

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,758 Member
    Viv~ my DFIL has had a couple of UTI and with him having Dementia it just compounds things, much more confused and with that sometimes very angry...
    Nov 20th~ who in my life I am grateful for.... 1st the Good Lord for guiding me where I need to go.. My wonderful brother whom I love with all my heart,My kids and granddaughter so blessed that they are all healthy. Of course my dear Alfie .. even though he can be a pain sometimes.I love him dearly and he is my snuggle bug.. and lastly my dear friends,I have been blessed with some you would call salt of the earth and who could forget all you wonderful sisters... I am truly blessed...
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,300 Member
    Machka - one of the things I love about Brighton and Hove is that it is such an active living city. Buses galore, cycle lanes galore and you can walk your feet off everywhere. The bus stops all have real time information. :D I loved Scandinavia for the same reasons. Even old people cycled everywhere. Tonight we will be walking to our posh gastropub for our anniversary dinner. 16 mins each way, but it all adds up. When we lived in the countryside you had to go out "for a walk" , or for a run. You had to get in the car for anything else. I hated that. Here you can just walk out of the door to live your daily life. We might spend the afternoon trawling round the North Laines looking for a vintage hallstand. It has turned really cold here, so we might just carry on opening boxes. :o

    Much love to all. Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,048 Member
    Machka - one of the things I love about Brighton and Hove is that it is such an active living city. Buses galore, cycle lanes galore and you can walk your feet off everywhere. The bus stops all have real time information. :D I loved Scandinavia for the same reasons. Even old people cycled everywhere. Tonight we will be walking to our posh gastropub for our anniversary dinner. 16 mins each way, but it all adds up. When we lived in the countryside you had to go out "for a walk" , or for a run. You had to get in the car for anything else. I hated that. Here you can just walk out of the door to live your daily life. We might spend the afternoon trawling round the North Laines looking for a vintage hallstand. It has turned really cold here, so we might just carry on opening boxes. :o

    Much love to all. Heather UK xxxxxxx

    We lived in a town in Victoria (state in Australia) that was like that. I could walk to work, groceries, library, church, doctor, or whatever I wanted. And if we wanted to go further afield, we could cycle.

    We'd drive into one of the cities (about 75 km away) about every 6 weeks to shop etc. but otherwise, everything we wanted was right there.

    We do miss that town very much, but unfortunately there isn't much in the way of work there.

    M in Oz
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited November 2018
    Penny—I love the art pieces! It sounds like you need some indoor spaces where you can walk. I don't know what I'd do if I had to walk through the cold and slush to get to choir.
    Cari - If push comes to shove, I can walk at home. From the far end of the kitchen, through the living room, up the stairs to the window in the office and back is 100 steps. To achieve my daily step goal, all need to do is repeat that 100 times. :laugh:

    I admit that getting out is a struggle sometimes, but with age it's becoming increasingly clearer that it's use it or lose it! Often I channel Barbie and tell myself to "take every opportunity to be active".

    Today I got my hair cut for the first time in over year. After biting the bullet and spending all that money, I rewarded myself by buying two long-sleeved jogging shirts in merino wool. (More $$$ out the window ;)) I also looked at a powerful headlamp for jogging in the dark. The salesperson let me not only try it on, but also go outdoors with it to test it in real darkness. It was great, but it cost about $270 so I'll make do with my old wimpy one.

    The charge indicator on my Garmin device is down to the very last pixel, but I've kept my step streak alive (HOORAY! 146 days in a row now!) and my husband will arrive with the charge cord in about half an hour. I'm going to change to jogging gear and head down to his office. I'll charge the device for a few minutes, then get out and make up for what I didn't do yesterday. Hmmm... Cold (-10C = 13F) and rather windy. I'll wear an extra scarf.

    Today's gratitude:

    20. Person - Hands down it's my husband I appreciate most. Such a steady, reliable, patient person. :heart: :heart: He's a grown-up in a world where more and more people are getting childish. t2409.gif
    /Penny, putting on her Icebugs at the t07190.gif

    PS: Karen - That jacaranda in blossom is gorgeous! Your daughter's photo is a bit like the CF Hill painting of the blooming apple tree, except in lavender.
    PPS: Machka - My town is also like that. Essentially everything is within walking distance, even the airport, if you're armed against polar bears (or unarmed and foolhardy). Heather knows that very well, having been dragged all around town 2½ years ago. Yes, time DOES fly, Heather. Sometimes when I'm out walking I muse about your transformed jogging self and wonder if we might tackle one of the mountains next time you're here. B)
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,831 Member
    I forgot today's gratitude! #20 Who am I grateful for today? Well, the obvious is my husband/children, but I peeked ahead and there is a gratitude asking which family member are you most grateful for; SO I am grateful for all of the children who have entered my life. They keep me moving and keep my mind active. I consider them a big part of my health and well being.
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Machka - nothing like a brain cyst to add to your stress! Hope all resolves well on that one... and if anyone ever truly deserved to be stressed out, my dear, it's you. Such a tough year... hope 2019 is kinder to you and your husband.

