JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,091 Member
    @AJB1014 there's a way you can reset it! I think you just have to message MFP admin and they can reset it for you.. One sec I will find the link...


    I know how disheartening it can be!
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    Thank you so much @Bex953172 I didnt know that!
  • sarah74_vt
    sarah74_vt Posts: 368 Member
    JFT - Monday 10/8/18

    1) Log all my food for the day
    2) Stay "in the green" with my calorie intake
    3) Drink 8 glasses of water before having a Diet Coke
    4) Go to the gym
    5) Work on orders from my shop
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    edited October 2018
    Not going to go back and find my Friday JFT. I'm still struggling with the fish oil, and taking my meds is starting to slack too. I'm also missing my protein shake as it has probiotics in it that I don't get anywhere else in my diet really. So today I'm thinking of my more long term goals as well. Now that we're settling in and I'm ALMOST done unpacking the kitchen I'm ready to do some nesting and re-establish some habits. Also, my insane baby fever has been exacerbated by my friends sweet daughter visiting this weekend - this has been and continues to be the driving factor behind my health journey. It's so easy to say lets just start trying now! I know it's not going to be easy as I have PCOS - but the healthier I am when we start trying, the less I will have to worry about. But that really doesnt make the wait that much easier. In the meantime, I'm really striving to figure out exactly who I am and how to be the best me.
      Autumn Season Goals
      [*] Improve meal planning and food prepping - get some freezer meals ready, and do what I can today to make tomorrow easier.
      [*] Have protein shake for breakfast with blueberries and flax milk 5/7 days a week
      [*] Move more - body weight strengthening exercises every bathroom trip, and in other down time
      [*] Be more intimate - getting comfortable in my own skin again is a learning process
      [*] Commit to taking fish oil at least once each day - build up to twice. Follow up appointment in December
      [*] Be positive - dream big - build strong foundations.
      [*] Weight Goal = 170 lbs by 1/7/2019
    • maryrobinson40
      maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
      Bex953172 wrote: »
      @AJB1014 there's a way you can reset it! I think you just have to message MFP admin and they can reset it for you.. One sec I will find the link...


      I know how disheartening it can be!

    • maryrobinson40
      maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
      JFT - Sunday October 7
      2L of water -😕
      Walk 1 mile - 😕 not purposely, but probably about 4 miles while I was cooking and prepping
      5 fruits & veggies - 2/5
      Be mindful of what I’m eating! 🙂 I think I was pretty mindful even when I ate chips I was mindfully eating them.😂

      JFT- Monday October 8
      2L of water
      Calories in Green
      Walk 1 mile
      5 fruits & veggies
      Exercise 30 minutes
      Get crafty!!!!!
      Stay focused!

      We had a wonderful day yesterday. There will be a new baby girl joining the family in February. Sat with one of my favourite cousins and enjoyed a nice visit.

      Michaela and I come home and made 3 pies, a could of side dishes, got the turkey in the roaster. I never sat down until 9pm!

      Today is officially Thanksgiving, I am going to do some crafting and possibly some inventory on paint colours and such I need.

      HAPPY THANKSGIVING!! Gobble Gobble fruits and veggies, and try not to get caught up in those wonderful smells. Love you Sis💜 Enjoy.
    • maryrobinson40
      maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
      Good morning my friends! I'm up and at it early today! Well, it's 10:20 right now, but I did get up at 8:15. Lol. Got all my grocery shopping done for the day. It's pretty nasty out atm. It's super humid and misty out. The temperature is around 70F but it feels more like 80F with how sticky it is. Not good walking weather. The DH hasn't slept well the last few nights so I think I will let him sleep and go to the gym. I think I could use some time reading and walking. Maybe get my mile in for the day. Lol.

      I actually got my mile in yesterday! It wasn't all at once but it was something like 1.25 miles. That's hard to come by on the weekends. Lol. I had to do laundry yesterday so I walked to and from my parent's house 4 times. It's about 200 yards away. Saw my mom for a few minutes too. It's crazy that they live so close and that mom works so close and I barely see her. I guess we are living our own lives.

      Anyway, I think I am going to take a nice relaxing day today. I want to do some reading. I have a book that is supposed to help me outline the story I have in my head. I, also, bought another book that should help me stay on track with my writing goals. Now if I can just manage to keep a consistent schedule and not just forget to write every day. We'll see.

      I hope everyone has a great day! I'm sure I'll be back on at some point.

