
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,996 Member
    Just watched a movie at the movie theater herr.,called All Saints....very good movie
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,133 Member
    :)Allie, I took two naps today. When I am recovering from something or haven't slept well the night before, I lie down with a book and usually fall asleep right away. Sleep is restorative. You have had a stressful time lately and probably need a lot of sleep to help you recover.

    :)burryC1, you did exactly the right thing. If you want to direct your comment to just one person, put their name at the beginning of the line so they see that it is for them. Or click on "quote" which is what Evelyn did in the post right above this one. Just keep coming back and in no time you'll find out how to do things you didn't know before. We all got here needing some kind of help and we found it by joining in with this thread.

    :) Today I finally "harvested" the little pumpkin that grew spontaneously out of the compost in my yard. Jake wants to cook it, but I am happy just using it for decoration.

    <3 Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,448 Member
    edited October 2018
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    One of the co-workers at my oldest daughter's office had a seizure yesterday afternoon. The guys close by grabbed him and laid him on the floor, when my daughter walked over she realized his eyes were glazed over and he was very blue around his lips. She said we have to do CPR and dropped to the floor and started CPR, another guy jumped in to help. She said she was praying the whole time please let the ambulance get here. The co-worker started breathing again and eventually regained consciousness before the EMTs arrived. He apparently has a history of seizures but no one in the office was aware of it. One of the company owners stopped in her office this morning and said I hear you were the heroine yesterday afternoon, thank you. Poor thing is still very shook up and keeps crying. I'm so proud of her. She said it had been 14-15 years since going to a CPR class. The guy is doing well this morning.

    Janetr OKC

    To your daughter ... well done!!! I could imagine it could be quite emotional too.

    Is she planning to take another First Aid class to get her certification up to date?

    I've had my First Aid certification pretty much consistently for the past 25-ish years. My last class was about 18 months ago, and I was just thinking I might need to take a refresher soon. I think CPR is every 2 years here.

    But even so, I wonder if I'd have the confidence to know what to do under those circumstances.

    Machka in Oz
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    I kept getting this email from MFP which kept sending me back to the login page. No help. Then Under Armor sent me a link and I was able to change my password no problem.

    Lanette – yes, CPR is all rapid compressions now.

    Rye – what a sweet kitten!

    Burryc – welcome! You don’t need to hit “reply”, just jump right in. It would probably be helpful to mention what it is you are answering, but don’t worry about hitting “reply”. Or just put the person's name in front of your reply

    Ushered at the Green Room’s production of “12 Angry Jurors”. It was quite good, and I think having it held at the courthouse really added to it.

    Rori – you are amazing, just like a lot of women on this site.

    CPR recertification is every 2 years here, too.

    Michele in NC
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,203 Member
    Rori the suitcase player does not have the quality of the one I had when I was young. It works well enough and it is fun to get out my old records and listen to them again. The nice thing is it is portable and does not take up much room. I stacked some antique leather suitcases that were my mom's and placed it on top of those. It looks like a mini suitcase. I use the antique suitcase to store some of the thousands of pictures I have. Another project for another day.

    :heart: Margaret
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited October 2018
    Machka9 wrote: »
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    One of the co-workers at my oldest daughter's office had a seizure yesterday afternoon. The guys close by grabbed him and laid him on the floor, when my daughter walked over she realized his eyes were glazed over and he was very blue around his lips. She said we have to do CPR and dropped to the floor and started CPR, another guy jumped in to help. She said she was praying the whole time please let the ambulance get here. The co-worker started breathing again and eventually regained consciousness before the EMTs arrived. He apparently has a history of seizures but no one in the office was aware of it. One of the company owners stopped in her office this morning and said I hear you were the heroine yesterday afternoon, thank you. Poor thing is still very shook up and keeps crying. I'm so proud of her. She said it had been 14-15 years since going to a CPR class. The guy is doing well this morning.

    Janetr OKC

    To your daughter ... well done!!! I could imagine it could be quite emotional too.

    Is she planning to take another First Aid class to get her certification up to date?

    I've had my First Aid certification pretty much consistently for the past 25-ish years. My last class was about 18 months ago, and I was just thinking I might need to take a refresher soon. I think CPR is every 2 years here.

    But even so, I wonder if I'd have the confidence to know what to do under those circumstances.

