JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,249 Member
    edited October 2018
    One day at a time.

    Have a wonderful day my beautiful fellow JFTers! Thank you, once again, for letting me vent. It's so much healthier than sitting at my desk in tears! LOL!


    Oh Tracie ... I am so sorry this is happening to you. I remember when you took this job, and how happy you were. I am sad that it is not turning out as you had hoped.
    But .... I also remember how very stressed you were at your other job. Remember ... the long long hours, working on the weekends, so much pressure. Even though they made changes at this new job, hopefully it will still be a less stressful job for you. As @cschmitz said .... it is only a job. Put in your hours ... go home and enjoy your family and the things that you love to do.
    But ... you vent on here anytime you want! We all love you here, and we are here for you. Hoping that the day gets a little better for you. Hugs. <3

    And you are so right ..... Keep an open mind. Do not make up stories of what I think is happening. Look at the facts, not the story in my head.
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,598 Member
    As requested / promised @mytime6630:

    Skillet Chicken with Spinach & Mushrooms
    4 skinless, boneless chicken breast halves, cut into 1" pieces
    2 cloves garlic, minced (more if desired)
    1-15 oz. can of diced tomatoes (I use double)
    1-10 oz. bag of spinach (I use 1#)
    2 c. of thinly sliced mushrooms (I use 1#)
    1/2 c. grated parmesan
    red pepper flakes for a little zing (optional)

    1. Season the chicken with salt and pepper to taste.
    2. Coat a large nonstick skillet with cooking spray and place over medium heat. When the pan is hot, add the chicken and cook for 5 - 10 minutes, or until chicken is no longer pink and juices run clear.
    3. Remove the chicken to a plate, covering it to keep warm. Add the garlic to the pan and cook for 2 -3 minutes, or until the garlic is fragrant.
    4. Add the tomatoes, spinach and mushrooms. Cook for about 3 minutes (longer with more ingredients), or until the liquid is reduced by half. Put the chicken back in the pan and stir. Adjust the seasonings if necessary. Sprinkle with the cheese just before serving. Serve with wild or brown rice.

    This dish is very low in fat and carbs, but it's very filling and yummy. You can alter the taste to your liking. If carbs aren't an issue, it's delicious served over pasta or rice.

    Prep. 10 minutes
    Cook 15 minutes
    Serves 4
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    @Faebert Sorry to hear you are struggling. Do you think it's possible that you're trying to maintain a weight that is too low to maintain comfortably? When I read the Beck Diet Solution, she talked about how people have two minimum weights - the minimum weight they can get to, and the minimum weight they can maintain comfortably - i.e. the minimum they can maintain without making too much effort and within the type of lifestyle they want to live. The second is a few pounds higher.

    I wonder if you're trying to maintain your minimum absolute weight rather than minimum comfortable weight? I thought this might be the case as you've mentioned before that you're at the very bottom of the healthy weight range. Might be something to think about? It might be that you would be happier with a slightly higher weight, with a slightly more relaxed lifestyle.

    You might not though - it's a personal decision! If maintaining your current weight is important to you, I suggest you try to identify exactly which things feel like they're taking a lot of effort. Is it the amount you're eating - does it feel too restrictive? Is it the amount of exercise? The amount you have to plan / prep / cook? If you identify this, you can maybe start to identify strategies/ hacks to make whatever it is easier. Particularly if you consult this group, which is full of excellent suggestions :smile:

    Another possibility is that it's not actually the stuff you're doing to maintain that's a problem, it's doing it alongside everything else you've got going on in your life. In which case, I'd have a think about whether there's anything you can give up or get help with elsewhere to free up a bit of time and headspace. You seem like someone who takes on an awful lot, and I can really emphathise with this! Sometimes we need to give ourselves a bit of a break, I think.

