JUST FOR TODAY -- One Day at a Time .... Daily commitment thread for 2019



  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,451 Member
    JFT Jan 24
    Before work:
    • up right after alarm
    • weigh in / HIIT on bike / breakfast
    • weigh / pack / pre-log for the day
    • recycling to the curb / pull out of driveway by 7:45!

    After work / evening:
    • Set up for a exergame tour themed to Valentine's Day (target completion date)
    • adjust supper and snack logging & choices based on calories burned
    • Read while savouring my evening snack ... nearing the end of this mystery novel

    2019 Big Picture MFP-type Targets:
    • I am shedding 2 more pounds to reach my healthy BMI zone by (Chinese) New Year (Feb 5)
    • I am working on closing that last inch across my back so that my wedding dress fits on my 31st anniversary (April 30)
    • I am releasing and lowering my Body Fat % by measurable amounts via daily 7-minute HIIT sessions on my stationary bike (at least 1 per day, sometimes 2) and my daily mini-trampoline jogging for LISS cardio - 45 minutes or more on average.
    • I am practicing and preparing to shift to Maintenance eating habits and calorie levels somewhere around 135 pounds by "eating more calories so that I can do more activity that I love" NOW - and getting past the potential mental roadblock of "HOW am I going to eat so many extra maintenance-level pre-exercise calories while keeping fats and sugars mostly in the GREEN!?!?"

    2019 Big Picture Rest-of-Life Goals:
    • finishing Level 2 of my Toastmasters Pathways program before June 30
    • de-cluttering my study / sewing room
    • dealing with my mending pile
    • establishing an after work / evening routine that includes BOTH regular study for prequalifying for my French-Second-Language levels for work (current levels expiring in 2020) AND continues daily exercise to release and lower by Body Fat % levels while staying in Maintenance Zone


  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member

    JFT 1/23/19

    1. Log everything - stay in the green :neutral:
    2. More water, always. :)
    3. Go to the gym. :neutral:
    4. Planner time! :neutral:
    5. Do some beading, which is my form of meditation. Have a ton of projects to work on! :neutral:

    Tomorrow's another day! I'm not going to beat myself up, just going to look forward.

    JFT 1/24/19

    1. Get back in the green!
    2. Go to the gym as I didn't on Wednesday.
    3. Do something for *me*.
    4. Make a grocery list to meal prep this weekend.
    5. Don't stress about things I can't control.
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »

    hahahah This was me today for sure!

    And Marley is precious!! That made me giggle.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,920 Member
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,920 Member
    I as just popping in to say hi, nota lot to say. Where is @AJB1014 and @HEGoddard0928, hope you’re both doing ok.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,252 Member

    OH _--- I LOVE THIS!!!! Just what I needed today! Thank you for sharing!
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    Had another good day yesterday. Ended up having to stay late at work so didn’t manage everything on the list but I got lots done and feeling a bit more prepared for my observation next week. I was mindful about getting too hungry so popped out after school hours and bought a yoghurt to hold me over until I got home. I’ve noticed that fat seems to fill me up and I’m always very low on that macro so I went for a 5% fat one rather than my usual 0% and felt quite satisfied. Must remember this!

    Wednesday goals recap
    - morning workout ✅
    - Water! It’s working, keep it up! ✅
    - Cash for piano teacher ✅
    - Brief cover teacher for afternoon session ✅
    - Lunchtime meeting ✅
    - Afternoon session - plan observation lesson ✅
    - Health food store after work ❎
    - Pamper time - tanning and eyebrows?✅
    - Re-read 2019 goals- stay mindful ✅
    - Wash girls’ hair ❎
    - Early night❎

    Thursday goals
    - morning workout
    - Water!
    - Email medieval workshop guy to book session for Year 1
    - Finish planning and print
    - Arrange date to plan P joint bday party with the other mum
    - Health food store after work
    - Girls hair washing and homework
    - Online grocery shop?
    - Get running and yoga gear prepped before bed
    - Early night

    Nearly the weekend everyone! X
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,252 Member
    JFT, Wed
    1. try and go to the gym. I have not been there in over a week. I need that to help me I think, plus there are good friends there to talk to! :/ Just never got there this morning.
    2. out to lunch with my neighbor ... so make wise choices :):) It helps when you have a lot to talk about LOL!! We went to panera bread, I ordered a cup of turkey chili and a half smoked turkey sandwich ... all I ate was the cup of chili... and I didn't even want the sandwich.
    3. concentrate on water :)
    4. be patient... put up with the mess .... give our daughter her space :) She was upset last nite ... and said she was not going to stay with us. I started to get scared, and hubby and I went and just laid down and watched TV (yes, we have a tv in our bedroom!). We left her be in the living room. Hubby went out very quietly, and told her if she did not follow what the doctor said .. which was to stay at our house every nite for the next month, we would have to call the doctor, and that would most likely mean she would have to go to the hospital. Then he left her alone. All of a sudden, she seemed in a more cooperative mood, and she stayed with us. Today... she seems happy (well, as happy as can be expected). It could be because of the med increase, but also, maybe a part of her wanted to stay with us ... to not be alone. I slept better last nite than I have for a long time ... knowing she was here with us ... and safe. So prayers answered.
    5. take time to rest :) Slept in this morning
    6. mindful eating :) I have to say, I am proud of myself. I even bought some Bridge Mix for my daughter .. thinking at least it is nuts. Half of them spilled out of the bag ... I started to eat some, then thought NO!. So I put all the rest in a ziplock bag ... and ate a orange instead.
    7. eat slow :) I think hubby is starting to get used to me taking a long time to eat LOL!! He keeps saying we have to get back to work ... I remind him I am on my lunch break!! Just because we work out of our home .. I want a lunch break!
    8. get back on here tomorrow ... be accountable :)

