

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,784 Member
    hello dear friends~
    fed DFIL Tom was there and Buddy was happy to see him, as I walked away to get something I heard his dad ask Tom if he was married lol.. hey who knows maybe for him 3rd time is the charm....
    I stopped at Walgreens and picked up a cordless water flosser, figured even though it was 45.00 it will help my teeth in the long run, the tooth that is giving me issues I think is a root canal tooth with a crown on it.. there is to much of a gap between that tooth and the one next to it and food is getting impacted in there, plus the popcorn didn't help, I have flossed the devil out of it,swished with warm salt water and brushed gently im letting the flosser charge now..
    as of right now I have no dental insurance so any work I get done is written off, with new owner who knows.. that is the only benefit we get is the ones that do have insurance, get what isn't paid by insurance written off...
    I didn't sleep to well last night so I might lay down for a nap and then go take Alfie to visit down at nursing home, how they love it so...
    then working on resume
  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Happy Bacon Day!

    If you're not into that, then happy National Bicarbonate of Soda day!

    Michelle - Yum, posole sounds great! We're having the right weather for it today. I have green chile stew on my list to make soon, right after I use up the leftover turkey in a pot of gumbo. Good green chile is harder to find here than it was when we lived in New Mexico, but I can usually get it frozen if I shop around.

    Kim - Your brother sounds like such a sad, angry, scared person. I'm sorry he messed up your plans with your nephew.

    Rita - Bottomless Lakes is a really neat state park. Thanks for the pictures - it looks lovely with a blanket of snow! I miss it the white stuff SO much since we moved back home. I loved the Valley of Fires recreation area as well, and also City of Rocks - two parks with weird, wonderful landscapes.

    Felicia - Ouch! So sorry about the toe. It's amazing the ways our bodies can find to hurt themselves.

    Rebecca - That soup sounds amazing. Share the recipe? (Or did you... I had to skip over a lot of posts after being out so long.)

    Trish - You're right about colds stealing energy. My husband and I took turns with some kind of awful sinus infection right before Christmas, and now the cedar trees are pollinating so allergies have kicked in for pretty much everyone in the Texas Hill Country. I feel like my tail is dragging all the time.

    Kelly - We lived in New Mexico for twelve years. We always had snow by Halloween, regular deposits of one to two feet all winter, and sometimes going as late as April or May for the last snow of the year.

    I had a lovely, lazy week off from work and now I'm preparing to return. To help with my motivation, I'm trying a 14-day free trial of the Noom app on my phone. Today is day two and they've already given me one thing to ponder about my resistance to exercising, and that is that I've formed a habit of not exercising. Now I have to break it and develop my workouts into a habit again. I'm not sure I'll continue with them after the free trial ends, but we'll see. I definitely need all the help I can get to find some motivation.

    Philip and I are getting ready to take our new travel trailer to the beach in a couple of weeks, and I can't wait. We also decided yesterday to start planning now for a trip to Pagosa Springs, Colorado next year. We used to go every Valentine's Day for a week of cross-country skiing, but we moved to back to Texas and then my friend who always went with us died and her husband moved to California. Between finances and the longer drive we haven't done it in years. I'm very excited about that trip, so maybe it will motivate me to get back on the ski machine!

    Now I have to venture out into the rain to run some errands. Would be so pleasant to stay snug and warm indoors but I need to get things done before I get back to work tomorrow, and I'm going to look for that frozen green chile while I'm out near larger grocery stores.

    -Yvonne in TX
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,669 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Heather- This popped up in my facebook memories. Something that I found and posted last year on this date; about the Tarahumara/Raramuri runners:A Mighty Girl
    Page Liked · December 30, 2017 ·

    A Mighty Girl 2017 Highlight: 22-year-old María Lorena Ramírez from Mexico's Tarahumara indigenous community won this year's Ultra Trail Cerro Rojo Ultramarathon -- wearing sandals made from tire rubber! The Tarahumara word for themselves, Rarámuri, means "runners on foot" and the community is famous for its running ability. Ramírez defeated 500 other runners from 12 countries to win the women's 50k race in seven hours and three minutes despite having no professional training or gear. Race organizer Orlando Jiménez said, “She didn’t bring any gel, nor energy sweets, walking stick, glasses or those very expensive running shoes that everyone wears to run in the mountains. Just a bottle of water, her hat and a kerchief.”

