JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    - 8 glasses of water 😊
    - exercise😊😊
    - Be in the green😊😊😊
    - tidy house😊😊
    - laundry....❌

    what a day! walked to school and jogged back, did the food shop (think I said all this before..)
    anyway I drove to pick up sask from school which I'm kind of glad I did!
    I was tired at that point.
    I was really losing my mojo and I asked my partner to start dinner which is unlike me. anyway he said "I will in 10 mins I'm just gonna sit down for a minute" and me knowing him well enough knew he wasn't going to do it lol
    So I got up and started it. meatballs and pasta for everyone and I had meatballs and ... guess 😂 salaaaaad.

    anyway so I tidied up and mopped because we're switching energy provider so they need to put new gas and electric meters in. and then did ANOTHER workout

    I did a new one today though! it was so much fun. every bit of me is sweating lol!

    here it is if you want to try it!


    let me know if you do!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    @mytime6630 oooo I've never seen them before! they're huge! I can see why you want to dig them out to stop them rotting!

    how are you doing today? how are your goals coming along

    @PackerFanInGB you would have burned major calories last night! glad you had a good time!
    I remember when I worked at the gym and my friend offered me a free ticket to see Rihanna. and a personal trainer actually said "why don't you go to the gym instead, is your fitness not that important to you?" my reply was "I don't give a *kitten* it's. free! And it's rihanna"
    And I actually did about 2 hours of dancing and them walking to get back to the street where we were getting picked up so it was like a big up yours to the PT.

  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    Falcon wrote: »
    water 6 to 8 glasses
    track food
    grocery shopping
    get a nap in before work tonight
    prepare lunches for the week. (basically prefrying ground chicken and make rice and freeze into single portions. All thats left is to cut up veggies and make a snack for work which only takes ten minutes.)

    track food
    rest from exercise.

    I recently went back to the gym and discovered squash courts behind the pool. Squash involves hitting a ball against the wall and running back and forth. Talk about feeling the burn :p

    I'm rubbish at squash, and tennis lol. badminton though I'm awesome at! I think it's because I can hit it dead hard without it going too far! And squash I just always miss the ball!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,254 Member
    I really really want one of the sugar free klondike bars in the freezer!! But I am going to CHOOSE not to, because I know if I eat one, I'll eat 2, then more....

    So my choice tonite.... OK guys, hold me to this!!!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,254 Member
    JFT, THurs
    1. today I will choose to write down everything I eat :)
    2. today I will choose to drink water - 2 glasses with each meal :)
    3. today I will choose to listen to at least one Half Size me podcast :) Doing this soon
    4. help hubby with work :) But we had a pretty lazy day.... last nite we were sitting in our patio room until 1:30 am watching it snow!! Crazy, but it was so pretty. So tired today ... we ended up getting almost 7". It is pretty, but hopefully will be all melted by tomorrow!
    5. finish adding border to quilt .. so I can put it away,and start on reading pillows :/ Haven't got the motivation to sew tonite ... so watching youtube videos!

    I really wanted something sweet... but had my popcorn... and now sipping on water. I still want the ice cream ... but I am going to choose not to!

    JFT, Frid
    1. go to craft fair tomorrow nite OR
    2. work on business expenses. Hubby will be gone tomorrow evening, so I can work on his computer. If I skip the craft fair ... I can go on saturday
    3. work on pc boards .. finish up another set
    4. work on quilt so I can start xmas gifts ... reading pillows!
    5. clean house
    6. bring in the rest of the canna bulbs to dry ... weather is suppose to be in the upper 40s
    7. go out for a short walk
    8. nov challenge ... I keep forgetting to do this!
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    mytime6630 wrote: »
    JFT, THurs
    1. today I will choose to write down everything I eat :)
    2. today I will choose to drink water - 2 glasses with each meal :)
    3. today I will choose to listen to at least one Half Size me podcast :) Doing this soon
    4. help hubby with work :) But we had a pretty lazy day.... last nite we were sitting in our patio room until 1:30 am watching it snow!! Crazy, but it was so pretty. So tired today ... we ended up getting almost 7". It is pretty, but hopefully will be all melted by tomorrow!
    5. finish adding border to quilt .. so I can put it away,and start on reading pillows :/ Haven't got the motivation to sew tonite ... so watching youtube videos!

