JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,096 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Okay so I'm kinda fed up of just cruising along on this journey.
    So I'm gonna go hard or go home!

    - Log log log logged some then lost track
    - Water (min 6 cups) didn't quite achieve this either but I must have been close
    - Be in the green unsure because I didn't finish logging
    - Exercise! (30 min dance cardio!) nooope
    - Watch motivational YouTube videos! yes this I did :)

    Okay so not the best start.
    I was having a hard time with the kids yesterday and just couldn't manage MFP too.

    Try again today.
    Feeling pretty tired though. I wish kids knew the joy of a lie in at the weekend :anguished:
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Okay so I'm kinda fed up of just cruising along on this journey.
    So I'm gonna go hard or go home!

    - Log log log logged some then lost track
    - Water (min 6 cups) didn't quite achieve this either but I must have been close
    - Be in the green unsure because I didn't finish logging
    - Exercise! (30 min dance cardio!) nooope
    - Watch motivational YouTube videos! yes this I did :)

    Okay so not the best start.
    I was having a hard time with the kids yesterday and just couldn't manage MFP too.

    Try again today.
    Feeling pretty tired though. I wish kids knew the joy of a lie in at the weekend :anguished:

    I hear you! Mine actually get up earlier on the weekend!! Mon to Fri I’m dragging them out of bed for school. Weekend they are bouncing around at 6. Annoying
  • josephinebowman
    josephinebowman Posts: 359 Member
    Just dropping in. Been draggling my feet off this wagon into sweet carbohydrates. Going to climb back on and ... well, hang in here. Painted my laundry room mostly, needs another coat and the ceiling done. No damage from latest hurricane. Need to clean yard of blown about leaves and twigs and then mow! No excitement is good here!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,096 Member
    I'm glad you're feeling better today.
    You and your OH have been through so much! I'm not surprised that you ended up with a big blow out! This is sometimes the way it goes in my relationship too. But it gets things sorted and gets some home truths out!
    And intrusive thoughts are the absolute worst! Big hugs! Know we're all here for you x
  • HEGoddard0928
    HEGoddard0928 Posts: 824 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    I'm glad you're feeling better today.
    You and your OH have been through so much! I'm not surprised that you ended up with a big blow out! This is sometimes the way it goes in my relationship too. But it gets things sorted and gets some home truths out!
    And intrusive thoughts are the absolute worst! Big hugs! Know we're all here for you x

    Thank you @Bex953172 DH is actually coming across town to where I am at the Gallery to spend some time with me. It's going to be really nice. And thank you for caring. When I get really depressed I tend to not eat and to kind of close myself off, hence why I haven't been on all week. It started out as intense anger and then transferred to a deep depression. But I am feeling so much better so I can actually interact with people again! Lol.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,797 Member
    @HEGoddard0928 - I'm sorry to hear you are having suicidal thoughts. I hope that you have someone else you can talk to right now besides Matt. He is hurting too. I have read several times over the years that some of the biggest stressors in Death, Job Changes, Moving, Birth, I started reading this board in March and you and Matt have both had job changes (well you got one and he left one) You have had deaths and have been trying to get pregnant. That is a lot on your shoulders. We are here for you.
  • HEGoddard0928
    HEGoddard0928 Posts: 824 Member
    @HEGoddard0928 - I'm sorry to hear you are having suicidal thoughts. I hope that you have someone else you can talk to right now besides Matt. He is hurting too. I have read several times over the years that some of the biggest stressors in Death, Job Changes, Moving, Birth, I started reading this board in March and you and Matt have both had job changes (well you got one and he left one) You have had deaths and have been trying to get pregnant. That is a lot on your shoulders. We are here for you.

    Thank you so much @snowflake1968 I'm going to talk to my Mom when she gets back from her trip. She is my sounding board. She might tell me to talk to someone as well. If she does there is a woman in my church who does consoling. Actually the wife of the man that Matt is going to go to. And yeah there have been a lot of things going on at once. Matt might need surgery on his hip so I think we might put the baby making business on hold until we figure out what needs to happen to help him. Makes me sad but his health comes first.
  • bcTRAI
    bcTRAI Posts: 414 Member
    Faebert wrote: »
    I am having a truly miserable day at work today. As you all know I have been pressured into trying to sell business when I have been nothing but honest since before I was hired that I was not a salesperson.

