JUST FOR TODAY -- One Day at a Time .... Daily commitment thread for 2019



  • ZizzyBumble
    ZizzyBumble Posts: 1,679 Member
    Thursday 7 March

    Log accurately :)
    Stay in the green :)
    5 fruit and veg :)
    Fitbit excercise goals :)
    January challenge :)
    February challenge :)
    March challenge :)

    I know I post the same each day and tend to succeed but I am working to build new habits! Without the reminders, it could be very easy to slip.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,091 Member
    Thursday 7 March

    Log accurately :)
    Stay in the green :)
    5 fruit and veg :)
    Fitbit excercise goals :)
    January challenge :)
    February challenge :)
    March challenge :)

    I know I post the same each day and tend to succeed but I am working to build new habits! Without the reminders, it could be very easy to slip.

    Mine were pretty much the same every day too (when i was posting) theres nothing wrong with that!
    But yeah if i wasnt reminded i wouldnt do it!
  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
    My friend gave me a lot of old costume jewelry that was her Grandmother’s for Michaela and for a project I have in mind. Today was the first time Michaela has seen it and had to wear all the jewelry, ec4x768lxfz7.jpeg
    Then after supper we have this conversation:
    Michaela was all about jewelry today and after supper noticed my rings. She asked me if I was taking them off, I said “no, these are my wedding rings”.
    She stepped back with the most incredulous voice and says “you married?” I said, “yes, I’m married to Grampie”. She runs into Rodger and tells him that I am married to him. He says, yes we’ve been married for a long long time. She asks him why, he says “I don’t know”. 😂😂😂

    Leave it to a child to bring the laughs... That was classic. And beautiful!
    The little darling looks lovely in her royal array. I LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! this... Thanks for sharing.
  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,348 Member

    What I did on Wednesday: I logged all my food, stayed under 29 g of added sugar, ate only my pre-logged planned food. I stayed in the Green. I did walk laps around a conference room to get 15 minutes active on my FitBit. I resisted candy from the candy dish. I did not eat anything out of the vending machine. I did listen to both of my favorite podcasts. I did unplug and watch Survivor with my husband, being fully present with him. (It's his favorite show and I know he enjoys watching it together.) I got through ALL my unread emails which had built up after being off two days and had a good day at work. I walked away from negativity and gossip situations. I picked up 6 boxes of Girl Scout Cookies which I had ordered when I was hungry, obviously, but I did not even open one box.

    Now....tonight, I will: Complete my food diary for today. :) Pack tomorrow's lunchbag :) set out tomorrow's clothes :) read today's Simple Abundance page(s) :) write 5 things in my Gratitude journal :) listen to Calm app :) and get a good night's sleep. :confounded:

    Well, I was on a roll yesterday but it's a bit harder today. I am craving sugar so badly. This is Day 4 of no-added sugar. I feel like I'm going through withdrawals! But I'm sticking to it. I have been going the right direction on the scale since I started...tiny increments but still going down FINALLY.

    I just had my yearly follow up with Cardiologist. She scheduled some tests to make sure heart failure isn't getting worse/returning. It had actually reversed itself, but now I've got signs of trouble again. So, they are running some labs today and next week I have to get the testing done. I'm sure it's all fine, but I sure do get tired of having some kind of medical crap going on all the time. The GOOD news was that I've lost 5 lbs since last weighed at the doctor! So that was awesome! 🤗🌟⭐💫✨

    Hope everyone is having a great day!

    Just for Thursday:
    • Log every bite
    • Stay in the Green
    • <29 g added sugar
    • Eat mindfully. Eat only while sitting down.
    • Protein with every meal and snack
    • 64+ oz of water
    • Activity: FitBit step goal | 15 minutes active (x2) | Get up and move during commercial breaks tonight
    • Prep for tomorrow, tonight
    • Stay positive. Don't stress over what I cannot control or change. Be kind.
    • Think about what I'm going to say at scary meeting tomorrow. Write topics and points out and really decide what I need to get across.
    • Bedtime early. Gratitude journal | Joyce or Dodie | Simple Abundance | Calm app

  • cory17
    cory17 Posts: 1,383 Member
    @snowflake - Michaela is having such a blast! so gorgeous...

    March challenge - going well with walking Tater! He is so obviously enjoying that I have to keep doing it.

    It is such a pleasure to read all your posts and share in everyones life.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,217 Member
    edited March 2019
    @Snowflake1968 So very sorry to hear of your uncles's passing. You had had a rough year. Glad you and Hubby are OK again ... you guys are under so much stress, a argument blown out of proportion does not surprise me when you are under as much stress as you are. I am glad you got called in for a interview ... Prayers for you that something will turn up that you love. And ... congratulations on the weight loss ... that is great!
    And ... Michaela is just precious with all the jewels around her! You should frame that picture!