    Machka in Oz

    Thanks Machka, funny you mentioned it, but that was part of her concern afterwards that she had forgot to check if his airway was blocked and to check his pulse, that worried her. Most of her office co-workers agreed they will do a group refresher course there at the office and also share any pertinent medical information that might be needed or helpful in an emergency. No one in the office was aware that he had a history of seizures.

    Janetr OKC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Barbie: Congratulations on your terrific dog walk. Yay!! :heart:

    Kim: I am so happy that your Pay Pal snafu has been resolved and things are as they should be. :bigsmile:

    Janetr: Your daughter saved a man’s life. WOW! I hope she will relax a little and feel better. :heart: :star::heart:

    (((Rebecca))) You have a whole family of sailors. I’m sure it is a challenge. Your son will be in touch when he can. :flowerforyou:

    Lanette: I am happy that your husband’s trip to the doctor was so positive. Yay!!! :bigsmile:

    Michelle: You are so right to be careful about posts to social media. There are too many predators that cruise the sites to help them find people to rob. :devil:

    Burryc1: Welcome!!!!! :bigsmile:

    (((Rori))) :heart:

    Janetr & Machka: I haven’t had a first aid course in years. What a great idea. I’m not sure where I might find a class, but it is something I’d like to look into. :flowerforyou:

    We are getting ready to go on an RV adventure to the Oregon Coast. I can hardly wait! We’ll only be gone a short time, but I am anticipating a little adventure and fun.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,448 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Janetr & Machka: I haven’t had a first aid course in years. What a great idea. I’m not sure where I might find a class, but it is something I’d like to look into. :flowerforyou:

    Red Cross and St John's Ambulance are the two most common ones. I've done both.

    Interestingly, while the basic information is the same in most parts of the world ...

    a) it updates every few years. So if the last time you got your certification was 10 years ago, things have changed.

    b) parts of it are area-specific. So in Canada, they focused a lot on frostbite and hypothermia, on mainland Australia it was all about the snakes and dealing with remote areas, and here in Tasmania there's a big focus on water-related incidents.

    Machka in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,448 Member
    edited October 2018
    Saturday -- probably the nicest day we've had in a long time!! The temp got to 21C in sunshine and the wind wasn't too bad.

    My husband and I rode to the end of the Cycleway and back ... for the second time since his accident. :)

    Distance: 27.00 km
    Elevation: 160 m
    Moving Time: 1:25:24
    Elapsed Time: 1:27:02
    Speed: Avg: 19.0 km/h | Max: 30.6 km/h

    And then my husband went for a bit of a walk and I went for a short, fast run ... my second fasted kilometre. :)

    Distance: 1.10 km
    Elevation: 7 m
    Moving Time: 6:45
    Elapsed Time: 6:51
    Pace: 6:07/km

    Machka in Oz
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,584 Member
    Only skimmed up to pg 21 but just had to post in celebration of Rye's news. Will try to catch up 4 or 5 pages a day.

    Kay "have to read it to the end..." just did that myself. Next time I catch myself squandering my precious time on unlikeable characters, I'm going to try very hard to STOP, release them to the universe and find something to do that makes ME feel good.
    Heather ditto Karen in VA, alas most decluttering books are useless, but not due any fault of theirs, its my struggle to let things go... ;)
    Barbie you have the motivation keys. It's when I can't find something that is when I can declutter a bit.
    Sharon, how long was your park in the Omigosh it's soooo ugly stage of logging and slash cleanup? It really looks brutal. Good thing we don't need the $$ ... yet... hope it never comes to that.
    pip sending healing thoughts to your poor back.
    Shelly in DC belated welcome!
    Heather your "buyers have had their mortgage approved" a huge step forward! Solicitors doing pre-exchange scrutiny? Of what? Contracts/documents? Hard to imagine an attorney here inspecting physical properties...
    Lisa loved your car seat NSV! Was likewise ill at the latch-on-the-outside bathroom door. Neither do I feel small at 4'11", guess it's just my big mouth personality. There are some who would claim I disappeared when I kicked off my heels... ;)
    Rye Driver's license? Bravissima! Your practice and determinations are inspiring. VERY well done!

    Had a great time with my young Idaho friend. Too much food, quite a few tasty real-not-AF beers, it was a good thing she walked my butt off. Got almost twice my normal steps each day. Whew!

    Lighter, lovelies!

