

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,140 Member
    LisaInAR wrote: »
    Actually, I think we all need a dang day off. A day off from worry and strains and stresses sounds heavenly.

    No kidding!!

    Lately I've been thinking that if I could take an entire day where I could go hiking in the woods, it would be just wonderful.

    And if someone offered me a week here, in the photo or painting below (or similar) ... I'd be in heaven!! Give me books and a bicycle too, and I might not come back.


    Machka in Oz

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,975 Member
    :)Lanette, that's great news that your husband got from the doctor.

    :)Lisa, You are smart to be OK with things that "will do". You remember that perfect can be the enemy of good.

    :)Rori You are an inspiration to me being so caring and patient with your husband especially when it means that you aren't able to do things you had hoped for.

    :)Katla, Enjoy your RV adventure. Jake and I did that for about five years and had so much fun and so many adventures that we still talk about.

    :)Lindsay, Many of us have found this thread to be the friendship and companionship that had been lacking in face-to-face relationships. Some days, the only person I talk to is my husband and I delight in reading this thread and joining the conversation.

    :)mcbcec, one of the best changes I made in my life since I found MFP, was to stop using food for entertainment and recreation. I rarely eat out, I don't bake cookies, and I usually meet friends for a walk rather than a meal. When I go to a potluck, I eat at home and eat nothing at the event.

    :'( Jake has a terrible cold. He was awake most of the night coughing. He's asleep on the couch now and quiet for the longest length of time since yesterday afternoon. He is supposed to meet up with his daughter tomorrow for a visit (she has come to Washington from California with her family and they found a half-way point to meet) but he is likely to cancel. He is also considering having to postpone his cataract surgery scheduled for Tuesday.

    <3 Barbie
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Barbie sending (( <3 )) and healing strength to Jake and that horrible cold, hope it passes quickly.

    Rori make sure to take breaks for yourself as well. Can't believe it's been 7 months already, how quickly (yet slowly) the time passes.

    Had a poor night's sleep so onto the couch to fall asleep, we both overslept and missed our date to exerise at the gym early morning, so now off I go to the hair salon for a cut and color. We'll have to exercise together later in the afternoon.

    Have a happy Saturday everyone.

  • teklawa1
    teklawa1 Posts: 675 Member
    <3 Hope everyone has a good weekend. Is anyone in touch with Wendy? I miss her conversations this fall.

    Betsy in NW WA
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited October 2018
    Rori: Without doubt, you are the very best blessing that your DH has received in his life. I am always amazed by your dedication and ability to face difficult things that arise as time goes by. :heart:

    Janet OKC: Your daughter is a heroine! Congratulations to both of you. She learned her values from you. :flowerforyou: :heart:

    Machka: Thanks for the tips. I will see if any classes are available locally. It would be a good idea to update my skills. I’m an adventurer in some ways and the skills are valuable any place and any time. :star:

    Barbara: I also struggle to let things go. We have too much stuff. That said, when DS and DDIL were here with our baby grandson, my son & I went up to the old toybox in the garage attic and found puppets for him to play with and a tiny Raggedy Andy doll I made for his dad 40+ years ago. The doll went home with them. This feels like I did the right thing by hanging on to sentimental items & doesn’t motivate me to declutter. It motivates me to continue hanging on to certain things. That said, we donated a whole bunch of stuff that had been in our storage unit for years in order to make room for the RV. Some of it went to the Senior Center thrift shop and some of it went to Habitat for Humanity—where we bought the wood that we used to make a raised floor in the RV bathroom. :flowerforyou:

    Barbie: I hope things go well for Jake and a way is found to connect with his daughter. Could she travel the extra distance to see him at home for a day before she heads back to CA? Sending good thoughts for a happy compromise. :star:

    Betsy: I’ve also been wondering about Wendy. It is summer in New Zealand, Perhaps she is too busy to post. :ohwell:

    Heather: Hugs for your DH. I hope he is feeling better soon. :heart:

    Barbara: My friend, Cassandra, has offered to help me with the guest speaker challenge. She knows everyone and has a long history with group. I am less terrified since she offered her support. (Less terrified is not the same as confident or happy.) :ohwell: Thank you for your sympathy and for the link to Oregon State Parks. :star:

    We are spending today getting ready for our trip to the coast. Much of the work is done, but loading food & clothes aboard is still necessary. We plan to haul things to the RV from home rather than bring it here for the final load out. Some of the neighbors have complained when it has been here for even a day. :ohwell:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,799 Member
    Rebecca - So happy to read that you have heard from your son!

