

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,732 Member
    Well tonight I went to the kitchen to get Alfie a treat and come back and he had peed on my bed :o strip the bed and redid it...ugh hope this is a one time thing
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,940 Member
    lhscapil wrote: »
    Machka & Pip (and other bike riders) Check out what I just found on Facebook <3B):D


    SW WA State

    Very nice!!

    I have been tempted to create something like that. :)

    M in Oz
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,582 Member
    like the spoke wheel wreath. cute, I've seen those.

    total cal 790
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,845 Member
  • cariwaldick
    cariwaldick Posts: 189 Member
    Again attempting to catch up.

    Machka—I've got long-ish hair, and I've gone through hot flashes and fat flashes. I just pull it into a pony-tail and it's not a blanket. What makes me want to cut it lately, is it's thinning. It can clog a drain in one bath, and I'm cleaning my brush out every few days. My doctor says it's normal with weight loss, since I'm not getting vitamins and minerals I'm used to getting. She assures me it will come back. As I get older, my hair is changing. The grays are wiry, and defy taming. Even my eyebrows are looking gnarly.

    Karen BC—What kind of quilting do you do? I need to get back into it, since I've got a sewing room now. I have several quilt tops I still need to finish, and enough fabric to make a quilt for everyone I know.

    Barbie—“No bad weather, just the wrong clothes.” That's awesome! But...there goes my excuse.

    Janet in Eastern MO—Welcome! I can relate to part of your bio—the part that doesn't include running and triathlons. I'm 53 and married, with two grown kids—a son who's on his own, and a daughter still living at home, trying to figure out what she wants to do with her life.

    Not that I'm qualified to give health advice, but men don't have to deal with hormones like we do. At our age, menopause is a real factor. I've been losing steadily, using MFP food diary. That accountability is key for me. Just tonight, I thought I had an extra hundred calories left to eat, but my mental math was off, and I'd already hit my limit.

    You're not whining; this is the place for support.

    Aw Willow, it sounds like you just need something to go your way. I'm sorry your house is a lemon. I've always been more of a handyman than my husband, but when it comes to plumbing and wiring, I leave that to professionals.

    Carole—I'm in Texas now, but I spent almost 30 years in Raleigh NC. There are some good resources in Raleigh I'm missing here in Texas. Jump right in and chat.

    Okie—I love your outside tree! If I could figure a way to anchor the base, I'd definitely try it. We get gusts that can topple my big trash cans, planters, and patio furniture. Even with ornaments tied on, I'm not sure I could secure the tree itself.

    Kim—thanks for the advice on the roses. Here in Texas, the weather has been a bit all or nothing. Typical is hot and dry. But then there have been weeks where it's wet, rainy, and overcast. I've heard a prediction that climate change will give us monsoon season—but I don't know if that's reliable. My poor roses get black spot, even when there's no leaf debris around them. I'm enjoying growing them from cuttings.

    SueBDew—I lived a year north of Fort Worth, in Haslet. I'm in Lewisville now. I love knock out roses. I've got three planted, and two starts. I'm experimenting with different types, and I've found a pink tea rose I love. For our anniversary, my husband took me to Tyler Texas, and the rose museum and gardens. Then we stopped at Chamblee Rose Nursery, and I came home with several plants. My big worry now is Rose Rosette Disease.

    Barbara—I've got a black chow chow who aspires to be a cat. There is black fur everywhere in my house—even if I've just swept. Just sweeping one room fills the canister of my vacuum twice, and wraps enough fur around the rollers I need to cut it off with scissors. Vader is a second-hand puppy mill dog. He was never socialized, and it took him a very long time to warm up to us. He won't walk on a leash, and he freezes whenever we approach him with one. With all those issues, you know I love him to pieces.

    Michelle—I've used those looms myself many times. I've made dozens of hats, and a couple scarves. I would think you could easily add a border to a blanket if you crochet. Typically I just remove it from the loom like the old potholders I made as a kid. But once it's off, you could use the edge stitches to add fringe, or a crocheted border.