    Okey-dokey, done my research, and came up with five foundations/corporations that would be a good fit, and haven't shown up on the donor's list in recent years. Will have that in my pocket, along with all of y'all...

    Lisa in AR
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,767 Member
    20 Who in my life am I grateful for ... God, husband, children, family ... in that order
  • cariwaldick
    cariwaldick Posts: 189 Member
    Lisa in AR--I don't know about math, but I was born on the 12th. My favorite math teacher said I was good at the hard problems, but missed the simple stuff.

    Good luck with your interview!! Ugh! No time for flooding, with all the worry on your plate now.
  • PressingPatience
    PressingPatience Posts: 49 Member
    edited November 2018
    Michelle- I am hourly and Mary is a bully she texted me the day before and said she was taking a vacation day and that I could come in at 8 ,not 7:15,not 7:30 not 7:45..so I was not going to listen and go in for 7:30 but there she was parked in the parking lot with her car facing out watching to see if I showed up early which I did,so I kept on driving and came back around at 7:45 and she was still there..She IS NOT the office manager but likes to push me around .that was a little over the top and she will be spoken to..she I am sure will make an excuse as to why she was there ,she did print out her time card and put a note on it for OM..but to blazingly just sit and watch so that you can bully someone that time in the morning..she is cooking her own goose..
    I am working 9-6 today...

    I'm sorry I don't know your name...

    This... this here is why I worked temp for twenty some odd years. Because I cannot deal with office politics. My miswired brain simply can't deal with this kind of petty BS. I have bipolar -- it manifested when I was around 15, I think -- and shenanigans like this are one sure-fired way to send me straight into mania. And not the Utopian kind where everything is great and I love the world. Nope, the ragey kind where I want to punch holes in the wall and scream at people... Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. I've rage-quit more than one job because of other people's pettiness and my inability to deal with it. Working as a temp was perfect for me because I could just say, "It doesn't matter, I'm only here for a few days/weeks/months. I can ignore them."

    I honestly admire you because you handled it way better than I ever would have. I hope your office manager does their job, and your coworker gets the discipline she deserves for her pettiness and she stops being so stupid, because what your coworker is doing is stupid, and it's creating a hostile workplace.

    Willow in WA USA (I keep forgetting this)

  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,511 Member
    Barbie I envy you your turkey roasting skill. Tried for decades, never got it right, scary pink or dried out and stringy. Then 2 years ago I got a frozen bone-in breast. Ta DAAA! Just right!!! And again last year. Fingers X'd for this year... and yes I took it out of the freezer early this morning ;} Thanks again!
    Katla which plan is your Medicare supplemental? Advantage, A, B, C, D, F, G, K etc? Ours is high deductible Plan F from Thrivent. Means we pay deductible up to $2300 ea, then the insurance covers it. Premiums less that $100/month each.
    Willow Brava for going out and running errands. Remember how very hard that was for my BFF. Bravissima!
    Lisa I so admire your home improvement (as well as all your other) skills. Would love to learn how to add trim, especially baseboards... but not sure I could either measure/cut accurately enough, nail in or endure the time on my knees... Great research, you ARE prepared!
    Viv what allie said about UTI. So glad you got your Dad to the hospital.
    allie there should be no room in the workplace for bullying. Mary is way out of line.

    Washing machine repair guy should be here between 9:30 and 10: so gotta scoot and clear out the laundry area. Decluttering at the speed of deadlines ;)

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD.
    walk one more step 15/19, 60 g protein 15/19, rx/vits 15.5/19, meditate 16/19, knee exercises 17/19, SWSY UP 4/8, SWSY LOW 3/8, core 4/8, play with Tumble 8/19, hang up or purge art 0/4 AF 14/19.
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,644 Member
    Hi Gals,

    KatieBug – those are the type of problems that suck you dry--- hang in there!

    Allie – it’s about time that the true nature of some of these folks comes into the light… But also thought what a dead life Mary must have to spend part of a vacation day sitting in a parking lot watching to see if someone comes into work early…. When I think of how much as a manager I would like an employee to come in EARLY – as the usual problem is late! Vacation days are not for sitting in parking lots – they are for fancy coffee, friends, adventures, or doing something for you –

    Lisa – Interview prep! Thinking of you!

