

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,592 Member
    Afternoon all< sorry my life has been weird and crazy. We were off on Monday at the office, and our staff meeting was pushed to Thursday, which meant all things I normally do on Tues/Wed had to all get done on Thursday. I mostly vegged yesterday. I really just need some down time. I am still in my pj's today. It feels like a cold is trying to attack my body and I am putting up the not here, not today, not ever sign...LOL I am still trying to find the right plan for me...I have noticed no sugar, tummy not bloated, it doesn't matter what I eat and when I eat if I don't eat sugary foods...I "feel" you would think I would get it..but that sweet tooth..just is so LOUD and annoying..

    @TrishasTime I had to laugh when Trooworld said hope the paint fumes aren't getting to you..I would say yes fume me...I need a mindless day. LOL Glad your office will be nice and "new" when the painting is done.

    @trooworld DON'T send your rain here...LOL I always get you leftovers. I am so cold, rain would just make me colder and I would want to eat all the hot food possible.

    @TeresaW1020 I am here...thank you for wondering...I like the idea of teaching what the pastor teaches..but I swear I would be planning the lesson on Sunday. LOL My DH is a pre-planner...He annoys me because he is way ahead..I don't believe or like waiting until the last minute, but needed. LOL

    @krupalip I am getting ratio of exercise has got to improve.

    Okay gals, I have to run..

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,069 Member
    @cbabie Did I miss something? Are you working again??? :D I woke up with a semi-sore throat, I hope I'm not coming down with something either. Listen to your body, cbabie. No, it wasn't me that said I would send the rain, I WANT the rain! We are drier than dry is a desert here man, we need the rain.

    @theslightedgeforever thanks for the highlights. I hope you are well.

    Hi all. Today is the last semi-normal day of eating (no veggies or fruits today). Tomorrow is all liquid + jello. I pity my coworkers tomorrow! And my dear husband. ;) I've never gone more than 13 hours without food. This will be interesting.
  • krupalip
    krupalip Posts: 62 Member
    Hey everyone,
    Monday morning blues hitting me for sure
    @trooworld how are you doing, hope that sore throat clears up soon, remember the end goal for your fasting, I am sure you will be able to conquer this hurdle, keep busy, that will do the trick.
    Your Christmas village sounds fun, please post pics

    @theslightedgeforever want to get my hands on the book you’re reading, it has got such an apt name, I always have wanted to write a blog on my weight loss journey but can never find the time

    @cbabie hang in there, I am sure the crazy in your life will be over soon and you will get back to your routine soon

    @TrishasTime hey how are you, hope all is well

    @TeresaW1020 hope you’ve got your after dinner snacking under control, right now, though I am working out at least 4 times a week, I am in a maintenance mode, and not in a weight-loss mode, which needs to change. Just need to get back to my no carb, caloric deficit diet. God knows when I can find it in me to do that

    Anyways gotta run to the gym, cheers to all

    Love krupali
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,069 Member
    @krupalip my throat feels better today. I think it was just sore because it is so dry here. Thanks! Keeping busy sounds like a good plan. I will listen to music to distract myself. I'm sorry that you've got the Monday morning blues. I hope they go away soon.

    Hi all. I am supposed to just work today and be off the rest of the week but I may have to work half day on Weds, depending if I have enough vacation time saved (I'll have to see once I get to work today). Hopefully I can just take the whole day off. Where is everyone??? Anyway, here are a couple of pics from my Christmas Village for you to enjoy...from past years.jy5j0ele1v4r.jpg
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm just popping on for a few minutes before I have to go make dinner.

    @trooworld, LOVE your Christmas village! It's so pretty and fun. Love the blimp and all the little people. How long does it take to set it all up? Do you put up a tree too? I will have to share my pics this weekend after I get everything put up. I love decorating for Christmas!! <3 I heard rain is coming to California. I hope you get some!

