Beachbody Support Group 2018



  • New_Heavens_Earth
    New_Heavens_Earth Posts: 610 Member
    gam3rguy wrote: »
    Whey116 wrote: »
    gam3rguy wrote: »
    "LIIFT4: Week 8 Day 3: Shoulders/Arms – Circuit"=Done! one day left!!

    Congrats! B)

    What are your thoughts of LIIFT4 and what's next for you?

    OH! thoughts on LIIFT4?

    I liked it over all. saw progress in how much weight I could handle properly and didn't *#@% myself up trying. nobody would be able to complain about getting bored, there's a different routine each day.
    I also thought the pace of the sets/blocks...WERE cardio. I read people complain there wasn't enough cardio. CHOOSE BETTER WEIGHTS! LOL!!!
    CONS! on demand only SUCKS! you are at the mercy of your internet connection and Beachbody themselves. if they just up and decided to not offer it're BONED! no hard copy to go back to.

    So basically to get the HR up to the cardio range, lift heavier? I got that. But I'm limited in terms of grip and upper body strength as to how heavy I can lift. For example, the front loaded squats with a pair of 30 lb DBS feels easy. But I can't swing a pair of 35s or 40s up to my shoulders without injury. Bent over rows and chest presses with 25s feels easy, but my grip gives out on 30s.

    Any suggestions on how to work around that?

  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    gam3rguy wrote: »
    Whey116 wrote: »
    gam3rguy wrote: »
    "LIIFT4: Week 8 Day 3: Shoulders/Arms – Circuit"=Done! one day left!!

    Congrats! B)

    What are your thoughts of LIIFT4 and what's next for you?

    OH! thoughts on LIIFT4?

    I liked it over all. saw progress in how much weight I could handle properly and didn't *#@% myself up trying. nobody would be able to complain about getting bored, there's a different routine each day.
    I also thought the pace of the sets/blocks...WERE cardio. I read people complain there wasn't enough cardio. CHOOSE BETTER WEIGHTS! LOL!!!
    CONS! on demand only SUCKS! you are at the mercy of your internet connection and Beachbody themselves. if they just up and decided to not offer it're BONED! no hard copy to go back to.

    So basically to get the HR up to the cardio range, lift heavier? I got that. But I'm limited in terms of grip and upper body strength as to how heavy I can lift. For example, the front loaded squats with a pair of 30 lb DBS feels easy. But I can't swing a pair of 35s or 40s up to my shoulders without injury. Bent over rows and chest presses with 25s feels easy, but my grip gives out on 30s.

    Any suggestions on how to work around that?


    similar issue with grip. my hands, fingers and forarms want to give out, just hold it. it hurts...but we need better grip strength. strong upper body doesn't mean much if i can't hold on.

    also a similar situation on the front load squats. i can't curl the weight required for a leg exercise. what i did...and it took some practice. use light weight first. ok...for 45's-50's+, i'd try using momentum to swing them up then kinda half squat and catch them on my shoulders (don't hit your face! or knock yourself over). then stand up and bring the other ends together.

    for rows...have you tried straps?

    just for clarification..."better" weights doesn't nessessarily mean "heavier". that's not what i meant. a lot of the moves, if it were just that move for 3 sets...i'd go heavier. super sets and giant sets, there's no break so i picked weights that were still challenging in a back to back format. maybe i should have said pick "correct" weights that would get the job done. sorry about that. hope this helps.
  • New_Heavens_Earth
    New_Heavens_Earth Posts: 610 Member
    gam3rguy wrote: »
    gam3rguy wrote: »
    Whey116 wrote: »
    gam3rguy wrote: »
    "LIIFT4: Week 8 Day 3: Shoulders/Arms – Circuit"=Done! one day left!!

    Congrats! B)

    What are your thoughts of LIIFT4 and what's next for you?

    OH! thoughts on LIIFT4?

    I liked it over all. saw progress in how much weight I could handle properly and didn't *#@% myself up trying. nobody would be able to complain about getting bored, there's a different routine each day.
    I also thought the pace of the sets/blocks...WERE cardio. I read people complain there wasn't enough cardio. CHOOSE BETTER WEIGHTS! LOL!!!
    CONS! on demand only SUCKS! you are at the mercy of your internet connection and Beachbody themselves. if they just up and decided to not offer it're BONED! no hard copy to go back to.