    I have not been successful in getting business at all! We are not even getting requests for quotes. Last week we lost our last remaining guard coverage contract, we still have a mobile patrol/alarm account and that is it. I was told last week that I need to think about what to do with our mobile department as we cannot continue to have staff 24 hours a day without revenue to support it. We are losing approximately 18000/month. This does not include my wages, fuel costs for the vehicles, insurance, power, heat, etc. My suggestion was to get rid of the one remaining mobile patrol/alarm account and lay off the 4 staff that this would affect.

    My boss has been away on holidays so I hadn't sent my email with my suggestion to him as I was waiting on his return today. Today that client went out to tender, they had told us in the Spring that it would be going out in the Fall before the contract ends. I receive a terrible email from him asking why I hadn't been informed they were going out to tender, and what am I doing to get more business here. I actually called him to talk to him instead of trying to do it through email and he ended up hanging up on me. I told him I was doing what I could to get business but I didn't know what more I should be doing. I also told him about actually not submitting a tender for the contract and saving money that way. At least we would be only losing about 5000 a month at that point. He told me he doesn't think I am treating this as if it's my own business which is what he wants and hung up on me.

    I am stuck as to what to do. I really think I should start looking for other work, but my only vehicle is the company vehicle that comes with this job. I'm hoping that his mood changes and he sees that I am suggesting what is best for the company. If they close the branch I will at least have EI, if I quit I get nothing.

    Ugh! Sorry for the vent!

    Oh @snowflake1968 that is just so unfair!! I know from your previous posts that you’ve been nothing but upfront with your boss about what your role should be and despite this have still worked really hard on the selling side even though it should have been outside your remit! And they have not helped matters by not even letting you be competitive in tenders. It sounds as though your boss has no idea how to make it a success so is putting all the responsibility and blame on your shoulders and that is unacceptable.

    I really think you should start looking for another job. I’m not sure how much you need the vehicle so I can see how this would be a major consideration but this is making you miserable and I don’t think you should continue to be treated like this. It is deeply unprofessional for a boss to hang up on someone who works for him.

    I wish I could help more but please come on here and vent all you like. Just don’t question yourself - ever. Your boss has the title and - presumably - the bigger salary that means the buck should stop with him, not you. If his team is struggling he should fix it, not have a tantrum. Know that you have done all you can and be angry, not sad. Use that anger to motivate yourself to find the job you deserve.

    Big hugs xxx

    What Faebert said! Hugs and prayers going out for you @Snowflake1968!

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    This is what a happy dog looks like! Our Cayenne (Caye for short) was looking for treats after her last vet visit, and they took/posted this photo on the vet's FB page. Caye got > 100 likes/loves.

    She is SO PRETTY! Look at that face! Awwww!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    @toaljasa Jag is adorable! Those glasses remind me of Snoopy from the Peanuts comicstrip when he sits on top of his dog house "flying" a WW II fighter jet!

    @Faebert What a sweet note to find! Warms my heart. Hope you start perking up soon. Bronchitis begins to actually hurt in the chest after awhile. (((hugs)))

    @Bex953172 I'm glad you still pop on here. You have a TON going on with 3 little ones, so please don't be discouraged! Maybe just focus on one thing until it becomes a habit. Like getting your water in, or something like that? Please don't disappear! I wouldn't know where to send your quilt! :wink: Oh yeah....about Vegas....I live only a few miles from the airport and we have a direct non-stop flight straight to Vegas....just sayin' If you come to Vegas to get married, and if you invite me, I will be there. :mrgreen:

    @HEGoddard0928 Honey, you have been through so many life changes that it is almost a given that things will get overwhelming. Even GOOD changes are stressors! I'm glad you and your husband were able to talk some of it out. I'm glad also to hear you each have someone to talk to. We all need that sometimes...I know I sure do anyway! I wish I lived closer to you. I'd totally come get you and have a girls day of bumming.... (((hugs)))

    @mytime6630 I hope you are having a blast with your grandsons! :heart:

