

  • nancym30
    nancym30 Posts: 27 Member
    CSW 163, CW: 159, EOY GW: 153. Actions I'm committing to:
    keep planning and tracking all food in MFP,
    consume all calories within 10 hour window daily,
    keep calories under 1400 calories daily except one indulgence day / week
    exercise - 30 minute walks or alternative activity, 4 xs week or more.
    I'm working on the Beck Diet Solution Weight Loss Workbook (to train your brain). Its good. current step, only eat when sitting down, read my why I want to lose weight cards daily...
  • salleewins
    salleewins Posts: 2,308 Member
    edited October 2018
    Forgot to weigh today, but have been up all week. Last week saw a time of trying to get this together with a better plan to have more success. Looking to still lose each week.

    Week 2 goals:

    1. start over with a plan for 11 hour work days that end at 8 pm. Client eats a ton of junk--a lot of my triggers--chocolate, diet soda, chocolate ice cream, McDonald's fish sandwiches..... Usually all in one day. I bring my own food, but she offers everything and questions why i eat the way that I do?? Why does she eat the way she does, lol?? Anyways she has many health problems as a result of this diet etc. Diet soda and pastries or donuts, or waffles with choc. ice cream or sugar cereal for breakfast. That is just breakfast. Def confirms what we know to be true. Anyways I now have a plan for treats for myself that hopefully won't be the result of what kills me. I bring very healthy homemade shakes for lunch and dinner. I eat a big healthy breakfast so I am full. When I take her to eat out I will get coffee. I can have a 1/2 piece of dark chocolate with walnuts (usually have almonds--but the walnuts will make it a treat) that I will bring. I need to bring an apple cut up with peanut butter as liquid shakes with a ton of blended ingredients still is liquid and not highly filling. Save out a couple hundred calories at the end if can in case she insists I eat 1/2 her french fries that I like (this week we ate in the car and I threw 1/2 of what I took out the window discreetly--resulting in eating about 5--YAY). Also will have warm strawberry applesauce as my treat once home. The flavor will change over time, but need that or a different fruit since it is late to eat/veggies or pure protein.

    2. Day off can have pizza or pasta as long as stay in calorie limit and have a healthy plan for the day.

    3. do some exercise each day--even if a leisure walk. This is all outside of yard work.

    4. drink water 12-16 cups daily--16 ultimate goal with the green tea and coffee I drink

    5. up calorie net to 1400 or real close, but 1300 still ok.

    6. try to make sure do what can to sleep better as have been

    Might not need to add much else to these goals or new ones, but continued tweeking probably as have been working on these for awhile.

    Success for everyone!!! Let's keep going!!!

  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,421 Member
    Week 2 challenges:
    1. Log all foods on here -- M
    2. 10000 steps 5 or more days this week -- M
    3. Drink at least 84 oz water every day -- M
    4. Stay on program LIIFT4 -- M

    Good day yesterday...EXCEPT Work ran way late for me and I came home to a note from hubby saying he had to run our daughter to the medicenter...that was it...no other info!! Really?? Could have killed him at that moment!! Turns out she hurt her arm at school and they didn't say anything to us. She came home from school and it was swollen and looked a bit bruised so he thought he would run her in to make sure it was ok...turns out it has a small fracture and now has a cast....uhhhgggggg

    So my BIL had picked up my son because he missed his bus and I wasn't home...anyway we ended up just ordering pizza - which we haven't done in almost 3 months...but everyone was pooped and hungry. Turns out it was good and I still came in under calories for the day...

    Oh my goodness what a day yesterday. Stupid school for not saying anything...shame on them!! Hope her arm is feeling ok today and not too sore.
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,421 Member
    Hello everyone! Yesterday was a pretty good day albeit higher in calories but carbs were low. I did make fathead pizza last night for dinner....the crust is almond flour and lots of cheese and DELICIOUS but high in calories. First time making it and will again - next time I won't eat as much hehe.

    Today I'm delaying my breakfast since I had a calorie dense supper and we'll see when I give in :) I would love to be able to do some sort of intermediate fasting, but I'm not mentally there yet.

    Here's a good quote for today to ponder:

    “Your problem isn’t the problem. Your reaction is the problem.” -Anonymous

    Our minds can be our worst enemies sometimes!!

    Have a great Wednesday!!!
  • cathy196051
    cathy196051 Posts: 55 Member
    Will you accept late joiners?
    My goal is 18 lbs by my birthday next year, 10 by the end of this year. I am 158 lbs today. My all time high this summer was 167 lbs.
    Since August I have been exercising consistently and definately seeing changes in body composition.
    My challenge is the eating. I tend to do well all day but snack at night.

