

  • PressingPatience
    PressingPatience Posts: 49 Member
    edited November 2018
    Another day of no energy... blah. At least I got the dishes done this morning. I might dredge up the energy to get the laundry started... maybe. I'm running out of things to wear. ^_^ One good thing about being disabled is that I can run around in my nightclothes if I want to and no one can tell me otherwise. Ha!

    Willow in WA USA
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,576 Member
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,761 Member
    #29 - Friend/Family member. My husband is always at the top of my list but Friend that I am most grateful for is my Best Friend Cheryle. We have been friends since the first day of school in Grade 2. We just recently celebrated 43 years of friendship. We have only lived in the same province for about 8 months since we were 18, but have still managed to stay in touch. She never judges, has the ability to just listen and is always there. I love her to pieces.

    Struggling with this last couple weeks of my job. We have had no business for months and months and they want to keep accepting clients and are shocked when we have no staff to work. I have not even been able to get anyone to apply for jobs. We are paying less than most of the other companies and can't offer full time employment.

  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    So stole the dust meme... :)
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,064 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    Rori - I have trigger thumb also, its acted up for many years now. This time of year, when working on ornaments it is particularly bothersome. The doctor gave me a prescription for Diclofenac Sodium Topical Gel 1% and after just a day or two of applying per directions, it clears right up. It does return but not in any particular cycle or pattern that I can see.

    Janetr OKC

    Janet- By sheer coincidence I bought two tubes of this over the counter while I was in Mexico. I had it on good counsel that this was an excellent topical for joint pains, so I loaded up. I'm going to try on my thumb. Many thanks. And hope your ornaments continue to bring you and their new owners joy.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,727 Member
    afternoon ladies~
    busy busy...well went and picked up the dogs, they all look handsome... then brought Alfie back and went back down to my DFIL as he was getting his custom wheelchair of course they ran an hour late, but finally arrived.. they need a hoyer lift to take him in and out, so they put him in the new chair, wow its like a cadillac.. fits like a glove, but the foot rests weren't correct they need to get foot rest extensions and pads to go on them.. so here is hoping that process doesn't take as long as the chair did, they ordered it in July...but at least it is on site and they will get that taken care of...
    I called the attorneys office and told them to step it up this is beyond rediculous. we need to get this house closed on
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,060 Member
    Just spent three hours in the dental chair. I go to a dentisti who can do a crown in one visit. Advantage is it is done. Down side it was three hours in the chair.
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,930 Member
    Yes Lanette it is the same author.

    I thought his comment about fruit juice interesting too. He considers it a high sugar processed food. He believes eating the whole fruit is the better way to go! I believe both my sons are addicted to sugar. They were raised in the 80's and 90's when our food pyramid was high in refined carbs and the low fat diet craze.

    I quit drinking fruit juice in my early 20s when I realised it was just calories. I try not to drink any of my calories because eating them in food is more filling and satisfying.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,201 Member
    edited November 2018
    Been up to my eyes with end of semester chores. Things should ease for a while after next week. Since tomorrow is the last day in November I am posting the rest of my Gratitude days.

    Short bio
    I'm 72, and live in Northern Ireland. Married 52 years, and have 2 daughters and 3 grand'kids'.

    I'm retired, but work as a volunteer Group leader for a lifelong learning charity. I lead 5 groups, and belong to another 10, so am kept pretty busy. I love the Challenges on MFP as the keep me accountable. I'm assistant coach in charge of an optional strength Challenge for a small walking group.

    Pre 2015, when I joined MFP, I had hip problems whichnimpacted my mobility, and gained a lot of weight, which I had to shed to qualify for hip surgery. Lost 40lbs, got a new hip and have lost another 20. Trying to get down to a maintenance weight that gives me wriggle room for high days and holidays. 10 more lbs to go.

    I love all things arts and crafts, and am studying Shakespeare, Latin and art history, to name a few.