    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD.
    60 g protein 8/12, rx/vits 7/12, meditate 7/12, walk one more step 12/12, knee exercises 7/12, core 2/8, walk Tumble 1/8 times, SWSY 0/4, hang up or purge art 0/0, AF 9/12.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,603 Member
    Hi Lindsay - The only other person I know who lived in Saudi or similar ended up really depressed. If you possibly can you owe it to yourself to get out of there. Sounds like you know how to do the weight thing. But DON'T LET THE PERFECT BE THE ENEMY OF THE GOOD. That phrase has helped me more than anything.

    Ditto Barbara. - Just one thing is better than nothing. It doesn't have to be important stuff. Just start with obvious trash. I'm sure you can find one piece of trash you can throw away. :D<3

    Rori - I think of you often. :flowerforyou: So sad you had to abandon that meet up with me in London you were planning. You are doing a fantastic job with that ghastly disease, but I hope you will know when you have done enough. Big hugs and kisses. <3:)<3 If you want to offload you could privately message me.

    In the sleepless night I finished the book BLUEPRINT, about how much DNA influences our personality. Lots of food for thought. :o Have any of you had your genome analysed?
    I'm now reading a book about Waterloo, influenced by my son's trip.
    I think a short nap might be in order today. I have a run planned for after lunch, but I really dragged through my exercises this morning. My anxiety level varies day to day. Today my main feeling is anger at the stupidity of the mortgage company. At least I am not 9 months pregnant like our buyer. The weekend can be better as you know nothing is going to happen.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited October 2018
    (((Rori))) You are a much better person than I am. I have difficulty remaining compassionate when dealing with my depressed, mentally ill brother. He leaves multiple messages on my phone every day, using up the entire capacity of my voicemail, and constantly asks me to send him things from Amazon. I know it isn't his fault, but I get tired of it, and I am irritated. I don't answer the phone when I am feeling irritated. He doesn't need that.

    Hi Lindsay! You won't be as lonely if you come here a couple of times a day. We are a very chatty group, and it takes some time & effort to keep up with everyone. Hopefully that sounds good to you!

    Pip Men who are very good kissers have a definite advantage over other men in the 'survival of the species' department. <3 Lenny looks loverly.

    Burry Welcome!


    I have to work the next 2 mornings. Yesterday I spent the morning with my grandson & the afternoon with my granddaughter. I wish I was doing that today.

    Karen in Virginia
  • mcbcec
    mcbcec Posts: 12 Member
    edited October 2018
    Good Morning Everyone,
    Barbie-Your October exercise log is inspiring!
    SLRonan-welcome aboard. I'm new too.
    Heather-congrats on your decluttering! It sound like you are really doing well at it. I went through a big round in the spring, and apparently need to take a ride to the local dump this fall! :-) It's never ending it seems.
    KarenInVA-so glad everyone is OK. The weather in this midAtlantic region and southern east coast has been just awful. Finally we have lovely falls temps. We have been water-logged all year it seems.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,996 Member
    good morning ladies~
    I am up showered and walked Alfie.... going to work for 8 rather than 7 so I am losing another hour of pay.. think a 3rd cousin might be coming,,,, so that will be nice...they are going to see my DFIL there uncle and then coming to see me as I have to work until 1.. should be a nice afternoon
    I will take my son up to my dads house one more time before it is sold.. i have a feeling they are going to level the house and rebuild.... but we shall see. they aren't having it inspected so that is why I am thinking that...
  • mcbcec
    mcbcec Posts: 12 Member
    LindsayGii wrote: »
    Hello all. I hope you don’t mind me arriving a bit late to the party. I read your thread and it’s such a lovely bunch of people and a great idea, so here goes....

    Everything was going so well with the exercise and weight loss. I lost weight, ran a 10k, I was proud of myself. But suddenly my good intentions turned to accepting little donuts at work, and having the odd portion of fries mid-week instead of waiting till the weekend. And letting the exercise fall by the wayside. Well you’ll be amazed to hear I hit a weight loss plateau and even gained a bit.

    My October Goal was *going* to be “sober October” but I forgot. Sigh. So I’m planning “sober November” instead. Then it was going to be ‘yoga for 10 minutes in the morning and HIIT (Cassey Ho PIIT actually) three times a week’ but I got so busy at work that crashed too... :( It turned into ‘yoga none times and Cassey once’.

    I REALLY need to get back on track because it’s getting quite depressing. I’ve even stopped tracking food properly. Can’t get a streak of more than 30 days. So here goes.

    Goal. Track every day. Yoga before work (10 minutes is fine). Cassey 3 times a week. No more fries. No donuts.