      Proud of you! Hugs .
    • maryrobinson40
      maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
      JFT M 10/8 ~ Another (!) rainy period for next three days & may get 2-4" ~ already have 1" in gauge ~ rest day today & sad me
      1) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work
      2) Meals & snacks prelogged / stick w/ plan / net calories green / 12c water
      3) Remember J is picking up projector & name tag box for tomorrow's seminar
      4) Hair appt. 6:00 (sad me b/c hubby has federal holiday off, which I totally forgot about, and I can't reschedule appt. again)
      5) Pick up supper on way home
      6) Unplug 9:30 / FLOSS / RETAINERS / bed & TV off 10:20 (walk dog before work T if rain breaks as predicted)
      @Snowflake1968 Who's having the baby?! I'm so glad that you had a good time. I can't wait for our Thanksgiving here in November. I would definitely take today as a rest day! Have fun crafting!

      @maryrobinson40 Thank you so much for saying that! This group has helped me tremendously! You guys are some of the closest friends I have and I haven't ever met a single one of you in person. Lol. Maybe one day we can. New Jersey and the Carolina's aren't very far apart. Lol

      @jeschepp Hiii Welcome back! As you can see you have been missed! I'm so sorry that it took so long for the PTO thing to work out, but at least it did! And awesome job at maintaining! I bet it was the fact that you ate well for breakfast and lunch!

      @AJB1014 I wouldn't worry too much about the streak. You had fun with your friends, right? That is way more important than how many days you logged into a website. I've had a few long streaks that I've broken before. It's more about living life and enjoying it than any number. Good job on eating sensibly. That is also a super important win. It means that the habits you have been cultivating over the last few weeks and months are sticking. Awesome job my dear!
      I know what you mean.. Since I've been corresponding with all of you, I feel
      like a teenager again and wanna have a pajama party.. Lol…. I wanna shout
      "ROAD TRIP"😂😂
    • maryrobinson40
      maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
      2- Do Laundry√
      3- Make Doctor Appointment... I CALLED THEY NEED TO CALL BACK
      4- Make Goals and plans to accomplish them
      5- Take Meds√
      6- Drink 4 bottles of water today√
      7- Make A To-Do List
      8- Make A Needs List
      9- Find Recipe For Diet Soup and make ingredients list for future purchase
      10- No Food after 7:00p.m.
      11- Read 1 Chapter
      12- Lights Out by 10p.m. ABSOLUTELY NO ELECTRONICS, only sleep/sounds

      This is a new beginning for me. Still need a scheduler/pocket planner to help me stay on task. I tried using alarms... LMBO😂😂, I'd wonder what the rings were for, get annoyed and shut it off, only to remember hours later what the ring was for... Lmbo... Oh My Goodness I'm a mess..HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!

      IT'S COMING ALONG, Slow and steady, but determined to finish this entry before 10 tonight. I've been smiling all day.😀💕
    • clicketykeys
      clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
      JFT Tuesday
      1. AM easy run: 2 miles, aim for <30 min. Feed cats. Shower. Meds. Tea! Log 1 item.
      2. Discussion post. Quiz. Draft essay. Prep saag and cheese.
      3. Garden walk.
      4. Shopping! Used bookstore. Paris tea. Tights. Check on clearance items at the GNC near the mall.
      5. Zumba 5:30.
      6. Grade Villain Narrative and Character Analysis. Input grades. Update iTunes playlists; check for missing songs.
      7. Prep Wed lunch - saag. Chop celery. Prep oatmeal for breakfast. Meds. Floss, rinse, brush teeth. In bed by 8:45; devices off by 9:00; alarm set for 4:50.

      Scale goals
      End of 2017: 174.6
      February 2018: 173.6
      March 2018: 179.6
      July 2018: 189.6
      August 2018: 187.4
      September: 186.4
      Today: 184