    While never having trained for an ultramarathon, Ramírez leads a very active lifestyle; walking 6 to 9 miles daily for her job tending goats and cattle. Her win earned her an award of 6,000 pesos ($320), and she plans to run again in the future and show others what's possible even with just the basics. As a Puebla community website stated after her victory: Ramírez ran "without a hydration vest, without running shoes, without Lycra and compression socks, without any of those gadgets used by the runners of today" -- and achieved the impossible!

    For a fascinating book about the Tarahumara and running, check out “Born to Run: A Hidden Tribe, Superathletes, and the Greatest Race the World Has Never Seen” at http://amzn.to/2rBFU4X

    For an excellent book about 22 pioneering women runners, we highly recommend “First Ladies of Running: 22 Inspiring Profiles of the Rebels, Rule Breakers, and Visionaries Who Changed the Sport Forever,” at http://amzn.to/1Vbcljj

    For several Mighty Girl stories that celebrate the joy of running, we recommend "The Quickest Kid in Clarksville" for ages 4 to 8 (https://www.amightygirl.com/the-quickest-kid-in-clarksville) and “The Running Dream” for ages 12 and up (https://www.amightygirl.com/the-running-dream).

    And, for a fantastic t-shirt that speaks to the fact that strength has nothing to do with gender, check out the “I'm not strong for a girl. I'm just strong.” t-shirt for both kids and adults at https://www.amightygirl.com/strong-t-shirt

    I saw this on FB, that was awesome
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,797 Member
    Machka - I can imagine that writing your husband's stories will stir up a lot of the emotions from the first few weeks/months of his injury. I think 30 minutes would be long enough to take myself back there.

    Rebecca - I enjoyed looking at the moon cycle. I love your minimalist style as well. I have gotten rid of so much over the years but don't think I could ever get it down that low. Too many things that are pure sentiment in my house.

    Terri - I have been into the junk too much this week as well. Today all of the leftover sweets and cookies are going into the freezer or packaged up and taken to the local fire department. Weather wise right now tells me it will be the freezer.

    Mary - I broke my toe in the early Fall, it is rather painful! Hope it heals fast for you.

    Lisa - I admire your planning, I have done things like that as well, but since hubby has no interest in it or in helping to reduce costs I have given up.

    Margaret - Blue light truly affected my sleep for a while, I didn't realize what it was that was bothering me for the first while but then realized that it was a new alarm clock I had purchased that had a blue display instead of red. It seemed to light the whole room. My humidifier also has a blue nightlight built in, that can't be turned off. I have it in an area that doesn't affect me though.

    Today is the first time in about 3 weeks that I have been able to get onto the computer to read the posts and comment. I find it so very tedious doing it on my phone or ipad. I was given a Cricut for Christmas and am learning how to use the program that goes with it on my ipad so that I am not dependent on the computer, but I think I would like to have a new laptop in the house. If we get one, I will take hubby's current one and give him the new one. This might be a next year thing though, a daughter's wedding this summer and me being unemployed will curb all extra purchases right now.

    It was nice to pop in and say a couple words rather than just reading everything, tomorrow is my doctor's appointment I am wondering since I am also feeling so run down even after sleeping for 12 hours a night and the pain in my chest if I might have walking pneumonia. My Grandmother had it one time and I remember there were no symptoms really. I guess the doctor will be better at diagnosing than me.

    Tracey in a snowy, windy Edmonton
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Lanette: I hope the water situation is resolved quickly. I also hope the laptop battery arrives quickly. A year ago my son updated mine and it has been a champion for me ever since then. :heart:

    I can’t really tell you much about DD’s farm because I haven’t seen it yet. There are 17 acres, including 9 acres of pond. They are considering raising fish in the pond as a commercial endeavor. There are two houses, the main house & a smaller “cabin.” There is also an outbuilding that was full of stuff. Interior plumbing fixtures in the main house are avocado. The best feature is that my daughter and her husband are happy there. They’ve called it the Pickle Farm, so I guess the former owners grew cucumbers at some point. They bought the property from the “children” who are elderly compared to us. :wink:

    Bonnie & Lanette: I have no trouble imagining the Schnauzers running the show. Their first two commands—Achtung! Macht Schnell!! :wink: (Attention! Make it quick.)