    November Daily Goals Doing fine on the goals, Minor drop on the scale this morning.
    ~ Pre-log; stay under goal; balance macros/micros; Hydrate adequately
    ~ 9,500+ Steps daily
    ~ 30+ minutes interval walking
    ~ 15+ mins lower body physio daily or ~ 15+ minutes arms/core/abs
    ~ 5 mins stretch before/after workouts
    ~ 10+ mins yoga or tai chi
    Daily Mindfulness Practice/meditation
    15 mins Daily Declutter session

    30 days of Gratitude in November
    1) Smell: I Love the smell of my Cocoa Butter Therapy treatment Oil. It reminds me of summer days.
    2) Technology: My Seniors Travel Pass, which allows me to travel free of charge anywhere in Ireland. Including state owned ferries and flights to various offshore islands, such as Rathlin and Aran.
    3) Colour: The clear deep blue of the autumn sky peeping through the rain clouds.
    4) Food: 🍫 What else needs to be said!
    5) Sound - the sound of hubby snoring in the middle of the night. Very reassuring
    6) In Nature - walking along the coastline which is just a mile from my home.
    7) Memory - nursing my 11 day old granddaughter at 6 am on her first Christmas morning.
    8) Book: The book which means the most to me is my Journal. I have been writing Journals for over 20 years. I started in hard-backed notebooks, and they have gone through many reincarnations. There are so many volumes they have their own shelves in my study. At present I am using a bullet Journal format. I also love all things sci-fi and art books.
    9) Favourite place: My favourite place is my garden. It's quiet and peaceful. It's taken us almost 40 years to create, and we have many mature trees which block out the houses around us. When we started, it was a flat field, with the countryside beyond, and a field of cows directly behind us. Now the town has washed past us, and we are in a leafy suburb.
    10) Taste: Today, I am grateful for the taste of the cup of tea Hubster just brought me. It reminds me of how fortunate I am to have him in my life.
    11) Holiday: The annual family holiday we have with our elder daughter and her 'children'. I am amazed that they still want to have holidays with their grandparents.
    12) Texture: I like the crunchy texture of a fresh crisp apple.
    13) Abilities: I have a knack of zoning things out, which comes in very handy at times. I was always a dreamy child, and I have never given up the habit.
    Loving the variety of Gratitude entries from everyone. Noticed a few people with similar answers to mine, so I'm obviously not as odd as I thought! 😂😂😂
    14) Sight: The sight of the dawnlight when I opened my eyes. It means that I had a good night's sleep, and wasn't up before daylight.
    15) Season: It has to be Autumn. The colours are spectacular, and I love kicking through the piles of leaves in the woods.
    16) Body: I am grateful that my body has responded so well to the changes in my lifestyle, and that it seems to heal itself quickly.
    17) Knowledge: I am eternally grateful for all knowledge, but especially grateful that experience has taught me that if we believe we can do something, we will find a way to get there. This knowledge keeps me trying, and looking for ways to benefit from ALL the that Fate sends my way.
    18) Piece of Art: Art is one of my chief interests, so choosing one piece is impossible. I love the huge piece of work by David Hockney depicting his native Yorkshire. It was composed of lots of 6'x4' canvases painted in situ. Really like his recent works using iPad technology. Also love Barbara Hepworth and Henry Moore sculptures. I could go on, but there are too many to mention.
    19) Touch: My husband's hand in mine. We often hold hands when we are out walking.
    20) Person: My dearest Mother-in-Law, (God rest her soul). She welcomed me into her family and treated me as the daughter she never had. She was good to all her daughter's-in-law. She said if she kept them happy, they would look after her boys.
    21) Song: This one makes me want to dance!
    But this one is my anthem!
    22) Story: I love stories, per se! At the moment it's Game of Thrones. I am working my way through the books.
    23: I started a family tradition when my granddaughter was little and they started coming to us on Christmas Eve and staying for the Christmas holiday. I would leave most of the decorations off the tree, and we would all finish decorating the tree before they went to bed on Christmas Eve. I am so grateful that as the family grew, they never missed a Christmas with us, and even now when my grandkids are adults, they still want to come to us for the traditional family Christmas. We suggested that, this year that they might like to have Christmas at their own house, but it wasn't a popular idea. My DYD and her partner will be joining us, but my DBIL and DSIL will be travelling to Florida to spend Christmas with our niece and her American family, before going home with them Upper NYS for a few weeks.
    24: Challenge: I'm grateful for the daily step Challenge to,which I belong. It keeps me walking no matter what.
    25: Moment this week: The moment I stepped on the scale this morning and saw that I had dropped below 166lbs. I've been fighting down from 170lbs for over 10 weeks after a holiday week in London at the beginning of September.
    26: Form of Expression: Art and literature both fill my life with creative satisfaction. I get fidgety if I can't find time to create. This is one of my watercolour landscapes. It was a gift to my husband which he has hung in the den.

