Welcome New Members!



  • cassandraeddlemon3654
    cassandraeddlemon3654 Posts: 1 Member
    edited February 2019
    Hi! I’m Cassie and I’m really pushing for 2019 to be the year I finally take care of myself. Since January I’ve lost 13 pounds and I’m hoping to continue that weight loss through watching what I eat and exercising more! Would love some people to connect with for a support system :)
  • jules8203
    jules8203 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm new to the site. A nutritionist directed me to this site a few months ago. I figured I'd reach out and try to start connecting with people on here. I need encouragement, I guess.The last few years I've been struggling to lose weight as I ran into health problems. I have joined a gym and try to make it there at least 3 times a week(as long as the kids are in school). I've only recently started documenting what I eat as well. I guess I'm struggling in the sense that I sometimes put everyone else first and myself last. Just wanted some suggestions from others that live in the real world that have a family(some of which are picky eaters) and what works for them. I'm trying to figure out a healthy balance here.
  • petethegamermfp2019
    Hi guys - past member but had previous app issues that are now fixed. Back on the app and trying to shift 30lbs by summer for my little gay wedding. UK based - feel free to add :-)
  • wobblemcwobbleface
    Hi everyone - the app says I have been a member since 2013 well , all I can say is that I have gained weight since then and had to reset the password and the parameters - what I hear you cry, I am supposed to follow the weight loss and exercise for this to work? - there I was thinking all those lovely pounds would just drop of by themselves. That's what it told me last time - boy is this easy

    Anyway enough is enough - time to do something before my new fighting weight sets at16 stone so I have set this as a 1lb a week loss , not counted the exercise, that is another challenge as have a few challenges this year so - 31lbs to go (really 32lbs but can't change the settings). If Mark Watson can do this well so can I.

    So onwards with my journey and I hope this time I can crack this weight thing

    Wobble on

  • Mysunshinelife31
    Mysunshinelife31 Posts: 41 Member
    Just joined and looking for more motivating friends. Add me :)
  • cwms1273
    cwms1273 Posts: 5 Member
    Back again. If you need a friend add me.
  • parkerpennyann
    parkerpennyann Posts: 6 Member
    Hello! My work wellness program brought me here. Am enjoying the app and looking to connect with people to make this more social, too! Let’s connect! ☺️😍
  • bubblyarti
    bubblyarti Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there! I just started using this app 2 weeks ago. My husband and are trying to lose weight stay healthy. We hope the changes we making will help with us conceive since have PCOS it's been difficult. So far he's 10 lbs down and I'm 7 down.
  • Adzikiler
    Adzikiler Posts: 1 Member
    I recently hit a plateau and was pretty upset with the result of my diet and exercise. I was thinking about starting fresh and setting a new goal...so here I am ^.^

  • amiyaranjanray
    amiyaranjanray Posts: 1 Member
    Hey Everyone, Amiya here. Excited to be joining the team with you all. Looking forward to lose about 22lbs overall. Looking to get some tips from the super-motivated ones here.
  • harleygrlusa
    harleygrlusa Posts: 1 Member
    I’m brand new here and so far find the app awesomely helpful, when I use it consistently! The reminders really do help keep me engaged. This is helping me understand where my eating is good and where it’s gone off the rails. Looking forward to seeing where it leads me.
  • GodotII
    GodotII Posts: 1 Member
    "Godot" here... up and down so many times with the weight thing. Mean Mr. Time taunts my erratic progress. In search of some support... and happy to listen too. Adulting has been rough this past year (aging parents, work, etc.). Have to find a better way to manage stress, enhance overall health, and make sure I've the stamina/fitness necessary to pursue travel dreams.
  • Anise88
    Anise88 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi ya'll! Newbie here. Looking forward to be inspired and motivated to push this through with this community. :)
  • aholden2778
    aholden2778 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone don’t know where to start! Recently divorced and disabled! Need to fix me, was mad with the world. Left financially broke and physically broken! I don’t know how to use this app. So if someone can help guide me on how to count food and exercise. That would be great. I have read a lot of the post and love how everyone supposed each other. I really need that in my life right now. Thank you all and be blessed!
  • icemancometh70
    icemancometh70 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all! It's been awhile since I have logged in and used this app. So starting over, as though a newbie... I have started a 6 week, 25lbs, weight loss challenge at I love Kickboxing. Hopefully this will kick start my weight loss and get me started in the right direction with food/nutrition. I get that food is 80ish% of this thing. So my journey begins... More to follow...
  • mandahallin
    mandahallin Posts: 4 Member
    Hello my name is amanda, I have been MIA for awhile but I am back! I have lost about 13lbs in about 4 months which at first wasn't even intentional. Since I have lost that weight I don't want to gain anymore and would like to lose another 5-7lbs. I don't eat overly healthy but everything in moderation, and I fast about 12hrs a day which helps. I went to a spin class a couple of days ago and I have never felt better! Feel free to add or msg me 😀
  • saquibmaniar
    saquibmaniar Posts: 1 Member
    Hi. I am new here and looking for motivation. Kindly add me if you are ok to receive the same!
  • robertkimble
    robertkimble Posts: 17 Member
    Just signed up here yesterday and trying to loose my holiday weight. Glad to be here.
  • leesyleeseelise
    leesyleeseelise Posts: 42 Member
    New here....finding all the food is hard :p