Accountability-Daily Support/motivation group



  • JuliBiGoolee
    JuliBiGoolee Posts: 204 Member
    For the past 10 days, I've been able to prep meals and stick to my meal plan about 85-90%. Damn those Lindt Lindor truffles Santa brought me in my stocking. But even those, at most I've had 3 at a time. I brought cookies to my meeting to get them out of my house and everyone ELSE ate them. I'm on day 4 of 30 day yoga challenge.
    Areas of improvement:
    Increase water intake
    Trust that weight loss takes time and results aren't instant. Feel good and be proud in my actions, not the results.
  • echoroyal79
    echoroyal79 Posts: 72 Member
    @DebBahr Good luck on the renovations. Hope it is speedy

    @guenhwyvar Welcome. Share some of your posts here. You can do the last 10 lbs. 👍

    @bettina8037 Thanks for the encouragement. You are doing good on your steps🎉

    @vla246 hope you get better soon. Great on the water. I need your motivation with water 💧
    @imjaswarn awesome job today. Keep it up🤗

    @timetodothis19 great job. It is time to do this🤩

    @tinafaye13 you do what ever it takes to get it done 🚶‍♀️
  • echoroyal79
    echoroyal79 Posts: 72 Member
    @Running2Fit you are inspiring girl

    @Numer1ca you are doing fine. We will be ending this one tomorrow and starting a new one monday. Each week will change by slowing adding more to our routine

    @riley2eat dont you love it when they try to sabotage you. Not nice 😖

    @JuliBiGoolee love the quote. Meal prep and yoga. You got this. Can I ask what your meal prep is like. Or a pic💕
  • echoroyal79
    echoroyal79 Posts: 72 Member
    Today I walked the neighborhood since it was a nice day. Somehow sleep time almost noon which was crazy. Must of needed it I guess.
    Not so good on the water.
    Thanks everyone for being inspirations to get me out to do something when i would normally just not do anything 😘🤗
  • JuliBiGoolee
    JuliBiGoolee Posts: 204 Member
    @echoroyal79 I do Rob Nevin's Slim Nation (used to be called living lean). My first time with his program, I was pregnant. It kept me from gaining too much weight, I gained about 20 lbs with my daughter. I gained far more after she was born, not doing any plan. It's a 3 day carb cycle plan, high protein, low carb, lower fat for 2 days and then on "load" day, you up your carbs. My sister and a few friends were very successful on this program. It starts with specific meals but when you get the hang of it you can substitute foods as long as the calories match up and the category is the same (ex. Protein for protein)
  • court2882
    court2882 Posts: 16 Member
    Drank 65 oz of water today. Did my weigh in and took all my measurements. 😳 The goal for today was the water and measurements, so I will take that as a win. @echoroyal79 Thank you for the support. I HATE exercise. I always feel like crap afterwards and super grumpy. I do it because it is necessary. It’s hard to find time because some days I work 14/16 hours and so I want to see my kid on the other days. It’s just not easy.
  • riley2eat
    riley2eat Posts: 39 Member
    Ive gone to the gym every day this week and eaten clean and stayed under my daily calorie limit, but earlier when I weighed myself I'd gained 1.6 pounds since yesterday... I tried to tell myself it was because id gotten to the gym much later in the day than usual and already eaten and drank a good amount of water, but it was honestly still pretty upsetting. On top of that the app yelled at me today that I was too far under my calories for the day even though i'd felt like id eaten a decent amount.... idk I guess this is a frustration rant. Thanks for letting me vent.
  • Running2Fit
    Running2Fit Posts: 702 Member
    riley2eat wrote: »
    Ive gone to the gym every day this week and eaten clean and stayed under my daily calorie limit, but earlier when I weighed myself I'd gained 1.6 pounds since yesterday... I tried to tell myself it was because id gotten to the gym much later in the day than usual and already eaten and drank a good amount of water, but it was honestly still pretty upsetting. On top of that the app yelled at me today that I was too far under my calories for the day even though i'd felt like id eaten a decent amount.... idk I guess this is a frustration rant. Thanks for letting me vent.

    Do you weigh yourself at the same time each day? It’s not really worth comparing random times you stepped on the scale throughout the day. And 1.6 lbs is nothing really. There could be a million reasons for a fluctuation that small.
  • Numer1ca
    Numer1ca Posts: 284 Member
    @riley2eat are your hormones fluctuateing? Actually I’m sure they are. Maybe something like happyscale that shows an average would help with the mental side.
  • Mommybellaxo
    Mommybellaxo Posts: 20 Member
    You gained muscle!
    riley2eat wrote: »
    Ive gone to the gym every day this week and eaten clean and stayed under my daily calorie limit, but earlier when I weighed myself I'd gained 1.6 pounds since yesterday... I tried to tell myself it was because id gotten to the gym much later in the day than usual and already eaten and drank a good amount of water, but it was honestly still pretty upsetting. On top of that the app yelled at me today that I was too far under my calories for the day even though i'd felt like id eaten a decent amount.... idk I guess this is a frustration rant. Thanks for letting me vent.

