Over 60 still trying



  • suziecue25
    suziecue25 Posts: 289 Member
    Hey hey! It's Hump Day! Where's everybody at?

    Good news for me today - I hit 199.5 on the scale - Onederland at last. :)

    Congratulations and well done :)
  • suziecue25
    suziecue25 Posts: 289 Member
    Phirrgus wrote: »
    Every time I see this thread pop up I'm one day closer to 60 LOL. 6 months to go, then I'll be able to post in it :D

    Hope everyone is having a great day, gray hairs or not :)
    Phirrgus wrote: »
    Every time I see this thread pop up I'm one day closer to 60 LOL. 6 months to go, then I'll be able to post in it :D

    Hope everyone is having a great day, gray hairs or not :)[/quote

    Still a baby LOL
  • suziecue25
    suziecue25 Posts: 289 Member
    edited February 2019
    I'm thinking maybe this week will have to be a 'maintenance week' - I had wine last weekend and Thursday [14th] is Valentine's Day here in the UK which means a celebration meal and drinkies - I may be 70 but we still celebrate the day as if we were still young lovers lol. ;)

    My Valentine Day meal will be -

    Starter - Scallops in white wine sauce
    Main Course -Sirloin Steak [pepper sauce] asparagus, cherry tomatoes, mushrooms, Dauphinoise potatoes
    Dessert - Bread and Butter Pudding and Custard

    All washed down with a good bottle of red.

    We are having this meal at home but hubby is taking me out to a great Indian Restaurant at the weekend as well :)

    Edit: Stop Press!! Hubby has just come home and said we are going to go away for a weekend instead of the Indian meal - Yay!!!
  • Phirrgus
    Phirrgus Posts: 1,894 Member
    suziecue25 wrote: »
    Phirrgus wrote: »
    Every time I see this thread pop up I'm one day closer to 60 LOL. 6 months to go, then I'll be able to post in it :D

    Hope everyone is having a great day, gray hairs or not :)
    Phirrgus wrote: »
    Every time I see this thread pop up I'm one day closer to 60 LOL. 6 months to go, then I'll be able to post in it :D

    Hope everyone is having a great day, gray hairs or not :)[/quote

    Still a baby LOL

    I am! :D
  • alteredsteve175
    alteredsteve175 Posts: 2,725 Member
    We're planning grilled ribeye steaks and baked potatoes and some sort of vegetable. A bottle of red sounds good. Thanks for that idea, @suziecue25 !
  • tuddy315
    tuddy315 Posts: 11,550 Member
    Hi! I'm Marilyn. Just found this thread. I'll be 66 in March. Since Jan '16, I lost 83 lbs. Then 1.5 yrs ago, I didn't strictly stick and gained back 40 lbs. Now I'm back on track and lost 7 lbs so far this year. I KNOW it can be done and plan to do it!
  • daklock
    daklock Posts: 54 Member
    I'm thinking maybe this week will have to be a 'maintenance week' - I had wine last weekend and Thursday [14th] is Valentine's Day here in the UK which means a celebration meal and drinkies - I may be 70 but we still celebrate the day as if we were still young lovers lol.

    I think it is wonderful that even at 70 you are still celebrating your love. <3<3<3 Enjoy your dinner and have a great weekend.
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    seems like valentines day has got me in chocolate mood, it doesn't take much, hubby and I froze some Dove chocolates, so good, hope that helps.
  • mprocyszyn
    mprocyszyn Posts: 56 Member
    I think Valentine's is a lovely excuse to have chocolate. Although hubby isn't the romantic type and especially after 47 years ...but sometimes....he still manages to surprize me. The stores here have so much Valentine stuff maybe he'll notice what day it is. LOL I've been very good with my logging been under every day so a treat is called for... Mary
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,942 Member
    Ah, Valentine's Day . . . my 2nd least favorite holiday (speaking as a longtime widow).

    Nonetheless, I wish all others much happiness, ample chocolate and other lovely treats, and the spirit of romance that actually deepens and becomes more profound as the years roll on, in the happiest of relationships!

    For others in my situation: Feel free to go with just the chocolate, and maybe a nice dessert wine with it. ;)
  • alteredsteve175
    alteredsteve175 Posts: 2,725 Member
    brenn24179 wrote: »
    seems like valentines day has got me in chocolate mood, it doesn't take much, hubby and I froze some Dove chocolates, so good, hope that helps.

    Chuckling here, @brenn24179. Doesn't take much for me, either. I'm usually only in a mood for chocolate on days that end in "y". HAHA! :)

  • RetiredAndLovingIt
    RetiredAndLovingIt Posts: 1,394 Member
    Been reading the comments here for a long time..not sure if I have chimed in or not. I agree..always a good time for chocolate. I am 69 and just got back from a cruise, so the scale is not my friend right now. Trying to get back to my calorie allowance, but easing back this week & plan to start on Monday for good. (only because my weigh in day is Monday)
    BILLYSGIRL61 Posts: 2 Member
    I’ve been going back and forward with mfp for a few years now. It’s a good plan, I just have not stayed with it long enough to break any of my old bad habits. You know how it is; loose a few lbs and feel like you’ve earned too many rewards that go on for a day then next thing you know you’re off the wagon. Well I’m turning 68 in a few days and I really would like to be around a little longer for my grandkids. I’m in pretty good health right now and I would like to keep it that way. So glad I’ve found others who know the struggle is real. Here’s hoping the best for everyone.
  • valerieellmer
    valerieellmer Posts: 12 Member
    62 and trying to fight gravity. This site keeps me honest. I do work out 4 - 5 days week. I did ww years ago and I find that this like weight watchers and logging in my intake is so helpful. Happy to support anyone here.
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    I am 65, kept my weight off 40 lbs for 5 years and last year went crazy and gained 25 lbs, got a flu and adult kids upsetting me and just kept eating and not weighing, learned from my mistake. Got on low carb, 100 gr or less and got the weight off, feel so much better and had to quit worry over kids. They are who they are. Now if I can stay away from chocolate this holiday.
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    Been reading the comments here for a long time..not sure if I have chimed in or not. I agree..always a good time for chocolate. I am 69 and just got back from a cruise, so the scale is not my friend right now. Trying to get back to my calorie allowance, but easing back this week & plan to start on Monday for good. (only because my weigh in day is Monday)

