

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,880 Member
    Michelle, I’m doing KETO which is low carb high fat. I use Stevia or Zylitol instead of sugar in recipes and repack white flour with Almond, coconut, or ground flaxseed flours (sometimes I combine them all!). I also do an 8/16 fast most days of the week. For example: breakfast at 9 am lunch between 1 and 2 then dinner done by 5 pm. My big meal is at lunch so easy to do. With the way I’m eating, I’m not hungry at all!

    RV Rita
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,932 Member

    Personal experience

    Mine started in my early 40s with occasional night sweats, hot flashes, and a whole lot of irritability and rage. I was also experiencing dizziness in the 2 or 3 days before my periods started to the point where I sometimes had difficulty walking or focusing on my computer.

    Into my mid-late 40s, my periods started coming all the time. This is one thing they don’t often tell you … that your periods may come heavier, longer and more frequently before the end. I’d have a heavy 2-week period, a few days off and then a lighter 1 week period, a few days off and then a heavy 2-week … and so on. Finally, after a year of that, I went to my doctor and asked if it was normal. “Possibly”. But just in case, she set me up with a gynaecologist.

    Turns out it can be normal, but in my case, I had a large polyp in my uterus that was contributing to it all. The polyp was also pre-cancerous. That started follow-up checks every 6 months. I had it removed in January 2015, and started with MFP in February 2015.

    For a while my periods were somewhat more normal … only every 21 days (instead of my old normal of 28 days) and roughly 10 days long (instead of my old normal of 5 days), and meanwhile I started experiencing a lot more of the perimenopausal symptoms. Nausea was added to my premenstrual dizziness, more hot flashes, acne, and all sorts.

    Then in late 2016 and early 2017, everything went wonky again with my periods, I arranged to get things checked, and in mid-May 2017 I was back in surgery again for another polyp and more pre-cancer stuff.

    I had a blissful 60 days with no period then, but returned to the 21 day cycle, roughly … sometimes 18 days, sometimes 25 days … I never knew. In 2018, I went 105 days without a period, then two periods in quick succession, and then 138 days without a period. I thought I was on a roll … but January 2019 surprised me with one, so the count began again. I’m up to 32 days now. One day, I'll hit the magic 12-month mark!!

    In 2018, I also had massive hot flashes … they can be triggered by stress. Finally they got so bad, I saw my gynaecologic oncologist again and was put on a serotonin-based anti-depressant which has been quite helpful with the hot flashes.

    Oh, I can’t use HRT … so I’ve been doing it all without hormone replacement!!

    Other Info

    This is a great site: https://www.facebook.com/34MenopauseSymptoms/

    And there are heaps more. These are just a couple, but there are pages of sites a person can look at. Back 10 years ago when I was first starting all this, there weren't as many sites, but now there's no reason to be uninformed about what's going on.



    (BTW - I use FB for 2 things: keeping in touch with family and friends AND information. It’s my newsfeed. So I “like” sites like that one above.)

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,932 Member
    Machka- if I were closer I could help you with your tasks. I would love to feel useful again.

    Tracey in Edmonton

    Thanks!! :)

    There have been several times in the last year or so that I've wished I were back in Canada again!!

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,932 Member
    Steff46 wrote: »
    I need an ear :(
    Hello again everyone! I have commented on here a time or two. I am terrible about daily viewing, but I plan to tag this group so I can keep up.
    I'm turning 54 this year and so mad at my body that I can't stand myself. I'm still having "the flow" and it's not on a schedule. Just when I've tracked it and think I'm good it decides to show up. I want it to stop so I can continue with my swimbikerun life. I know that is dramatic but for most of my life I've been able to control it and now I'm not. I have an event coming up in May and I keep telling myself if I start on or at that date I'll have to bail on the event. Sorry to vent, I'm not usually an "excuse" person but this has me stressed out. I know there are women out there who let nothing stop them but I'm in unchartered territory and not happy.

    Is it heavy enough you can't do the events? Mine was heavy but with panadol and padded cycling shorts, I was still able to do some long rides in sort of reasonable comfort.

    M in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,932 Member
    BTW to whoever is "Woo"-ing posts ...

    "In our community Woo means that you think an idea or approach is too good to be true."

    I suspect you mean well :) ... but it is a little disconcerting when we know what it means.

    M in Oz
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,842 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,941 Member
    :) Now that the roads are mostly dry and the snow in the fields is melted enough to walk in without boots, my new pair of Yaktrax arrived. I am delighted to have them and even if I don't need them again for a year, I feel much safer.