    You have dealt with some really big challenges lately, and have managed to cope with them whilst maintaining a hectic lifestyle and supporting everyone else around you. It doesn't surprise me that you're feeling tired, and that things are an effort! You have done so well throughout a difficult period - it feels like now is the time for you to rest a bit and look after yourself. :smile:

    This is so so perceptive - thank you. I have probably been trying to maintain too low a weight. It was ok in the summer lying on a beach but with work and colder weather I’ve been getting run down by it all. And then it does affect other areas of my life because I am a bit of a perfectionist. I am really going to take steps to consider what is truly healthy for me.

    But as @snowflake1968 says, it is so easy to slip back. The fear is always there and a low number is therefore probably more comforting than it should be.

    Thanks for the insight and support ladies - you are amazing xx
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    @PackerFanInGB -big hugs from me. I would also be upset. In fact I went through something similar at work recently and was hurt and disappointed but am now seeing the less challenging role as a blessing and using it as motivation to do my job well but not kill myself trying to please people that don’t recognise it. So maybe you can make peace with it and prioritise the rest of your life and your health.

    Vent and lean on us all you want. What a terrible way to find out as well. That is poor management and it makes me cross on your behalf.

    Hope everyone else is doing ok. I’ve made water a real priority the last two days and it has made such a difference today. Thanks @mytime6630 - needed this focus xx
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    It seems to be the day for job news. I received a call a couple of hours ago telling me that they are probably closing my branch on November 9th. He was going to come up to tell me, but was too busy to do so. I'm not surprised and not really disappointed except I will miss the car and the gas card. Last year we did it on just my hubby's EI this year I will at least have EI too so we should be fine!
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    Oh @snowflake1968 I’m so sorry to hear that. You were obviously way too good for them and I’m glad you won’t be stuck working there any more but how typical he didn’t even bother to tell you in person!

    Onward and upward! Hope you continue to smash it with your craft projects and find a truly fulfilling and rewarding job soon.

    Hugs x
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Faebert wrote: »
    @Faebert Sorry to hear you are struggling. Do you think it's possible that you're trying to maintain a weight that is too low to maintain comfortably? When I read the Beck Diet Solution, she talked about how people have two minimum weights - the minimum weight they can get to, and the minimum weight they can maintain comfortably - i.e. the minimum they can maintain without making too much effort and within the type of lifestyle they want to live. The second is a few pounds higher.

    I wonder if you're trying to maintain your minimum absolute weight rather than minimum comfortable weight? I thought this might be the case as you've mentioned before that you're at the very bottom of the healthy weight range. Might be something to think about? It might be that you would be happier with a slightly higher weight, with a slightly more relaxed lifestyle.

    You might not though - it's a personal decision! If maintaining your current weight is important to you, I suggest you try to identify exactly which things feel like they're taking a lot of effort. Is it the amount you're eating - does it feel too restrictive? Is it the amount of exercise? The amount you have to plan / prep / cook? If you identify this, you can maybe start to identify strategies/ hacks to make whatever it is easier. Particularly if you consult this group, which is full of excellent suggestions :smile:

    Another possibility is that it's not actually the stuff you're doing to maintain that's a problem, it's doing it alongside everything else you've got going on in your life. In which case, I'd have a think about whether there's anything you can give up or get help with elsewhere to free up a bit of time and headspace. You seem like someone who takes on an awful lot, and I can really emphathise with this! Sometimes we need to give ourselves a bit of a break, I think.

    You have dealt with some really big challenges lately, and have managed to cope with them whilst maintaining a hectic lifestyle and supporting everyone else around you. It doesn't surprise me that you're feeling tired, and that things are an effort! You have done so well throughout a difficult period - it feels like now is the time for you to rest a bit and look after yourself. :smile:

    This is so so perceptive - thank you. I have probably been trying to maintain too low a weight. It was ok in the summer lying on a beach but with work and colder weather I’ve been getting run down by it all. And then it does affect other areas of my life because I am a bit of a perfectionist. I am really going to take steps to consider what is truly healthy for me.

    But as @snowflake1968 says, it is so easy to slip back. The fear is always there and a low number is therefore probably more comforting than it should be.