    And I'm finally caught up!! (I won't count the pages in the late 60's I skipped.)

    Has anyone else had back pain after losing weight? I don't know if it's my shifting center of gravity, age, my mattress, or something pinched, but I've had more than average back-aches the last few days. I'm also pinching nerves in my shoulders when I reach or stretch. These are movements I couldn't do a few months back, so it could be my body just isn't used to it.

    I've got a lot of my Christmas decorations up. I spread a new red tablecloth on the table, and arranged a holiday centerpiece on it—then promptly got grease on it from Chinese take-out. I've got lights to put outside, a wreath to remake, and I still need to get DH to put the extra decorations back up in the closet.

    Saturday we're going to a Christmas party. I'm expected to bring “my favorite chocolate dessert.” Since my in-laws are going too, I'm taking two desserts. Chocolate eclair dessert for one, and a cherry chocolate cake for another. I just hope I don't bring home any leftovers. I love chocolate, but I'm not going to ruin my progress over it.


    26—Form of expression. That has to be writing. I was voted the quietest in my graduating class. I've always been shy or slow to warm—though I want to be outgoing and friendly. In writing, I can be. I write too much, whether it's on social media, here, or in the books I write. Writing is my voice.

    27—Small daily used item. My blood pressure medication. I neglected my health for a long time, and those two little pills remind me I'm taking care of me. I want to be healthy and live a long life. Maybe some day I won't need the pills, but even if it's genetics working against me, I'm going to do what it takes to stay out of the hospital.

    28—Small thing that happened today. I lost a pound. After gaining and losing two over the Thanksgiving holiday, this is a step closer to my goal. MFP now predicts next month I'll be below 200.

    29—Friend/family member. I've never had a best friend, and close friends are hard to come by. My family fills both roles. Without playing favorites, I'd say I'm most grateful for my daughter. My son is still in NC, trying to pretend he hatched from an egg and his parents don't matter. My daughter is still living with us, and I like having her here. I'd be fine living like they did “back in the day,” with an extended family under the same roof.

    Cari in warm and sunny N. Texas
  • prisoner2food
    prisoner2food Posts: 81 Member
    Carol- usually I just do small projects like table toppers or runners although I have made kids quilts cause they are easy. Would love to have a sewing room and time to do more. I still work full time shift work for a few more years.

    My son went for groceries last week and bought several kinds of bulk candy that I I like. Grrr. Managing to stay away from it by planning my meals and snacks. My grandkids are here this weekend so hopefully they will eat it
    So sore all over from my 12 hr shift. Hopefully I can sleep tonight to do it all over again tomorrow!

    Karen, BC
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,263 Member
    Good morning! I'm up early, but I've had 7 hours sleep. I am grateful for this short time on my own in the half light, talking to my friends on here and catching up with my brain. :D

    Going to try the frozen tilapia tonight. I'm going to put it with my jar of fish soup to cook. I serve it with aioli, a sprinkle of grated cheese and croutons. Easy and delicious. I don't have croutons and I try to go easy on the aioli. It is one of my favourite things in all the world. (Garlic is heaven to me , as is good olive oil) I used to have to lay off such things, but, since my exercise quotient ramped up, I can indulge in modest portions.

    I still have some computer things to do for the change of address and I want to register online for the doctor and the pharmacy. Other things I can only do by post. Must get going. It's been a month!
    Priority today is my roots. Hate showing the grey. :s I feel so much better when it's done. We have a huge choice of hairdressers round here, so I think I'll go into each one and see where I feel comfortable. I hate loud music. I do my own blonde roots, but I like to have my hair cut professionally. I used to have a "wet cut" where they don't style it and send you out with it lightly damp, as it saved me £10!!!! Hope I can find someone to do that round here. I have dead straight hair and styling is pointless as it gets damp with sweat every morning from the exercises.