    LindsayGil Congrats on the 10k. That's awesome. Workplace items and parties used to sabotage my diets and health and still do on occasion when I don't plan for them, but at 65 I look back on all the donuts and pizza parties and junk I've consumed and think "Really?" What do these items really do for me other than clog my arteries and build up my behind? I know what they taste like and they never really taste that good especially if they are made cheaply and or not planned for. People think they are doing each other a favor by bringing in baked goods from a megastore laden with unhealthy ingredients. I've eaten so much so often to be polite to the other people and then just feeling bad about myself afterwards. About alcohol. In my experience, as an artist, I have to attend art openings with a lot of cheap wine that gives me headaches, so I finally had to jettison out of my diet and experience. It just wasn't worth it. The question is, how do you like your sugar and how much? I've given up all wine at these openings. When I want it with a meal, I'll be a split. When it's New Year's Eve I get a high-quality split of champagne and enjoy it quietly with an appetizer. I guess I'm advocating for quality not quantity and resisting the temptation of well-meaning but unhelpful others. It's hard I know. How many time can we say no thanks? How many times can we let well-meaning friends, Co-workers, and family sabotage our healthy goals?
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,448 Member
    Poerava14 wrote: »
    I've been retired seven months now, and during that time have received intermittent requests to work part time as a consultant. I politely decline them all because (a) I am taking a 'gap' year off from work; and (b) I can't travel without DH. Today I turned down an offer for a month-long good paying assignment in Singapore. Feeling a teensy bit of regret with that one, but it will pass.

    Stay well, friends. We can do this.

    Colorado Foothills

    Can you arrange for a carer to come in and help?

    I couldn't have done it with my husband without that option. Going to work, for me, is my escape.

    I've found that information about carer resources is rarely handed out freely ... we've got to hunt for it. I don't know why that is, and it is one of my pet peeves.


    Machka in Oz

  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Kim,maybe a bigger breakfast or lunch would help your hunger. Grdaughter swears by Mission Low Carb/Low Cal wraps.She loves the taste,uses meat,cheese of choice. She keeps a covered container of shredded veggies to add along with salad dressing at last minute.Peeled,hard boiled boiled eggs are always in her fridge.Fruit is a great go with.

    Know nothing about PayPal,but hope it works out. Hacking seems to get worse every day.

    Heather,sweet pic of the ice cream face <3 .

    DD in NC was without power for 3 days,but is back on now.....due to the rain/ storm from Fl.

    Time for meds.......you all have a good wk end.
    Pat in Oh
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Morning, afternoon and evening all... bought that new bathroom door yesterday, and my son and I somehow fit it into my little SUV, although he had to sit in the backseat on the way to the house! It was wedged into the entire passenger side. We're making progress on the bathroom, the leak is fixed, and now it's all finish work... finish the floor, finish the walls, etc. We can only do so much repair right now and still have a bathroom usable and ready for us to move in next weekend... when we get the back two bedrooms re-done into a master suite in a year or so, and have another full bathroom in the house, we'll rip out the sink, toilet, tiles and floor on THAT side of the full bathroom and replace the entire floor... but for now, it will do.

    I'm saying "it will do" an awful lot more than I'm comfortable with, but wants take second place to needs when necessity compels.

    Did find carpet tiles for the bedroom we'll be using when we move in, until the son goes off on his next adventure and we create that master suite. We'll pick them up this morning, and they will do nicely for what will eventually be a guest room, and it's the easiest and best solution until we do the final reno. Today will be a lot of work, but it will all be worth it when we can stop commuting between the two houses. I was in such pain yesterday, due to the wet and the cold, and bluntly, the knee just aches sometimes at a level that's near unbearable. So... I was a little cranky. Nonetheless, we got a fair bit done between me and my son, John.

    Today will be busy-busy. Will be glad when I can just take a day OFF.

    Rori, my dear friend, pushing your anger toward the disease is probably the best possible thing you can do. That anger has to go somewhere. Don't hesitate to call if you need to vent, and to lean on someone. The strength you have to muster every day is exhausting--and I think of you daily. You need that day off, too.

    Actually, I think we all need a dang day off. A day off from worry and strains and stresses sounds heavenly.

    And, the corollary, of course is that my eating stinks on ice right now, barely maintaining my loss, and not losing anything. Just trying to keep it together.

    This too shall pass.

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in Arkansas