(Closed Group) Confidence for Christmas Challenge!



  • serendipitydoda
    serendipitydoda Posts: 15 Member
    Week 1: Julie
    Challenge Starting Weight : 174.2
    Current Weight: 174.2
    Difference: 0
    Christmas Goal Weight: 140
    Mission Sexy Boots (piece of clothing I'm dying to get into): 2.5 inches too small around calves
    Aprox. Minutes of Exercise: 60 minutes each day (avg. last week)
    Highs of last week: Walked 7 km on Monday and Wednesday
    Lows of last week: Had 6 ounces of cheese over five days: That’s 48 grams of fat and 684 calories! Ouch!
    How to Improve (the lows): Find a healthier replacement for cheddar cheese
    Tips or Tricks: Shiratake noodles instead of pasta: only 20 calories and 3g of carbs

    Happy Monday everyone! Good luck and keep the momentum!!
  • christinad95
    christinad95 Posts: 201 Member
    Week 1 Christina
    Challenge Starting Weight: 264
    Current Weight: 264
    Difference: 0
    Christmas Goal Weight: 245
    Current size: 22W
    Goal size: 18W
    Minutes of Weekly excersise this week: at least 180 minutes
    High's of last week: Actually had energy (now that they've given be a B12 shot)
    Low's of last week: was not able to workout as much as I would've liked to due to some medical issues
    How to improve: Set a goal to be in bed earlier, I want to start working out in the mornings so I have more time for the family in the evenings.
    Tricks: Surround myself with supportive people, set weekly goals and keep them!!

    Good luck everyone!! I can't wait to see everyone's results for next week!!! :happy:
  • officernorton
    officernorton Posts: 38 Member
    Week 1 - OfficerNorton

    Challenge Starting Weight: 240
    Current Weight: 238
    Difference: -2
    Christmas Goal Weight: 200
    Current Size: 40/32
    Goal Size: 34/32
    Aprox Minutes of Exercise: 3 hrs of misc.
    Highes of last week: Lost inches and could really tell in my clothes! DONT just look at the scale! I made a way to pack my lunches and still eat clean even though the week was CRAZY!
    Lows of last week: Was in class all week and then had MASSIVE amount of studying to do nightly for the exam on Friday so I did not get in muchof my normal exercise.
    How to Improve (the lows): Class is over so its back to my normal crazy schedule
    Tips or Tricks: Prepare the day before for the next day- no excuses if you already have it packed and ready to grab and go...
  • lailenm
    lailenm Posts: 203 Member
    Great job to everyone so far for weighing in, even if you didn't get to see a desired result this week. You still should be very proud for sticking to it! :)
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 868 Member
    Week 1 - OfficerNorton

    Challenge Starting Weight: 155.2
    Current Weight: 156
    Difference: -.8
    Christmas Goal Weight: 135
    Current Size: 8
    Goal Size: 6
    Aprox Minutes of Exercise: 1.5 hours of jogging and 1.5 hours of Ripped in 30
    Highes of last week: 3 compliments on the weight ive lost so far
    Lows of last week: Still have not broke my 2 month plateau of 155 pds.
    How to Improve (the lows): 100% dedication to staying in the green zone of calories
    Tips or Tricks:Just say no!! dont eat the cake, lol...im a sugar addict
  • MrsBrosco
    MrsBrosco Posts: 295
    Great job to everyone so far for weighing in, even if you didn't get to see a desired result this week. You still should be very proud for sticking to it! :)

    Hmmmm... there shouldn't have been a result for this week because today was our first weigh in for the Challenge.

    Good for you for losing so much though, it is very motivational to all of us!
  • emmabeckemeyer1
    emmabeckemeyer1 Posts: 298 Member
    Week 1: Emma

    Challenge Starting Weight: 150
    Current Weight: 151.6
    Difference: +1.6
    Christmas Goal Weight: 140
    Aprox Minutes of Exercise: 60-90 min
    Highes of last week: My husband did his triathlon and did a great job. I also got to see the track I will be doing for my triathlon next month
    Lows of last week: My pig out this weekend :(
    How to Improve (the lows): Stay on track!
    Tips or Tricks: make a mini goals you can attain while working for an overall big goal
    Ultimate Goal: My goal is to complete my Olympic distance triathlon September 18! My BIG goal is to get in shape and feel good about myself
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I'm starting this challenge out today at 167 lbs. My goal is 139.
  • maygs
    maygs Posts: 63 Member
    Challenge Starting Weight: 230.2
    Current Weight: 230.2
    Difference: 0
    Christmas Goal Weight: 199
    Current Size: 18
    Goal Size: 16
    Aprox Minutes of Weekly Exercise: 120
    Highs of last week: It's not too huge but I got an iphone so now I can add my meals all day every day without excuses because this was the first app I put in it.
    Lows of last week: Ate out all weekend including breakfasts and didnt work out as much
    How to Improve (the lows): Need to learn to work out harder if I want to eat out or just eat at home and still work out
    Tricks: I have a pair of jeans and a dress on my closet door so every time I go into my room I see them and they make me want to keep at it
    Piece of Clothing I'm dying to get into: A pretty turquoise dress that is hanging on my closet door for insperation