    @Snowflake1968 I just want to give you a hug. I don't know how I would have gotten through 2017 with the stress in my previous job without this group's support. It kept me sane to come on here and make my small goals to leave on time, to walk away from gossip, etc. Work stress is the worst! I agree with others that it's time to brush off the resume and start looking around. Heck, maybe you could find something that would allow you to work out of your home! There are more and more computer-based jobs all the time... xoxo

    @josephinebowman Glad to see you on here! Those sweet carbs sure are attractive little suckers aren't they? I'm glad you did't have any damage from the hurricane! Gosh there are so many homes destroyed! What color did you paint your laundry room? Just curious....I've been looking at different colors for a couple rooms in our house and I cannot make a decision to save my soul!

    @cschmitz110515 Love the picture of Cayenne! Love the NAME Cayenne also! I went back and forth and have thought of other names I wish I had named Maddie instead, but she is starting to respond to Maddie now so don't want to change it at this point! LOL! She sure is getting comfortable here. I don't think I could give her up if I had to now. she has completely stolen my heart... I took her to the dog park again yesterday (2nd time now) and it was so fun to watch her run...she is SO fast! I took her to the City of Howard dog park off Military down by Duck Creek. I have not checked out the one by you yet, since this is so close and convenient! But I will be checking out the Brown county one because the pictures are just beautiful!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    gojolida wrote: »
    I love this thread! Glad I found it. I'll bookmark it.

    I just rejoined MFP yesterday, so my goal today is to log my food and HYDRATE. Starting small.

    Hello and welcome! Those are two really good important goals to start with! Happy to "meet" you!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    Just For Friday
    1. Journal every bite :)
    2. Half my weight in water :neutral: I got a lot more than the day before, so I'm happy about that!
    3. 5 Fruits/Veggies ;)Do egg rolls count? 3/5
    4. Walk Maddie / Dog Park? :)In the words of our own @cschmitz110515 , happy dog and happy me! LOL
    5. Read one chapter :)
    6. Podcast or meditate in quiet place :)
    7. Begin quilting @Bex953172 's quilt! (Pinned layers together, so ready to start the quilting process...biting my nails...nervous about this step!) :(Didn't start yet. Decided to wait until I talked to my mom Saturday morning to ask her how to best begin.
    8. Watch Brewers vs Dodgers Game 1 tonight - healthy snacking only :DYEA!!! Brewers won!
    9. Bed after Brewer game :) / Gratitude Journal :# / Simple Abundance & Dodie Olsteen readings :#:#Fell asleep after the game!

    Kind of late to post goals, but to keep myself accountable, I need to still post them!

    Just for Saturday:
    1. Journal every bite in MFP
    2. 64+ oz of water
    3. 5 Fruits/Veggies
    4. Walk Maddie
    5. Spend 15 minutes on each: Body / Mind / Spirit
    6. Pay bills
    7. Make to-do list of things I need to do next week before returning to work the week after
    8. Watch Brewers vs Dodgers, Game 2 - healthy snacks
    9. Gratitude Journal / Simple Abundance reading / Dodie Olsteen reading

    October Goals
    • Out of the 180's by end of month (Hit the 170's today (10/11) but we'll see if I stay there).
    • Walk 5/7 days per week
    • Increase distance of walk, to park by end of month
    • Swap out seasonal clothing
    • Make appts: Derm, Ophthalmology :) , FP, Day Spa (massage), dentist
    • Return/exchange 2 sweaters
    • Bake 2 Christmas things per weekend

    October Challenge - Walk 1 Mile:
    10/1: :smile:
    10/2: :smile:
    10/3: :smile:
    10/4: :smile:
    10/5: :smile:
    10/6: :smile:
    10/7: :smile:
    10/8: :smile:
    10/9: :smile:
    10/10: :frowning: Walked Maddie but was less than a mile in length because didn't want to get caught in rain!
    10/11: :naughty: windy and sore hip = stayed in.
    10/12: :smile: Got my steps in at the dog park with Maddie.

  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,096 Member
    Left Casey with my OH for 10 mins and this...
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    @Bex953172 I love messy face pictures! She is so adorable! :heart:

    Here is are a few pictures of Maddie today... Sorry if I'm blowing up the thread with too many!