    November Gratitude’s
    1. Smell = clean dog
    2. Technology = smart phone
    3. Color = sunrise
    4. Food = herbal tea
    5. Sound = silence, but heard the coyotes talking, and loved hearing them
    6. Nature = the waves
    7. Memories = I think one of my favorite memories, is a conglomerate of memories – in the summer when I was a kid – Dad and I would go out to the grass to “pull weeds” we would pull a few, but really we would look at the clouds and point out the things we saw, or make up stories about were the airplanes were going overhead, who was in them… We were not in a flight path but way way high you would see a plane occasionally. And sometimes a small plane those were even more fun to make up stories about.
    8. Book – oh so many I love – but the harry potter series as my god-son and I got them together and read them and talked about them almost every night
    9. Place – I think the Grand Canyon – I did a 10 day rafting trip down the river for my 50th birthday and it was a life changing event and helped me grow and believe in myself enough to face coming home and being laid off 10 days later.
    10. Taste – sweet or salty – for me it is always sweet! But favorite taste is my mom’s marinara sauce with meatballs, it cooks all day, and I could smell it from the corner of our street and knew one of my favorite dinners was that night
    11. Holiday – tough one, I have a love of Christmas but it is also the day I was beaten by my domestic abuser so it has mixed memories…
    12. Texture – I love cashmere
    13. Abilities – I’m very thankful for my abilities – I think the one that comes to mind right now is planning, I can look ahead and figure out how to plan out things that need to be done to make the most of the time and money available.
    14. Sight- my god daughter smiling at me…
    15. Season- I love them all – it’s winter so it is my favorite right now.
    16. Body – I have great thick hair with very little “grey” and actually the “grey” is mostly white, my paternal grandma had beautiful white hair… here’s hoping
    17. Knowledge - I think the knowledge that I am in charge of setting boundaries to keep me physically and mentally safe, and how to do it…. I don’t always remember to do it, but I do know how.
    18. Art – I have always loved Monet, I read somewhere that he was very nearsighted and his soft focus style was because he painted what he saw – and if that is true it makes complete sense to me as without my glasses my world is the world of Monet. My favorite of his is Water Lilies – probably because when I was in England it was at the National Gallery in London. I spent a lot of time there and always started and ended my visit with 5-10 minutes in front of that picture. I would sit in a slightly different place and just look at it – I never tired of it and it always had just a bit of a different look.
    19. Touch – So Ok I know I spoil Levi, but yes my 55lb dog sleeps with me – so the touch is Levi always in the morning, but sometimes in the night if he is really cold or I have a bad dream, he’ll reach over and set his paw on my shoulder or give my cheek this little gentle kiss….
    20. Person in your life – I’m going to say my best girl friend Lynne, we’ve been friends since college and have stayed closest friends for all this time.


    Kim from N. California
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    edited November 2018
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,788 Member
    edited November 2018
    Machka - Edmonton a few years ago made bike lanes in several areas of the city. It has caused a lot of debate and some have now been removed. The big debate issues are, they narrowed streets for vehicles to do this and then when the streets aren't cleared enough of snow there is barely room for two cars to pass. It was very ill designed. Where they left room on the streets, the drivers tried to use it as a driving lane too. You can imagine how all of the trucks in Edmonton have dealt with this. I think it is a great idea, they just didn't do it well.

    Michelle - I can't imagine the pain of not hearing from your son. When we moved out here to Alberta my husband has had no interest in going "home". He never calls and I don't know if he actually knows his parents number. I call every couple of weeks though. As far as he is concerned our girls and myself are his family. It's a weird way of looking at life for sure. My husband has not spoken to his Father in over two years now due to a comment his Father made. His Father refuses to admit he did anything wrong and won't apologize. I have continued on talking as if nothing is wrong, although one time our niece questioned me as to why hubby wasn't speaking and why I hadn't forced him to??? I, not so calmly, explained that I was his wife not his mother and I couldn't make him do anything. No one has asked me about it since. I have mentioned to my husband that his Father is not getting younger and he should maybe try to mend the fence as I don't know how this will affect him long term if something happens to him.

    I am way behind on the Gratitude Calendar, but thought I would catch up.
    10 - Taste - My grandmother's sugar cookies. She has been gone for years, but my daughter makes a really good batch of them at Christmas time
    11 - Holiday - Hands down it has to be Christmas because stores are closed and it is so peaceful and quiet
    12 - Texture - This has to be the new fluffy blankets that you can buy
    13 - Abilities - The ability to read because I can learn
    14 - Sight - The sight of the property I grew up on. I always feel so relaxed when driving in the driveway. The house is gone now but the sight is still there. This is not the picture I was looking for, but my FB isn't working. The trees to the far left in this picture I watched being planted when I was about 12 years old. The house is my parents house that was torn down this summer.8vqho2vidwcc.jpg

    15 - Season - Fall but a true East Coast fall with all of the maple trees. Alberta just doesn't compare
    16 - Body - My eyes, I am almost legally blind in one eye so am very grateful that I have sight
    17 - Knowledge -
    18 - Art - I am not a famous artist person, I think my most favourite piece of art is a replica of my school that my Mom bought me
    19 - Touch - The feel of my husband's skin when he is freshly shaved
    20 - Who - This one is too difficult to answer for me, I am so grateful for so many people. I will say God

    Tracey in Edmonton