    AHHHH I'm so excited about doing this all the way!
  • Sweetpeagrl
    Sweetpeagrl Posts: 168 Member
    WEEK 1 - Ashley
    GOAL SIZE: 10 (for now)
    APROX MIN OF EXERCISE: about 3.5 hours walking
    HIGHS OF LAST WEEK: Stuck to a good diet and managed to walk a few nights during the week!
    LOWS OF LAST WEEK: Found out I need to have surgery soon which is going to put a damper on my progress.
    HOW TO IMPROVE (THE LOWS): I need to make sure I just try my hardest to maintain that week. Give my body what it needs to get better, but not gorge myself on unhealthy food because I am stuck in bed!!
    TRICKS: I put a side by side picture of myself (at my biggest and at my goal) a couple places around the house so i will be reminded that i need to stay focused if i want to hit that goal. :tongue:
    CLOTHING I WANT TO FIT INTO: a black and white polka dot dress. its prob more for spring, but it is my ultimate goal to wear that dress!! :love:

    I can feel that this group is going to be great motivation and am ready for the end of the year! Have a great week everyone!!!
  • jllipson
    jllipson Posts: 646
    Challenge Starting Weight: 218.0
    Current Weight: 218.0
    Difference: 0
    Christmas Goal Weight: 175
    Approx Minutes of Exercise: 500 minutes, lots of walking - new program I am in has challenged us to get 10,000 steps per day! Takes time to get that many in!
    Highes of last week: Did my 1st boot camp and survived the entire hour! (Did my 2nd today)
    Lows of last week: My 1st day for program was Tuesday, also daughter's 1st day of Kindergarten - so sad mommy, but spoiled kids - had Chuck E Cheese for lunch, then with grandparents to Red Lobster for dinner that day - have been within my calorie range since that day!
    How to Improve (the lows): Stick with the program!!!!
    Tips or Tricks: From new program I am in, this is what they told us.
    1200 - 1500 Calories per day for women
    100 or more Protein per day
    100 - 200 Carbs per day
    35 - 50 Fat per day
  • MrsBrosco
    MrsBrosco Posts: 295

    What is your favorite thing about the holiday season??


    I absolutely LOVE decorating day! The tree, the stockings, it's like Christmas blows up in my house. It's the time of year when my house feels the warmest and most inviting. I LOVE it when the snow is somewhat wet with HUGE snowflakes. Its the best when you don't have to leave your home and you can snuggle on the couch with a blanket and watch from the window. It's simply breathtaking here in Michigan during the winters. My daughter is 2 so we didn't get to spend much time outdoors last year during the winter but i'm definately looking forward to rolling around in the snow with her this winter!!!

    I've never been so excited for Christmas in my life. Thank you all for your added inspiration to get to our goals, you are amazing!
  • bcolburn289

    What is your favorite thing about the holiday season??

    All of the little "events" that we do with the kids during the season....pictures done for our christmas cards, visiting Santa, another breakfast w Santa that we do, shopping (I LOVE the mall at Christmas!!!!! Not even the shopping, just the ENERGY!), I love baking (ugh, lord help me!) and decorating cookies, chrismas carols, christmas cards, christmas parties....

    And I will be SO MUCH THINNER THIS YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I am LOVING this group already---THANKS TO YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    Challenge Starting Weight: 284.4
    Current Weight: 286.4 (grr, TOM!)
    Difference: +2
    Christmas Goal Weight: 260 (-24.4 lbs)
    Current Size: 22ish
    Goal Size: 20 for the challenge, 8-10 overall
    Aprox Minutes of Weekly Exercise: i do mine in hours...so 4ish? 240 minutes, then.
    Highs of last week: got a new car! and had my biggest loss in terms of weight.
    Lows of last week: TOM came, gained lots of water. i feel bloated and ick.
    How to Improve (the lows): fight water with water! drink more water and less carbonated fizzy things.
    Tricks: carry my water bottle at all times with me. i have the purse the size of an elephant, so it should fit with room to spare.
    Piece of Clothing I'm dying to get into: my bathing suit, with less bulges around. my aunt has a hot tub so i plan on using that at Christmas!


    What is your favorite thing about the holiday season??

    EVERYTHING. i love the decorations, the smells of cookies baking, decorating the tree, shopping for gifts and giving them, playing in the snow, the Christmas music, addressing Christmas cards, going to holiday parties, sledding...and most of all, being with my family. i only get to see them a few times a year.
  • Sweetpeagrl
    Sweetpeagrl Posts: 168 Member
    My favorite things about christmas....