  • anikpinacolada92
    anikpinacolada92 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi guys, I’m Anna :)
  • bettina8037
    bettina8037 Posts: 34 Member
    riley2eat wrote: »
    Ive gone to the gym every day this week and eaten clean and stayed under my daily calorie limit, but earlier when I weighed myself I'd gained 1.6 pounds since yesterday... I tried to tell myself it was because id gotten to the gym much later in the day than usual and already eaten and drank a good amount of water, but it was honestly still pretty upsetting. On top of that the app yelled at me today that I was too far under my calories for the day even though i'd felt like id eaten a decent amount.... idk I guess this is a frustration rant. Thanks for letting me vent.

    I would definitely only weigh first thing in the morning! Everyone "gains" weight throughout the day with eating, drinking, sweating, etc.
  • echoroyal79
    echoroyal79 Posts: 72 Member
  • tinafaye13
    tinafaye13 Posts: 19 Member
    9,499 steps yesterday! Thanks to babysitting a very active 2 yr old 😁
  • imjaswarn
    imjaswarn Posts: 7 Member
    riley2eat wrote: »
    Ive gone to the gym every day this week and eaten clean and stayed under my daily calorie limit, but earlier when I weighed myself I'd gained 1.6 pounds since yesterday... I tried to tell myself it was because id gotten to the gym much later in the day than usual and already eaten and drank a good amount of water, but it was honestly still pretty upsetting. On top of that the app yelled at me today that I was too far under my calories for the day even though i'd felt like id eaten a decent amount.... idk I guess this is a frustration rant. Thanks for letting me vent.

    Yes, I see you...happens with me too sometimes. But you can carry on the way you feel best for you....just don't eat too less to jeopardize your health in the long run, dear
  • imjaswarn
    imjaswarn Posts: 7 Member
    tinafaye13 wrote: »
    9,499 steps yesterday! Thanks to babysitting a very active 2 yr old 😁

    I too got in 7k plus steps
  • timetodothis19
    timetodothis19 Posts: 23 Member
    Dec. 31-Jan. 6, 2019
    Water challenge
    M- 88oz
    T- 59oz
    W- 48oz
    T- 59oz
    F- 63oz
    S- 58oz
    S- 34oz as of 9:30am today

    Workouts for the week:
    1/1 - 15 minutes elliptical, 15 minutes treadmill, 12 minutes weight lifting
    1/4 - 35 minutes yoga
    1/5 - 30 minutes elliptical
    1/6 - 30 minutes elliptical

    How much weight lost during the week:
    I gained 4oz this week 😒 I know that is nothing but still disappointed. It’s just the first week so I am going to be positive!

    Excited to continue to share the journey with everyone! Happy Sunday! Looking forward to next week’s challenge
  • bettina8037
    bettina8037 Posts: 34 Member
    Happy Sunday everyone!

    Dec. 31-Jan. 6, 2019
    Water challenge: I drank at least 120oz a day every day.

    Workouts for the week:
    M: rest day
    T: weights and 5 mile run
    W: 40 min strength, 30 min walk
    T: 55 min strength, 45 min walk
    F: 45 min strength
    S: 50 min strength, 60 min walk
    Sun: 50 min strength, 60 min walk

    My goal this week was to get 10,000 steps daily, reached it 3 out of 7 days. Hopefully 7 out of 7 next week!

    How much weight lost during the week: 2lb down
  • bettina8037
    bettina8037 Posts: 34 Member
    Dec. 31-Jan. 6, 2019
    Water challenge
    M- 88oz
    T- 59oz
    W- 48oz
    T- 59oz
    F- 63oz
    S- 58oz
    S- 34oz as of 9:30am today

    Workouts for the week:
    1/1 - 15 minutes elliptical, 15 minutes treadmill, 12 minutes weight lifting
    1/4 - 35 minutes yoga
    1/5 - 30 minutes elliptical
    1/6 - 30 minutes elliptical

    How much weight lost during the week:
    I gained 4oz this week 😒 I know that is nothing but still disappointed. It’s just the first week so I am going to be positive!

    Excited to continue to share the journey with everyone! Happy Sunday! Looking forward to next week’s challenge

    You are doing awesome! Keep up the good work and don't let the scale get you down!