

  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
  • PurpleSparkles85
    PurpleSparkles85 Posts: 44 Member
    ah the joy of peri-menopause, at least, that is what they tell me. I did not behave that way. I was totally regular to the end, and the next month it just never came. But for 14 months after, had the worst migraines. My mom was completely different and at 63 ended up needing several D&Cs to stop. My sister was a whole other story. I guess that the best advice is to see your doctor. Some ladies did well with OTC herbals. Everyone is different.

    Kathy in the KY sunshine (at least for today)
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,706 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    only ate 262cal (breakfast) added 750 or so to allow me to complete the day. no workout. kirby says i have symptoms of the flu not a cold. had the sweats and shakes and felt like i was going to faint. he had to help me upstairs to bed, couldn't eat

    Sounds like we've got the same thing!

    Any back or kidney pain?

    I wonder if someone from your part of the world travelled here.

    EDIT: Just talked to some of my coworkers, and found that whatever I've got is going around ... it's a "back to school" flu. The kids all went back to school at the beginning of Feb and now it's spreading.

    Sore throat
    Headache - really intense!
    Body/joint aches
    Back/kidney pain
    Extreme fatigue
    Some nausea, dizziness & feeling faint

    M in Oz

    SERIOUS back (lower) pain
  • trucker743
    trucker743 Posts: 393 Member
    oh, KJ(Kelly)! Theres a liability issue involved, so stores have to post those signs. Most stores around here do donate boxed and canned goods to the Senior Center and the food pantry, both of which are great at helping folks in need.

    Lisa in AR, the exhaustioncan certainly be prolonged unless you baby yourself a bit by getting those naps. Make sure you get your electrolytes in too, whether by a supplement or a beverage.

    Machka, it's so frustrating getting registered for online classes here! My daughter needs to be on the phone to double-decker check the time they're going to be posted.

    Pip! Please listen to Kirby and go! This is more serious than you think.

    Sharon Near YOU in Seattle
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,353 Member
    Went for my run today. Finished off the Allegri podcast and then had a blast of my old running music. By complete serendipity the first six tracks on shuffle were my favourites. :D Haven't played them in ages as I always listen to the Soul Music podcasts.

    Still waiting to hear from my son about the weekend and our babysitting for their half marathon. I did text him to ask him to call me. I am very ambivalent about doing it as we have never had them here for the night before. Max will have to bring his own duvet and pillow. Plus we still have to silence the panic button. :o I'm also a bit put out as the nanny is leaving this weekend and I was hoping to be able to say goodbye.
    The course runs at the bottom of our road. Don’t even know if my son is fit enough to run. :#:*

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • Steff46
    Steff46 Posts: 516 Member
    Thanks PurpleSparkles85! So that is peri-menopause. I do have an appointment in a few weeks with the doctor. Hopefully I can get some relief....
  • noegrand123
    noegrand123 Posts: 166 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Kevrit- I missed it- what is your new eating plan???

    More snow here today!

    One of my high school friends, who 35 years later we both ended up in chemo at the same time....passed last night. I ate 3 frosted sugar cookies without thinking about it. Just mindlessly ate.

    So starting over again today! It helps me to b able to check in and start tracking again!

    Everyone have a good rest of your day!
  • b4leaving
    b4leaving Posts: 90 Member
    edited February 2019
    Hello ladies! We are adopting two cats! It's kinda a sad story as they've been in a shelter for years (never lived in a home). They are litter mates and look almost identical. I'm getting a room ready for them to live in for a little while before we introduce them to our two cats. They are supposed to be quite skittish. We'll see how it goes! I'm happy to give them a home.

    Food & exercise have been good. I am trying to do my minimum 10 minutes earlier in the day and usually end up doing another session (or two, some days) later in the day. I find it improves my mood and I just feel better. I think I can tell the difference, too.. been doing it for about 6 weeks now and the exercises aren't as difficult and I get a little less winded. I've been using YouTube videos for "seated exercise" or "chair exercise" and when I find one I can do, I put it in a beginner playlist so i can go back to it.. if I find it's too challenging I put it in an "advanced" playlist and will try those ones in the future.

    All of you are inspiring. I saw someone talking about perimenopause and I've had such a bad time with periods all my life.. they got really bad in my 30s, and now that I'm in perimenopause they are even worse. Also i have endometrial hyperplasia so they are always doing biopsies to see if it has turned to cancer. They wanted me to just have a hysterectomy but after a lot of thought I'm not doing it unless there is cancer. Anyhow, my gynecologist wanted to do a hysteroscopy and D&C but because of my weight she can't do it in the hospital she's at (it's a small local hospital), so I've been waiting for a referral for months... finally going to see a new gynecologist in March and see what she says. Being a woman is grand! :)

    Sorry to hear about people having such issues with their husbands. My husband and I are both introverts and we've always had our own "space" in the house, and I think that has helped us a lot. I don't think he'll ever retire. I think he'd go mad! :smile:

    Have a great day, everyone!

    Shannon in rural Ontario, Canada
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,954 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Kevrit- I missed it- what is your new eating plan???

    More snow here today!

    One of my high school friends, who 35 years later we both ended up in chemo at the same time....passed last night. I ate 3 frosted sugar cookies without thinking about it. Just mindlessly ate.

    So starting over again today! It helps me to b able to check in and start tracking again!

    Everyone have a good rest of your day!

    I am doing KETO— high fat low carb. Avoiding all sugars.

    RV Rita (kevrit)
  • noegrand123
    noegrand123 Posts: 166 Member
    Ok! Encouraged to hear that! I am doing the same!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,353 Member
    edited February 2019
    I had a total hysterectomy and ovaries out at age 48. Best thing I ever did. What a relief! Wish I'd done it earlier. My life was a total misery with flooding. I haven't missed my uterus etc one bit. :D (By the way I am still sexually active and fully functioning at age 69) :p

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,389 Member
    Went on the treadmill for about 45 minutes then took (for the last time this year) the Power Hour class. I really enjoy that class – challenges me. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Jari Love DVD

    After exercise made two of the grapefruit pies, one to give them for their pot luck even tho I can’t go and one to take with us to Dick’s tomorrow. Then the sun came out (ya) so laid by the pool. Went into the pool but it was warm and the pool is heated, it really didn’t feel refreshing to me. I know they keep it warm for the people who have arthritis.

    In a way I feel bad. If the recycling bins are full they ask that we put it in the garbage because if the lids aren’t closed on the recycling bins, when the wind blows, it blows the recyclables all over the parking lot. Bad part is that they only pick up the recyclables once/week. And with a lot of people, the bins get full fast

    Pip – listen to Kirby. He has every right to be scared

    Rita – what is your way of eating?

    Noegrand – I’m so sorry about your friend

    Shannon – I wish you the best with the cats

    Who is going to canasta for the last time this trip
  • b4leaving
    b4leaving Posts: 90 Member
    I had a total hysterectomy and ovaries out at age 48. Best thing I ever did. What a relief! Wish I'd done it earlier. My life was a total misery with flooding. I haven't missed my uterus etc one bit. :D (By the way I am still sexually active and fully functioning at age 69) :p

    That's great! I love to hear good outcomes!

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,801 Member
    I am in pajamas and tucked in.... long day..but have the condo sort of back in shape...put the furniture back and ran errands.had to take my daughter up to pick up her car..
    Gave my painter who is also a friend 50 bucks extra.. made him some cranberry orange bread and gave him a jar of my strawberry jam.. once I have the lighting put in I will have him come back and paint the ceiling.