    @cschmitz ... I also started weight lifted about 4 months ago, and I am amazed at the difference. Even though I have not lost weight, I can see a difference in my clothes, so I know it is helping. I have always been pretty strong, and I always felt cardio was the way to go and burn the calories, but I know from reading and talking to others how important weight lifting is. (I am still waiting for the flabby arms to go away though ... but hubby tells me my arms look so much more toned .. so hopefully it is helping!) Good luck to you ... its addicting!

    @toaligsa -- I love your lessons from stuck in the middle. Love the one about making one proactive change. This past week, I have been concentrating on doing that. My change this week is to really work on the march challenge ... of only one snack in the evening. Last nite, I had my orange, and really wanted something else ... but I put forth all the discipline I could ... and grabbed my water, sat in front of my sewing machine, and made it through the nite having only that one snack. And I forgot how good it feels to be able to feel in control again.

    @maryrobinson ... wow, look at you go girl!! You are doing awesome!! So proud of you!! And .... I love all your uplifting posts!

    @bookmeister .. when I worked for a medical publisher .. we were always under such tight deadlines. then they would call meeting to talk about the deadlines ... and sometimes the meetings would go on for hours. .. time I could spend getting the work done to actually meet the deadlines. I am not sure why companies love to have meetings. We used to laugh that it was the bosses that loved meetings so they could feel important, and fill up their days.

    @faebert . glad the sickness is out of your house. And great job on the run ... I am trying to run more on the treadmill at the gym ... I last about 2 minutes running!

    @PackerFan001 -- you are doing great! And great job losing the 5#!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,217 Member
    JFt, Thus
    1. log all food :)
    2. jan challenge - 8+ water :)
    3. feb challenge - only 1 nitetime snack :) I have my orange set aside,and will use all my discipline to not eat anything else!
    4. mar challenge - 15 minutes outside walking :) And ... it was ONLY 15 minutes! its freezing outside! The wind is what made it so cold ... hubby was surprised I was back so quick! BUt I had gone to the gym this morning for 90 minutes, so I knew the walk would be a shorter on, but I planned to do 1 mile. Maybe tomorrow.. hopefully temps will be warmer.
    5. eat slowly :)
    6. mindful eating :)
    7. do not give up :)

    Today was a good day for me, and I had to use a lot of "DIscipline" today ... but I did! We have workers in the common ground behind our house ... they are putting in underground pipes to help with stormwater, to try and prevent erosion. So I decided to bake them some cookies. First, I cheated, and bought already made chocolate chip cookie dough ... less temptation for me. Then ... I baked 1 dozen cookies. I saved 3 for hubby, and took the rest to the crew. They were so excited, and little did I know, but it was one of the guys birthday! But I get home, and hubby ate 2 of the cookies ... saving one for me. I put it in a ziplock bag, and hubby ate it later. But ... I smelled those cookies cooking, but did not eat any! A real NSV for me!

    I am learning to keep healthy foods on hand. Why did it take me this long to know what to do! I guess maybe now, I am ready to get serious,and to use all my discipline to get where I want to be... and it feels good. I am not craving sugar like I was. It will be almost 2 weeks now for me, and I am hoping the sugar is out of my system. But I feel better, and that is a plus.

    So my goalsfor tomorrow will be much the same, things I need to continue to work on
    jft, Fri
    1. log all food
    2. jan challenge -8+ water
    3. feb challenge - ONE nite time snack
    4. mar challenge -15 min walk
    5. go to the gym. .. I've been concentrating more on weights vs cardio this week
    6. eat slowly
    7. work on baby quilt
    8. Practice "discipline"
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member

    What I did on Wednesday: I logged all my food, stayed under 29 g of added sugar, ate only my pre-logged planned food. I stayed in the Green. I did walk laps around a conference room to get 15 minutes active on my FitBit. I resisted candy from the candy dish. I did not eat anything out of the vending machine. I did listen to both of my favorite podcasts. I did unplug and watch Survivor with my husband, being fully present with him. (It's his favorite show and I know he enjoys watching it together.) I got through ALL my unread emails which had built up after being off two days and had a good day at work. I walked away from negativity and gossip situations. I picked up 6 boxes of Girl Scout Cookies which I had ordered when I was hungry, obviously, but I did not even open one box.

    Now....tonight, I will: Complete my food diary for today. :) Pack tomorrow's lunchbag :) set out tomorrow's clothes :) read today's Simple Abundance page(s) :) write 5 things in my Gratitude journal :) listen to Calm app :) and get a good night's sleep. :confounded:

    Well, I was on a roll yesterday but it's a bit harder today. I am craving sugar so badly. This is Day 4 of no-added sugar. I feel like I'm going through withdrawals! But I'm sticking to it. I have been going the right direction on the scale since I started...tiny increments but still going down FINALLY.

    I just had my yearly follow up with Cardiologist. She scheduled some tests to make sure heart failure isn't getting worse/returning. It had actually reversed itself, but now I've got signs of trouble again. So, they are running some labs today and next week I have to get the testing done. I'm sure it's all fine, but I sure do get tired of having some kind of medical crap going on all the time. The GOOD news was that I've lost 5 lbs since last weighed at the doctor! So that was awesome! 🤗🌟⭐💫✨

    Hope everyone is having a great day!