    @krupalip, you will get back to where you need to be. I have faith in you!! Hey, do you have big holidays at this time of the year as we do in the states? I love this time of year but it sure seems like it's just one big obstacle course of food. I know you talked about the Festival of Lights and I Googled images of it. How beautiful!! Nothing like a ton of lights all twinkling in the dark. :)

    @cbabie, how are you feeling? I hear you about having a sweet tooth and the struggle it is to stop. I also feel much better when I don't eat too much sugar and most days, I have it under control and then there are other days. Ugghhh! :#

    So last night was the church Thanksgiving dinner and I didn't do too bad! Of course, it's easier not to make a pig of yourself when a bunch of deacons are serving the food and one is my own husband! :D:D So, I only took small spoonfuls of things I really wanted and I even practiced eating slowly. The dessert table was loaded down but I only choose two of my favorites. Pecan pie and coconut cake. Both were too sweet. My weight was up a pound this morning and I'm guzzling water and eating light today. Weigh in tomorrow!! :/ OK, I've gotta go make some yummy baked chicken and roasted broccoli. I sure won't taste like pie! :p
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,247 Member
    @trooworld now I must have missed something. Did you start a new meal plan or you are having if colonoscopy. Lol. One of the two. I love your little village. How long did it take you to collect all that. How’s your throat?

    @krupalip can you devote 15 min a day to writing your blog as a start. We think it takes so much time because we think of all the steps we have to do to have a “blog”. Break those steps down and spend 15 min a day doing one of them. First couple of steps. 1) choose name for your blog. 2) where are you going to set up this blog. Which site will you use?

    @TeresaW1020 Good for you for taking small portions at the church Thanksgiving dinner no matter the reason.

    I’m on a weight escalator going the wrong way. So I made out my new meal plan and exercise plan. I’ll roughly be following the Shred plan. This will be my 4th time. 🙄 But this time I will be tweaking it to substitute things I like to eat. While at the same time adding things I don’t usually eat but are good for me. Say a little prayer for me.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,592 Member
    Morning all, I have been up since 2 am...I can't seem to sleep anymore. I have been reading all the post and it seems to me that we are each trying to find what works for us. We think we find it then, we start looking at something else. I think we are each learning from each other and that is great! The support on here is unique and I am happy to find it here. It could be that as our bodies change we need to keep tweaking what we are doing and not accepting what worked yesterday works today...

    @trooworld I love the village, it looks like a lot of work! Now you just need the train track and train..LOL

    @TeresaW1020 Your chicken and broccoli sounded good!! One day at a time on the sugar...that's how I am retraining my brain.

    @krupalip Sorry for your Monday blues...but glad to see your consistent in the gym. I just had a friend who is a coach in shakelogy, trying to get me to sign up. She has been after me for years and now that I don't have any exercise equipment or a gym...she is still really pursuing it...keep up the good work.

    @theslightedgeforever I had to look up the Shred plan and I laughed, the first thing that came up on Amazon was dog food...I was like oh she has gone to eating dog prep, no plan, no counting...LOL I read up on it a little and yes I know the same routine and food is not good..but you know I am a creature of habit..LOL

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,069 Member
    @TeresaW1020 Thanks! It takes about 2-3 days of off and on work. Depending on where we live, we put up a tree or not. At our current apartment, we do not have the room for both a tree and the village. :( I hope we get some rain, too, it is supposed to come on Thanksgiving!

    @theslightedgeforever I am having a colonoscopy, my very first one, today at 3:40pm! New meal plan...hahahaha! It has taken about 10 years to collect about 40 buildings. My throat is better, thanks! Good luck with the Shred plan, is it just called the Shred plan? I want to look it up to see what you are in for. ;)

    @cbabie I think you are right, we are all trying to find what works for us, and I hope we all find it! lol Regarding the village...Oh we have the train track and the train, can't you see it? We have that lol. We have a mountain, some years we have a lake, we have everything lol.