    I really wanted something sweet... but had my popcorn... and now sipping on water. I still want the ice cream ... but I am going to choose not to!

    JFT, Frid
    1. go to craft fair tomorrow nite OR
    2. work on business expenses. Hubby will be gone tomorrow evening, so I can work on his computer. If I skip the craft fair ... I can go on saturday
    3. work on pc boards .. finish up another set
    4. work on quilt so I can start xmas gifts ... reading pillows!
    5. clean house
    6. bring in the rest of the canna bulbs to dry ... weather is suppose to be in the upper 40s
    7. go out for a short walk
    8. nov challenge ... I keep forgetting to do this!

    Great choices @mytime6630 ! And all those smiley faces. Be proud of yourself x
  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
    Hi Sisters... Everyone is hoofing it in the activities department. I am so proud of all the strides everyone
    are making.👏👏👏😁 Awesome!!! Work it Ladies.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    Morning all!
    Hope everyone's good!
    So I'm not too sore today, maybe the protein shake helped but I don't know. The cool down on the video I did wasnt very long so I did it twice and some extra stretches.
    I forgot to mention that I did do the November Challenge yesterday, but it was more part of the video I did. Did like 30+ squats though. Killer.

    JFT Friday!
    - 8 glasses of water
    - Be in the green
    - Exercise
    - Tidy the house (again)
    - Put the damn laundry away!
    - clean out rabbit
    - November Challenge
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    edited November 2018
    Checking in from Thursday
    1. No run. Feed cats. Shower. Morning meds. Tea! Log 1 item. November challenge: Red cup and fives!
    2. Check standards on week 17. Check on PDFs for directions. PARENT CALLS ABOUT MISSING WORK. Check with DK about conference. Get sub for 2/7 and 2/8. Get sub for 2/28 and 3/1. RS dr. appts for 2/7 - March? April?DUMP MACARONI AND TAKE CONTAINERS HOME.
    3. Class 2-3: AP lesson 29; continue with carts if available. Grammar work? Reflection 42. Need to practice subject/object pronouns (my friend and I / my friend and me). Note: All late work by 11/30.
    4. Class 4: Pronouns practice. Reflection 42. Chapter 7 WM. Update class websites. Grade poetry projects? Save for after break: Review articles. Create comparison. NEED MORE SCAFFOLDING! 4th needs practice with quoting & paraphrasing sources, identifying claims that would need support, use of last names for reference, and capitalization practice (common/proper nouns, titles).
    5. Review assessments. What is my purpose for each unit? Sketch out semester block. Draft essay. Draft discussion post for W2. Draft project for W2.
    6. Update class websites. Write blog comments. Meet with M after school about KW.
    7. Get shrimp on the way home. Get flu shot.
    8. Prep Fri lunch: BBQ salad. Chop celery. Prep oatmeal for breakfast. Weigh and log. Meds. Floss, rinse, brush teeth. In bed by 8:45; devices off by 9:00; alarm set for 5:50.