    We have had some amazing gales here and lashing rain last night. I was so lucky yesterday out with my friend. No rain.
    I am hugely grateful for my best girlfriends. My mother also had very close female friends. I know I'm going to lose my cancer friend soon and my Portsmouth friend lives half the time in York. Making good new friends gets harder as you get older, but I know I've got to make the effort. I will try after Christmas to join something. My best yoga friend is going in for three operations and she is not the travelling type and a bit dependent on her husband. I miss her, though we do email and text.
    I will try to get more news on my childhood friend, Shirley, who has just been moved into a nursing home. She doesn't know who she is. Other friends are scattered, but we stay in touch and we do see each other occasionally. I never feel like travelling in the winter months.

    Still very dark out there, but it's time to take DH a cup of tea and give him some love and attention. :bigsmile:

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,225 Member
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    klanders30 wrote: »
    A visit to the dentist was also a part of my day, been with this dentist for 28 years and he is super, very grateful for his talent and professionalism.
    Karen (NYKAREN) - I read somewhere that on the average nowadays, a person's relationship with their dentist lasts longer than their marriage. :laugh: :cry:

    Last two gratitudes

    29. Friend/family member - My husband. :heart: :love: :heart:

    30. Own talent or skill - I'm most grateful for my ability to twist words around so they get the message across. Sadly, I'm best at twisting other people's words. I wish I could write and twist my own, but none of my own ideas ever interest me. :/

    We're out at our island paradise now (northern Norwegian mainland, not Svalbard). I must say, living in a place with polar night and midnight sun really makes you a connoisseur of light. Here at the top end of Norway, the sun went down for the last time this year three days ago and won't rise until January 15. Nonetheless, to me, it felt like broad daylight as early as 9 am. I'll have to go out jogging soon, though. This twilight won't last longer than to mid-afternoon. There aren't any streetlights beyond the village (about the first kilometer) and I didn't bring my headlamp.
    /Penny still pretty close to the t07190.gif
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Morning and happy Friday

    Penny I have lived and worked in ny for 28 years, I count myself lucky to have professionals, my mechanic, gyn, dentist, handyman steady for all those years—and fortunately I can count my DH in that list as well.

    Karen BC sounds like you’ve got the strategy of planning and eating the right food so leaving the candy in the bag is easier. I’d send it home with the grandkids since you have no intention of eating it.

    Barbie sounds scary, was Jake in any discomfort or distress? I am so glad it was taken care of quickly and with no need for an ambulance.


  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,940 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    My sister-in-law posted this and I thought it was good ...

    Nov 1 - smell. My roses. :)
    Nov 2 - technology. Social media and staying connected with family and friends.
    Nov 3 - colour. Blue. The blue of the mouth of the river/bay/start of the ocean out my window. The blue of the sky. My new blue sleeping top that was nice and comfy last night.
    Nov 4 - food ... cheese. I ate a lot of grilled cheese sandwiches when my husband was in hospital. They were my comfort food. Also cheese has calcium which I think I need. Unfortunately, cheese does tend to be a bit high in calories so I shouldn't eat too much of it. But anything cheese-y is comforting. :)
    Nov 5 - sound. I like listening to the waves and the birds, but I think the sound I'm most grateful for today is my husband's voice. Just the fact that we can talk to each other again. :)
    Nov 6 - "What in nature are you grateful for?" ... That's hard to narrow down to one thing. Oxford dictionary describes nature as "the phenomena of the physical world collectively, including plants, animals, the landscape, and other features and products of the earth". I am grateful for all of it. I find that getting out into any sort of nature helps to relieve stress.
    Nov 7 - "What memory are you grateful for?" ... Another one with so many choices!!! Recently, I've been grateful for two memories. 1) June 2017 ... my husband and I had a wonderful visit to Canada and did several things to make great memories ... hiking, cycling, visiting my family. I clung onto those memories during the months he was in hospital. 2) When I was 9 years old, my family moved away from where my grandmother lived. One of of the last days there, my grandmother took me to her window and showed me a full moon outside. She told me that on every full moon, we could both look at it and know that even though we were far apart, we were both looking at the same moon. That's a memory which has stuck with me all these years, and every time I see a full moon, I think of my grandmother. She's 97 years old ... but not doing so well ... so I've been thinking of her a lot. And I've also been very glad that my husband and I were able to see her when we visited Canada in June 2017.
    Nov 8 - "What book are you most grateful for?" That's easy ... The Bible. :)

