**LADIES** P90x Challenge starting August 1st!!!



  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    week 5 day 3 done-1st day of biceps and back. Movin along! No weight loss so far but nice muscle definition:-)
  • chelsiburnett
    I know this is recovery week for me, but I can not stand yoga!!! So, I did plyo. LOL!!! What a workout! I have done it before but I forgot how hard it makes you work! I am going to do cardio X tommorow and kenpo the next day. I don't know what after that but I want more cardio in so I am making it up as I go during rest week!
  • jamielynn1981
    jamielynn1981 Posts: 232 Member
    Legs and Back/ARX tomorrow, but this weekend I will be out of town so I am kinda freaking out!!! LOL. We will be riding bikes a lot on Sat. and Sun. so I will get my cardio in. I will be back at it on Tuesday. Everyone have a good weekend!!
  • jwheele
    jwheele Posts: 41 Member
    Did yoga today. Does anyone else feel like this workout just goes on and on forever? There are some parts I really like but it is just so long...
    I'm excited for legs tomorrow.
  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Substituted yoga today for cardio x-excited for legs and back tomorrow-love that workout!
  • Melslifestylechange
    Melslifestylechange Posts: 165 Member
    Week 3, Day 4, Yoga is OVER! I woke up too late to complete this hour and a half workout this morning so I had to do it in the evening. I'm glad I did it and one day I'm sure that I'll learn to love it.
  • Melslifestylechange
    Melslifestylechange Posts: 165 Member
    Did yoga today. Does anyone else feel like this workout just goes on and on forever? There are some parts I really like but it is just so long...
    I'm excited for legs tomorrow.

    I totally understand what you are saying. At times I'll find myself looking at the clock wondering home many more times I will have to do the same move. I breathe a sigh of relief when I get to the balancing poses because I know that I am near the finish line. Congrats on sticking with it!
  • Tracie65
    Tracie65 Posts: 62
    Just did shoulders and arms and kenpo!! I am switching yoga and kenpo this week due to time. I did not do ARX because I did double workouts and I will do it tomorrow with legs and back. Week 3 is almost over!!
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    Legs&Back last night. I had a killer headache and wasn't feeling so great, but I kept pushing through. It definitely wasn't the best workout I've done, but I felt so accomplished for making it through when I didn't really want to.

    Kenpo X today, gonna add my wrist weights again to up the intensity. I wish I had bought ankle weights this week, but no time to go out and get any.

    I'm thinking of switching up next week's order a bit. I'm supposed to start with Chest Shoulders & Triceps on Sunday and then do Plyo on Monday, but I'm going for a 9 hour hike/climb on Sunday. Actually climbing the highest mountain in Germany. I was thinking of counting that as my Plyo workout and moving Chest Shoulders & Triceps to Monday. Think that would be OK to do?
  • Melslifestylechange
    Melslifestylechange Posts: 165 Member
    Legs&Back last night. I had a killer headache and wasn't feeling so great, but I kept pushing through. It definitely wasn't the best workout I've done, but I felt so accomplished for making it through when I didn't really want to.

    Kenpo X today, gonna add my wrist weights again to up the intensity. I wish I had bought ankle weights this week, but no time to go out and get any.

    I'm thinking of switching up next week's order a bit. I'm supposed to start with Chest Shoulders & Triceps on Sunday and then do Plyo on Monday, but I'm going for a 9 hour hike/climb on Sunday. Actually climbing the highest mountain in Germany. I was thinking of counting that as my Plyo workout and moving Chest Shoulders & Triceps to Monday. Think that would be OK to do?

    Climbing the highest mountain in Germany for 9 hours pretty much covers you for an entire week of P90X. :smile: You'll really be able to use all of your muscles and put all of your workouts and training to the test. I'm sure that you'll have a fabulous time. You may want to consider taking a rest day on Monday or doing a lighter workout depending on how you feel.

    Best of luck!
  • Melslifestylechange
    Melslifestylechange Posts: 165 Member
    Week 3, Day 5, Legs, Back, & ab ripper X Done!
  • chelsiburnett
    I did a 3 mile walk this morning instead of cardio X but I burnt 402 cals so I am ok with it!!!!!! Cardio tomorrow!
  • chelsiburnett
    cardio X complete!!!!!!!!!!!!! Core next!
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    I'm just about finished my first recovery week. Blew off Yoga X this morning because I've got so much on the go (friends are getting married today and we had to finish present shopping this morning!) but I plan to do it tomorrow instead. I'll be taking end of phase 1 pictures--hope to see some good changes!
  • Tracie65
    Tracie65 Posts: 62
    I was supposed to do yoga today (I switched it with Kenpo) but I REALLY don't like this video so I ran on my treadmill instead. Tomorrow is my rest day, but I might do a little something other than stretch depending on time! So excited for week 4!! I don't feel like I've really lost anything (not weighing in till Sept. 1st) or changed at all. But I heard you see and make the biggest changes in the second and third phases. I guess we will see!!
  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    week 5 complete!! yay! today will be rest day and i am taking advantage. my body feels wiped out from yesterday (did kenpo then mowed the yard). not sure why, but will be back at it monday for week 6 baby! yay!!!
  • Melslifestylechange
    Melslifestylechange Posts: 165 Member
    I decided to make Saturday my rest day so I completed Week 3, Day 6, Kenpo X this morning. It feels good to know that I have 3 weeks under my belt. I'm trying to prepare myself mentally and timewise to do yoga twice in one week. I would prefer to stick with the regular schedule instead of doing this recovery week but I guess the experts know best.

    Enjoy your Sunday!
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    Back from my hike and I'm debating if I should start week 7 today or give myself a rest day. Right now I'm leaning towards a rest day, but I'll see how I'm feeling later.
  • Melslifestylechange
    Melslifestylechange Posts: 165 Member
    Week 4, Day 1, Yoga X is done, well just about. It took everything within me to get through an hour and 15 minutes. I had to stop 15 minutets early because I have quite a few things to do. It wasn't my ideal way to start a Monday morning but I tried. Looking forward to Core Synergistics tomorrow.

    Wishing you all a wonderful week!
  • jwheele
    jwheele Posts: 41 Member
    Week 4, Day 1, Yoga X is done, well just about. It took everything within me to get through an hour and 15 minutes. I had to stop 15 minutets early because I have quite a few things to do. It wasn't my ideal way to start a Monday morning but I tried. Looking forward to Core Synergistics tomorrow.

    Wishing you all a wonderful week!

    Good for you!! Your post is my motivation for today! That is what it is all about. Doing it even if you don't feel like it. Great job