    Thanks for the insight and support ladies - you are amazing xx

    Glad to help! I can totally appreciate the fear of slipping back. I think lots of us have done it. I was at my goal weight a few years ago but I didn't maintain it, it is tricky. I will see if I can dig out the advice from that same book about how to let it go up, but just a little bit, and then stay there.

    I think it's along the lines of: make one small change to relax, see how that goes for a while and what it does to your weight, get used to that lifestyle for a while. Then if you haven't put much on, and still feel restricted, make another small change, see how that goes for a while and what it does to your weight, etc. Repeat, until you reach a nice equilibrium that you're happy with. Following that, you keep an eye on your weight to check it's staying the same, and adjust habits if you find it's creeping up.

    I think that was it. But I will dig out the specific text to see if it adds anything useful that I've forgotten!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    Faebert wrote: »
    Oh @snowflake1968 I’m so sorry to hear that. You were obviously way too good for them and I’m glad you won’t be stuck working there any more but how typical he didn’t even bother to tell you in person!

    Onward and upward! Hope you continue to smash it with your craft projects and find a truly fulfilling and rewarding job soon.

    Hugs x

    You know that not telling me in person really does show exactly how much this branch means to them. I will continue to send out resumes and maybe sign up for a couple more craft fairs now. I truly believe everything happens for a reason and there is a bigger plan for me.
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    @Faebert Thinking about it more, I wonder if literally one small change could help. Sometimes it's so nice to be like: you know what on (insert day of the week here) mornings, I'm not going to workout - I'm going to treat myself to a lie in/ lazy coffee in bed/relaxing bath/ rubbish TV programme instead.

    When I work from home, I often feel pressure to get up and either start working straight away, or to get up and work out. It feels glorious to go, you know what, I'm going to lie here and not do anything productive - just look after ME. :smile:
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm 4 or 5 pages behind right now but need to get on here and post some goals and hold myself accountable. I'll go back and catch up tonight and reply to what I can, but just know I'm thinking of you all and sending you all hugs and positive vibes!

    It's been a really crappy week so far at work. Last week, I could tell something was up. Everyone was treating me differently...mostly my immediate team and director. Monday, I found out why. It's exactly as I suspected and actually even voiced to my husband while I was on medical leave. They have decided to revamp my team, which won't affect anyone except for me....they are stripping me of my title and giving me the same title as the others on my team (I was hired for a totally different job from them and that is why my title is not the same). They are changing my responsibilities to be the same as the others and splitting up the duties I had between us. I'm hurt, upset, angry, and cannot sleep. The job is going to be very similar to what I was doing in my old job...the one I left after 25 years to come do something new and different. The one I left after 25 years of tenure, vacation, higher pay, pension plan and flexibility to work from home, to come and learn something new and different. So, if I sound a bit upset, well...I guess I am.

    I'm praying right now that it will turn out to be for the best and that I will find out I love it. I'd really appreciate prayers for peace in my heart and joy in my job. I'm so sad. And yes, I have been emotional eating although not going overboard, and I have not been walking Maddie as often as I should. I need to pick myself up, dust myself off and keep moving forward. I felt this was the perfect place to come to get back my attitude of gratitude!

    One day at a time.

    Just for Today (Wednesday)
    1. Journal every single bite no matter how bad my choices
    2. WATER!
    3. Walk Maddie / Hit my step goal / Try for at least 9/12 hours active.
    4. Stay out of the candy bowl tonight. It's for the Trick or Treaters, not me!!
    5. Remember to breathe. Take walks when I need to get away from my desk. Wear headphones to tune out the whispers I'm hearing in the cubes. Best attitude is gratitude. Be kind. Be helpful. I do not gossip or back stab and I will not start now. Period.
    6. Finish SU minutes, Watch upgrade webinar, complete NVTs for 2018 x3 apps, follow up on project request from provider
    7. Keep an open mind. Do not make up stories of what I think is happening. Look at the facts, not the story in my head.
    8. Leave work issues at work tonight. Enjoy time with family. Keep priorities straight.
    9. Body / Mind / Spirit
    10. Prep for tomorrow, tonight
    11. Gratitude Journal / Simple Abundance / Dodie Olsteen / Read more of the James Patterson book I started / sleep 10:30
    12. Up early with Maddie and NO SNOOZE ALARM!