    JFT Friday
    1. Feed cats. Shower. Morning meds. Tea! Log 1 item. November challenge: Red cup and fives! Send eraser cloth to school.
    2. Finish week 17-18. Most of class 2 will be at assembly on 11/27; a few from 3-4. Check on subs: 2/7, 2/8, 2/28, 3/1, 4/22. RS dr. appts for 2/7 - March? April? Jan? Still need to set up with gastro. Check with Powell. Check with D about conference. FIND PRINTOUT. Print scholarly articles and put in binder.
    3. Class 2-3: Machiavelli analysis & Slide file. No reflection. Check on late work. Remind: All late work by 11/30.
    4. Class 4: Wes Moore ch 8. No reflection. Find Works Cited for dads article; move article review / comparison to Monday after break. THEY NEED HELP. SCAFFOLD. 4th needs practice with quoting & paraphrasing sources, identifying claims that would need support, use of last names for reference, and capitalization practice (common/proper nouns, titles).
    5. Review assessments. What is my purpose for each unit? What should the controlling ideas be in a study of world literature? Review world lit options. Write reflection essay. BE SURE YOU HAVE CORDS. TAKE ALL GRADING.
    6. Update class websites! WRITE A DOGGONE POST. Plan article on building up to public speaking for EJ.
    7. Get flu shot. Shrimp bowls for dinner. Prep cheese.
    8. Prep Sat lunch/dinner. Chop celery. Meds. Floss, rinse, brush teeth. In bed by 8:45; devices off by 9:00.

    Scale goals
    End of 2017: 174.6
    February 2018: 173.6
    March 2018: 179.6
    July 2018: 189.6
    August 2018: 187.4
    September: 186.4
    October: 185.4
    Today: 188.2

    Upcoming to-do:
    1. Develop 5PE mini-unit. Use after JC as a sponge; combine with challenge books. Maybe a comparison with another required text? Have students ask a parent or teacher what the most significant text they studied was, and then create a comparison between their challenge book and that text - which has more value and why? Possibly do the one-sheet as an assessment. Working on this with The Prince!
    2. Write next blog post. Comment on 3 posts each week -Tu Th Sun?
    3. Keep track of medical stuffs. Dentist? Also Feb 7 9:30 w Ac Int. Sub already set up. Apr 22 McC. Need sub. Call to set up checkups with Dass (October). GET MAGAZINES FOR COLLAGES FROM DOCTORS.
    4. Gifts for dad and DH - look for licorice puffs, cookbook.
    5. Check on conference; follow up on seminar proposal. Do research on characteristics: curiosity, persistence, resilience, creativity, responsibility, optimism, courage, integrity, authenticity, leadership, self-awareness, humility, compassion - others? Can poetry unit be condensed?
    6. Go to used bookstore and look for Beauty (McKinley), Design for How People Learn (Julie Dirksen), Dying for a Paycheck (Robin Hardman) and The Prince (tr. Tim Parks).
    7. Create poetry project using Those Winter Sundays, Sonnet 18, and Sonnet 30.
    8. Go to Mac store and see if they can retrieve the files off the iMac.
    9. Make plan for classroom observations; ask other teachers about projects or lessons they feel confident about.
    10. Create vocabulary lists for each unit that come from the texts used. Find a way to incorporate changing words from one part of speech to another. Students need to know how to review multiple sources and synthesize information in order to draw a conclusion.
    11. Design minibuttons with school logo, mascot, crest. Minibuttons that say THIS IS WHAT ANTIFASCISM LOOKS LIKE. White text on black bars on red background.

    Update: Went to the Walmart near the school where I teach. THEY HAD FROZEN SPINACH! So the next step is to stop by the ones near my house again. Maybe it was just a strange, long-running coincidence of some sort. I will get to the bottom of this!
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    @mytime6630 - Still working on the spinach. Went grocery shopping last night, but there's a new Publix, so we went there instead of to Walmart. There's one on the way home from school and I'm going to stop there today. We'll see if it follows the same pattern... hahaha!

    Ha! Hopefully they don't just SAY they have it like Walmart, and then you get there and there's an empty spot with a tag where it should be again! You'll have to find a THIRD store and then a FOURTH, and eventually they will all put your picture up in their employee breakrooms to warn their staff to watch out for the "Angry Spinach Lady"... :mrgreen:

    Good luck!