    love your avitar, I hated retirement, bored, figity, A personality but last couple years I seem to have gotten use to it, guess I have got into more activities. Gym, yoga, also volunteer at nursing home on Thurs and work couple hours every other day. Cruises were not my thing but I seem to be finding more things to do the longer I am off.
  • RetiredAndLovingIt
    RetiredAndLovingIt Posts: 1,394 Member
    edited February 2019
    Thanks..trying to convince myself, lol. I have about 10-15 pounds I would like to lose, but don't seem to get it done. I enjoy retirement (maybe helped that last job was slower pace, so kinda eased into it with that, lol), have some hobbies, some grandkids closeby now, and hubby also retired, so do a lot of things with him. Other grandkids 400 miles away, but we go there every 2-3 months it seems. Also, they come stay with us for a few weeks in the summer. I think about joining a gym, especially if it has a pool, but haven't yet. I understand about worrying about adult kids.
  • mprocyszyn
    mprocyszyn Posts: 56 Member
    Good morning everyone....still in Myrtle Beach and although overcast sure beats being at home where according to my daughter it's snowing (Lake Ontario area) and -7 celcius. It's been great being able to walk as this winter was brutal for that with all the snow, ice we've had..I need to use a walker so needless to say walking of any sort was non existent. Here I am able to move more and have been good with my logging and eating. I've even been able to find my Shiritaki noodles here at the local Wal-mart. Haven't weighed myself since we were at home (Jan. 20th) so I am hoping for some lbs to be off by the end of Feb. So...how are we all doing towards our goals? Mary from Canada
  • suziecue25
    suziecue25 Posts: 289 Member
    mprocyszyn wrote: »
    Good morning everyone....still in Myrtle Beach and although overcast sure beats being at home where according to my daughter it's snowing (Lake Ontario area) and -7 celcius. It's been great being able to walk as this winter was brutal for that with all the snow, ice we've had..I need to use a walker so needless to say walking of any sort was non existent. Here I am able to move more and have been good with my logging and eating. I've even been able to find my Shiritaki noodles here at the local Wal-mart. Haven't weighed myself since we were at home (Jan. 20th) so I am hoping for some lbs to be off by the end of Feb. So...how are we all doing towards our goals? Mary from Canada

    Glad you're having a good time...it's lovely that you can get some walking in because of the weather.

    I'm just plodding along - 9lbs down and 40 ish to go.
  • mprocyszyn
    mprocyszyn Posts: 56 Member
    Suziecue25...that's good......plodding along is good because those lbs will stay off. That 9 lbs is finally putting down the bag of potatoes you've been carrying around...someone on this site told me that...and you know...they are right. Keep it up!!!! Mary from Canada
  • suziecue25
    suziecue25 Posts: 289 Member

    mprocyszyn wrote: »
    Suziecue25...that's good......plodding along is good because those lbs will stay off. That 9 lbs is finally putting down the bag of potatoes you've been carrying around...someone on this site told me that...and you know...they are right. Keep it up!!!! Mary from Canada

  • cupcakes8kr
    cupcakes8kr Posts: 97 Member
    Bumping to keep this open. Thanks, all are the inspiration.
  • Emmyr81
    Emmyr81 Posts: 4 Member
    I just turned 67 and have also been trying to loose now for a long time. I did WW many years ago and lost and kept it off for almost as many years. But then the pounds started creeping back up and now I'm at 212 and trying just to get to 200 and it seems those 12 little pounds do not to want to go away!! So I bought my fitbit and logged food with it and logged my steps with it but it's not enough. So maybe there are a few people here the can give my a boot in the butt and get me moving!!
  • daklock
    daklock Posts: 54 Member
    Happy Birthday GaleHawkins.
  • rhunwelshbowman
    rhunwelshbowman Posts: 37 Member
    edited February 2019
    Yep right here. On various meds that make me puff up like a frog. Just keep on keeping on you will eventually find the right groove. Don't give up. I will friend you on here no problem. Chin up things will get better :) Please have a positively wonderful day my friend!
  • alteredsteve175
    alteredsteve175 Posts: 2,725 Member
    Congratulations on your birthday and your transformation, @GaleHawkins.
  • cherrynova1
    cherrynova1 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I'm new to this. I'm 62 going on 63. I need a friend and support ☺ I have gained weight since my late twenties after being put on anti depressant meds. I was 45kgs and currently 92.5kgs. Also have T2 diabetes for 10 yrs. At present I can't shift anything . ☺
  • Foodforthought125
    Foodforthought125 Posts: 11 Member
    61 heading to 62 and I've just come back YET AGAIN.... the same 10-15 lbs and it's purely self-sabotage. I definitely need MFP to keep myself accountable and not lose sight. And I could use a friend or two if there's anyone out there:-)