    Also, I've written for as long as I remember. My favourite written form of expression is Poetry, and I have tried my hand at all forms of poetry
    27: Small daily used item: That has to be my hearing aids. Lol! I don't know why I resisted getting them for so long. They make such a difference.
    28: Small happening yesterday: We read Dickens 'A Christmas Carol' at playreading. I was so grateful for the fun we had.
    29: Friend/Family member: That has to be my BFF, my husband. He is the kindest and most considerate man I know, and is the wind beneath my wings.
    30: Talent/Skill: I think it is my optimistic outlook, and determination to learn from every event that occurs, good or bad.

    Irish Terri


  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,201 Member
    LisaInAR wrote: »
    Terri - I LOVE that watercolor... absolutely beautiful play with light and shadow. Our wood shop is almost set up, and when my husband's finished building my desks, I need to get in there and make frames for a couple of mine that I want to put up. Funny... the further away I get from painting them, the happier I am with them. For the first few months afterward, all I can see is mistakes.


    I know what you mean. I often feel the same. However, I'm doing a series of sunset paintings at the moment, and I am quite pleased with them.
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    A visit to the dentist was also a part of my day, been with this dentist for 28 years and he is super, very grateful for his talent and professionalism.

    Becca your husband’s spice labels had me laughing—he has a seasoned wit ;)

  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    REBECCA love the spice labels, had me laughing :)

    Kate UK <3
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,576 Member
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,355 Member
    Did Cathy Friedrich’s Upper Body DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to take the water class.

    Beth – how wonderful that that bill will be covered 100%

    M – I remember how worried I was about the tumor in my ear until I heard that it was very slow growing. I still have diminished hearing in that ear, but at least I know that it isn’t cancer.

    Janetr – I didn’t know that there was a topical for trigger finger! My MD never mentioned it --- wonder why???? If I ever get trigger finger again, I’m certainly going to ask him about it. I think I’ve gotten 2 injections in each thumb of cortisone and he said he doesn’t like to give any more than three.

    Penny – thanks for that link. That star is exactly like one of our outdoor decorations!

    Lisa – what a wonderful “introduction” you had. Thanks for sharing with us. I’m so happy for you. How wonderful that your son is doing so well.

    Beth – what you sent your priest was SOO cute. I asked a man Saturday if he would like to take the gift down the aisle, he said “but we have a 6yo” I just told him “well, God said ‘let the little children come to me’ so we’re doing His work. The guy was just beaming!

    Volunteered at the Green room, then took the gown I wore to Denise’s wedding to see if I could put it on consignment. I never wear it again, so there’s no sense in having it take up room in my closet. The place wouldn’t take it because it was too formal. I think I’ll try one other consignment place, and if they don’t take it, I’ll just donate it. I can’t be bothered.

    I just realized that at the Board meeting for Newcomers yesterday I found out that Adra volunteered to be the webmaster. Then she asked me if I would continue with membership. I just realized that if she wanted to be sure to work with me, she could have had the decency to tell me that she was going to be the new webmaster. Maybe she doesn’t want to work with me. Oh well…if she wants to do it all…have at it. I’m tired to being stepped on. Vince doesn't think it's a big deal.

    Barbara – the loom knitting is really simple and honestly goes quickly. The only thing I can’t find is if you can put a border on a blanket to make it look more “finished”

    Afterwards, went to the eye doctor. Now home to have dinner. Newcomer bowling tonight

    Willow – I’m thinking that I should go to the laundromat tomorrow, we’re running out of underwear. The only thing is, Vince doesn’t want me to go there at night.

    Michele in NC