    Well, see, Publix had it! There's this major road that has a lot of businesses on about a three-ish mile stretch, and there are like half a dozen grocery stores among them. Aldi has the best prices but limited selection, so we go there first, and then after that to Walmart, which has not quite as good prices but much better selection. Or at least it DID. Frozen spinach is a staple for me, and Aldi doesn't carry it at ALL, so when it went missing from the Walmart we usually go to at first I was like "no biggie, I still have some, I'm just getting a little low" so we didn't get it, and then the NEXT trip I was out, so when they didn't have it again, I really noticed. That's when we went to the OTHER Walmart (there's a Super and a Neighborhood within a mile of each other) and found out that they didn't have it either! So we made a fourth stop just so I could have my frozen spinach (my husband is wonderfully patient) and I decided I was going to figure things out.

    Thus began the Mystery of the Missing Spinach!
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,605 Member
    Recap R 11/15
    1) Walked dog before work / 3.64 mi 1:05:19 / stretched = happy dog :smiley: & happy me :smiley:
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work = Fitbit 16,043 steps, 250+ steps 13/14 (webinar) & 62 floors :smiley:
    3) Nov. challenge ~ 5 somethings every bathroom trip = Yes! :smiley:
    4) Meals & snacks prelogged / stick w/ plan / NO snacking after supper / net calories green = Stuck w/ plan & even had room for peanut snack while watching game. Net calories green 18 :smiley: , sodium -618 :/ , sugar green :smiley: , fiber & protein ok & 14c water :smile:
    5) Evening: choir 6:30 :smiley: / multi-task while watching Packers game :smiley: did all the plant stuff during game / move planters :smiley: / water house plants :smiley: / other? :smiley: pruned plants, charged LED vest & dog collar, decluttered a little
    6) Floss :s / retainers :s / set alarm for 6:00, bed & TV off w/i 30 min. of end of game :smiley: 10:45 (x-train before work F)

    JFT 11/16 TGIF!!!
    1) Before work did home version of weights / circuit-training ~ I want to get stronger! :D Need to have hubby refresh my memory on some of the weight machine functions
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work
    3) Nov. challenge ~ 5 somethings
    4) Meals & snacks are in my head / prelog / net calories green / 12c water
    5) Prep clothes/personal items for Sat.
    6) UNPLUG 8:00 / floss / retainers / set alarm, bed & TV off 9:30

    Sat. is the city's annual Holiday (Christmas) Parade. I am one of the volunteers for staging; I have been doing this since 1991! :mrgreen: We line up the floats and other units in order block by block before the parade. This parade has 5 stages, or about 90 units, and bands and giant balloons feed in from other side streets. Stagers meet at 7 a.m. to get our assignments, clip boards, signs, walkie talkies, etc. then we go out and direct people, walk, stand (& sometimes run) until the parade starts at 10 a.m.

    It's always a challenge to get people to their assigned spot when they know nothing about their unit or stage number. Sometimes the weather cooperates, sometimes it doesn't. This year is looking ok: lows around 27-28 and light snow overnight, only an inch or so. Not bad at all; rain is the worst, followed by wind. I always make sure my stage gets to the start in correct order, then wave at each unit & wish everyone a fun parade as they go off. Then it's walk back to our meeting spot at an inn for lunch with bloody Marys & beer chasers ~ it's tradition!

    This year I want to track how many steps I take during staging, so if I can remember, I'll write down my current step count on Fitbit at the start and finish. I'd like to use MapMyWalk but would probably drain my phone battery. I'm taking the day off from logging food / exercise, since it would be a total guess, and I just don't want to bother!
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    JFT Thursday
    1. Log all food :)
    2. Three waters x 2 :)
    3. 10 Lunges/bathroom trip :)
    4. LAUNDRY :)
    5. Follow up on stove parts :)
    6. Follow up on wood deliveryc :)
    7. Cook dinner at home :)
    8. Eat packed lunch. :)

    A good day! I resisted evening snacking urges. Working from home today. Cleaned up the snow and made pancakes and got a few hours of work in. Stopping for a break and check in

    Jft Friday
    1. No more coffee
    2. Drink 1 water per hour
    3. Stick to prelogged menu - eat the lunch planned before starting soup so i dont overeat soup.
    4. Be kind - communicate clearly
    5. Finish invoices
    6. 10 minutes meditation/core work
    7. Load of laundry

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    @mytime6630 - Still working on the spinach. Went grocery shopping last night, but there's a new Publix, so we went there instead of to Walmart. There's one on the way home from school and I'm going to stop there today. We'll see if it follows the same pattern... hahaha!

