

  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,614 Member
    Happy day! Welcome and welcome back!
    Was going to read last night while walking, but fought with my hydrate spark app instead, then found out it was a known issue! Rrrr! Hopefully it will be back on track tomorrow as it has been a real help in getting my water. Just another tool in my arsenal toward healthy lifestyle.
    I prefer to get a bulk of my steps in during the morning, but some days pm steps are what I get.:)
    Thank you for all the protein suggestions! I hit over goal yesterday, but it wasnt hard with leftover filet mignon, lobster, and mac n cheese! My fats were high, but protein was awesome. Had planned on a deviled egg when I got home from massage and grocery but husband ate all 4! I ended up eating a couple bites of my leftover carrot cake.

    Stay safe everyone! We have fog again today. Temp is 45 though, so that is doable. Felt slightly naked yesterday as I didn't have on long John's or a sweatshirt!

    Healing thoughts!

    Kylia in another spring like day in Ohio before the bottom falls out again.
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,834 Member
    Good morning all! Happy Tuesday! Happy Chinese New Year! I have an inside out egg roll mixture ready to pop into the pressure cooker, noodles, broccoli, peapods, and carrots for the kid's lunch. I also got a "pig" cookie cutter and made "year of the pig" almond/ginger cookies for snack. The cookie recipe only made about 24 cookies, so I will be able to sample one and send the rest home with the kids. We will be making pig puppets for our craft. I didn't get up and decorate for a party though. I was too tired last night and this morning to decorate for this one party day. All it would have been was red and gold crepe paper hung, and I haven't been talking about Chinese New Year with the kids, so I don't think it will be missed by anyone but me. (Not decorating does make me feel like a slacker).

    So exciting that many of you in the PNW and other places that don't usually get snow; are getting a bit of it! Our temps have risen dramatically (from windchills of -40 seven days ago, to 41 just yesterday) and pretty much all of our snow is gone. A bit left here and there where the snowbanks were a bit bigger. It is supposed to cool back down again and HOPEFULLY we will get more snow. Those few spring weeks when things are muddy and ugly (before things begin to green and bud) are very depressing to me; so to have it look that way this early has me crying in my coffee. :( BUT, on the upside, it does feel very good to be outside in minimal clothing again. The bike path is clear of ice today so I am hoping to get the kids and stroller out for a walk.

    Pip- Ooooo! Up at 3:30am to bike into the city and wait to find out if you need to take the train into work? lol Sounds like a fun start to the day! NOT! You are insane; but in a good way! >:):pB)
    NY Karen- Lovelove LOVE the classroom story! Kids are great for expressing exactly how music makes them feel! Ode to Joy does make you want to stand and put your hand on your heart!
    Heather- Love the place mats AND the view out your window! You mentioned the other day that you had fox in your yard. It must be nice to have some wildlife there after moving from a more rural setting.
    Machka- I am not planning any marathons right now. My heart wants to be running, but I have a bit of work to do on my body before I begin. IF I started running now, I am afraid it would just lead to injury.

    Well, kids have arrived and I am up and down getting them breakfast and trying to chat with all of you. I am not a good multi-tasker, so I will say ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,669 Member
    Kjlamore - yeah everyone says we’re nuts at our jobs too, just how we roll 🚴🏻‍♂️🥶
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,327 Member
    KJ - Yes, it was a very pleasant surprise to see much wildlife at all here. We thought it might be just seagulls and pigeons. We have those, plus magpies, jays, blackbirds, bluetits, great tits, thrushes, dunnocks, and millions of squabbling, tweeting sparrows. We also have a pair of foxes who stroll about as if they own the place and copulate in broad daylight! A pair of squirrels. Cats.
    We have a seed feeder which is besieged by every sparrow in Hove and a peanut one for the tits.
    We are endlessly amused.

    Enjoying life again.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,404 Member
    Margaret - you look like the Ice Princess in your cute blue outfit! Don't envy that slanted driveway in the winter, don't blame you for salting it.

    Waiting for DH to get up and start the fire in the woodstove. Cleaner is coming this morning but I told her to come a bit later and a little dusting and vacuuming should be fine, main bathroom if she has time. Not much snow here so hope the roads aren't slick for her, luckily she only lives a few miles a way.