    :) I went out to lunch today with my line dance friends. We went to a restaurant I like and where I know what to order. Ordering from the ala carte menu allows me to order without sides that I don't want and in a small enough portion to be the right size for my meal. Someone commented that I seemed to be eating a lot, but what they didn't realize that I had ordered only half as much food as any of the rest of them.

    <3 Barbie
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,357 Member
    tracey - I'm so sorry to hear about your cousin.

    Went to canasta tonight. Until next year. Hopefully, since we won't have the commitment of Newcomers we can stay longer

    After canasta went in the backyard and watched SpaceX take off. Unfortunately, it took off from pad 40 so we could only see when it was in the sky. It never ceases to amaze me how long it is until you hear (and feel) the sonic boom. Vince was saying how people were lined up along Route 1. Glad we are in the condo.

    who tomorrow just may start the cross-stitch for down here
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,932 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Feeling frustrated. Last week, we students got an email telling us that we need to choose our tutorials next Tuesday (26th). On a whim, I went into my university email today. Lo and behold, the tutorials were opened this morning!!! I could not log into the tutorial choosing system until I got home this evening, and now all the tutorials are full.

    They say they will open more, but ... all the good tutorials, the ones I hoped to get into are full. I don't know what that will leave me. AND I can't log in when I'm at work, so again, I'll have to wait until I get home. <<sigh>>

    :angry: :angry:

    Machka in Oz

    They opened more tutorials and I have been able to get into one. It's not 100% ideal, but it's not too bad.

    The process here is that you've got to apply for your degree, and wait to be accepted into the degree. When that happens, you are able to enrol in your courses. Your core courses will appear on the enrolment page, and you've got to hunt for any optional courses. I'm still doing core courses. So you select that you want to enrol in a course, and it is added to your list. You've got to do that quite early because the courses do fill up, so I enrolled back in November or something.

    Then, in the week or so before the course starts, you've got to enrol in your tutorial. Enrolling in the course only gets you into your lecture. The other half of the course is your tutorial.

    Enrolling in the tutorial is a painful process where we have to either come into the university or use a VPN on our laptops. I can't use a VPN at work, and they haven't set up the VPN for phones. So either I have to bring my laptop into work, or come into work late, or hope that there will be room in a tutorial by the time I get home. So of course, I missed the first batch of tutorials all together.

    Fortunately they have opened a few more.

    It's a strange system. To me, when you enrol in the class, you should then be able to enrol in the tutorial. But what do I know??? :lol:

    Machka in Oz

  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Morning, afternoon, and evening, all...

    Had my first really good day since the surgery, eating-wise, yesterday, and it showed on the scale this morning. Small victory. Haven't gained overall (also a victory), and lost the water weight from the IVs in the hospital within a few days, but getting the scale moving downward again is always a joy.

    Even when you love your job (and I do), Fridays are a wonderful thing.

    Hope your Friday is/was/will be lovely!

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,727 Member
    morning ladies~I am up having my tea..back up lbs, so really have only lost 10,I know I have to get more fats in for this to work..and on work days I am trying to eat salad with some type of protein and lots of fluids..
    I think I will try the fast like Rita.. I dont eat after 6 and can i guess wait until 10 to have my tea, or stop at 5 and not have anything until 9.. very hard on a work schedule..
    working 9-5 today and 7:30 -1 tomorrow.. and then will come home and clean some more.. even though my place is small its starting to get cluttered..
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,932 Member
    trucker743 wrote: »
    Machka, thanks for the info on "Woo"! I was taking it as a higher degree of "Wow!", As in "Woo! That's just such a mess!" Now that I know, I'll stop. Thanks for letting me know! Although I'm tempted to use it on your description of the tutorial enrollment process!


    It was trialled as both for a little while, but that just confused everyone. :tongue: And then they settled on the negative. Personally I'd prefer to see "dislike" but it is what it is.

    And I was glad to get into a tutorial successfully, and one that is not too bad. It's at a time that should work fairly well at least most of the time.

    I have to juggle full-time work and uni, and the university is 3.5 km from work, so I prefer to have my classes and tutorials at the beginning and end of the day if possible, and both on one day if possible. But it doesn't always work exactly like that.

    I've ended up with my tutorial first thing in the morning on one day, and the lecture at lunch on another day. :confused: But maybe it won't be so bad having them on different days. If I have to miss a day for some reason, I won't miss both.

    M in Oz

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,577 Member
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member