  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    Managed to hit my goals today. Not particularly challenging ones but all I can do at the moment.

    Hope everyone is ok. Sending a big hug to @HEGoddard0928 - you guys have been through so much. I’m thinking of you and hope things are improving x

    Saturday goals
    - morning workout / revised to walking ✅ over 5 miles today!
    - Pick up P from sleepover ✅
    - Health food shop ✅
    - Shopping - treat for the girls. Buy boots? ✅
    - Girls homework ❎ yay no homework this weekend! and hairwashing ✅
    - Watch Strictly together in PJs ✅
    - Early night ✅

    Sunday goals
    - workout? It’s forecast to rain all day so would like to get a bit of activity done if I can
    - Cooking with the kids
    - Post/paperwork and emails
    - Finalise script
    - Early night

    Lots of love all x
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,797 Member
    JFT - Saturday October 13
    2L of Water - 🙂
    Calories in Green by 150 - 🙂
    5 Fruits and Veggies - 2/5
    Walk 1 Mile -🙂 3 Miles
    Clean - 🙂
    Craft - 🙂
    Stay focused! - 🙂

    JFT - Sunday October 14
    2L of Water
    Stay in Maintenance
    5 Fruits and Veggies
    Walk 1 Mile
    Stay focused!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    Just for Saturday:
    1. Journal every bite in MFP :)
    2. 64+ oz of water :(
    3. 5 Fruits/Veggies :)
    4. Walk Maddie ;) Played in yard and did yard work with her.
    5. Spend 15 minutes on each: Body :( / Mind :) Listened to Podcasts/ Spirit :) Read a few verses of scripture
    6. Pay bills :)
    7. Make to-do list of things I need to do next week before returning to work the week after :)
    8. Watch Brewers vs Dodgers, Game 2 - healthy snacks :):) Brewers lost game 2 but I behaved wit snacks!
    9. Gratitude Journal :) / Simple Abundance reading :) / Dodie Olsteen reading :)

    Quiet on here today! Hope everyone is well. I'm picking up my 13 year old granddaughter for a lunch and shopping date today. She had a fantastic report card and I miss her anyway! LOL I'm excited to spend some one-on-one time with her today.

    Just for Sunday
    1. Journal every bite
    2. 64+ oz of decaf beverages (water or tea)
    3. 5 fruits and veggies
    4. 7000 steps
    5. Body / Mind / Spirit
    6. Read one chapter
    7. Work on To-Do List
    8. Gratitude Journal / Simple Abundance / Dodie Olsteen Reading / Bedtime 10:30
    9. Set alarm for 6:00 and get up in preparation for returning to work 10/22

    October Goals
    • Out of the 180's by end of month (Hit the 170's today (10/11) but we'll see if I stay there).
    • Walk 5/7 days per week
    • Increase distance of walk, to park by end of month
    • Swap out seasonal clothing
    • Make appts: Derm, Ophthalmology :) , FP, Day Spa (massage), dentist
    • Return/exchange 2 sweaters
    • Bake 2 Christmas things per weekend

    October Challenge - Walk 1 Mile:
    10/1: :smile:
    10/2: :smile:
    10/3: :smile:
    10/4: :smile:
    10/5: :smile:
    10/6: :smile:
    10/7: :smile:
    10/8: :smile:
    10/9: :smile:
    10/10: :frowning: Walked Maddie but was less than a mile in length because didn't want to get caught in rain!
    10/11: :naughty: windy and sore hip = stayed in.
    10/12: :smile: Got my steps in at the dog park with Maddie.
    10/13: :frowning: Watched Brewer game and it was dark and I was no longer motivated by the time it ended!

  • sarah74_vt
    sarah74_vt Posts: 368 Member
    JFY - Saturday 10/13/18
    1) Log all my food for the day :)
    2) Stay "in the green" with my calorie intake :/
    3) Drink 8 glasses of water before having a Diet Coke :/
    4) Go to the gym :)
    5) Mow/gardening :)

    JFT - Sunday 10/14/18
    1) Log all my food for the day
    2) Stay "in the green" with my calorie intake
    3) Drink 8 glasses of water before having a Diet Coke
    4) Groceries
    5) Work on orders from my shop