    So basically to get the HR up to the cardio range, lift heavier? I got that. But I'm limited in terms of grip and upper body strength as to how heavy I can lift. For example, the front loaded squats with a pair of 30 lb DBS feels easy. But I can't swing a pair of 35s or 40s up to my shoulders without injury. Bent over rows and chest presses with 25s feels easy, but my grip gives out on 30s.

    Any suggestions on how to work around that?


    similar issue with grip. my hands, fingers and forarms want to give out, just hold it. it hurts...but we need better grip strength. strong upper body doesn't mean much if i can't hold on.

    also a similar situation on the front load squats. i can't curl the weight required for a leg exercise. what i did...and it took some practice. use light weight first. ok...for 45's-50's+, i'd try using momentum to swing them up then kinda half squat and catch them on my shoulders (don't hit your face! or knock yourself over). then stand up and bring the other ends together.

    for rows...have you tried straps?

    just for clarification..."better" weights doesn't nessessarily mean "heavier". that's not what i meant. a lot of the moves, if it were just that move for 3 sets...i'd go heavier. super sets and giant sets, there's no break so i picked weights that were still challenging in a back to back format. maybe i should have said pick "correct" weights that would get the job done. sorry about that. hope this helps.

    Very helpful! Thank you.
  • Whey125
    Whey125 Posts: 189 Member
    gam3rguy wrote: »
    Whey116 wrote: »
    gam3rguy wrote: »
    "LIIFT4: Week 8 Day 3: Shoulders/Arms – Circuit"=Done! one day left!!

    Congrats! B)

    What are your thoughts of LIIFT4 and what's next for you?

    OH! thoughts on LIIFT4?

    I liked it over all. saw progress in how much weight I could handle properly and didn't *#@% myself up trying. nobody would be able to complain about getting bored, there's a different routine each day.
    I also thought the pace of the sets/blocks...WERE cardio. I read people complain there wasn't enough cardio. CHOOSE BETTER WEIGHTS! LOL!!!
    CONS! on demand only SUCKS! you are at the mercy of your internet connection and Beachbody themselves. if they just up and decided to not offer it're BONED! no hard copy to go back to.

    Thanks. This sounds like right up my alley though I prefer DVDs. I agree you to need to pick a weight to challenge yourself; I am learning this in body beast. I may consider on demand after I complete my cycle of dvd programs. Still have a few to complete and revisit.
  • Whey125
    Whey125 Posts: 189 Member
    Week 4 Day 6 - Bulk Shoulders
    Tomorrow is rest day.
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    "P90X2: X2 Recovery + Mobility"=Done!
  • Whey125
    Whey125 Posts: 189 Member
    Body Beast Week 5 Day 1 - Bulk chest

    Have a happy and productive week all!
  • RollTideHusker
    RollTideHusker Posts: 231 Member
    I haven’t worked out much so I need to get back into it. I got Insanity for a super deal even though I’m not ready for it yet. I couldn’t pass it up, though. I’m still waiting for Max30 to be delivered. Hopefully this week 🤞🏻

    This morning I popped in the Plyometric Cardio Insanity workout to see how far I could go. I got through half of it 🙂 I knew I wasn’t starting the program so I didn’t start with the Fit Test.
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    "Body Beast: Build: Chest/Tris"=Done!
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    I haven’t worked out much so I need to get back into it. I got Insanity for a super deal even though I’m not ready for it yet. I couldn’t pass it up, though. I’m still waiting for Max30 to be delivered. Hopefully this week 🤞🏻

    This morning I popped in the Plyometric Cardio Insanity workout to see how far I could go. I got through half of it 🙂 I knew I wasn’t starting the program so I didn’t start with the Fit Test.

    even the fit test is a MONSTER! LOL!
  • sophia162
    sophia162 Posts: 115 Member
    edited November 2018
    I haven’t worked out much so I need to get back into it. I got Insanity for a super deal even though I’m not ready for it yet. I couldn’t pass it up, though. I’m still waiting for Max30 to be delivered. Hopefully this week 🤞🏻

    This morning I popped in the Plyometric Cardio Insanity workout to see how far I could go. I got through half of it 🙂 I knew I wasn’t starting the program so I didn’t start with the Fit Test.

