Lose 5lbs + in December 2018



  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,615 Member
    Original MFP starting weight (January 2018) - 168.2
    November starting weight - 148.0
    December goal - 143
    Ultimate goal - Range between 142 - 148

    This month I'm going to report scale weight and (ten day average weight).

    November 30 - 148.0 (147.0)
    December 1 - 149.0 (146.8)
    December 7 - 151.4 (150.4)
    December 14 - 152.4 (150.8)
    December 21-
    December 28 -
    December 31 -

    Total loss for December: I'm up over four pounds for the month and pushing ten pounds above the top of my maintenance range
  • lalabank
    lalabank Posts: 1,009 Member
    December 12 -191 - Skated yesterday. It seems like no matter what I consume, that I lose weight after I skate.
    December 13 - Skated again, I think that I have messed up my calendar here, because the 191 should have been the 13th.
    December 14 -193. Unbelievable, 2 days of skating and up 2 pounds? Really expected a loss today. I don't measure my inches until the 27th. Glad that I am not weighing once per week, seeing as how this fluctuation is going. I actually like seeing it, I didn't realize that it could be like that. 2 pounds is a lot!
    December 31 -

    Girl, I feel you!!! I’ve been bouncing between 188-191 for weeks. I think it was my body adjusting to more exercise. Just wait until you measure inches, kind of amazing that the scale can be so stubborn but the inches melt away. It will eventually catch up.
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,657 Member
    December 1 - 193 - up one pound from yesterday : - (
    December 2 -193 - glad that I didn't gain, I was pretty over-indulgent over the weekend.
    December 3 -194 - kind of discouraged with the fluctuation. I had a good day, expected a loss.
    December 4 -194 - I really expected to be less this morning. On track to lose.
    December 5 -192 - back to where I was at the end of last month's challenge.
    December 6 -191 - Wow! Lots of days left to get down to that next decade. Seeing the scale move is motivating!
    December 7 -191 - Getting excited to get out of the 90s, hopefully by next week
    December 8 -192 - Dang. Oh well, I will stick with it. I over-ate yesterday and expected this. Very easy to put on, hard to take off.
    December 9 - 192
    December 10 -191- Good. Monday morning. Easier for me to be diligent during the week, so hope to see another drop this week. 2 steps forward 1 step back still equals going forward : - )
    December 11 -193 - Geez do I fluctuate!
    December 12 -191 - Skated yesterday. It seems like no matter what I consume, that I lose weight after I skate.
    December 13 - Skated again, I think that I have messed up my calendar here, because the 191 should have been the 13th.
    December 14 -193. Unbelievable, 2 days of skating and up 2 pounds? Really expected a loss today. I don't measure my inches until the 27th. Glad that I am not weighing once per week, seeing as how this fluctuation is going. I actually like seeing it, I didn't realize that it could be like that. 2 pounds is a lot!
    December 15 -193
    December 16 -
    December 17 -
    December 18 -
    December 19 -
    December 20 -
    December 21 -
    December 22 -
    December 23 -
    December 24 -
    December 25 -
    December 26 -
    December 27 -
    December 28 -
    December 29 -
    December 30 -
    December 31 -
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,657 Member
    I calculate in kilos so was aiming to lose 2.3 kilos in December.
    Not doing great. Feeling heavy and discouraged.

    I know, it is so hard! We have to stick with it though.
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,657 Member
    lalabank wrote: »
    December 12 -191 - Skated yesterday. It seems like no matter what I consume, that I lose weight after I skate.
    December 13 - Skated again, I think that I have messed up my calendar here, because the 191 should have been the 13th.
    December 14 -193. Unbelievable, 2 days of skating and up 2 pounds? Really expected a loss today. I don't measure my inches until the 27th. Glad that I am not weighing once per week, seeing as how this fluctuation is going. I actually like seeing it, I didn't realize that it could be like that. 2 pounds is a lot!
    December 31 -

    Girl, I feel you!!! I’ve been bouncing between 188-191 for weeks. I think it was my body adjusting to more exercise. Just wait until you measure inches, kind of amazing that the scale can be so stubborn but the inches melt away. It will eventually catch up.

    Thanks lalabank. This can be so discouraging. I get it that I can't eat like a "normal" person without being fat. But working so hard on it and not getting results is disappointing. Especially when there seems to be a formula wherein certain things make me lose weight (like skating) and yet even that isn't working right now. I will keep going. The scale moving down is great motivation, but that is not really happening. Maybe in a few more days. It sure would have been nice to have had a bit of a weight cushion for the holidays, like if I had lost 5 pounds.
  • veronica1359
    veronica1359 Posts: 421 Member

    Original starting weight :104kg(03/18)
    December starting weight :98,20Kg(Dec. 01)
    December goal :94,0Kg
    Ultimate goal :88Kg

    Dec 07 - 98,50Kg
    Dec 14 - 98,00Kg
    Dec 21 -
    Dec 28 -
    Dec 31 -

    Total loss for December:
  • Birder165
    Birder165 Posts: 484 Member
    Original wt: 165
    December starting wt: 149
    December goal wt: 144.5
    Valentine day final wt: 138

    01: 149
    07: 147
    15: -
    Too chicken to check my weight. I’ve been eating like a condemned man all week with lots of holiday goodies. It’s an awful feeling and my gut is paying for it.

    Total loss: 2.0

    Don't feel bad. I ate 4010 calories yesterday after eating 3168 calories the day before. lol
    I've gained 2 pounds on the scale in 2 days. As long as I get back on track asap, it never lasts long and my weight goes down pretty quickly.

    I hope your gut feels better soon! This month is a tricky one. :smile:
  • tiabirdie56
    tiabirdie56 Posts: 4,043 Member
    edited December 2018
    •Lose 5 lbs in December•

    Nov. 30- 178.2 - A .6 lb gain for November.

    Original starting wgt: 253
    December starting weight: 178.8
    December goal: 175

    •Monday Updates•📌
    12/1 - 178.8 - carbs
    12/2 - 177.6 - carbs
    📌12/3 - 180.6 - CARBS!
    12/4 - 178.8 - fluid starting to come off
    12/5 - 176.8
    12/6 - 176.2
    12/7 - 176.4 - up slightly
    •Update on my carby snack weight swings😆
    12/8 - 176.4 - sort of an OMAD day on the 7th. Dealing with sore throat. Pretzels and homemade onion dip.
    12/9 - 177.4 - Ate the heck out of some pretzels.
    📌12/10 - 178.8 - Temporary. My pretzel frenzy really wasn't. I only had 2ozs of them, but I do Keto, so there's fluid to reckon with.
    12/11 - 176.6 - Lucky ducky today, because I ate 700 calories worth of gourmet potato chips yesterday. No regrets. They were delicious and I'll take the hit tomorrow if it comes.
    12/12 - 178.4 - Chip eating showed up!😅
    12/13 - 177.2
    12/14: - 175.4

    12/15: 174.6 - I had problems with MFP app and forgot to come back with the update. Hit my goal. Now to surpass it even more. This weight is too close. Lol

    December 31 😃😑😕❓

  • Sweetzyd
    Sweetzyd Posts: 919 Member
    Original starting weight : 175 (July 2018)
    December starting weight : 146
    December goal : 140
    Ultimate goal : 130-135

    December 01 - 146
    December 08 - 145.5
    December 15 - 146
    December 22 -
    December 29 -

    Too much junk and sugar the past few days. I got down to 145 but now back up, but it's only a pound. Not getting enough water in either, going to work on this

    Total loss for December :-