    Michelle: Where do you live in WA? I have sourdough starter and could share if you are close enough. DH thinks it could be mailed. I wonder if that is true. We sent DS home with sourdough starter, and he wore it inside his shirt during the flights. :flowerforyou:

    Kim: I am always happy when I see your posts. :star: I’m sorry your brother is such a pill. :ohwell:

    Rita in Roswell: I always connect Roswell with extra-terrestrials in my mind. Have you seen ET yet? :wink:

    Allie: Sorry to hear about your toothache. :sad:

    Felicia: I’m so sorry to hear about your toe. I can’t imagine breaking a toe in down dog, but I can imagine dislocating one. I hope you get the problems solved quickly. :heart:

    Rebecca: I love the lunar calendar! Wow! :star:

    Mary: Great pictures! :bigsmile:

    Machka: I would go for the root canal if I was in your situation. Good luck with your decision. :flowerforyou:

    Lisa: You are amazing!!! I am always impressed by your planning and organization. :star:

    Pip: Love the photo of you and Rocky. :star;

    We still have our Christmas decorations up and the lights are making me happy. I’m planning to take the decorations off of our living trees and start their transition back to the outdoors on New Year’s Day. Our weather has been quite mild, and if that holds up, it should make the transition relatively easy for the living trees. The fakes can stay up a bit longer.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,294 Member
    edited December 2018
    Yvonne - I often buy a bunch of hatch chili’s when Randall’s or HEB has them (Anaheim’s, poblanos and jalapeños too). Hub will blister them for me with a paraburner. I sweat and peel them and then use some to make green Chile pork verde and just freeze the rest to use later.

    Our allergies are kicking in as well. Luckily (or not) mine are mostly burning eyes.

    Okie in the TX Hill Country
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,328 Member
    Phew! Rolling the dough was HARD work. We had to roll it out and fold it three times with 20 minute rests in the freezer. Now it is back in the fridge for tonight. Tomorrow is the big day. What I like is that it is a joint project. <3 We did laugh a lot!

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,784 Member
    back from nursing home and all the dog people enjoyed Alfie , he is so good with them, honestly..
    wore him out too.. im in for the rest of the day.. so going to get comfortable and relax.. work on resume... and either listen to music or have the t.v. on
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    :)Trish, Yest, this cold is really sapping my energy. I dutifully get up in the morning and walk the dogs (about two hours total). This morning I took my shower, talked to Jake for about 30 minutes, then went back to bed where i slept for 90 minutes. Now I'm up to fix lunch and will probably go back to bed shortly after. If it weren't for the dogs, I might have spent all day in bed.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,784 Member
    well Resume is done and printed, here is hoping it wont be needed,but it is there if it is, sort of back up..
    I tried putting the tv on and all Alfie has done is gone bonkers and bark like a maniac.... so off went the tv. until I go to bed..
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Finish up chores that needed to be done before tomorrow. Went to church and SS then watched the Cowboys. They win give you a heart attach. I need to spend some time on my goals for the next few weeks.
    SueBDew in TX
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,380 Member
    Did Denise Austin’s Hot Body Yoga DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to hold my plank then take the extremepump class.

    Jess just left to go to VA. I knew that she wouldn’t want to spend NYE here. She took Shadow. I understand that she wants to be with Shadow, and I hope she brings her back here. I suspect Colby wants to have as many ties to Jess as possible, but I really think Shadow liked it here. There was (almost) always someone here. She was getting better with our cats. OK, not perfect. Jess has seen the conflict between her and our cats and I know that’s bothering her. She said that she didn’t want us to take Shadow to FL, so I told her that if she doesn’t want us to take Shadow, we can have Cheryl come in every other day and fill her feeder, make sure she has water, etc. Since Shadow doesn’t need medication, we can have Cheryl come only every other day. It’s just weird, I miss that little girl. I know that at the end of the day, it’s her cat. No matter how I feel or we think that something is the right way, it’s her cat, she has the final say. Not me.

    Felicia – have a great time in Cancun. How long will you be gone?

    Rebecca – don’t you just wish that things that are important to you would also be important to your kids? Like I know that the rocking chair I have reminds me so much of my father. Yet, it hurts in a way to know that it doesn’t mean anything to the kids and when I’m gone they’ll just get rid of it.

    Allie – I keep a waterpik in my bathroom and use it whenever I have popcorn. Another thing I use is a flosser (I just have this “thing” about putting my hand in my mouth to use the floss, but ever since katla mentioned it to me, I haven’t had a problem using it at all)

    M – this recipe for the pavlova called for some white vinegar. I tasted some of the meringue before I baked it and the meringue isn’t sweet, but it’s not like you can taste vinegar. Just something different. I’m sure that when I add the whipped cream and fruit to it, it’ll be much better. I got some strawberries, but as I was looking at them, I think I should probably get some other fruit. The strawberries don’t look fully ripe (well, they’re out of season)

    Allie and M – I almost never get novacaine. The last time I did (which was probably about 10 years ago) was when I had a root canal. All the times I got a crown, never took it, even when they were grinding down the tooth. I just have a high threshold for pain.