    Have a wonderful day my beautiful fellow JFTers! Thank you, once again, for letting me vent. It's so much healthier than sitting at my desk in tears! LOL!


    Can you PM me your company's address so I can come and punch your bosses in the face? :wink:

    So so angry on your behalf. Grr, grr, grr. That is really unfair, what they've done.

    That's my reaction though - yours sounds a lot more healthy and constructive. You sound like you've got a good attitude right now - looking to find the positive in the situation and hoping it will turn out for the best. It may well do, I think. From what I remember, you did actually like your old job a lot and were quite passionate about it, it was just the hours and the stress that was hard. It might be that your new role is perfect - doing the things you like but with less pressure!

    Sending you lots of thoughts and positive vibes. <3

    My advice? Cuddle and play with Maddie. Animals are amazing therapy :smile:
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    @Faebert Thinking about it more, I wonder if literally one small change could help. Sometimes it's so nice to be like: you know what on (insert day of the week here) mornings, I'm not going to workout - I'm going to treat myself to a lie in/ lazy coffee in bed/relaxing bath/ rubbish TV programme instead.

    When I work from home, I often feel pressure to get up and either start working straight away, or to get up and work out. It feels glorious to go, you know what, I'm going to lie here and not do anything productive - just look after ME. :smile:

    I definitely need to try and do this. Physically as well as mentally. My problem is letting go of the guilt or feeling of failure I get if I don’t work out. I need to work on making rest and active and positive decision. Choosing a day (kind of like pre-logging it I guess?!) might really help that. Thanks you are a 🌟 xx
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    So today went well and have two happy children sleeping in bed with as yet no negative impacts from a fair amount of their Halloween treats. Was not even tempted myself tonight for some reason?!

    Wednesday goals recap
    - morning workout? Should probably rest but I know myself and I will probably want to atone somehow for a ‘bad’ day today ✅ of course I did!
    - Pack Halloween stuff ✅
    - Submit request form for appt ❎ Head still off sick
    - Leave work on time to join kids for Halloween party and trick or treating ✅
    - Meditation ❎ maybe tomorrow
    - Early night ✅

    Thursday goals
    - morning workout
    - Buy veggies on way to work
    - Take water with for planning time
    - Arrive early for handover to cover
    - Planning - English, Science, Update email, school trip. Folders??
    - Rearrange appraisal
    - Parent information evening at kids’ school after work
    - Check in with piano teacher
    - Rest
  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm 4 or 5 pages behind right now but need to get on here and post some goals and hold myself accountable. I'll go back and catch up tonight and reply to what I can, but just know I'm thinking of you all and sending you all hugs and positive vibes!

    It's been a really crappy week so far at work. Last week, I could tell something was up. Everyone was treating me differently...mostly my immediate team and director. Monday, I found out why. It's exactly as I suspected and actually even voiced to my husband while I was on medical leave. They have decided to revamp my team, which won't affect anyone except for me....they are stripping me of my title and giving me the same title as the others on my team (I was hired for a totally different job from them and that is why my title is not the same). They are changing my responsibilities to be the same as the others and splitting up the duties I had between us. I'm hurt, upset, angry, and cannot sleep. The job is going to be very similar to what I was doing in my old job...the one I left after 25 years to come do something new and different. The one I left after 25 years of tenure, vacation, higher pay, pension plan and flexibility to work from home, to come and learn something new and different. So, if I sound a bit upset, well...I guess I am.

