What do you make of my date?



  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    Why did you throw a 20 out? I wouldn't have lol. That was your mistake.
    As for him, sounds crazy, no second date.

    Maybe all she had? I would've fully expected that idiot to think I was a progressive woman and willing to pay for my HALF of the bill. It was a blind date, so maybe they were set up and one didn't ask the other... So I would've gone in thinking I would be paying my own way.
  • frostiegurl
    frostiegurl Posts: 708 Member
    didnt read any of the replies but:

    you asked this guy out - took him out to a cheap lunch date, and are complaining for paying his 10$ tab after he offered to pay first?

    lol - if the tables were reversed and a guy did this, women would be saying this is an instant red flag.

    He asked her out.
  • sarad777
    sarad777 Posts: 210 Member
    Been so many years since I've dated, however, this guy seems inappropriate and beyond cheap. Hope you didn't kiss him goodnight!
  • kennie2
    kennie2 Posts: 1,171 Member
    lol you shouldnt have put that $20 there.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    didnt read any of the replies but:

    you asked this guy out - took him out to a cheap lunch date, and are complaining for paying his 10$ tab after he offered to pay first?

    lol - if the tables were reversed and a guy did this, women would be saying this is an instant red flag.

    Dude, even if you didn't read any of the replies did you even read my very first post?? I sincerely don't think you did.

    I didn't ask him out.
    He didn't offer to pay.
    I didn't actually complain at all in my first post. I laid out facts.

    Would you like me to bend over so you can kiss it now or should we save that for later?
  • I_give_it_2_u_str8
    I_give_it_2_u_str8 Posts: 680 Member
    i wouldnt have even left a tip - you dont sound like much of a catch. sorry.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    lol you shouldnt have put that $20 there.

    I really don't mind paying my half. I always anticipate I will be hence the nice new crisp $20s in my wallet *LOL*
  • mikeyml
    mikeyml Posts: 568 Member
    Would you like me to bend over..... ?

  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    i wouldnt have even left a tip - you dont sound like much of a catch. sorry.

    Aren't you a ray of sunshine.
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    Honestly this guy is not a catch for sure. First of all he is a big hypocrat making the huge big speech about killing animal is bad then ordering chicken and make a comment on that he won't eat steak. HELLO! Chicken are animal too!

    I am a meat eater, but I understand and respect other people views. I have quite a few friends who are vegetarian, because they can not stand the fact that animals are slaughtered for us to eat. I am fine with that. I invite them to our house and cook vegetarian for them. In fact, I keep one side of our grill free of meat all the time just make sure when they come over once or twice a summer I can serve them food from a BBQ that never touched any animal product.
    So either not eat ANY animals ( and never wear leather shoes/belt/bag) or do not give me the speech of slaughterers. That just irks me.

    I also do not expect a guy to pay on first dates. However I expect the guy to offer to pay on the first date just because it is politeness. i actually like the system where I buy the ticket for movie/theater/ whatever activity and the guys to pay for the food. This is a personal choice , but making a women pay on the first date is just yikes!

    Are you desperate for companionship? If not, why are you considering a second date with a guy who is recently divorced, a cheapskate, a hypocrat and obviously you are not that into if you are second guessing yourself and asking other people opinion about it on a forum.
  • frostiegurl
    frostiegurl Posts: 708 Member
    i wouldnt have even left a tip - you dont sound like much of a catch. sorry.

    Wow, just wow.

  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    i wouldnt have even left a tip - you dont sound like much of a catch. sorry.

    That's alright sunshine. I prefer my dates to be able to read anyhow.
  • I_give_it_2_u_str8
    I_give_it_2_u_str8 Posts: 680 Member
    i wouldnt have even left a tip - you dont sound like much of a catch. sorry.

    That's alright sunshine. I prefer my dates to be able to read anyhow.

    lol, high standards! WINNING
  • supertracylynn
    supertracylynn Posts: 1,338 Member
    He was charging you a clothing tax. If you wore less clothes on a regular basis, you'd have gotten your change back.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    i wouldnt have even left a tip - you dont sound like much of a catch. sorry.

    That's alright sunshine. I prefer my dates to be able to read anyhow.

    <~~~~ Can read and thinks you're kinda hot.

    Unfortunately, being straight, none of that really matters. :-)

    But when I finally make my way to your neck o' the woods (someday!) I'll treat you to lunch.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Would you like me to bend over so you can kiss it now or should we save that for later?

    This is @#$@ #$@$5 awesome. I'm sorry you had to go though that. but what a great story. I'm embarrassed for that guy, kind of puts us to shame. He should have paid the whole thing. If you forced that I want to pay thing fine.

    Does he know that chickens get abused too?
  • sandrinamsilva
    sandrinamsilva Posts: 651 Member
    My 1st date with my now boyfriend lasted 6 hours at Dave and Buster's, funnest 1st date ever! We ate and talked, had a few beers, then we played pool. I tried to pay for the pool table since he payed for everything, he gave me this weird look and said no thank I got it.

    Then a few months later when we were officially together he told me he doesn't feel right when a woman pays for him.

    I'd go find another first date if I were you. =)
  • Ajontheguitar
    It'd be intellectually dishonest of me to NOT point out that the guy insulting the OP has a user picture not showing his face.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Renee *LOL* You really do need to come up one of these years! I think my mini and I MAY be heading to Florida this winter :)
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Renee *LOL* You really do need to come up one of these years! I think my mini and I MAY be heading to Florida this winter :)

    Oh! Oh! Let me know!!!

    My mom's in Buffalo right now staying with my grandmother, but I know she intends to eventually get back to WI. Either way, there are so many Chicago and WI people up there, I will probably take a trip even without seeing my mother. One of these days.