

  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Good morning! :)

    @cbabie, I'm sorry to hear what your friends are going through! How right you are that we need to live our lives as if these are our last days and do what gives us true joy. I wasted so many years!! And now my life is so full and rich that it makes me want to do even better. My sweet husband will be 76 this coming year and we both know that time is precious and that we have to make the most of every day that God gives us. :)

    @TrishasTime, hey girl! I'm glad you got your computer fixed! Painting is such a pain. I sometimes look at rooms in my house and think that it would be nice to repaint them, but then I think of all the work! :#

    @krupalip, so sorry you caught a stomach bug! Are you better now? How is your husband? I didn't crush my weigh in but I didn't do as bad as I thought I would. :)

    @gemworlf, I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! :)

    @cmedwards52, Hello!! :)

    So, Thanksgiving is over and most of the leftovers are gone! I do have some turkey left so tonight I'm making turkey Reubens on pumpernickel with roasted veggies. My weight is up much more than I would like thanks to wine, stuffing, and pie! So, I have to really buckle down this weekend in hopes to have a decent weigh in. We will see!!

    I spent the last two days decorating the house for Christmas. I really need to STOP buying stuff!! My tree is so full that I don't think there is a branch that isn't covered with something. *see pic below ;) My next project is planning a little Christmas party that I'm having on December 7th. It's for the staff and spouses and will be an appetizer party. I'm researching minute-to-win-it games. Should be fun! Any of you have a favorite appetizer that you would like to share? :)

    Here is a pic of my tree and the shelf in the dining room. I hot glued those lights to the back of the shelf!! :D:D


  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,069 Member
    @theslightedgeforever I like your philosophy and I share it. It sounds like colonoscopies are very important for your family. I hope cbabie keeps up on them, too.

    @TeresaW1020 Me too! :) Happy belated Thanksgiving! That's right, you can even freeze leftovers to have them 3 months from now. :) Your tree is BEAUTIFUL! It looks professionally done! Mine, when I do one, looks like crud lol. And I love the nook with the lights and the decor...absolutely beautiful! Well done.

    @krupalip Oh dear, I hope that the kidney stone does pass soon. No, the colonoscopy wasn't painful at all. Nothing to worry about! The Christmas Village, it really is the highlight of my Christmas season. Thank you for the Thanksgiving greetings! :D

    @cmedwards52 Hello.

    @gemwolf110 Happy Thanksgiving to you as well!

    @TrishasTime Hello and welcome back! That stinks about the computer issues.

    @cbabie I'm so sorry you had a bad week. ((( HUGS ))) sent your way, dear cbabie. That is terrible about your friend's husband. You bring up some good questions...what would I want to do if I was on my last day and could do things differently? A lot.

    Hello all. I hope those of you in the US had a good Thanksgiving. For me, food-wise, it was like any other day because I did not like the offerings. It was at my sister-in-law's house and I had one plate that was 3/4 full. I did not go back for seconds. My TRUE Thanksgiving meal will be today (How American is it to have 2 Thanksgiving dinners??? I kind of think it is very...and very gluttonous lol). We decided to have a 2nd Thanksgiving today for three reasons: 1) my friend that always comes over for Thanksgiving couldn't come to my in-law's house because she was sick and sick people can't be around my brother-in-law, 2) we wanted a Thanksgiving with OUR favorite foods. 3) the turkey was so cheap, it was only $8...why not?

    I will have to watch myself very carefully today. A lot of my Thanksgiving faves will show up at the table. I just have to remember that I can make these faves any time of year (with the exception of the cranberry compote). It's about the company, the laughter, the fun, food last. Have a good day, everyone!
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone

    I have snuck in here whilst DH is taking the dogs for a walk.

    @TeresaW2010 - Can you please come over to Aus to my house to do my tree? I started yesterday and mine looks like a mess!

    @cbabie - I am sorry you had a very bad week. It is really hard to hear such news o top of everything else that may be going on with your life. You make an interesting point - why are we not living each day to its full?

    @trooworld - Two thanksgivings?? I am sitting here trying to think of something that Aus has that is similar and nope I can not think of none.