    I'm praying right now that it will turn out to be for the best and that I will find out I love it. I'd really appreciate prayers for peace in my heart and joy in my job. I'm so sad. And yes, I have been emotional eating although not going overboard, and I have not been walking Maddie as often as I should. I need to pick myself up, dust myself off and keep moving forward. I felt this was the perfect place to come to get back my attitude of gratitude!

    One day at a time.

    Just for Today (Wednesday)
    1. Journal every single bite no matter how bad my choices
    2. WATER!
    3. Walk Maddie / Hit my step goal / Try for at least 9/12 hours active.
    4. Stay out of the candy bowl tonight. It's for the Trick or Treaters, not me!!
    5. Remember to breathe. Take walks when I need to get away from my desk. Wear headphones to tune out the whispers I'm hearing in the cubes. Best attitude is gratitude. Be kind. Be helpful. I do not gossip or back stab and I will not start now. Period.
    6. Finish SU minutes, Watch upgrade webinar, complete NVTs for 2018 x3 apps, follow up on project request from provider
    7. Keep an open mind. Do not make up stories of what I think is happening. Look at the facts, not the story in my head.
    8. Leave work issues at work tonight. Enjoy time with family. Keep priorities straight.
    9. Body / Mind / Spirit
    10. Prep for tomorrow, tonight
    11. Gratitude Journal / Simple Abundance / Dodie Olsteen / Read more of the James Patterson book I started / sleep 10:30
    12. Up early with Maddie and NO SNOOZE ALARM!

    Have a wonderful day my beautiful fellow JFTers! Thank you, once again, for letting me vent. It's so much healthier than sitting at my desk in tears! LOL!


    Can you PM me your company's address so I can come and punch your bosses in the face? :wink:

    So so angry on your behalf. Grr, grr, grr. That is really unfair, what they've done.

    That's my reaction though - yours sounds a lot more healthy and constructive. You sound like you've got a good attitude right now - looking to find the positive in the situation and hoping it will turn out for the best. It may well do, I think. From what I remember, you did actually like your old job a lot and were quite passionate about it, it was just the hours and the stress that was hard. It might be that your new role is perfect - doing the things you like but with less pressure!

    Sending you lots of thoughts and positive vibes. <3

    My advice? Cuddle and play with Maddie. Animals are amazing therapy :smile:

    I agree with you. That knucklehead!!!
  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
    Wow!!! I love you all!!😍💕💕
    Feisty Beautiful Ladies!!! This is definitely the happening place.
    So much going on and we handle it together!!! Yesss!💪

    I've been hanging back on purpose. I had to regroup. I've been out of sorts and
    I had to pull myself together. I figured out part of what was causing me to have these
    weird feelings... It started after my doctor's visit... LMBO, I shouldn't have gone.
    I had been busting my ahhhhmmmm ok...and I didn't get a good report.
    I'm good!!! I Am Otayyyy...lol…😁💯💪💪💪
    Back to the plow... I'm gonna reap my harvest!! The whole field times 100.

    I ate my soup for dinner and nothing else today. I won't give up. It's hard as you
    all know, but giving up is not an option. I set myself on this journey to BETTER and I am going to have better.
    I relaxed because I woke up with unbelievable knee pain. But I'm in this fight to win.

    One more step means you're farther than you were.
    Heyyyyy!!! Hallelujah!! 👏👏👏👏🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 LET'S DO IT LADIES!!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,249 Member
    Wed, Oct 31
    1. log all food :)
    2. DO NOT EAT HALLOWEEN CANDY!!! Get rid of all of it!! :/:/ Was not going to eat any ... ended up eating 7 pieces!! And.... I have tons leftover. It is going in the mail tomorrow for our grandsons (who ended up sick and could not go out), or to the fire station.
    3. concentrate on 8+ cups water --- red cup challenge! :) Only good thing about today -- got in my water.
    4. go to the gym :)
    5. go for a long walk after kids come for halloween. :) Only went around the block - rainy out
    6. get back on here ... be accountable :)

    I am so tired, so this will be short. We have been so busy work-wise, for both hubby and I we are working 10 hr days, especially hubby. Hopefully we will be caught up soon.
    I did great all day, then because of being tired, ate 3 pieces of halloween candy. Ok ... that was OK, and I planned to stop. Well, while putting it away, ended up eating 4 more pieces. so I am WAY over my calories!!