    Ha! Hopefully they don't just SAY they have it like Walmart, and then you get there and there's an empty spot with a tag where it should be again! You'll have to find a THIRD store and then a FOURTH, and eventually they will all put your picture up in their employee breakrooms to warn their staff to watch out for the "Angry Spinach Lady"... :mrgreen:

    Good luck!

    Well, see, Publix had it! There's this major road that has a lot of businesses on about a three-ish mile stretch, and there are like half a dozen grocery stores among them. Aldi has the best prices but limited selection, so we go there first, and then after that to Walmart, which has not quite as good prices but much better selection. Or at least it DID. Frozen spinach is a staple for me, and Aldi doesn't carry it at ALL, so when it went missing from the Walmart we usually go to at first I was like "no biggie, I still have some, I'm just getting a little low" so we didn't get it, and then the NEXT trip I was out, so when they didn't have it again, I really noticed. That's when we went to the OTHER Walmart (there's a Super and a Neighborhood within a mile of each other) and found out that they didn't have it either! So we made a fourth stop just so I could have my frozen spinach (my husband is wonderfully patient) and I decided I was going to figure things out.

    Thus began the Mystery of the Missing Spinach!

    The Mystery of the Missing Spinach has had me giggling for days! I've been following it closely, you know... Reading this latest chapter has me chuckling again! Having to go to more than one store to look for my staples irritates the heck out of me, so I felt your pain! I do the same thing with Aldi's and Woodman's. Get what I can at Aldi's and pick up the rest at Woodman's. If I can't find what I want at those two stores and I have to add a third? Oh my gosh, look out...Tornado Tracie's coming to town...

    Oh....and no pressure, but now I'm watching to see when you WRITE A DOGGONE POST! :mrgreen:

    Have a GREAT day! xoxo
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    @cschmitz110515 Have fun at the parade tomorrow! I've never been to it. I mean to every year and then never get my butt moving in time. So, this year I am going to try, try again! I was offered VIP tickets to sit in the bleachers but thought someone with little ones should use them. I'll have to look it up to see the route so I have some idea of where to go watch! :smile:

    @Bex953172 You sure are kicking some butt! YOU GO GIRL!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    mytime6630 wrote: »
    I really really want one of the sugar free klondike bars in the freezer!! But I am going to CHOOSE not to, because I know if I eat one, I'll eat 2, then more....

    So my choice tonite.... OK guys, hold me to this!!!

    Go grab that Klondike bar, snap it half and stamp on it and say F**k YOUUU whilst giving it the middle finger! :lol:
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Just for Thursday
    1. Journal every bite :)I journaled, but sure didn't stay in the green. Husband took me to Kroll's last night and they have the best butter burgers ever. MMMmmm. Didn't turn it down.
    2. Red glass / 5 somethings :);)I drank water but only did two sets of 5-somethings.
    3. Walk :(Nope. See above. Honey took me to dinner and when I got home I wasn't moving...
    4. Body :( / Mind :)Half Size Me podcast/ Spirit :)Spiritual podcasts
    5. Beck's Diet Solution - Chapter 5 :)Read the next chapter too, for DAY 1. Today I will be making my Advantages cards.
    6. Be unplugged before Packer game tonight, and be prepped for tomorrow too, so I can sit and watch without distraction :)I watched the whole game unplugged, although I almost cried when they lost. Was a really good game that they blew in the last minutes.
    7. Serenity Prayer - say it, remember it and try to live it. Accept or Change...and know the difference! :)Said it, repeated it, trying to remember it...
    8. Be patient try to turn negatives to positives - try to remember I choose my reactions, so I need to own them! :#I did it on the outside....but not on the inside. On the inside I was steaming. Practice makes perfect though, right?
    9. Gratitude Journal :) / Dodie O. & Joyce podcast :) / Simple Abundance :) / read something for fun :)