    Mmm, I haven't been too solid with my workouts myself (recently finished 80 Days and I had a very non-fitnessy, non-MFP, yes-chocolaty, yes Netflixy week last week.)

    However, I did do Insanity back in the day and popped some workouts in recently (while finishing 80 Days). And I must say, they're not as hard as I remembered! They're super tough, sure... but they have a very extended stretch after the warm up. And lots of little breaks in between. It's only 20 minutes of work and it's not straight through.

    If you compare with T25 (which I know you've done), where there are no breaks for 25 minutes... not too shabby!

    Plus, even on top of the established rests, you can tell you're not expected to go form start to finish without extra breathers here and there, because they show the cast taking breaks the whole time. Shaun T even encourages them to do so. A couple of seconds to regroup, you know?

    Lastly: you started with the toughest one of all (IMO), haha. I know it's the first one, but Jesus, it's killer! Cardio Power & Resistance, for example, is much kinder.

    With Insanity even the warm up kicks butt, but I really think it's much more doable than people think. Especially those who have done newer workouts, with lest resting time.

    The biggest cons are the longer durations of the workouts... and there's no modifications to follow (I, luckily, never have to follow modifiers anyway), there are some moves which are pretty hard impact. If you can do them, just be sure to use correct form and it should be fine.

    I'm "getting back into it" starting today as well = )
    Luckily I woke up motivated and eager to get serious again.
    ...and I'm ignoring that my pants fit just a tad tighter, hehe, I'm keeping my head up and programming my week.

    Good luck!

    PS Never done Isanity Max 30, but it sounds super fun and super duper challenging!! Hope you like it, let us know!!
  • baleighbee
    baleighbee Posts: 27 Member
    Famof72015 wrote: »
    Can you get toned and in Shape with beach body?

    YES girlfriend you absolutely can!! I would get in with a supportive and fun accountability group for sure!

  • baleighbee
    baleighbee Posts: 27 Member
    Hello! I have been struggling to lose weight and get in shape for years! Recently I invested in Beachbody, again, and just started Day 1 of 80 Day Obsession! Excited! I need to do this and stick to it!! Anyone else doing 80DO?

    You can do it!! I finished 80 day obsession and I was so proud of myself. Reach out to your coach or find a different coach that has a private accountability group to keep you accountable and have fun with it!!

  • baleighbee
    baleighbee Posts: 27 Member
    21 day fix workout done!! I am still surprised when Autumn can kick my butt even after completing 80 day obsession!
  • Whey125
    Whey125 Posts: 189 Member
    Body beast week 5 day 2 - bulk legs done!
  • RollTideHusker
    RollTideHusker Posts: 231 Member
    gam3rguy wrote: »
    even the fit test is a MONSTER! LOL!
    LoL I’ll have to remember that!

    @sophia162 Thanks for the info! I think if I had been consistently working out, it might have been a bit “easier” 😉

    One of the additional workouts I received with it is Sweat Fest. That’s what I did today. I got through almost all of it 😃

    After doing T25, the breaks annoy me 😂 I’m sure once I start Max30, I’ll be like- Holy Crap when’s the break?

  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    "P90X3: Complex Lower" & "Insanity: The Asylum Vol 2 Ab Shredder"=Done!
  • Whey125
    Whey125 Posts: 189 Member
    3.5 km walk / jog this afternoon. My quads are stiff; maybe leg workout compounded with the walk.

    I plan to incorporate this on a weekly basis.
  • Whey125
    Whey125 Posts: 189 Member
    Body Beast Week 5 Day 3 - bulk arms. I have a love hate relationship with progressive sets :#
  • RollTideHusker
    RollTideHusker Posts: 231 Member
    Back to Beta today- Ript Circuit done!

    Keep pushing. You’ve got this! 😎