrote: »
    Went out to dinner with my husband and some friends over the weekend to celebrate his birthday. I dropped them off at the restaurant, parked down the street, and set off to meet them - when I got to the table, he told me he had ordered me a cocktail. He deploys often and we haven't gone "out" out since I quit drinking in July, so I knew it was more forgetfulness than maliciousness - but a few weeks ago, old Laura would have rationalized drinking that drink. New Laura smiled and told husband he'd have to drink it :)

    Halfway through dinner, he got this horrified look on his face, leaned over, and whispered he had forgotten about our new normal and that he was so sorry. New Laura also smiled at this and told him it was totally fine - and it was!

    That’s a sweet story! New Laura is a strong woman:)
  • LC0924
    LC0924 Posts: 71 Member
    Thank you, @RubyRed427 - it was a great feeling! Now if only New Laura could tell her in-person friends, not just MFP and the husband! Baby steps and all that, right? :)
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,306 Member
    LC0924 wrote: »
    Thank you, @RubyRed427 - it was a great feeling! Now if only New Laura could tell her in-person friends, not just MFP and the husband! Baby steps and all that, right? :)

    You'll find that when the time is right , you'll be able to confide in your friends about your new goals.

    When I became very serious about quitting , I ended up writing my four best girlfriends a sincere letter explaining my situation, desire to quit and how my brain is different than theirs. But this was when I really hit rock bottom.

    I don't know your goals long term and short term. If you are giving up alcohol for the month, no need to make any announcement. Just say you are in a 30 day cleanse to get healthier or something like that. Whatever you decide to say to them, you'll know when the time is right. Keep up the great work, new Laura ! Xo
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,306 Member
    I have just joined here and I know I need to cut out my drinking so I am going to do a self imposed 'Sober October'. Wish me luck and thanks for reading - Carolyn

    Good luck carol! You can do it ! Make a plan to have substitutes on hand like tea or fav seltzer or mock tails for any cravings . Look up Craig beck and Annie grace on YouTube for videos that are no nonesnese and Inspiting. Best wishes and check in when you can here. Xo
  • SunnyDays930
    SunnyDays930 Posts: 1,539 Member
    Welcome to all the new faces, and hey there Norm, glad to see you again. The sugar struggle is real. Yesterday walking past the bakery window I had the strongest urge to go in and look at the goodies and ended up ordering something called a chocolate bomb. Omg it was delicious and must have a had a million calories, but it was better than giving in to the bottle. I'll make healthier chioces today.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    the sugar thing is real. many people come out of rehab with bags of candy in their hand. beer and wine have lots of sugar. then, the sugar gets drastically reduced. body still craves the "normal" amount. some people go with sugar free but be careful. some sugar free candy has a loosening effect on the bowels.
  • whitpauly
    whitpauly Posts: 1,483 Member
    Congrats on 4 months sober @lorrainequiche59 !! That's awesome :)
  • Nomseys
    Nomseys Posts: 43 Member

    RubyRed427 wrote: »
    Nomseys wrote: »
    Hello everyone :) Pretty quiet on here!! Hoping everyone is doing good.

    I am doing well. I hope everyone else is too. I am on day eleven and have been struggling a little bit pulling through. Choosing to stay the course amongst challenges. Hope you are well!

    Congrats on day 11. Alcohol never solved struggles or helped challenges, keep that in mind. You’ve come so far. Treat yourself to a little gift! You deserve it. I once bought a bracelet at day 10 AF and I still wear it and remember how good I felt then,... and now.

    Thank you Ruby! You are a legend. You are an inspiration to me. Thank you for your encouragement words. I think I may buy myself a cute ring or something. Happy day 12.