SHORTY'S 12 Week Challenge ~ Round 2!



  • WishComeTru
    WishComeTru Posts: 88 Member
    Looks like some of you had a great week! Congrats! I am down 0.8 lbs but I will take any loss. It's been a rough week... First week back to work, my TOTM, no energy, no excercise and extremely hungry. Confessional: I stuffed my face with junk in front of the TV the last 2 nights. Not real proud and hoping I will feel a renewed weight loss spirit tomorrow. Just waiting on a few more weigh ins and will post tomorrow. night girls! :)
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,073 Member
    Hey, y'all! Feeling very motivated today. How about y'all?
  • WishComeTru
    WishComeTru Posts: 88 Member
    Alright ladies... here is our week 3 chart! Does anyone have any ideas for a mini challenge for all of us this coming week?


  • Grettles
    Grettles Posts: 18 Member
    bump :)
  • golfgirllv
    golfgirllv Posts: 7 Member
    I weighed in at 170.5
  • kjnicol
    kjnicol Posts: 198 Member
    Hi everyone!
    Well this week has been a bit of a disaster exercise wise. I'm totally stressed out and have a million things to do. However I have tried to watch my eating (even though for a couple of days I went over a little) and drink my water and it must have worked out as I've lost 2.2lbs taking me to 234.7 I wish I had the energy to do a happy dance, oh well. I have to hand in my assignment by today so hopefully I can take some time and do one tonight :)
    Good luck everyone, I hope your weigh ins are making you all losers (for the good that is) :)
  • amandac72
    amandac72 Posts: 366 Member
    No loss for me this week :cry:

    I just finished another 12 week challenge I had been doing, lost 18 pounds during that time and I just feel that I need a little break from counting calories so I am taking this week and not counting or logging my food. I will still try to eat healthy and will continue with my regular exercise but if I feel like some chocolate or cake I will have it :smile: . Hopefully a little break is what I need to get back on track to lose these last 10 or 15 pounds.

    Hope you have all had a better week than me and good luck with weigh in everyone :happy:
  • DeterminedToBeHealthy
    Hi all. No loss for me either :frown: , went a bit mad on the food yesterday. Good luck everyone else !
  • Grettles
    Grettles Posts: 18 Member
    1 pound down for me this week. I didn't exercise or track food over the weekend. Weekends are my downfall. I need to get a handle on them.

    Hi, Everyone - I'm a late-comer. :-)
  • shortee75
    shortee75 Posts: 164
    I didn't lose or gain
  • jemsmf
    jemsmf Posts: 13
    Hey, weigh in for me today 142lbs
  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 696 Member
    I weigh in this morning at 146.0. Finally a loss! Everyone have a great day!
  • WishComeTru
    WishComeTru Posts: 88 Member
    Good morning, Shorties! I had a loss of 1.8 lbs this week. I'm almost back to where I was at my lowest so far on this weight loss journey. I think the last 15 lbs that I want to lose are going to be tough, but I'm trying to stick with it. Glad to see some of you had much success, and it's still okay if you stayed the same ~ maybe just your body's way of processing things before the next drop! :smile:

    I could use some eating advice... I am ALWAYS hungry, and I only get 1200 calories per day (unless I do a workout). It doesn't go far... I know veggies are great and low calorie, but they're not my favorite so I have a hard time fitting them in. I generally try to keep breakfast at 300 or less, then lunch within the 300-350 calories ~ the rest is left for dinner and a night time snack. I find that throughout the day I get so hungry that I end up making a bad snack choices ~ I keep healthy snacks in my desk (raisins, granola bar, etc), but they don't satisfy the hunger. I am trying to down water like crazy to fill up because I know sometimes that can be mistaken for hunger. It works for a short while, but then Mr. Hunger is back! :grumble: It's also hard for me to fit in extra snacks during the day when I am hungry because of the calorie limit. Any suggestions? What's been your experience and what works for you?
  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 696 Member
    Good morning, Shorties! I had a loss of 1.8 lbs this week. I'm almost back to where I was at my lowest so far on this weight loss journey. I think the last 15 lbs that I want to lose are going to be tough, but I'm trying to stick with it. Glad to see some of you had much success, and it's still okay if you stayed the same ~ maybe just your body's way of processing things before the next drop! :smile:

    I could use some eating advice... I am ALWAYS hungry, and I only get 1200 calories per day (unless I do a workout). It doesn't go far... I know veggies are great and low calorie, but they're not my favorite so I have a hard time fitting them in. I generally try to keep breakfast at 300 or less, then lunch within the 300-350 calories ~ the rest is left for dinner and a night time snack. I find that throughout the day I get so hungry that I end up making a bad snack choices ~ I keep healthy snacks in my desk (raisins, granola bar, etc), but they don't satisfy the hunger. I am trying to down water like crazy to fill up because I know sometimes that can be mistaken for hunger. It works for a short while, but then Mr. Hunger is back! :grumble: It's also hard for me to fit in extra snacks during the day when I am hungry because of the calorie limit. Any suggestions? What's been your experience and what works for you?

    I was also getting only 1200 calories until I changed my goal. I decided to try to lose 1/2 lb a week instead of 1 lb. It gave me an extra 150 calories a day. That really helped. As far as snacks I really like the 100 calorie packs of almonds, yogurts, and I love Special K crackers with laughing cow cheese. Its only 120 calories for 24 crackers and 35 calories for 1 wedge of cheese. And its very satisfying. Hope this helps!
  • golfgirllv
    golfgirllv Posts: 7 Member
    i'm weighing in at 170.0 today..
  • cingerl
    cingerl Posts: 62 Member
    Today I weighed in at 126lbs. I joined late but I'm off to a good start. This is exactly what I need. :smooched:
  • LilLolo22
    LilLolo22 Posts: 229 Member
    :grumble: So, I'm back up to 169.8 this morning. BLEH. My weight has been doing a dance between the same 5 pounds for weeks. Well, I'll keep trucking along. Can't wait to hit the "big one" (big loss, that is.)

    Go Shortys!!!!
  • LilLolo22
    LilLolo22 Posts: 229 Member
    I agree with maybe upping your calories. Also, I upped my protein and that keeps me feeling pretty full all day. Try to incorporate a good amount of protein in every meal, including snacks.
  • LilLolo22
    LilLolo22 Posts: 229 Member
    Good morning, Shorties! I had a loss of 1.8 lbs this week. I'm almost back to where I was at my lowest so far on this weight loss journey. I think the last 15 lbs that I want to lose are going to be tough, but I'm trying to stick with it. Glad to see some of you had much success, and it's still okay if you stayed the same ~ maybe just your body's way of processing things before the next drop! :smile:

    I could use some eating advice... I am ALWAYS hungry, and I only get 1200 calories per day (unless I do a workout). It doesn't go far... I know veggies are great and low calorie, but they're not my favorite so I have a hard time fitting them in. I generally try to keep breakfast at 300 or less, then lunch within the 300-350 calories ~ the rest is left for dinner and a night time snack. I find that throughout the day I get so hungry that I end up making a bad snack choices ~ I keep healthy snacks in my desk (raisins, granola bar, etc), but they don't satisfy the hunger. I am trying to down water like crazy to fill up because I know sometimes that can be mistaken for hunger. It works for a short while, but then Mr. Hunger is back! :grumble: It's also hard for me to fit in extra snacks during the day when I am hungry because of the calorie limit. Any suggestions? What's been your experience and what works for you?

    I agree with maybe upping your calories. Also, I upped my protein and that keeps me feeling pretty full all day. Try to incorporate a good amount of protein in every meal, including snacks.
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    175.6 today, this up and down up and down each week is killing me.

    Wish, what exactly are you eating? If I try to stay with just protein and vegtables/fruits I find that it doesn't leave me satisfied, I need some carbs in there somewhere.