    "theslightedgeforever - I love your favourite quote :) Here is another from the movie "Big Chill" - no one can get through a day without at least a couple of juicy rationalisations

    I am thinking of doing seafood for Christmas rather than the turkey / ham. I do adore seafood ( I know, I know - everything in moderation) If anyone has any ideas then I am all ears

    Take care

  • krupalip
    krupalip Posts: 62 Member
    Hey guys, something has gone terribly wrong with my MFP app, I can’t see the latest notifications, I think I have to reload the app on my phone, great to see everyone had a good thanksgiving
    @cbabie sorry to hear about your friends, my mum-in-law has stage 4 cancer too and she has survived for the past 4.5 years only because of her will power and determination, she is an inspiration to all of us.
    Will write more later, time to reboot the app

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,069 Member
    @TrishasTime Well...I don't think it is "normal" technically to have two Thanksgivings but it is very common for people to have a Thanksgiving at one place and go to another for a 2nd, or to have what we call a "Friendsgiving": Thanksgiving dinner with their friends. That is really what this 2nd Thanksgiving was lol. For Christmas, are you looking to do something fancy or kind of just yummy? It's summer there, right? You could grill some nice salmon steaks and roast some asparagus and have a pretty salad?

    @krupalip Sorry to hear that you've had problems with the app, I hope it helps to reboot.

    Hi all! Well, we started the turkey late yesterday and it didn't get done until about 8:30 p.m., my friend was okay with that because we were laughing and talking so no big deal. Everything was delicious. My husband cooked almost everything himself.
  • prisoner2food
    prisoner2food Posts: 81 Member
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    GM everyone

    @krupalip - Hope all goes well with your application, it is a pain when technology does not work?

    @trooworld - I am glad you had a lovely time with your friend :) They create wonderful memories.

    I am kinda disappointed with the seafood option. So many people coming do not like shellfish (prawns, crabs, lobster etc) I am going to have to rethink my options. In the meantime, they are finally getting to switch on the new WW in its entirety this week

    Hope everyone else is well

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,247 Member
    @cbabie sorry about your friend’s husband. So what were you doing when I was growing up watching the Thanksgiving Day parade. That’s the best part. Waving at Santa. I have those little containers that go with shakeology. I got them through Amazon from a friend. Go on Pinterest and search 21 Day Fix meal plans and lots of ideas. Add some smoothies and you get the plan for free. I bet YouTube even has the exercise videos

    @TeresaW1020 I love your tree and bookshelf. My mom always had a white tree with red bulbs. Blech. I think a loaded tree is awesome. I’m not really an appetizer person but try Pinterest. I use it for everything. Lol.

    @trooworld 2 Thanksgivings sound good to me. My fave holiday. I say enjoy in moderation and move on.

    @TrishasTime one good way for me not to overeat on a holiday is to be served seafood 😂 only seafood I like is batter fried fish. That probably doesn’t count. Loved the Big Chill movie.

    @krupalip Hope all is well on your side of the world. How’s your husband?

    @gemwolf110 Waving to you.

    @prisoner2food Welcome to the group

    I had a good Thanksgiving I watched the parade and me and the family went to see the Fantastic Beasts movie. I’m not cooking turkey til Christmas. I’ll have all three kids home then.

    I had a Friendsgiving dinner on Friday. Lots of fun. My job was pumpkin pie. We played Name that tune and Taboo afterwards. My team lost both times 😏

    Now I’ll be starting that Shred plan with my friend. I texted her asking if she was ready and had all her groceries. I’m trying to get my daughter to do it with us.

  • krupalip
    krupalip Posts: 62 Member
    Hello, I reloaded the MFP app and it seems to be working fine now, all my data was retrieved thank god

    @TeresaW1020 the Christmas tree looks so good, you are really good at it, good to know that you had a good thanksgiving, as theslightedgeforever suggested go to Pinterest and you will have a lot of options for appetisers and healthier options too, I get a lot of Indian recipes from there as well.

    @trooworld so lucky that you got your hubby to cook for friendsgiving, my hubby helps sometimes when he isn’t working but the kitchen ends up a big mess, so I prefer doing all of it on My own.

    @theslightedgeforever everything is good in my part of the world, all the best for your new diet plan, I did see the shred diet on the internet, seems doable. I need to remind myself about the goal I have set for myself, below 50 kgs by dec 31st. At least for once in my life I don’t want to have a new year’s resolution of “losing weight”, I want it to be maintaining “lost weight”, hopefully will be able to make this resolution this year

    @cbabie when I was much younger I did try something similar to shakeology and it didn’t work for me, I don’t think it’s for me either, hope you have a good week

    @trishastime hey how are you, my phone is getting old and the only option Apple gives you is to buy the latest version which I am not going to. Seafood is a great option, you can do like curried fish main course with a south East Asian twist. Pinterest has lots of ideas try it sometimes

    Ok gotta run, trainer is waiting eagerly at the gym to drive me into a pulp, bye girls have a great day and week ahead
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,069 Member
    @prisoner2food Hello and welcome!