      Upcoming to-do:
      1. Develop 5PE mini-unit. Use after JC as a sponge; combine with challenge books. Maybe a comparison with another required text? Have students ask a parent or teacher what the most significant text they studied was, and then create a comparison between their challenge book and that text - which has more value and why? Possibly do the one-sheet as an assessment.
      2. Write next blog post. Comment on 3 posts each week -Tu Th Sun? Check on #engchat on Mondays at 7?
      3. Keep track of medical stuffs. Dentist? Appt w D 10/22 9:20; McC 10/22 10:15. Also Feb 7 9:30 w Ac Int. Sub already set up.
      4. Organize and grade narratives. Update parent group lists with NAMES. Note reply emails.
      5. Check on conference; follow up on seminar proposal. Do research on characteristics: curiosity, persistence, resilience, creativity, responsibility, optimism, courage, integrity, authenticity, leadership, self-awareness, humility, compassion - others? Can poetry unit be condensed?
      6. Go to used bookstore; take bags-of-bags and look for Beauty (McKinley), Design for How People Learn (Julie Dirksen), Dying for a Paycheck (Robin Hardman) and The Prince (tr. Tim Parks).
      7. Put jewelry away. Yikes! Reinforce patches on old pants.
      8. Go to Mac store and see if they can retrieve the files off the iMac.
      9. Make plan for classroom observations; ask other teachers about projects or lessons they feel confident about.
      10. Create vocabulary lists for each unit that come from the texts used. Find a way to incorporate changing words from one part of speech to another.
      11. Convert lesson plans to unit format. Create rubric for one-pager. Revise research checklists!
      12. Design minibuttons with school logo, mascot, crest.
    • maryrobinson40
      maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
      mytime6630 wrote: »
      Mini Challenge for the rest of the year --- any one in with me!!

      We already have a October Challenge (thank you @Bex), but this morning I was weighed at the doctor ... my weight is slowly creeping UP instead of down. This was the problem I had last year at this time of year. The last 3 months of the year get me all the time ... starts with halloween candy, and then I tend to get seasonal depression.. as most of the ones I have lost all passed away between November to Feb (one on thanksgiving, one xmas eve, one 2 days after New Years, etc). And I think with the days getting dark early, I tend to eat too much in the evenings.

      @toaljasa already started a great challenge to see how much we could lose by the end of the year. But for me, I need accountability ... I need someone to see what the scale says, so I can't cheat (You know, like weight watchers, and like @cschmitz110515 does.

      So once a week, from now until the end of the year, I am going to post my weight. Whether it be up or down, at least it will be there for all to see. Would anyone like to join me? (Please do ... I don't want to be the only one!).

      Starting weight Jan, 2017: 217.0
      Ultimate goal weight: 170
      Goal by January, 2019: 189

      Todays weight, Monday, Oct 8: 196.5 (Goal is to be at 189 by the end of the year .... gee... how long has that been my goal!!)

      I do know what you mean.
      My scale is broken and I'm months behind in seeing my doctor. I called this morning to ask if I'd be charged for a simple weight check and they want me to come In and was supposed to phone me back, but didn't, so, I'm in
      limbo until later this week unless I make a trip to a Super Center and get on a scale there. I don't know what my numbers are, but whatever they are, I won't get in a funk about it because I've been working my _______ off for the past month.
    • jeschepp
      jeschepp Posts: 307 Member
      Wow did I miss this group! I love the never-ending support and love from this strong squad :)
      @mytime6330 My thought is that no one can make that choice for you. That's the good and the bad of it. I once had a mentor advise that "finding out won't change the truth, but it will put you in the driver's seat." Either way, I wish you strength and am here for you. Let us know how it goes.

      For today:
      Drink 80 oz. of water ✅
      Healthy eating, 1.2k to 1.4k calories ✅-work went late and I did cave and get fast food, but I modified my order to stick within my calorie zone, which I am OK with
      All 5 food groups :( missed it with dinner
      Exercise 30 minutes or do 1 mile :( late work
      1 hour TV max, not while eating ✅ didn't have time to watch any haha!
      Track food and exercise ✅
      Bed at 9:00, up at 6:00 ✅

      For tomorrow:
      Drink 80 oz. of water
      Healthy eating, 1.2k to 1.4k calories
      All 5 food groups
      Exercise 30 minutes or do 1 mile
      1 hour TV max, not while eating
      Track food and exercise
      Bed at 9:00, up at 6:00
    • maryrobinson40
      maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
      2- Do Laundry√
      3- Make Doctor Appointment... I CALLED THEY NEED TO CALL BACK
      4- Make Goals and plans to accomplish them
      5- Take Meds√
      6- Drink 4 bottles of water today√
      7- Make A To-Do List
      8- Make A Needs List
      9- Find Recipe For Diet Soup and make ingredients list for future purchase
      10- No Food after 7:00p.m.
      11- Read 1 Chapter
      12- Lights Out by 10p.m. ABSOLUTELY NO ELECTRONICS, only sleep/sounds

      This is a new beginning for me. Still need a scheduler/pocket planner to help me stay on task. I tried using alarms... LMBO😂😂, I'd wonder what the rings were for, get annoyed and shut it off, only to remember hours later what the ring was for... Lmbo... Oh My Goodness I'm a mess..HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!