    Looking at next week, we might actually have measurable snow on the ground and more cold weather - nights in the 20's.

    SW WA State
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    :) No new snow but the roads in our neighborhood are seriously icy with the temperatures many degrees below freezing. My friend and I agreed not to walk together as we would have to cross icy streets to meet. We have a huge open field behind the house where I can walk the dogs and they love the snow. No one but us is using the field so there is a ton of untouched snow. We were out for 30 minutes last night and 30 minutes this morning before breakfast. Since I wasn't meeting anyone, I was able to sleep until later than 4:30. Yippee.
  • Graceandmiracles
    Graceandmiracles Posts: 22 Member
    Arrgghh! Is the scale not moving because of all the water I’m now drinking? I was over calories once last week and maybe 30-40 over another day. Calories set at 1189 with my workout. I’m 5”2.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,318 Member
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,797 Member
    Michele- I love your Tweety, you are so talented with your ceramics.

    Allie - how long have you been there? Isn’t there labour laws for vacation time in the States that have to be followed?
    Try to just enjoy the day with your daughter and set work aside for the day.

    Heather - that looks like a beautiful way to spend a morning. My all time favourite kitchen window scene was out my Grandmother’s. She enjoyed watching birds and deer out her window. I always imagined living there when I was older.

    Karen - what a wonderful moment those young boys gave you.

    Barbara - love your dog pictures. I have often thought I would like to have a dog, but I always back off the idea. My husband and I would never agree on the breed or training of it. Then my fear would be what if something happened and I couldn’t afford the vet bill.

    Margaret - you were so positive and have such a pretty smile.

    We are currently sitting at -32 Celsius, it has warmed up over the last couple of hours as it was -41. We have fresh snow that needs to be removed from our driveway but we are waiting for it to warm up a bit. It is only supposed to be -17 on Thursday. Last week on Tuesday it was +8. So under all the snow is ice because of the melt. It’s been a very strange winter weather wise.

    My youngest daughter has been in hairdressing school, she is looking for models for her provincial exams. I am going to be a perm model again and my husband is going for the men’s cut and colour. He raised his eyebrows at the colour, but I told him it will grow out. It’s funny as a couple years ago he complained that I liked his grey and didn’t want him to colour it. I’m sure she will do something very natural looking. She used me as a perm model last summer for her unit exam and I actually found it tamed my natural curls a lot and I liked it. The perm solution sets off her asthma terribly so hopefully she doesn’t get too sick this time.

    I am off to go find a project, not having a job and routine right now is really not sitting well with me.

    Tracey in cold, but sunny Edmonton
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,294 Member
    Allie - You are fortunate to get vacation since you are part time or have you gone full time and I missed that?

    Tracey - Vacation time is a benefit that is at each employers discretion. The US Labor laws do not require vacation be given or paid. Sick time is being mandated by many states/cities/municipalities now, but that is a fairly new development.

    Okie in the TX Hill Country
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,775 Member
    Margaret! ... loved seeing your interview! You are just lovely!! Quite the ice you've got going on there. Garbage pick up was cancelled here as well last week. I had missed the week before (got it out too late) and now have 3 weeks of trash. It will go out tonight if it isn't too windy.

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,775 Member
    Grace ... drinking water is not causing the weight gain. Our bodies fluctuate in weight for a variety of reasons. It's frustrating for certain. I know that sometimes I have to bump up my calories for a day or two or eat something I normally don't eat ... called food confusion ... this way the body doesn't think it's "starving" and is willing to let go of some weight. Google plateauing in weight loss. Something might resonate with you.
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Margaret nice interview, good to hear your voice as well!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    kevrit wrote: »
    Well, mamo was canceled after waiting an hour to be seen because my last one was ‘iffy’! Have to wait for last results to be sent there before they can do it. Sheesh!

    After that terrible morning, we got good news and things took a turn for the better. Car battery was replace free of charge (within warranty), the new park supervisor called us to tell us ( it was who we were praying for) and things just calmed down nicely.

    Scale was even nice to me this morning! I feel a who lot better stress-wise, but aching. Hope I’m not coming down with something.

    RV Rita

    It is frustrating to wait, especially for medical tests. A person wants it done & over with. Glad to hear your stress is down. The new park manager sounds nice.
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member