    Happy Friday! It's like a holiday here in Wisconsin today...I always get that feeling the day before deer camp. I used to go with the boys to deer camp and hunted with them, but now I stay behind. It was always such an exciting time of year....all the bright orange suits hanging outside "airing out", etc. I loved sitting at camp at night, joking and teasing, having a few beers. It was a blast!! Now I'm older and have found I love staying home and being warm even more! HAHAHA! Well, I'm not alone, but it feels like it since I can pretty much do whatever I want including watching what I want on TV and eating whatever I want for dinner! I simply cannot wait to leave work today and start the weekend!

    Just for Friday
    1. Make mindful food choices and journal every bite
    2. Red Glass / 5 somethings
    3. Meal plan for myself while DH is hunting
    4. Write out my Advantages Response Cards for Beck's Diet Solution
    5. Read Day 2 of Beck's Diet Solution
    6. Pre-plan and pre-log my food for tomorrow
    7. Run to JoAnn's Fabrics and pick up the items I need
    8. Run to Aldi's for Butterball turkey if still on sale
    9. Walk Maddie tonight after work
    10. Relax tonight and go to bed early so I can get early start on my day tomorrow
    11. Gratitude Journal / Dodie or Joyce / Simple Abundance / Read new mystery novel until lights out
    Have a great Friday everyone! I'll try to pop back on later!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    Just for Thursday
    1. Journal every bite :)I journaled, but sure didn't stay in the green. Husband took me to Kroll's last night and they have the best butter burgers ever. MMMmmm. Didn't turn it down.
    2. Red glass / 5 somethings :);)I drank water but only did two sets of 5-somethings.
    3. Walk :(Nope. See above. Honey took me to dinner and when I got home I wasn't moving...
    4. Body :( / Mind :)Half Size Me podcast/ Spirit :)Spiritual podcasts
    5. Beck's Diet Solution - Chapter 5 :)Read the next chapter too, for DAY 1. Today I will be making my Advantages cards.
    6. Be unplugged before Packer game tonight, and be prepped for tomorrow too, so I can sit and watch without distraction :)I watched the whole game unplugged, although I almost cried when they lost. Was a really good game that they blew in the last minutes.
    7. Serenity Prayer - say it, remember it and try to live it. Accept or Change...and know the difference! :)Said it, repeated it, trying to remember it...
    8. Be patient try to turn negatives to positives - try to remember I choose my reactions, so I need to own them! :#I did it on the outside....but not on the inside. On the inside I was steaming. Practice makes perfect though, right?
    9. Gratitude Journal :) / Dodie O. & Joyce podcast :) / Simple Abundance :) / read something for fun :)

    Happy Friday! It's like a holiday here in Wisconsin today...I always get that feeling the day before deer camp. I used to go with the boys to deer camp and hunted with them, but now I stay behind. It was always such an exciting time of year....all the bright orange suits hanging outside "airing out", etc. I loved sitting at camp at night, joking and teasing, having a few beers. It was a blast!! Now I'm older and have found I love staying home and being warm even more! HAHAHA! Well, I'm not alone, but it feels like it since I can pretty much do whatever I want including watching what I want on TV and eating whatever I want for dinner! I simply cannot wait to leave work today and start the weekend!

    Just for Friday
    1. Make mindful food choices and journal every bite
    2. Red Glass / 5 somethings
    3. Meal plan for myself while DH is hunting
    4. Write out my Advantages Response Cards for Beck's Diet Solution
    5. Read Day 2 of Beck's Diet Solution
    6. Pre-plan and pre-log my food for tomorrow
    7. Run to JoAnn's Fabrics and pick up the items I need
    8. Run to Aldi's for Butterball turkey if still on sale
    9. Walk Maddie tonight after work
    10. Relax tonight and go to bed early so I can get early start on my day tomorrow
    11. Gratitude Journal / Dodie or Joyce / Simple Abundance / Read new mystery novel until lights out
    Have a great Friday everyone! I'll try to pop back on later!