    I've enjoyed reading all your memories. :)
    Love the discussion about books! :)

    Nov 9 - "What place are you most grateful for?" This is not an easy one for me because I don't have the sense of "home" that many people have. I've moved too much for that.
    So ... I've had to give this one some thought. What place?
    Well ...
    I'm grateful for our current house. It's comfortable enough. It's not very big so it's fairly easy to manage. And it has a great garden which my husband has been able to work in since returning home from his accident. It is also close to a couple beaches, which is nice. :)
    Nov 10 - Taste! Hmmm ... salt. In the "Do you crave sweet or salty" discussion, I fall on the "salty" side.
    As it happens, I have a diminished sense of taste and smell for whatever reason, so I divide foods into the basic tastes: sweet, salty, sour or bitter, and from there it's harder to distinguish precise flavours. Although, I do seem to have some odd tastes like, for example, meat and tomato taste metallic to me, and I don't like that. If I salt them well, the metallic taste goes away and they taste salty, which is OK.
    Then, one of the side effects of my husband's accident is that he has lost most of his sense of taste and smell. He has regained a little bit, and they say it should return very gradually. But he'll comment that dinner has no flavour, and I'll think, "It just tastes salty to me. Is there supposed to be more flavour than that?"
    Nov 11 - What holiday are you grateful for? Christmas!!! :)
    I've always loved Christmas. I even picked up 3 Christmas CDs yesterday. I like having a decent amount of time off ... not just one day ... so I can get things done. I like all the decorations. I like the music. I like the services and celebrations.
    Nov 12 - Texture. Smooth. Very, very smooth. Clothing with no texture. Textured clothing is unwearable. Smooth clothing is good.
    Nov 13 - Abilities. Right now, it would have to be organisation. While I feel like I'm in the midst of a chaotic whirlwind (and have been for the past 8 months) and I don't feel very organised, surprisingly enough, stuff is getting done.
    Maybe I should include things like endurance and tenacity ... "skills" I've honed from my long distance cycling carrying over to "real life".
    Nov 14 - Sight. What sight am I grateful for? The ever-changing view out the window of our house looking over the bay and the surrounding hills. Right now it's all grey and misty but it still looks good.
    Nov 15 - Season. The season I am most grateful for is summer. I love summer. I'd love it if the year were divided so that there was 1 month of winter, 1 month of spring, 2 months of autumn, and 8 months of real summer weather. We're coming into summer here and I appreciate each and every summer-like day.
    Nov 16 - What about your body are you grateful for?
    Sometimes I think ... "less and less" these days because I'm literally falling apart.
    But ... I'm grateful for my legs which are one of my main methods of transportation.
    Nov 17 - What knowledge are you grateful for? -- The tacit knowledge of cycling. Being able to ride a bicycle. It has taken me all over the world. It's how my husband and I met. It is stress relief. And it is part of my husband's healing process.
    Nov 18 - What piece of art are you grateful for?
    That's a difficult one. I've taken an Art History course, and enjoyed it very much. And I like going to galleries. But I haven't really felt a connection to any particular pieces.