    @TrishasTime Thanks, me too, it was great fun. That's too bad so many people don't like shellfish, those are good options and can be very healthy.

    @theslightedgeforever I pretty much did exactly that. We don't have a lot of leftovers, I had some on Sunday and then sent some home with my friend. I had a burrito made of turkey, stuffing, gouda cheese and cranberry sauce last night for dinner (It was delicious!) and I think that when I have that for lunch today, that is going to use up all of the leftovers besides some mashed potatoes. It sounds like your Thanksgiving was great...both the big day and your Friendsgiving. Good luck with the Shred plan!

    @krupalip lol...that's how the kitchen ended up (a big mess) but at least I didn't have to cook. ;) I did do cleanup, which is unpleasant but someone has to do it and since he cooked I figured I would do it.

    Hi all! I can't believe my days off went by so quickly. I probably have hundreds of emails to go through at work (I'm not kidding about that)...can't wait to get there! :P Back to "normal" eating tonight: homemade Thai Red Curry Noodle Soup (normal for us). I have my bookclub meeting on Weds, but they still haven't decided on a location, so I'm wondering if we are really going to have a meeting? I hope so because I'm about 1 1/2 hours worth of listening away from being done with the book.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,592 Member
    Morning all

    I swear every time I think I find a new way to goes defunct. However, I will keep trying. I have had a pain in my right chest/side, can't breathe, I know it's time to quit being so lazy. I don't want to end up like my them, but not their health.

    @trooworld yea for getting back to normal..I do remember walking into that many emails...that's when I started working 24/7 years I wish I would have just said...oh well it will wait..LOL

    @TeresaW1020 I love your tree and shelf. I am just not in the mood for Christmas...I used to be so Christmas minded, but the last few years of my life it's been more of emotional distress, so I try to avoid it...

    @krupalip Yea you are back and didn't lose anything!! Sorry to hear about your mum in law, but thankful you still have her.

    @theslightedgeforever Okay I will go look at Pintrest...Well I was probably up in my room reading or primping...I never saw the "fun" in the parade...LOL Yes I am like Dad...

    @TrishasTime I hope your meal went well..yea for the new WW getting to your area.

    Okay gals, I am going to go try to find Leslie Simmons on YouTube and get my butt moving...

  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Hi all!

    @cbabie, what kind of exercise were you doing that caused chest/side pain. You might need to go slower. I've spent so much time injuring myself because of exercise that I am now incredibly careful to listen to my body. Not that I won't do something to hurt myself again! :D I'm sorry that Christmas isn't a joyful time for you. I spent a great deal of my life under incredible emotional stress so I understand that it's not always a time of fun for everyone. Decorating makes me happy and I do it even if there is no one to enjoy it. I did tell my husband that we will probably begin downsizing in a year or two. He rolled his eyes at me. ;)

    @theslightedgeforever, so what do you eat on the Shred diet? What kind of exercise? Is it a lifetime thing or just to get you started losing again? Details...I need details!! :D

    Thanks to everyone who commented on my tree and shelf. I collect snowmen and nutcrackers but my house is small so I have been told that I either have to get rid of things or stop buying more. Husbands!! :# I had a great four days off of work and had some really good workouts on the treadmill. Today my body told me to slow down and stop. I'm really hoping that I will have no gain tomorrow and maybe even a slight loss!! *fingers crossed*

    I have also decided that next year I am not doing the normal Thanksgiving dinner at home. Since we will have a big dinner at the church I will focus on that meal and make our Thanksgiving more healthy and have no leftovers. I really think it's the leftovers that are the biggest issue for me. :/
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,247 Member
    @Trooworld Thst burrito sounded really good. I think I’d like to try it. We have bookclub in a week and s half. I need to get started. But if I read too early then I forget everything because I read other books in between

    @cbabie Go out and walk while the weather is nice. Soon it will be hot again. What’s your favorite Christmas decoration? Why not start with ONE thing and bring back the magic of Christmas. Hang it in your bedroom if you must so you can look at it and be happy. My one thing from Thanksgiving is the parade. I saw a Facebook memory that said in 2009 I was watching the parade and baking two pies. Life is good. So what will bring you a little happiness. You never saw the fun in the parade? I’m wounded. Lol. Just the big floats This year I was saying kids look it’s Ronald McDonald. More like yelling it then Pikachu. You know I’m still a kid. That part hasn’t changed. I just remembered Rudolph is on tomorrow I think. I hope you are teaching your new gg baby all these things and not just the Scrooge part. 😬. I did a good Leslie Sansone this morning. It was a Boosted walk for 20 min. I hadn’t tried that one yet. I also did a 15 min walk outside.