    Hi all. Well the liquid diet wasn't too bad. I'm surviving. I'm not delirious...yet! Have a good day.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,247 Member
    @cbabie. I’m doing a modified Shred plan. Almost but not exactly how the book is written. I call it the Slightedge plan. The first three experiments with the plan didn’t work as written so why do I think the 4th would. So I substituted some foods I liked into the program. So here’s something to think about. You say you are a creature of habit. True we all are. But how are your current habits working for you? Are they getting you the life you want

    @trooworld How was the colonoscopy? The prep is the hard part. Before I read about your colonoscopy I was thinking about them. lol. I have a friend who has a friend that is losing weight on the keto diet. Seems like all the rage. So I looked at it and said no not that’s not for me because I couldn’t do that forever. I don’t want to lose weight. I want to change my lifestyle. The side effect of that decision will be less weight. Well that’s my goal anyway. Lol. So back to the colonoscopy, she was saying why couldn’t I just try it. I agreed to one day a week. I thought I can drink only liquids for one day before I’m having a colonoscopy surely I can follow this plan for one day. So now I’m trying to see how to incorporate it into my current Slightedge Shred Plan.

    My newest book I’m reading is You 2.0. It talks about reinventing yourself from where you are now. You know you don’t like where you currently are but can’t quite figure out how to get to where you want to be.

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,247 Member
    edited November 2018
    The hardest thing I had with this book was smoothies. So this time around I’m going to be just eating the ingredients that I normally would have put in my smoothie every other week I like texture

    Everyone have a happy Thanksgiving if I don’t get on tomorrow


  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Hi everyone

    Still here - caught cabbies computer issue - should be okay by weekend

    Catch you all

  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Good morning!

    @theslightedgeforever, I hope the new diet plan works for you! Please make sure to keep up updated. I'm always willing to tweak what I'm doing, which is pretty much maintaining at this point. :/ I like the topic of your new book. In January, I will begin a new ladies Bible study and we are going to read this book called "The me I want to be." It's sitting here on my desk but I haven't opened it yet. One of our ladies loved it and pushed for us to do it. I sure hope it gives me some new insights on how to get my act together and get this weight off.

    @TrishasTime, sorry about your computer having issues! I do hope it gets resolved soon. :)

    @cbabie, I agree that this is a great group and I also love the support and knowledge that we get from each other. :)

    I gained .4 yesterday from my church Thanksgiving dinner. But last year I gained 2.8 after the dinner, so I'm calling that a win!! B) After weigh in I went to Walmart and did my grocery and a little Christmas shopping. It was while I was in the line with over half my order already bagged up that I realized that I had forgotten to put my wallet in my purse. I was so pissed!! :s I called my husband (who doesn't do anything in a hurry) to bring me my wallet so I could pay for our stuff. I did get in some good Walmart people watching while I stood there for 20 minutes. :D:o

    I'm off to work and then I will have a lovely 4 day holiday! Stay tuned for Christmas decorating pictures. :D
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,069 Member
    @theslightedgeforever It was uneventful (thankfully). It was much easier than I anticipated, even the prep part. The keto diet...yeah, I know someone that lost a bunch of weight on that and my husband kind of wants to do it but I don't think I am interested, I'm not sure. So, you ARE trying the keto diet? Happy Thanksgiving to you as well!!! Oh, I think now that I see the cover, I've heard of this.

    @TrishasTime Hi Trish, was wondering about you!

    @TeresaW1020 .4 is nothing, that's a sneeze girl! Go to the bathroom and you'll have that off lol.

    Hi all. Well, I had a good report for my colonoscopy so I don't have to get another one for 10 more years. It really wasn't that bad, not even the prep work. I drank the liquid cold with a straw really fast and the taste didn't bother me. I wasn't as starving as I thought I would be. Now, I was glad to eat last night, that is for sure! ;) I might pop on here tomorrow or I might not, so if I don't, have a lovely Thanksgiving for those living in the U.S.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,247 Member
    @TrishasTime I hope your computer woes get fixed soon

    @TeresaW1020 we should compare notes on our books. I’m sure the truth is somewhere in the middle. 😂. Although my favorite quote just came to mind. There is no truth only perception. That weight gain is progress. It’s all the little stuff we do that will make us be successful

    @trooworld No I’m not doing the keto diet. I will do one day a week in support of my friend. It’s not sustainable for me as a lifestyle. My philosophy is lose the weight how you will maintain it. Yes. The straw is the key for the colonoscopy prep. I have to go back in 5. I had an aunt die of colon cancer.