    Just for Thursday:
    • Log every bite
    • Stay in the Green
    • <29 g added sugar
    • Eat mindfully. Eat only while sitting down.
    • Protein with every meal and snack
    • 64+ oz of water
    • Activity: FitBit step goal | 15 minutes active (x2) | Get up and move during commercial breaks tonight
    • Prep for tomorrow, tonight
    • Stay positive. Don't stress over what I cannot control or change. Be kind.
    • Think about what I'm going to say at scary meeting tomorrow. Write topics and points out and really decide what I need to get across.
    • Bedtime early. Gratitude journal | Joyce or Dodie | Simple Abundance | Calm app

    Wow! Wow! Wow! You are really putting your word in to action. That is awesome work. You have accomplished so much this week...and the rewards are weight loss! At the DR's office, no less! Yea for you!

  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    mytime6630 wrote: »
    JFt, Thus
    1. log all food :)
    2. jan challenge - 8+ water :)
    3. feb challenge - only 1 nitetime snack :) I have my orange set aside,and will use all my discipline to not eat anything else!
    4. mar challenge - 15 minutes outside walking :) And ... it was ONLY 15 minutes! its freezing outside! The wind is what made it so cold ... hubby was surprised I was back so quick! BUt I had gone to the gym this morning for 90 minutes, so I knew the walk would be a shorter on, but I planned to do 1 mile. Maybe tomorrow.. hopefully temps will be warmer.
    5. eat slowly :)
    6. mindful eating :)
    7. do not give up :)

    Today was a good day for me, and I had to use a lot of "DIscipline" today ... but I did! We have workers in the common ground behind our house ... they are putting in underground pipes to help with stormwater, to try and prevent erosion. So I decided to bake them some cookies. First, I cheated, and bought already made chocolate chip cookie dough ... less temptation for me. Then ... I baked 1 dozen cookies. I saved 3 for hubby, and took the rest to the crew. They were so excited, and little did I know, but it was one of the guys birthday! But I get home, and hubby ate 2 of the cookies ... saving one for me. I put it in a ziplock bag, and hubby ate it later. But ... I smelled those cookies cooking, but did not eat any! A real NSV for me!

    I am learning to keep healthy foods on hand. Why did it take me this long to know what to do! I guess maybe now, I am ready to get serious,and to use all my discipline to get where I want to be... and it feels good. I am not craving sugar like I was. It will be almost 2 weeks now for me, and I am hoping the sugar is out of my system. But I feel better, and that is a plus.

    So my goalsfor tomorrow will be much the same, things I need to continue to work on
    jft, Fri
    1. log all food
    2. jan challenge -8+ water
    3. feb challenge - ONE nite time snack
    4. mar challenge -15 min walk
    5. go to the gym. .. I've been concentrating more on weights vs cardio this week
    6. eat slowly
    7. work on baby quilt
    8. Practice "discipline"

    Goodness, it seems that many of us are getting back on track! That took an incredible amount of discipline...I mean HUGE, but you are proof it can be done! Doing a happy dance for you! Do it again tomorrow!
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    mytime6630 wrote: »

    That's it...it really feels good to get back in control.

  • littleblackskirt
    littleblackskirt Posts: 967 Member
    JFT 8th March

    Eat sensibly
    Eat some vegetables
    Visit parents
    March challenge - walk with friend
  • aubyshortcake
    aubyshortcake Posts: 796 Member
    Happy Friday!!!!! I am so ready for the weekend I can't even begin to describe it. Just need to get through today which will be a busy work day..

    Yesterday 3/7:

    1. Stay within calorie goal😁
    2. Go for a walk at lunch😁
    3. Leave work by 5:15😁
    4. Workout after work😁
    5. Clean off bathroom counter!!!!!!😞 Nooooope, could not get myself to do it

    JFT 3/8:

    1. Stay within calorie goal
    2. Go for a walk at lunch
    3. Leave work by 5:15
    4. Cook dinner
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    JFT Thurs
    1. WATER - START NOW! :)
    2. 15 Squats/bathroom trip :) sore today
    3. Log all food. :)
    4. Eat packed lunch :)
    5. Cook dinner at home - pizza and salad :)
    6. Stop at Walgreens Gardner to pay electric and pick up thank you card on way home >:)
    7. Stop at Pool store to fill out hiring paperwork on way home. :)
    8. Clean up laundry in bedroom >:)
    9. Pick out outfit for dinner date tomorrow - wash anything needed >:)
    10. Find white shirt for make up trial :)
    11. Bed by 9:30 :)

    Jft Friday
    1. Smoothie
    2. Fish oil
    3. Sand driveway
    4. Quick clean up
    5. Shower. Exfoliate. Dry hair
    6. Log all food
    7. Waters! Every hour
    8. Salad and veggie buger for lunch
    9. Update this list again later
  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member