    JFt, NOV 1 -- the start of a FRESH, NEW month
    1. log all food
    2. red cup challenge - drink water. Do 5 somethings --- NOVEMBER challenge!
    3. mindful eating
    4. work on pc boards
    5. help hubby with work
    6. organize my knit fabrics for chemo hats - clean sewing room
    7. work on meal planning
    8. go and vote early (trying to avoid the lines!)
    9. get back on here - be accountable..

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,249 Member
    edited November 2018
    As requested / promised @mytime6630:

    Skillet Chicken with Spinach & Mushrooms

    Thank you SO much for the recipe!! This looks really good ... and I have all the ingredients for tomorrow nite! Thank you!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,249 Member
    edited November 2018
    Tomorrow is a fresh start, a new month. I know I need a new start - the past month has been hard for me to stay motivated, and I need to start fresh.

    So here is a reminder again about the November challenge. You can do just part of it if you want, but I am hoping this will help many of us that are struggling this time of year. One small little thing, but somethings it just takes one small thing to change our attitude and momentum.


    This is the time of year I think we all struggle ... with halloween, the holidays, stress with so much to do, winter blues, etc.

    So I am keeping the challenge simple, yet it will be a constant reminder everyday to try and do our best, in baby steps.
    A few months ago, I put a red cup in the bathroom, as a reminder to drink water for each bathroom visit. This helped me. Somehow I forgot about this until yesterday, when hubby had his red cup in the bathroom and told me how this was helping him to drink water.

    So this is the November challenge ... but there are 2 parts to this challenge

    Put a red cup (or whatever color you want) in the bathroom as a reminder to drink water. For each visit to the little girls room ... drink some water.

    The second part of the challenge is to do FIVE somethings .... like 5 jumping jacks, 5 legs swings, 5 arm circles, 5 squats, 5 wall pushups, etc. before you leave the little girls room.

    This doesn't have to happen for every bathroom visit ... so a smiley face means you've done it at least once. But the goals is to try and do this each time.

    This small little things will remind us all of the importance in drinking our water, and also, the importance in moving. For those that work outside of the home... maybe a drink of water after you get back to your desk (but you can still do simple 5-exercises in the stall)

    This is how I will record
    Nov 1: Red cup water, :) fives :)
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,249 Member
    It seems to be the day for job news. I received a call a couple of hours ago telling me that they are probably closing my branch on November 9th. He was going to come up to tell me, but was too busy to do so. I'm not surprised and not really disappointed except I will miss the car and the gas card. Last year we did it on just my hubby's EI this year I will at least have EI too so we should be fine!

    So sorry to hear this for you also ... but it sounds like a place that would be hard to work for. Hopefully something will come your way this is much better for you, and right now, you can just concentrate on your beautiful crafts
  • HEGoddard0928
    HEGoddard0928 Posts: 824 Member
    Gonna be short tonight. Already in bed with the light off.

    Bad day. Getting sick. Ate a half a pizza for dinner and that's about it. Did drink a ton of water though. Going to sleep and try to make it through work tomorrow. I've got a killer sore throat.

    I'll try to reply to people tomorrow.

    Have a good night. Ttyat.
  • jeschepp
    jeschepp Posts: 307 Member
    Will be short for me as well, just got back from hosting trick or treating at my aunt's house, and she gets a ton of kids. A bit nervous about restarting my diet plan tomorrow. I feel a cold coming on :(

    Today's check in:
    80 oz. water ✅
    Track food and exercise ✅
    Under 1.4K calories :( candy candy candy
    Check in here ✅

    For tomorrow:
    80 oz. water
    Track food and exercise
    Under 1.4K calories
    Check in here