  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving Ladies!! <3<3

    @trooworld, so glad to hear that your procedure went smoothly and that nothing was found. :)

    @theslightedgeforever, comparing notes is a great way for us to learn from each other. :)

    It is a gorgeous day and I woke up happy, rested, and ready to tackle decorating and cooking. First, I will go and have a good workout and watch the parade. My main goal for the day is to end it without regret or so full that I feel sick. The plan is to remember that there are always leftovers for tomorrow so I don't need to eat them all today! :D You all have a blessed day! <3
  • krupalip
    krupalip Posts: 62 Member
    Hey everyone, happy thanksgiving,
    Sorry haven’t contributed my 2 bits since I was down with a stomach bug and then DH had tests for his kidney stone, which hasn’t budged after so much medication he’s taking...just hoping he doesn’t have to undergo a surgery

    @trooworld how was your colonoscopy, hope it wasn’t too painful, your Christmas village was spectacular, such attention to detail, really nice, showed to my daughter and she wanted me to build for her as well for Christmas

    @TeresaW1020 hey how are you, hope you crushed your weigh-in, thank you for believing in me, I have managed to get my eating after dinner under control finally, basically too many social commitments for me to stick on the healthy eating plan, not eating junk food but normal carbs are included. And yes Diwali is a wonderful time of the year and this year we had a great time with family.

    @theslightedgeforever happy thanksgiving, I am researching websites for blogs, but there is already so much on weight loss that I fear I may sound repetitive and monotonous which I don’t want, will check out the shred plan as well

    @cbabie happy thanksgiving, hope you’re doing well, being consistent is the most difficult thing I guess, I too have battles with food not so much with exercise and my intensity at the gym has increased no doubt, which I am proud of. What is shakeology, sounds interesting

    Hope to hear from you guys soon, happy holidays
  • cmedwards52
    cmedwards52 Posts: 81 Member

    I'm BACK!! I haven't posted here for many months but I'm back now if you'll have me. I just can't seem to get motivated to get these last 20 pounds off. If I could be happy at this weight, I know I could stay here but its just a little too heavy for me. So I'm back to tracking and exercising. The exercising is going to be challenging as the rains seem to have set in again here in beautiful British Columbia. VERY mild but wet. Oh well, I do have that treadmill sitting upstairs. I guess I should dust it off, and me, and get r done. Thanks for listening. I'll keep you posted.

  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone

    Well the computer issues (home) is because my husband is painting and he started with my office - 2 weeks later it is still a shambles. I turned off my office computer in the middle of a windows update and it would not let me get back to the network and they had to take it away and reprofile it. I was using a someone who was away and did not want to put my links on it.

    What have I missed? Is everyone well?

    Will come back tomorrow

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,592 Member
    Morning all,

    I have had one of those weeks, won't go into it here, but know I didn't eat my way through it...(cried) LOL So I hope everyone's Thanksgiving was great to you and your body. I hope each of you have a blessed rest of your week.

    I have a friend who just had surgery on her foot and then this week her husband was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, yet she is still positive and has such a servants heart. They are younger than I and my DH, and it makes you think really what is life if you were in your last days would you do it different or would you do the my Dad's last days all he wanted was a Diet Coke and the hospital wouldn't let him have was awful..I gave him one after a horrible Dr appt later that month...he hadn't taken care of himself when he was younger and had many heart issues...breathing issues, etc..would he have done anything different? Knowing my Dad no...but maybe my Mom think about what you are doing for your health and your family as we are in this Thanksgiving week. I am sure we have each gotten better over our journey, but we are not where we want to be...but at least we are on the journey.

    @theslightedgeforever No I don't want to start a diet plan I can't keep...I am like you still trying to find that place I call home with my food.

    @TeresaW1020 We have so many left overs...for various reasons...and we are still eating them.LOL I have never been a parade watcher...I hope you enjoyed the parade!

    @trooworld Glad your colonoscopy came back good!! I have never had one...

    @krupalip Shakeology is a protein shake, but the program has containers that have portion control based on the food groups and exercise videos. However, it's monthly paid program and not my thing..

    @TrishasTime I hope your computer gets fixed...sounds like my life with computers..LOL Sorry your office is still is disarray...

    @cmedwards52 HELLO!! glad to have you back! You got this. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving!!

    @gemwolf110 Hope you had a great Thanksgiving..