    My goal for the rest of this week is to log my food intake.
  • mustb60
    mustb60 Posts: 1,090 Member
    edited October 2018
    Today was the last day of my religious fast. And as expected I am bit over my calories. Goal will continue for remaining week. I was down to 160.9 lbs today but it is all due to no salt diet. I am expecting to gain back some as I start having salt again.
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,421 Member
    Will you accept late joiners?
    My goal is 18 lbs by my birthday next year, 10 by the end of this year. I am 158 lbs today. My all time high this summer was 167 lbs.
    Since August I have been exercising consistently and definately seeing changes in body composition.
    My challenge is the eating. I tend to do well all day but snack at night.

    My goal for the rest of this week is to log my food intake.

    Absolutely! The more the better to support each other!!
  • fourathomej
    fourathomej Posts: 4,273 Member
    Week 2 challenges:
    1. Log all foods on here -- M/T
    2. 10000 steps 5 or more days this week -- M/T
    3. Drink at least 84 oz water every day -- M/T
    4. Stay on program LIIFT4 -- M/T

    @carlsoda She is doing ok...liking the attention...we did go to the school. I guess the gym teacher didn't think it was bad at all...gave Dilyn some ice and never told anyone. Dilyn didn't actually think it was that bad either...I just throw my hands up...GRRRRRRRR!!!!!
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,421 Member
    Happy Friday Eve everyone! This morning has been crazy at work but finding some time to breathe and check in!

    Yesterday was a good day - did forget to log my supper but it was a healthy one and I know I had carbs and calories left for it. Also did 1 hour of yoga - my 2nd to last class before I partake it on my own. I'm really not a joiner so it will be nice to just do 15 - 20 minutes of yoga at least 5 days a week at home after work!

    Today we're having a birthday party at work for a co-worker, I volunteered to pick up her treats which are two pies from baker's square and yes I'm going to have one piece and move on. A diet isn't all about doing without, we need to find ways to fit life's events in and not let it jeopardize our way of life. Do you realize it has taken me THIS long to figure that out. Before when I was on weight watchers it was all or nothing. Now I realize it isn't all or nothing.

    Hope you all have a great day - back at it now!!
  • Hyacinth_Hippo
    Hyacinth_Hippo Posts: 51 Member
    Checking in,

    CW: 220.08
    GW: 165
    Challenge Goal Weight: 205

    I've been doing better drinking more water, but I think I'm still not getting quite enough during the day. Heading into the weekend, I'm going to focus on sticking to my calorie limit on Saturday and Sunday, and getting at least 7,000 steps a day.
  • RockinTerri
    RockinTerri Posts: 499 Member
    Starting weight (10/9/18): 261.8
    Current weight (10/15/18): 257.8
    Challenge goal weight: 240
    Ultimate goal weight: 150

    Week 2 challenges:
    1. Log all foods on here
    2. Walk 20+ minutes 3 or more days this week (I was sidelined for a few days due to illness)
    3. Drink at least 80 oz water every day
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,421 Member
    Happy Friday!!

    Yesterday was a great day - had my pie (work b-day party) enjoyed it, got a little heartburn from it and had a healthy supper. This is ultimately my goal...to be able to celebrate with special life events and get right back on track. Next Saturday we're hosting a surprise baby shower for my daughter and yes, I'll have a treat. We will however be having a super healthy lunch and I'll just choose what treat I want and stick to it!

    So with the weekend upon us again, what's the plan to stay on track? I'll just keep remembering that Monday is weigh in so I don't want to gain between now and then :)

    Have a great day!!!
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,421 Member
    edited October 2018
    And remember:

  • znaoiec
    znaoiec Posts: 1,988 Member
    @carlsoda I am really appreciating what you are sharing. I am dealing with major food events right now and your posts remind me that I don't have give up everything just because I have some over the top meals. I have that mentality of the all or nothing approach and I should know better. Your recent posts have been very timely for me. I still have some more celebration meals in front of me for this weekend but I can also focus on exercising and making the other regular meals count too.
  • fourathomej
    fourathomej Posts: 4,273 Member
    Week 2 challenges:
    1. Log all foods on here -- M/T/W/T/F
    2. 10000 steps 5 or more days this week -- M/T/W/T/F
    3. Drink at least 84 oz water every day -- M/T/W/T/F
    4. Stay on program LIIFT4 -- M/T/F

    Long week...so glad it's FRIDAY!!!
  • salleewins
    salleewins Posts: 2,308 Member
    znaoiec wrote: »
    @carlsoda I am really appreciating what you are sharing. I am dealing with major food events right now and your posts remind me that I don't have give up everything just because I have some over the top meals. I have that mentality of the all or nothing approach and I should know better. Your recent posts have been very timely for me. I still have some more celebration meals in front of me for this weekend but I can also focus on exercising and making the other regular meals count too.