    [bRori[/b] - I can't imagine what you are dealing with. My Mom has Alzheimer's so did an Aunt and a Grandmother. I have helped with their care very occasionally and found it very difficult. I live across the country from my Mom and most of her care was on my brother until last year when she went into a nursing home.

    Barbie- Smart words to Allie regarding naps. Last year when I finally was out of my terribly stressful situation of a couple of years I seemed to sleep for almost two weeks straight. I had a hard time staying awake for more than 2-3 hours at a time. It took almost a month for me to feel refreshed and that is when I realized just how badly all the stress had affected me.

    Machka - interesting about the differences in First Aid in different regions. I had never thought about that, but it makes perfect sense. I grew up in the country, and anytime I am feeling stressed I think of places like the one you posted. I long for the quiet of the country way more often lately.

    Karen in VA - I understand how you would have to take breaks from your brother's calls. My Mom called my brother upwards of 20-30 times a day the last year she was at home. His house was not even a football field away from her and he visited with her at least 3 times a day. When she went into the nursing home I was very upset that he wouldn't allow her to have a phone in her room. He couldn't take any more calls. It means though that I can't talk to her. I understand it, but it still hurts me terribly.

    Lisa- I don't envy you moving back and forth between two places. I did that when we moved in here, I worked all day and painted and revived the new place for about 3 weeks straight. In the middle of packing up and selling what we could out of the old place. The person we are buying the trailer from had rented it out for 10 years. All men who smoked and didnt know how clean. We painted every square inch, replaced outlets, light fixtures. Had to have the furnace cleaned it was a huge undertaking. I was so very glad when it was all over and I could take a break

    Janet - I am speechless that your niece would think it appropriate to use her Mother's name. Deaths in families bring out so much ugliness at times.

    Well I have the day to myself and so far have only managed to clean my bedroom. I have to get at it if I'm to get any crafting done at all.

    I just opened the door to the local Beaver's group to donate my bottles to them. It is very cold again today. Ground is covered in snow again from a couple hours of snow again yesterday. Radio announced yesterday that this has been the coldest and snowiest September and October in recorded history. Add the smoky August and we really haven't have good weather since the end of July. Very depressing really.

    Tracey in Edmonton
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    edited October 2018
    Aww me too!

    Oh you remember last Christmas my eldest was put on restriction, and couldn't get leave? Well, we heard about the reason. They are constantly having to requalify to do certain tasks at the squadron. He had a school he had to attend, and during that time he had lost qualls on a task. I guess it happens pretty frequently, and many just requall when they can. Well they heard he had signed off in doing a certain task, but he wasn't. So to make him an example, he was restricted to base for a month. Pay docked, but at least he didn't lose any rank.

    Today I added a Navy Mom site for my youngest son's ship in Japan. It should be fun!
    Well its 2 pm and my eldest Navy son just got up. Ahh, the life of someone that has night duty! He's such a vampire! Hoping he will want to take us out to dinner tonight! I mean I have been cooking like a dog these past weeks!😋

    Hugs to you all!
    Rebecca 💗
    Whidbey island
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,790 Member
    Afternoon ladies
    Lovely visit with my 2 cousins and my DFIL enjoyed there visit..they came and met Alfie and we went out for a late lunch,was yummy ..
    We will be getting a frost tonight so I brought all the plants in from outdoors...and I'm not in the mood to watch t.v so will read the declutter book you all suggested...
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Auntiebk: Katla "renewed joy of life to DH" from building a raised floor in the bathroom? Now that's a positive attitude! Fie on your friends for laughing. If you cannot decline the position, can you find a real friend to swap with? If all else fails, can you find vets, farriers, blacksmiths, hay purveyors to speak?”