    Tonite our daughter is still here. We are letting her have her space. I am trying to ignore the mess in my bathroom. I am trying to ignore the mess in the kitchen. Hubby says just chill out .... and be patient and kind. So that is what we are doing. Right now, she is back in her bedroom, but she is reading. Not on the bed crying. So thats a good sign.

    JFT, THurs
    1. Temp is suppose to be super cold ... but no more excuses! Get my butt to the gym!!
    2. helping hubby ship.... so get in a good days work
    3. log all food
    4. concentrate on drinking water
    5. mindful eating
    6. eat slowly.. and enjoy every bite
    7. take daughter out to the book store. She told her doctor that she feels so much better when she and I do things. Funny, the past month I could not get her to want to do anything. And when we do, hubby would say it doesn't seem to be helping. I guess for her it was helping. So we will try and do something ... even if it is just going to the used book store
    8. get back on here .. be accountable

    Thank you all also so much for listening to me, and for your thoughts. Somehow it helps so much to have someone to write to and tell about these things. Few friends that I have understand ... you know ... having never dealt with mental illness they have no idea what it is like. My heart goes out to anyone that has to deal with thi. For so many, life is a struggle. It is hard to understand, and I admire anyone who gets though a day feeling this way. So hugs to all of you, and a huge thank you to all of you.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,252 Member
    cory17 wrote: »
    I've been trying to wrap my mind behind what is going on in my head (or not) with my eating. It's gotten so mindLESS the past couple years. Would like to feel energetic and clear headed again. I need to get back in control of myself and man the oar.

    It is so easy to fall into the trap of mindless eating ... I am so bad at this myself. This week, after my weight went up, I have to consciously eat slowly. A couple of times I've even set the fork down to remind myself. I used to eat slow all the time ... but since we work out of our home, seems we are always in a hurry to eat. Eating slow is what is needed to tell our brains we had enough food. It makes us savor each bite.
    I know you can do this ... you are not alone, and we are all here to encourage you.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,252 Member
    BMcC9 wrote: »
    JFT (Jan 22)
    After work:
    • "jog around Paris" for an hour (Youtube video + Wii exergame Walk It Out to count my steps + mini-trampoline) - "jogged around some place in Sweden" for 30 minutes, plus extra 16 closing out Wii game session - 46 minutes / 7222 game-counted steps :)

    This is so cool to job around Paris!! One of the treadmills at our gym has this ... the other day I walked around Cape Cod! Makes the time go so much faster, and we can pretend we are there!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,252 Member
    toaljasa wrote: »

    LOVE all the quotes!! I am going to print them out, and plaster them everywhere! thank you ... you guys truly are the best!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,252 Member
    I am so tired. I feel SO behind. :(

    It doesn't surprise me that you are tired! Your list alone makes me tired. I hope you were able to rest today, and realize all that you do, and give yourself a pat on the back. Hugs
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,252 Member
    edited January 2019
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Look where I caught Marley taking a nap when I got home from the school run today... she's like a cat lol!

    Love those little girls! I wish I could be a child for a day ... and just be able to fall asleep that easily! She is a little doll also!

    and GREAT JOB!!! We are going to make it happen this year!!
  • cory17
    cory17 Posts: 1,473 Member
    Consistency - Jan

    Good day today - back at work and lots of DRAMA squared, but I logged, drank fluids and did pretty good at healthy food choices. Put all dh sweets in the garage so they're not in my face when open the fridge. Prepped for tomorrow.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,252 Member
    And @slittlemeister and @Sofia_Alegria. Where is @AJB1014 and @HEGoddard0928, hope you’re both doing ok.

    Yes ... we are missing you guys?? Hope you are all doing well?
  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,920 Member
    @mytime6630 - I am so happy to hear that your daughter seems to be settling in with you and your husband. I know that this doesn't mean it's an immediate cure, but it seems like it has been a tiny help for her.

    I have one friend that I had to call the police to have admitted to the hospital in 2016 and I know the fears when you can't reach them. I have another friend right now that I am worried about. Mental illness is such a misunderstood disease I truly hope that more research is done and that people become more accepting.

    Hugs to you.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,920 Member
    My weekly check in - Averaged over days. It is nice to be back in the 170's again. Hopefully this time I can stay there and start heading to the 160's.

  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,920 Member

    Nice to hear you are doing ok. I need to mop too, maybe tomorrow's chore. Hope your daughter is doing better.