    However, the one that is probably my favourite piece is:
    Umberto Boccioni, Dynamism of a Cyclist, 1913
    Nov 19 - What touch are you grateful for?
    My husband's hugs!! This was something I missed so much when he was in hospital!!
    Nov 20 - Who in your life are you grateful for?
    The obvious choice would be my husband, and I am grateful to have him in my life still. However, I have been very grateful for my parents who have been so supportive through the challenges this year.
    Nov 21 - What song are you most grateful for?
    My taste in music changes with my moods but I've been listening to this one a lot this year ...
    Jesus Loves Me
    Nov 22 - What story are you most grateful for?
    The Christmas Story. :)
    I have some of it memorised, and have done since I was about 6 years old. But I can hear it over and over.
    Nov 23 - Tradition.
    I had to think about this a bit because I don't think of myself as a person with many traditions, partly because I don't have children to pass them on to. But I do have a few around Christmas which I've inherited from my parents:
    Decorations on or very close to December 1.
    Open Presents on Christmas Eve.
    Read the Christmas Story, mentioned above.
    Christmas Dinner on Christmas Day.
    Listening to Handel's Messiah.
    Watching Scrooge with Alistair Sims.
    I'm grateful for all of my Christmas traditions ... they make December a special month. :)
    Nov 24 - What challenge am I grateful for?
    Ha! I've had a lot of challenges to choose from so I had to think about this one today.
    I decided on this ...
    The challenge I am grateful for is my education. I'm a perpetual student. I've attended courses of some sort just about every year since I was about 5 years old. I'm grateful that I've been able to do that. It has been challenging ... sometimes more than other times. And although I've not actually gone directly into the fields in which I've been educated, it has all contributed to get me where I am now.
    And it keeps me thinking and learning.
    Nov 25 - What moment this week are you grateful for?
    Finishing my 10K run. I slogged my way up the hill, and as I came down the other side toward the finish line, my husband was there waiting for me with a big smile. :)
    Nov 26 - What form of expression are you most grateful for?
    I wasn't sure exactly what this means, but I think we can make it mean whatever we want. So the form of expression I'm most grateful for is the written word. That includes books to read, posts I type, emails, letters, and everything. :)
    Nov 27 - What small thing that you use daily are you grateful for?
    I use a lot of small things daily, and I'm thankful for them all. It's hard to decide! Toothbrush, lipgloss, undies, water glass, phone ...
    I think I'll go with glasses. Without them, I couldn't see! I could still read a book, but I couldn't work on my computer, see to walk around, drive ...
    Yes, I'm very thankful for my glasses.
    Nov 28 - What small thing that happened today are you grateful for?
    Well ... the fact that the brain cyst they discovered in my head is benign is pretty good!! :)
    Nov 29 - What friend/family member are you grateful for today?
    My grandmother. My grandmother has always loved me and I her ... even when we've been on the other side of the world. At 97, she's not doing so well and I've been thinking about her a lot lately. She's been a fixture in my life all these years, and I'm grateful for that. :)