    Yep. DH remodeled the first home we lived in and also the second and third. He loves that kind of thing. Those tasks were huge and required professional work for parts of the tasks that were structural. By comparison, this is an easy project by his standards and he really enjoyed it. Regarding my hideous task recruiting guest speakers, my friend has offered to help. I am less horrified knowing she’s got my back. :bigsmile:

    We’ve got most of the RV set up but I still need to pack my clothes and finish putting food aboard. We plan to leave tomorrow. I’ll likely post here again today, but there is no telling when I will have internet available tomorrow and the days after. I won’t lose days here in MFP because I always record my meals on my phone.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    October 2018 Resolutions:

    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on strength and stamina.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least 3 glasses of water a day.
    5. Monitor sleep. Average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.
    6. Avoid alcohol.
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 856 Member

    And if someone offered me a week here, in the photo or painting below (or similar) ... I'd be in heaven!! Give me books and a bicycle too, and I might not come back.


    Machka in Oz


    Amen to that! Looks like a lovely spot to just sit and be.......
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,411 Member
    Katla - I missed it - where are you headed and how long will you be gone? So glad your DH was able to resurrect some of his building skills. Mine was also super handy at one time and all my girlfriends were jealous, lol. He's limited now but I'm always trying to think of simple projects he can work on.

    Tracey - amazing to think you have snow falling. Luckily you are Canadian so it might be time to put away the shorts and sandals if you get accumulation over 6 inches, lol. (I have a silly chart somewhere and will try to find it. You are made of tough stuff!)

    - is there room for me in that cabin in the woods? What a lovely setting.

    Heather - did your DH's tooth hurt? Amazing to think it came out without the help of a dentist. He is TOUGH for sure. Hope his back is feeling better.

    Terry - I was so glad to see you back posting here and am so sorry to hear about your DH's heart situation. How is your daughter doing?

    - (((HUGS))) You have such a good attitude dealing with your DH's dementia, tho you probably punch a few pillows. Great plan taking a gap year - is there any consulting you could eventually do from home but with minimal/quick trips so you'd get a change of scenery? In our area, I've heard of assisted living facilities that take dementia patients for a few days or week if the caregiver needs to be gone for a bit, if they have room of course. And the patient would have to feel comfortable there. I'll try to find out more about this at the next Area Agency on Aging meeting. I'm sure there's a growing need for this.

    Wendy.... where are you? And Sharon from Canada as well? Let's send out vibes and see if they pick up! Hoping those who have left us are taking a temporary time off to enjoy life. And fill us in on what's new in their lives.

    Worked in the garden a little this afternoon, and DH helped for a bit. So nice for him to get out in the warm afternoon sun and get off the couch.

    That's the Saturday wrap-up. Have a good evening!

    SW WA State
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,790 Member
    Heather- dental assistant honing in on lost tooth..soft foods,no sucking motion,straw, cigarettes,anything he would slurp.. in the morning after each meal swish slightly with a warm salt water since will help it heal up...just trying to help him out....going to get some sleep.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,975 Member
    :) Jake's daughter offered to come to house to visit him tomorrow . I don't think she realized that coming here would require arriving 30-45 minutes early to a ferry that will cost about $18.00 each way, plus a 90 mile round trip from the ferry to our house. Jake feels lousy and make be terrible company. She hasn't decided yet if she's coming.

    :) I started planting my bulbs today. I got all my tools and equipment out into the yard and dug a hole the right size to plant the two biggest iris bulbs that I had taken from the side of the house. I spent 22 minutes outside, left all the equipment outside, and will do the same thing again tomorrow and the next day.

    <3 Sending hugs to all of you who are being asked to do too much by family members. Setting boundaries is very difficult.