The middle agers group. (Upper 30s,40s & 50ish folks)



  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    sdereski wrote: »
    AliNouveau wrote: »
    sdereski wrote: »
    @AliNouveau - there is a documentary on CBC (tomorrow) about a group of women ages 40+ to 70+ that are figure skaters and are headed to the Worlds! It is called "To the Worlds". I thought of you and your friends immediately. :)

    i'm listening to an interview with them on the radio

    i competed at the "worlds" in 2014. It's a fun competition in a gorgeous area of Germany. People are crazy serious about the competition there. I have some fun stories from that competition. haha

    Aren't they fun?! It's not too late for me to start learning how to skate! :smiley:

    It's never too late. It's also like gaining a family. You get enveloped into the skating family and it's great. Ya it can be carry at times but I have such a great group of friends from the skating world.

    And to be honest nothing beats the high you get from performing and competing at competitions. Well for me at least
  • ARaye0069
    ARaye0069 Posts: 2 Member
    New here and to MFP. Started yesterday. Trying to drop some weight before vacation in September.
  • beachgal0626
    beachgal0626 Posts: 1,912 Member
    berky06 wrote: »
    Good Morning Everyone! Was doing so great and somehow got into a slump! Started around November and I can't seem to get back into the swing of things. I want to...
    Was down almost 50 pounds and have put about 7 back on. Seems like I am either starving or not hungry. Can't seem to find the middle. I have to say, I am not as "strict" as before. I need to get that drive back! I noticed that some "bad" habits are slowly making their way back and I have to stop them before they take over! Why is it so hard to get back into the healthy mode once you have got on that slippery slope?
    I am still exercising and get on MFP everyday and log my food, but not as good as before. Sometimes, I log all day sometimes, I don't log it all. I just want that DRIVE back! I know it has to come from me....but darn it! It's being so hard!
    No real advice, my friend, other than keep plugging along! You lost 50 and that's a great accomplishment -- so keep chipping away at that "extra 7", and take it one day at a time!
  • myzzfit
    myzzfit Posts: 22 Member
    Turning 37 next week...feel free to add me!
  • fit_chrissy125
    fit_chrissy125 Posts: 5 Member
    ✋ 33... is that middle aged enough?! I need some MFP friends!!!
  • KishJijTin
    KishJijTin Posts: 37 Member
    37 Female feel free to add me
  • SusanArmyStrongMomOfTwo
    Feel free to my 40's :)
  • Mod1n1
    Mod1n1 Posts: 2 Member
    Newbie... just started using the app in parallel with the app (mainly for exercise routine tracking). Let’s see how things go... 🙈
  • TomFit18
    TomFit18 Posts: 2,585 Member
    Good morning peeps!
  • Dvdgzz
    Dvdgzz Posts: 437 Member
    37 and happy to make more friends to keep the ball rolling. We can motivate each other. :)
  • TomFit18
    TomFit18 Posts: 2,585 Member
    Today is my Friday so ready for the weekend!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Good Morning all. Got a couple of great workouts in last night. 45 min of Full body blast followed by 30 min of pump. Thought the full body blast was going to do me in
  • Kevin_Hassenpflug
    Kevin_Hassenpflug Posts: 70 Member
    Ill be 46 this May.....always looking for friends....
  • Ralphone
    Ralphone Posts: 1,854 Member
    Just checking in on all you M agers. Happy Friday!!! Keep on track .
  • TonyB0588
    TonyB0588 Posts: 9,520 Member
    Ralphone wrote: »
    Just checking in on all you M agers. Happy Friday!!! Keep on track .

    Yes. It's Friday, breakfast time. Have a good day.
  • TomFit18
    TomFit18 Posts: 2,585 Member
    Getting ready for the weekend! Starting with a 3 1/2 drive to visit family! GM and have a great day!
  • Bionicscotty74
    Bionicscotty74 Posts: 8 Member
    Hey feel free to add me 44 enjoy cycling walking and lifting
  • jonlfischer
    jonlfischer Posts: 171 Member
    Jon here, 38. Feel free to add me. Always looking for more motivational friends
  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    I just realized I'll be 46 this year. Heading down the slope to 50.eek