    Nov 30 - What talent or skill do you have that you are grateful for?

    I have a hard time identifying what I'm good at. I've always considered myself a "jack of all trades but master of none".

    However, I am grateful for my skill at cycling, but especially my skill at cycling long distances. I think I've got something of a talent for endurance. I see it in my cycling, but it also shows up in other areas of my life. And it sure comes in handy sometimes!

    So that's it. 30 things I'm grateful for. I might copy this list and create something that appears among my work desktop images. Maybe a random collage of words like:

    ROSES ... SOCIAL MEDIA ... BLUE .... CHEESE ... and so on. Words that would remind me of all the things I am grateful for.

    Machka in Oz
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,732 Member
    good morning ladies
    I am up and having my tea... have 2 loads of laundry in this morning... because someone decided to pee on the bed...very unusual....but i am hoping that it was a one time deal..
    have alot to do today.. trying to get my butt in gear and do some cleaning and really start decluttering.. my place is a HOT mess....
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,940 Member
    edited November 2018
    Goal: More than October!

    Past Novembers:
    Nov-15 … 660.21 km (410.23 miles) = 60 hours 41 min
    Nov-16 … 403 km (250.4 miles) = 52 hours 16 min
    Nov-17 … 427.0 km (265.3 miles) = 50 hours 4 min

    Thursday, 1 November 2018 ... 1.8 km walking + 6 flights of 20 stairs
    Friday, 2 November 2018 ... 2.3 km walking + 4 flights of 20 stairs
    Saturday, 3 November 2018 ... 7.7 km running + 13.45 km cycling indoors with Zwift
    Sunday, 4 November 2018 ... 21.22 km cycling indoors with Zwift + 7 flights of 20 stairs + 10 min weightlifting
    Monday, 5 November 2018 ... 2.6 km walking + 14 flights of 20 stairs
    Tuesday, 6 November 2018 ... 4.2 km walking + 4 flights of 20 stairs
    Wednesday, 7 November 2018 ... 2.4 km walking + 14 flights of 20 stairs

    Thursday, 8 November 2018 ... 1.8 km walking + 4 flights of 20 stairs
    Friday, 9 November 2018 ... 5.6 km walking + 6 flights of 20 stairs
    Saturday, 10 November 2018 ... 0.5 km walking + 3.6 km running + 16.41 km cycling indoors with Zwift + 10 min weightlifting

    And more!! :grin:

    I thought I had updated more than this, but life got really busy! :grimace:

    So, these are my totals for November from my spreadsheet and Strava. I did manage to exercise at least one hour each day! :)

    2018 Monthly November
    Walking Distance (km): 124.6
    Walking Time (min): 1334.8
    Cycling Distance (km): 92.2
    Cycling Time (min): 362.3
    Stairs Climbed Number: 108.0
    Stairs Climbed Time (min): 86.4
    Other Time: 20.0 (weightlifting)

    Total Distance (km): 216.8
    Total Distance (miles): 134.7
    Total Time (min): 1803.4
    Total Time (hr): 30:03:25
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,263 Member
    The skill I am most grateful for is my intuition. I am able to assess a situation all at once and can see my way through very quickly. The downside of that is that I get frustrated when other people have to plod through the steps!
    I am good at logistics and overview and can see problems coming. :D

    My DSIL just rang up and wants to come and visit with her boyfriend before Christmas. We looked at a couple of possible dates. We are getting very booked up. I warned her that she wasn't to expect my usual Michelin standards! :laugh:
    Must get the boxes out of the guest room! I'm kind of hoping she doesn't bring the (very nice) boyfriend as I will have to supply a vegetarian option.

    My cancer friend has just rung and I'm going up to see her on Thursday. I'm going to take soup and a sweet dessert, which is all she can cope with. :'(

    Much love, Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Heather - you're an amazing and loving friend. I'm sorry your friend is struggling.

    My November stunk on ice, weight-wise... I'm exactly where I was at the beginning of October, and getting really, REALLY tired of myself on this issue. I can't seem to hold it together through the evening hours, even when I do really well during the rest of the day.

    But, it's been successful work-wise, and I do have the new job that starts in ten days, so life is good on that front. Trying not to get annoyed at the serial rudeness being thrown my way at my current job, and to channel Rori's serenity for my exit interview this coming Wednesday.

    One of the things I've been tossing around is the notion, instead of using those first three productive hours of my day, from 5:30 to 8:30, for work, it's time to start using them for myself. What a concept! If I don't start taking care of myself first, this body is going to fall apart. So, I've going to go off in the corner and give myself a good talking to, if you don't mind.

    I'll be back for the start of the December thread, no worries... :smiley:

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in Arkansas
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,830 Member
    Good morning all! Happy Friday! I don't have Trentin this weekend, so I am looking forward to getting more of my house decorated for Christmas. I used to wrap all of my pictures on the walls (so that it would look like presents hanging), but I haven't hung anything since I painted. I want to switch up my photos for some artwork, but haven't settled on anything yet. So...I think I will wrap some different sized boxes and hang them with some double stick tape or 3M hooks. Most years I have to gate my tree to keep the kids away from it. I am trying to think of alternatives to the traditional tree, this year...not sure if I will find one I like. I, personally, love having the tree lights on in the evening when I am relaxing. I will be putting together the new outdoor play house that I got for the kids with the grant money. I was going to wait until spring and set it up under one of the trees in the back yard; but Tim suggested that I set it up in the corner of the living room for the winter. So...I will do that and string some lights on it and decorate the little house for the holidays (wreath on the door, lights, a Christmas bear or two).
    On another note: I have heard back from the doctor in regards to the ultra sound readings. Some cysts were found in my cervix, so I move on to step two and am waiting for a call from my gynecologist for an exam and discussion about the next steps. I had a bit of a panic attack after the call, but managed to breathe my way back to the real world (call came while I still had kids here, yesterday). I talked to Tim about it last night and had to stress that it is probably nothing (because he can go from 0 to 60 faster than I can) and not to talk to our kids or anyone else about it. So...since it is nothing, life goes on and each day brings us closer to Christmas and all of the busyness that goes with the holidays. Only three more weeks and I am off for the holidays! That is something to celebrate!
    Penny- I love to think of you out running/walking in the twilight. I wonder, do the folks who live in the far north have issues with SAD? If low light is the norm and you live there, does your body get used to the low light easier than for those of us that have so much daylight all year round?
    Heather- I am sure these days of getting ready for the holidays PLUS settling into your new digs seems chaotic and crazy busy; but you create such a vivid image of your daily hustle and bustle! It makes me smile to think of you finding new places to give your business, whether it is hair, seafood shopping, restaurant foods, groceries, walking....it is all very exciting to me! lol Hugs to you as you prepare for a month of entertaining guests! I am sure they will all understand that you are still in the process of unpacking from the move and they are NOT expecting perfection.
    Beth- The dust meme! LOL! Love it!
    Rebecca- My spice jars would never look like that if my hubby had to label them. I am the "pun maker" of the family; so those phrases would be how I would label my spices. (I just keep mine in the containers that I buy them in; who has time to repackage spices?!)
    Love the wreath made from a bike wheel!

    Gratitude #30- What talent or skill am I grateful for?- I am grateful for a couple of things, one being the skill staying calm during crazy times. I do get ruffled and could fly around like a chicken in a windstorm; but I have learned to stay still, breathe deep, and react with purpose. I am also grateful for my skill in "children's education/entertainment". Like every other skill or talent, this one has taken years to hone.

    time for another cup of coffee and breakfast for the kiddos. Love and hugs to all that need them! ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,582 Member
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,502 Member
    #28 small thing happened: Learned T'ai Chi buddy Dot was a Stanford Alum. Told her I loved her anyway despite my being a Cal Bear. ;}

    Beth "dust" LOL! Now I have a good excuse!
    Allie glad your DD can get the payoff letter. What is it about "Time is of the essence" that your attorney does not understand?!? :rage:
    Willow doing just one load of laundry gives me a feeling of accomplishment when I'm having a no energy, blah, dull, lack of activity day. Good luck!
    Margaret, NYKaren, Barbie, Heather and all facing dental appointments, (((hugs))). Better thee than me ;)
    Michele "let the little children come..." Well said! What a gift you gave him!
    Cari Vader is one lucky pooch. How long have you had him?
    Lisa great idea to put your self-care before work, the work will get done and it wouldn't if your body fell apart. That having been said, I truly believe that the new work environment will help break the weight ice dam. Bet it starts flowing off again right away!
    KJ look forward to seeing the indoor playhouse all lit up!

    #29 Living, it has to be Joe. Tops the gratitude list every day. Gone ahead: BestFriend=Candy and Family=Mama. Hands down they both helped me be a better me.
    #30 skill: I enjoy taking the chaotic output from meetings and organizing it into logical minutes. Only thing I like about meetings ;)

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD.
    walk one more step 18/29, 60 g protein 22/29, rx/vits 22/29, meditate 23/29, knee exercises 24/29, SWSY UP 4/8, SWSY LOW 3/8, core 4/8, play with Tumble 11/29, hang up or purge art 1/4 AF 22/29.