    Hows the quilt coming on :)
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    JFT Friday!
    - 8 glasses of water ✔️ I will take my bottle to bed and when I've had that then I've had 8.
    - Be in the green✔️
    - Exercise✔️ about to do now!
    - Tidy the house (again)😐 kind of, it's mot elike a never ending mess so it's just better than it was.
    - Put the damn laundry away!🤔.. I moved the two mountain piles from the bottom of the stairs to the top.. And there's still some in the dryer, some in the washer and another load to go on! Send Help!
    - clean out rabbit✔️
    - November Challenge✔️ didn't do 5 things but just going to do a 1 min plank.

  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    @mytime6630 - Still working on the spinach. Went grocery shopping last night, but there's a new Publix, so we went there instead of to Walmart. There's one on the way home from school and I'm going to stop there today. We'll see if it follows the same pattern... hahaha!

    Ha! Hopefully they don't just SAY they have it like Walmart, and then you get there and there's an empty spot with a tag where it should be again! You'll have to find a THIRD store and then a FOURTH, and eventually they will all put your picture up in their employee breakrooms to warn their staff to watch out for the "Angry Spinach Lady"... :mrgreen:

    Good luck!

    Well, see, Publix had it! There's this major road that has a lot of businesses on about a three-ish mile stretch, and there are like half a dozen grocery stores among them. Aldi has the best prices but limited selection, so we go there first, and then after that to Walmart, which has not quite as good prices but much better selection. Or at least it DID. Frozen spinach is a staple for me, and Aldi doesn't carry it at ALL, so when it went missing from the Walmart we usually go to at first I was like "no biggie, I still have some, I'm just getting a little low" so we didn't get it, and then the NEXT trip I was out, so when they didn't have it again, I really noticed. That's when we went to the OTHER Walmart (there's a Super and a Neighborhood within a mile of each other) and found out that they didn't have it either! So we made a fourth stop just so I could have my frozen spinach (my husband is wonderfully patient) and I decided I was going to figure things out.

    Thus began the Mystery of the Missing Spinach!

    The Mystery of the Missing Spinach has had me giggling for days! I've been following it closely, you know... Reading this latest chapter has me chuckling again! Having to go to more than one store to look for my staples irritates the heck out of me, so I felt your pain! I do the same thing with Aldi's and Woodman's. Get what I can at Aldi's and pick up the rest at Woodman's. If I can't find what I want at those two stores and I have to add a third? Oh my gosh, look out...Tornado Tracie's coming to town...

    Oh....and no pressure, but now I'm watching to see when you WRITE A DOGGONE POST! :mrgreen:

    Have a GREAT day! xoxo

    *laugh* Thank you so much! Who knows, maybe a little pressure would get me to write! But I get home and I have to work on my essays and such for my masters class and I just don't want to do MORE writing :P
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    JFT Friday!
    - 8 glasses of water ✔️ I will take my bottle to bed and when I've had that then I've had 8.
    - Be in the green✔️
    - Exercise✔️ about to do now!
    - Tidy the house (again)😐 kind of, it's mot elike a never ending mess so it's just better than it was.
    - Put the damn laundry away!🤔.. I moved the two mountain piles from the bottom of the stairs to the top.. And there's still some in the dryer, some in the washer and another load to go on! Send Help!
    - clean out rabbit✔️
    - November Challenge✔️ didn't do 5 things but just going to do a 1 min plank.

    18 mins in to my 35 minute video Casey started screaming at the top of her lungs. She's not settled unless she's sat with me..
    So now I've just got to sit until she falls asleep..
    So a little naffed at that but she can't help it I guess. But now I'm too tired to do the plank and I'll probably only get 6 waters in now.

    But overall still a good day!