    Went to WalMart, got potatoes for tomorrow, tea bags that I needed, changed the bacon bits bag and got a new bag (the old one was cut open) but had to go to another WalMart to get the ham. We’re supposed to go to friend’s house today and maybe on the way back I should get some Sprite for Ken. Vince will finish it. I’ll take the one bottle of wine to them along with some extra cookies that I don’t need (what I mean by that is that my waist doesn’t need them)

    Tracey – Vince was asking me about a Cricut. See, I’ve never used one. I know one lady who used it to make cards. Can you give me a better explanation of what it’s used for?

    M – just took the pavlova out of the oven. It’s lightly browned but cracked somewhat on top. Guess that’s OK, it’ll still taste the same. And my stomach doesn’t know if it’s cracked or not….lol

    Michele in NC
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,119 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Did Denise Austin’s Hot Body Yoga DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to hold my plank then take the extremepump class.

    Jess just left to go to VA. I knew that she wouldn’t want to spend NYE here. She took Shadow. I understand that she wants to be with Shadow, and I hope she brings her back here. I suspect Colby wants to have as many ties to Jess as possible, but I really think Shadow liked it here. There was (almost) always someone here. She was getting better with our cats. OK, not perfect. Jess has seen the conflict between her and our cats and I know that’s bothering her. She said that she didn’t want us to take Shadow to FL, so I told her that if she doesn’t want us to take Shadow, we can have Cheryl come in every other day and fill her feeder, make sure she has water, etc. Since Shadow doesn’t need medication, we can have Cheryl come only every other day. It’s just weird, I miss that little girl. I know that at the end of the day, it’s her cat. No matter how I feel or we think that something is the right way, it’s her cat, she has the final say. Not me.

    Felicia – have a great time in Cancun. How long will you be gone?

    Rebecca – don’t you just wish that things that are important to you would also be important to your kids? Like I know that the rocking chair I have reminds me so much of my father. Yet, it hurts in a way to know that it doesn’t mean anything to the kids and when I’m gone they’ll just get rid of it.

    Allie – I keep a waterpik in my bathroom and use it whenever I have popcorn. Another thing I use is a flosser (I just have this “thing” about putting my hand in my mouth to use the floss, but ever since katla mentioned it to me, I haven’t had a problem using it at all)

    M – this recipe for the pavlova called for some white vinegar. I tasted some of the meringue before I baked it and the meringue isn’t sweet, but it’s not like you can taste vinegar. Just something different. I’m sure that when I add the whipped cream and fruit to it, it’ll be much better. I got some strawberries, but as I was looking at them, I think I should probably get some other fruit. The strawberries don’t look fully ripe (well, they’re out of season)

    Allie and M – I almost never get novacaine. The last time I did (which was probably about 10 years ago) was when I had a root canal. All the times I got a crown, never took it, even when they were grinding down the tooth. I just have a high threshold for pain.

    Went to WalMart, got potatoes for tomorrow, tea bags that I needed, changed the bacon bits bag and got a new bag (the old one was cut open) but had to go to another WalMart to get the ham. We’re supposed to go to friend’s house today and maybe on the way back I should get some Sprite for Ken. Vince will finish it. I’ll take the one bottle of wine to them along with some extra cookies that I don’t need (what I mean by that is that my waist doesn’t need them)

    Tracey – Vince was asking me about a Cricut. See, I’ve never used one. I know one lady who used it to make cards. Can you give me a better explanation of what it’s used for?

    M – just took the pavlova out of the oven. It’s lightly browned but cracked somewhat on top. Guess that’s OK, it’ll still taste the same. And my stomach doesn’t know if it’s cracked or not….lol

    Michele in NC

    It's supposed to be cracked .... that means it is done.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,083 Member
    M the tooth I just got a crown on was cracked. The root was alive and because of how it was cracked I had a crown and not a root canal.
  • gzteach
    gzteach Posts: 6 Member
    Whew! I just finished catching up on posts! You are all so busy.
    Allie, I hope your meeting goes well.
    I’m jealous of all the beautiful decorations.
    I don’t have everyone’s names straight yet, but I’m working on it. I’ll probably do a lot of reading for a while to be sure I get everyone straight in my head.
    I have one more week before I go back to school so I’m trying to get some sewing done. Still have one more Christmas family gathering also, but I’m ready for it so I can just enjoy. The grandkids will be there again. 😊
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,877 Member
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member

    Suki reflecting and feeling thankful.👍