Men & Women in their 50s starting anew in 2019!



  • poscur
    poscur Posts: 74 Member
    I started my weight loss 3 weeks ago and I'm happy to report I have lost 8lbs I'm so proud of myself.☺

    That is must being feeling so good! Have a great week ahead.
  • MountainTopMom
    MountainTopMom Posts: 65 Member
    After killing it at the gym yesterday, alas, the weights took delayed revenge today... I'm getting sorer and sorer... afraid my hubby will have to dress me in the morning and drive me to work! LOL!!! On the treadmill trying to work these aches out.
  • BonnieHosk85
    BonnieHosk85 Posts: 2,552 Member
    @lynnefiller, welcome!!

    @lisadianehays55, great loss!

  • Sandi5608
    Sandi5608 Posts: 14 Member
    I started my weight loss 3 weeks ago and I'm happy to report I have lost 8lbs I'm so proud of myself.☺

    That's fantastic!
  • poscur
    poscur Posts: 74 Member
    pcolestock wrote: »
    Im in from Michigan! Starting over, again! Down3 lbs from first week so feel pretty good about it! Just logging meals,steps, water and making better choices. Nice to meet you all.

  • poscur
    poscur Posts: 74 Member
    After killing it at the gym yesterday, alas, the weights took delayed revenge today... I'm getting sorer and sorer... afraid my hubby will have to dress me in the morning and drive me to work! LOL!!! On the treadmill trying to work these aches out.

    Love that feeling and hate it too. Always worse the next day....Advil and stretch it out!
  • Slider678
    Slider678 Posts: 113 Member
    Good Tuesday Morning Everyone-

    I hope everyone survived the long weekend. I was out of town 3 days. Had 1 good day and 2 bad ones. Got one workout in and that helped. Need to make today-Thursday very productive so the scale is good to me Friday. My clothes are feeling a bit looser which is good, no one has commented that I look thinner. I really don't need the affirmation but I wonder at how many pounds downs it will be noticeable.

    Welcome to all the new members! Glad you are here!

    Here is a QOTD- What is a exercise hack that helps you get through a workout? Mine is listening to great podcast. Here are a couple of my favorites...Up and Vanished, Dirty John and Believed.

    Anyone else love podcasts?
  • hereslibby
    hereslibby Posts: 93 Member
    Hi all!
    Life is busy here, but seem to be staying on track. At least the best I can. Work has been insane, but in a good way.
    QOTD: My exercise hack would be to listen to my favorites playlist on Pandora. I listen to podcast too. Arm Chair Expert is my favorite at the moment.
    Happy Tuesday !!
  • ellenecoxcox75
    ellenecoxcox75 Posts: 37 Member
    slider678 Up and Vanished this season is about us here in Saguache (pronounced SAWATCH) County Colorado- we are 5th largest county in Colorado with less than 7,000 people beautiful but lots of places to hide a body..
  • RandJ6280
    RandJ6280 Posts: 1,161 Member
    Slider678 wrote: »
    Hey there-
    Lets start a support group for men and women in their 50s that are going to make changes in 2019! I need the help and am starting today! Role Call! Who is in?
    Jay in Atlanta

    I'm in, Tony in Alabama
  • RandJ6280
    RandJ6280 Posts: 1,161 Member

    Alabama needs to wake up. This is from the CDC website.... I know that Alabama was number 1 in the past, and slowly I think Alabama is waking up. Scale Back Alabama is a good place to start.

    I read things like this and I get mad at myself, then mad at the food company's, and the restaurants that want you to SUPER SIZE your order.
    This must STOP NOW! For me anyway. I want to be a positive force in reversing the obesity in American and my state (Alabama) ... I may not make a monumental difference to the masses... but maybe.. just maybe.. I can change one person and that one person will be the one that can make a huge difference.