    EVERYTHING! I love the smell of christmas. (that sounds a bit weird when i say it out loud, but its something i cant describe! ha). I love the snow. Having hot chocolate and watching 'year without a santa clause' with the kids. Ever since i was little christmas eve has always been baking day. so since my oldest was born (he is 8 now) every christmas eve we make cookies for santa and just spend the whole day baking and decorating. he loves it, although i feel with him being a boy, it is not going to last too much longer :frown: so i will enjoy every second of it while i can!! :heart: Christmas morning is the best morning of the year. I love watching my sons face when he comes down and sees the presents and his stocking stuffed. he always gets soooo excited. Picking out the tree is always a highlight as well then we spend the next day listening to christmas music and hanging the decorations. i get excited just thinking about all this stuff. haha. cant wait!!!
  • smlamb33
    smlamb33 Posts: 342 Member
    Week 1

    Challenge Starting Weight: 220
    Current Weight: 217
    Difference: 3 pounds
    Christmas Goal Weight: 185 = a 100 pound weight loss!
    Current Size: 20-22
    Goal Size: 12
    Aprox Minutes of Exercise: 270 minutes
    Highes of last week: Avoided eating birthday cake at 2 birthday parties this weekend! (Thank you Lord Jesus!)
    Lows of last week: Avoided an extra walk with my hubby because my Plantar Fascitius is hurting alot.
    How to Improve (the lows): Added arch supports in my work and exercise shoes.
    Tips or Tricks: Eat between 25-30g of fiber a day to help flush fat.


    What is your favorite thing about the holiday season??

    Where to begin?! Christmas is my favorite time of year. I love the wonderful feeling of Christmas and the beautiful decorations! Most of all, I love buying that perfect special hard to find present for my family and then spending a whole day at home wrapping presents while watching all of my favorite Christmas dvd's! I also love the holiday baking, which is going to definitely be a challenge this year! I also love those days when the snow is so deep that you can't leave your house for work or school, so we spend all day shoveling the snow and curling up with some hot cocoa (Sugar free this year)!
  • mrspenton2009
    mrspenton2009 Posts: 84 Member
    Whoooo Hoooooo!!!! Let's get started Ladies

    Week 1 - MrsPenton

    Challenge Starting Weight: 322
    Current Weight: 322 (last weigh in was a week ago, will be able to update the weigh when I return to work tomorrow) sorry guys... : (
    Difference: 0
    Christmas Goal Weight: 280-290
    Current Size: 22/24
    Goal Size: 14/16 (my hign school weight)
    Approx Minutes of Exercise: my daugher and I get in one hour of fast paced walking at least every other day
    Highes of last week: Walked farther inless time, felt so good.
    Lows of last week: Didn't get to exercise every day last week...bummer!!
    How to Improve (the lows): If I miss one day of exercise, I will make up for it one the next workout.
    Tips or Tricks: Make sure to get my 8 glasses in per day!!!! Make smarter food choices.
    Piece of clothing: My FREAK EM DRESS!! Haaa haaa

    Favorite thing about Christmas:

    My most favorite thing about Christmas is going out to choose a tree with my family. I also love the music, the egg nog, the lights, just the whole ambiance that Christmas brings. The smell of the Christmas tree as I walk through the front door. Now that I have movd away from my family, it is a great pleasure to see them each year. We sing Christmas carols together, pray together, and have great fellowhsip. I LOVE CHRISTMAS!!!!!
  • mrspenton2009
    mrspenton2009 Posts: 84 Member
    Hey ladies, since I was experience technical difficulties on Friday, I missed the opportunity to get in on the meet and greet.

    A little bit about myself, I am a medical assistant currently working as a client service representative for Memorial Hermann Laboratory. I am taking classes to obtain my Bachelors in Elementary Education....I love the KIDS!!

    I am married to my best friend and we have 3 beautiful blessings from God: A'Viyon 9, AJ Jr. 4, and A"Niya 17 months. I am SO READY to get this extra weight off I can almost taste it.

    Looking forward to working closely with all of you over the next 4 months.

  • lrappaport
    lrappaport Posts: 18 Member
    Challenge Starting Weight: 211.00
    Current Weight: 209#
    Difference: 2#
    Christmas Goal Weight: 180#
    Current Size: 14
    Goal Size: 10
    Aprox Minutes of Weekly Exercise: 240
    Highs of last week: Saw the scale go down a little.
    Lows of last week: Ate WAY too much over the weekend! My girlfriend had an eggroll party at my house! And she makes really good eggrolls! They're fried!
    How to Improve (the lows):Remember that everything should be enjoyed in moderation.
    Tricks: Don't get LAZY! Dancers are only dancers when they are actively working on it!
    Piece of Clothing I'm dying to get into: My jeans so that they comfortably fit my waist.
  • lrappaport
    lrappaport Posts: 18 Member
    Response to fun question:

    Christmas now has a new meaning to me! My daughter was born on Christmas eve! The year before she was born I miscarried on Christmas eve, so it was like she wasn't ready yet ; ) Every year we have a big party for her so it's like a birthday and Christmas all in one and it just feels so happy!

    I love feeling cozy at Christmas and I love the tree. I was raised Jewish so we never had a Christmas tree. I love the ritual of getting the tree and taking the kids out onto the sled and finding the perfect tree, cutting it down and dragging it back to the car. We always have such a good time! I love shopping for other people! It makes me so happy when I find the perfect gift for someone. And I love the closeness that I feel to my family during the Christmas season.