    @TeresaW1020 I’m not the kind of person to do a diet to get me started. I know I won’t maintain it and gain all the weight back. I’m more a lose it like you will maintain it kind of gal. Shred is basically a 6 week plan where he gives you options on food but you eat every 3-4 hrs. So smaller meals. He has the daily menus all planned out you just choose what you want. It’s basically a smoothie for one meal and a salad for another meal then chicken or fish plus veggies at another meal. That’s my choices. Once a week is lasagne Then once a week is beef of some kind. Then there are three snacks a day whatever you want. But they must fit into the calorie limit. 100 100 150. Then he mixes it up second week and onward. He says don’t eat same things everyday. Exercise is usually 40-45 min. But he says break it down to 15-20 min of one kind of exercise. I guess all this so you don’t get bored. I seem to get bored in Week 4. I’ve never made it past that. Today was successful including going to a chocolate cafe. My son has been wanting me to go and so he waits til the day that I start my new plan. 🙄. But I made it work. I guess that’s what the snacks are for. I ordered smallest thing there and only ate half of it. I still stayed within my own calorie limits. So onto day 2. Yes on Thanksgiving leftovers. Mine was the pie. But I only ate 1.5 pieces this year compared to previous years. I can eat a whole pie. One piece at a time over a period of days. Leftovers are the devil’s handiwork.

    Ok off to read.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,247 Member
    @krupalip I’m glad you got your app all figured out. That would be a great New Years resolution. I seem to have the same two things every year 😕 I don’t like smoothies or protein shakes so this time around on Shred I’m doing smoothies for Week 1 only to go out of my comfort zone then week 2 I’ll just eat everything whole that I would put in my blender. Then back to smoothies for a week. See if that helps me. On the Iphone thing, is that Apple policy in India about buying latest edition. I bought an 8 and the 10 had just come out. I didn’t want to spend that much money. But my screen cracked on my 6 and had to buy a new phone. We’re an iPhone family except my hubby who likes Samsung. Neither one of us can use the other’s phone. Lol. I have loads of Pinterest recipes in my “to try” board. Tomorrow I’m making turmeric roasted cauliflower. Hopefully that will turn out good.
  • prisoner2food
    prisoner2food Posts: 81 Member
    I am trying to really assess if I am hungry or just want to fill my mouth. I have severe depression and my go to is always food. If I don’t fix this I will die. I don’t have a problem with that but I am sure some of my family might
    Don’t like Christmas so I wait till about the 20th to put the tree up for the grandkids. Kudos to those who have already started decorating.

    Karen in BC
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,069 Member
    @cbabie I always know when it's time to eat healthy again when my stomach starts bothering me...our bodies know. Thankfully, I was able to delete most of the 200 emails I had to go through but it did take me all day to catch up!

    @TeresaW1020 I've been told the same thing about my Christmas Village but then he's the first one to say, "You can go buy a building if you want." lol I agree with you about the leftovers, those are my biggest issue as well.

    @theslightedgeforever It was really super good. Yeah, I have the same problem with books. I just finished the book I was supposed to read. I have the discussion questions, I'm going to have to look at them and try to formulate answers so I can at least look semi-intelligent. ;) That's if we have the meeting--- tomorrow is the meeting and the place still isn't picked!

    @prisoner2food Hi Karen, one thing I look at when I am trying to assess if I am really hungry or if I just want to eat something is this: I ask myself if I am hungry enough to eat an apple? If I am, I'll eat the apple and go about my day. If I am NOT hungry enough to eat the apple, that means I am trying to emotionally eat or eat for some other reason. I will then try to distract myself by taking a walk, call a friend, write in my journal, or do some digital scrapbooking. Or maybe I'm just thirsty, so I drink some water. I'm glad you are here.

    Hi all. My stomach has been upset and that is my body's way of telling me to get with the program and eat healthy again. Last night's dinner was healthy, it was Thai Red Curry Noodle Soup, so my body should be happier today. I'm trying to be more mindful when I eat, so I bought a placemat to take to work to set my food on to kind of set the stage for a nice lunch. It is to remind me that it is a meal, and to take my time eating. Today, I am going to try to put my fork/spoon down between bites. It's going to be hard not only because I'm not used to it, but because I only get 30 minutes for lunch. We'll see how I do!
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,592 Member
    Morning to all!
    I did a 20 min walk yesterday with felt good. But ate 3 mini cupcakes before I went to mute point..