      IT'S COMING ALONG, Slow and steady, but determined to finish this entry before 10 tonight. I've been smiling all day.😀💕

      Well it's 10:41 and I'm posting. … I did read a chapter and that was the last thing I got done for today sooo...
      Finish what didn't get done today.
      Make lists, Find Soup Recipe
      Drink 4 waters
      Read Another Chapter
      Take Meds

    • maryrobinson40
      maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
      Bex953172 wrote: »
      JFT M 10/8 ~ Another (!) rainy period for next three days & may get 2-4" ~ already have 1" in gauge ~ rest day today & sad me
      1) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work
      2) Meals & snacks prelogged / stick w/ plan / net calories green / 12c water
      3) Remember J is picking up projector & name tag box for tomorrow's seminar
      4) Hair appt. 6:00 (sad me b/c hubby has federal holiday off, which I totally forgot about, and I can't reschedule appt. again)
      5) Pick up supper on way home
      6) Unplug 9:30 / FLOSS / RETAINERS / bed & TV off 10:20 (walk dog before work T if rain breaks as predicted)
      @Snowflake1968 Who's having the baby?! I'm so glad that you had a good time. I can't wait for our Thanksgiving here in November. I would definitely take today as a rest day! Have fun crafting!

      @maryrobinson40 Thank you so much for saying that! This group has helped me tremendously! You guys are some of the closest friends I have and I haven't ever met a single one of you in person. Lol. Maybe one day we can. New Jersey and the Carolina's aren't very far apart. Lol

      @jeschepp Hiii Welcome back! As you can see you have been missed! I'm so sorry that it took so long for the PTO thing to work out, but at least it did! And awesome job at maintaining! I bet it was the fact that you ate well for breakfast and lunch!

      @AJB1014 I wouldn't worry too much about the streak. You had fun with your friends, right? That is way more important than how many days you logged into a website. I've had a few long streaks that I've broken before. It's more about living life and enjoying it than any number. Good job on eating sensibly. That is also a super important win. It means that the habits you have been cultivating over the last few weeks and months are sticking. Awesome job my dear!
      I know what you mean.. Since I've been corresponding with all of you, I feel
      like a teenager again and wanna have a pajama party.. Lol…. I wanna shout
      "ROAD TRIP"😂😂

      Haha damn. Saddens me ill probably never meet any of you, being in the UK.

      Hey, why don't you all come to my Vegas wedding!! ... Whenever that may be haha

      Weeeeeeeeee! Hot Dang! ROAD TRIP LADIES!!! LMBO😂😂😂😂😂
    • Faebert
      Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
      Morning all. Still can’t shake this cough and cold and getting extremely fed up! My eating yesterday really wasn’t the best. Felt too sick all day at work to eat but then super hungry all evening and some not great choices. I’m thinking about having some protein shake today at lunchtime just to force something down. I’m up early and have already done the work prep I needed to do and have some time to try a workout. Will give it a go and see how my body feels.

      Monday goals
      - write lesson plan ✅
      - Workout? Prob need another rest day but will see how I feel after I finish this plan ❎ yep, even sat still I can’t stop coughing so this didn’t happen. Sad - missing my workout!
      - Pack girls’ snacks/schoolbags ✅
      - Leave early - buy milk on way ✅
      - do Good as Gold nomination on arrival at school ✅
      - Speak to buddy class re Wednesday
      - Book hall for Wednesday ✅
      - Call mum and sister in lunch break ✅
      - Post medical referral form ✅
      - Choose work examples/assign assembly speaking roles ✅ partly, a bit left to decide with the kids
      - Leave by 6 ✅
      - Early night ❎

      Tuesday goals
      - prep excerpts of story sections ✅
      - Morning workout?
      - Pack kids snacks/swim kit/school bags
      - On arrival at school create model story prism
      - Ask TA to cut card and ribbon
      - Home at lunchtime for protein shake?
      - check for buddy list
      - Check lesson plan and resources before leaving - whiteboards and pens ready
      - Print lesson plans for observers/ have pre-meet
      - Leave by 6
      - Wash girls’ hair post swimming
      - Early night