    I also have that all or nothing mentality. That great thinking led me to being overweight.

    Thank you @carlsoda, too!!

  • salleewins
    salleewins Posts: 2,308 Member
    edited October 2018
    carlsoda wrote: »
    Happy Friday!!

    Yesterday was a great day - had my pie (work b-day party) enjoyed it, got a little heartburn from it and had a healthy supper. This is ultimately my goal...to be able to celebrate with special life events and get right back on track. Next Saturday we're hosting a surprise baby shower for my daughter and yes, I'll have a treat. We will however be having a super healthy lunch and I'll just choose what treat I want and stick to it!

    So with the weekend upon us again, what's the plan to stay on track? I'll just keep remembering that Monday is weigh in so I don't want to gain between now and then :)

    Have a great day!!!

    I thought of weigh in a few times today and also how sick I am of letting stress derail me. I want to win at this! I worked today and at times it was tough. Only 38 calories over and really mostly super healthy eating. I am there 11 hours. Tomorrow will be the same.I was in the restaurant with client and stuck to a salad and fruit small plate with lemon for dressing and black coffee---I ate one 50 cal piece of chocolate only out of the bags client bought. The salad bar was unlimited and client kept urging me on. I didn't do it. I am planning another super healthy day at work tomorrow. I gave up diet soda and the last 2 days have been way easier--I don't feel hungry all the time to the point where I can't manage it. It is starting to work again!! I am off Sunday--yippee!! Planning all meals and bringing them to work with me is working finally. Also Sunday will be planned ahead. After work I will buy a single english muffin to make my own egg white sandwich for Sunday am to make it a different day. I am starting to just buy 1 of things I want that I don't want a lot of them around in the house more and more.. Works way better.

    Have a great weekend!!
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,421 Member
    Great job everyone! Today was super busy but fun! Gosh how we need weekends! Tomorrow is lunch at my daughters then home for some steps and getting prepared for a new week!!
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,421 Member
    salleewins wrote: »
    znaoiec wrote: »
    @carlsoda I am really appreciating what you are sharing. I am dealing with major food events right now and your posts remind me that I don't have give up everything just because I have some over the top meals. I have that mentality of the all or nothing approach and I should know better. Your recent posts have been very timely for me. I still have some more celebration meals in front of me for this weekend but I can also focus on exercising and making the other regular meals count too.

    I also have that all or nothing mentality. That great thinking led me to being overweight.

    Thank you @carlsoda, too!!

    Gosh I am glad I can help you guys! I am sure there are more people out there with this same mindset! Some times just realizing something like this helps to fix it!
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,421 Member
    salleewins wrote: »
    carlsoda wrote: »
    Happy Friday!!

    Yesterday was a great day - had my pie (work b-day party) enjoyed it, got a little heartburn from it and had a healthy supper. This is ultimately my goal...to be able to celebrate with special life events and get right back on track. Next Saturday we're hosting a surprise baby shower for my daughter and yes, I'll have a treat. We will however be having a super healthy lunch and I'll just choose what treat I want and stick to it!

    So with the weekend upon us again, what's the plan to stay on track? I'll just keep remembering that Monday is weigh in so I don't want to gain between now and then :)

    Have a great day!!!

    I thought of weigh in a few times today and also how sick I am of letting stress derail me. I want to win at this! I worked today and at times it was tough. Only 38 calories over and really mostly super healthy eating. I am there 11 hours. Tomorrow will be the same.I was in the restaurant with client and stuck to a salad and fruit small plate with lemon for dressing and black coffee---I ate one 50 cal piece of chocolate only out of the bags client bought. The salad bar was unlimited and client kept urging me on. I didn't do it. I am planning another super healthy day at work tomorrow. I gave up diet soda and the last 2 days have been way easier--I don't feel hungry all the time to the point where I can't manage it. It is starting to work again!! I am off Sunday--yippee!! Planning all meals and bringing them to work with me is working finally. Also Sunday will be planned ahead. After work I will buy a single english muffin to make my own egg white sandwich for Sunday am to make it a different day. I am starting to just buy 1 of things I want that I don't want a lot of them around in the house more and more.. Works way better.

    Have a great weekend!!

    Yay!!! You should be very proud of yourself, hard situation to be in!!