    @theslightedgeforever Nope never like parades and yes you and my DH are still kids...LOL I am not teaching dGG anything yet...and no it won't be will be why we have Christmas....and why her dear GGM was born on Christmas..LOL

    @trooworld Sorry to hear your tummy is upset and yes it lets us know when enough is enough!!! You got this!!!

    @TeresaW1020 It wasn't due to exercise...I am not sure what caused it. It almost feels like pleurisy in my right side...LOL I love Christmas..but I just can't deal with all the drama....and hurt. I have so much Christmas things...being born on Christmas, my mom always got me something about Christmas..she also used to buy me a chocolate Santa Claus. Some Christians taboo "Santa", but it's a part of mom bought me a ceramic figurine of Santa bowing before the's one of my favorites. If not much goes out at Christmas, that does...mostly because I know what it meant to my mom and today I really miss her. We were both Dec this time of year is special, but also can be depressing

    @prisoner2food I really hope you get blessed this Christmas season!! I understand all about food!!! I love food and sweets!!

    Well Baby is hungry...gots to run...she is on a liquid diet..LOL

  • prisoner2food
    prisoner2food Posts: 81 Member
    For now I am trying to control my food intake. So far so good and not feeling hungry. Later I hope to get back to exercising as I loved going to the gym.
    Time for housework as I am not working today or tomorrow.

    Karen in BC
  • krupalip
    krupalip Posts: 62 Member
    Hey everyone, my younger daughter started playschool yesterday and since the timings for this week for my elder daughter are different, my gym routine is completely going haywire, I normally get 4-5 days of gym time but this week it’s gonna be cut short. Plus I have to attend my hubby’s school reunion on Sunday which I am not looking forward to since I will tempted to eat greasy food and avoid sangrias and beer...

    @trooworld hope your tummy feels better soon, you do take your book club seriously and good to see you’re working on portion control, my problem isn’t portion control, it’s what I eat, carbs I wish they didn’t exist. Silly me but I am in a maintenance phase which I would love to make it a weight loss phase but not happening so far

    @theslightedgeforever how are you, my hubby has an android phone too and I have to keep hearing how the iPhone sucks all the time but I am just not an android user. iPhones here are very expensive much more than in theUS so I have to make it work, my screen cracked too on my iPhone 6 but I managed to get it fixed, whatever said and done I can’t use anything but an iPhone and to say the least it’s just a phone. Hope your shred diet works out and all the best, you will be strong I know it

    @cbabie hope you have a good Christmas this year with your family, don’t dwell too much on the past, make new beautiful memories with your great grand baby. I know the holidays can be a difficult time for some, but find the best in them

    @TeresaW1020 how are you, I have decided to start my building muscle getting lean plan from December 3 and see how it goes, have a good weigh in and don’t think too much about it

    Ok gotta run to the gym more later guys

    @prisoner2food take each day at a time, you’re headed in the right direction

    Love to all cheers
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,247 Member
    @prisoner2food Depression is such a harsh disease. It robs you of joy especially around this time of year. Do you journal? I’ve started keeping an online one via Penzu. I like to write my “happy” for the day. Sometimes I have to look hard but there’s always one there no matter how small. Then I write my “negative” for the day. I do that and then go back the next day and reread it and really look at my thoughts on paper. Glass half full/empty I lean towards empty but I’m trying to change my thoughts on things. Your family would surely miss you when you’re gone. I didnt have much to do with my grandparents and wish I did. I bet you and yours could make some good memories together. I stopped eating yesterday when I wasnt hungry. Probably a first. I’m more of an eat by the clock person. I’m trying to restart the exercise habit too

    @trooworld I do the same thing with questions in bookclub. I hate being called on and have the deer in headlights look. What book did you read this month. Placemat is a good idea

    @cbabie. It’s not a moot point on your exercise. Celebrate! First step to a habit. You could have eaten the cupcakes and sat on the couch all day. You can pass on to the baby the tradition of the choc Santa I never got. 😉😂

    So day 2 down of Shred. I made the cauliflower. It was good. Another day of staying within my boundaries. Rest day for exercise. Onto Day 3. I’m going out with friends for breakfast so I had to rearrange some meals and I’ve preplanned the day. Plan is to exercise before I go to breakfast. Eat only the food that’s planned.