JUST FOR TODAY -- One Day at a Time .... Daily commitment thread for 2019



  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    So last night I had serious cravings for carbs but managed to avoid giving in to the bread! I worked in an extra small snack (some apple and cottage cheese) and forced myself to go to bed. Pleased but also a bit annoyingly tempted this morning. A small part of me wants to skip my exercise class this morning and just eat loads of toast with butter once the girls have been picked up by their dad! But I know how that will leave me feeling. And I know that it might feel like I’m treating myself but actually it will be damaging. I’ve done so well the last couple of weekends so need to stay focussed - especially as I will going to see bf and we generally don’t eat v healthy foods when we are together.

    Time to focus on goals!

    Friday goals recap:
    - long morning walk (active recovery) ✅
    - Water! Stay hydrated. Be mindful of tiredness hunger ✅
    - Parent activity first session ✅
    - Home lunchtime for car and shake ✅
    - Do GaG, print and trim work for next week ✅
    - Pack homework folders ✅
    - Eyebrows, tan, health food shop after work ✅
    - Girls hair wash and pack for weekend ✅
    - Laundry ✅ well, half of it!
    - Early night ✅

    Saturday goals:
    - kids up and dressed ready for their weekend away
    - Warrior class 9:30
    - pet food shop
    - house clean and finish laundry
    - head to bf’s house
    - rest!

    Happy weekend everyone! X
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    JFT Friday

    - Be in the green ❌
    - 4 cups of water❌
    - Exercise ❌(or decorate✅)
    - 2 loads of washing✅
    - Empty my box (do this before 3pm)❌

    *sigh* went over yesterday, not sure how much by, going to log it ina minute.
    I know where i went wrong, i skipped a proper lunch and had snacks instead, and even though i had dinner i just dodnt fdel satisfyed later in the evening

    So JFT Sat
    - 4 cups of water
    - Be in the green
    - Exercise/decorate
    - 2 loads of washing and out the other lot away
    - Empty box

    Im not in the best of moods today, its Saturday and didnt want to wake up to Marley shreiking my name at 7am.
    And then the constant noise for the last 2 hours.
    I just cant stand the noise, i cant hear myself think.
  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
  • littleblackskirt
    littleblackskirt Posts: 1,043 Member

    JFT 22nd March

    Log food Yes, though a bit of guesswork was involved
    Stay in the green No, about maintenance
    Back exercises Yes
    Visit parents No, ran out of time
    Re-read back book to refresh memory Ditto
    Housework Yes
    Walk No

    Yesterday didn't turn out as planned. My sister-in-law messaged me to see if I would go into town with her. She's a widow like me (the only 2 in our big family) so whenever one of us suggests a trip out the other says yes. I didn't need anything but went for the company. We went round 2 shops, and my back was in agony. We stopped to get something to eat, so not sure of those calories for logging.

    Still feeling a bit stiff and sore today so will have a quiet day. Maybe just do stretching exercises.

    JFT 23 March

    Log food
    Stay in the green
    Check and pinch out my many many geranium cuttings
    Dog sit

    I feel like I don't know what to do today. I'm looking after son's dogs from lunch time until bed time. I don't feel fit enough to take them both out (they are large and full of energy) so will let them run around in the garden, and maybe do some indoor tidying and sorting. Seems a bit of waste of a weekend really :)

    Hope you all have a lovely weekend!

  • awhit4842
    awhit4842 Posts: 236 Member
    JFT Saturday
    1. Swim laps
    2. Going to a wine tasting, so have fun and don’t worry about logging all my food!
    3. Drink 100oz water
  • aubyshortcake
    aubyshortcake Posts: 796 Member
    Good morning all! This week is going to be a challenge. My cousin and his wife are flying in from Buffalo for the week (I live in Southwest Florida) and I'm taking two days off work to hang out with them as well. It's going to be fun and I'm excited, but I have to remind myself this is a full vacation for them and just a mini one for me, so I need to keep myself in check!

    Today after we leave the airport we're going to a Brazilian restaurant that does an all you can eat buffet. I've never had Brazilian food before and I'm very excited to try it, but I definitely need to manage my portions. If I can stay within 2200 calories today I will still have a decent deficit for the week, so I'm going to try my hardest! I'm sure there will be other outings as well, but I've decided this one will be the biggest splurge since it's something new for me.

    @Snowflake1968 That sounds very promising, I really hope you get it! As for strong curves, I definitely recommend the program. I believe there is a Kindle version as well as the book but I would get the book since it's easier to flip back and forth to look up exercises. If you'd like any more information just let me know.

    @HEGoddard0928 Omg I am so sorry! A concussion is no fun and I hope you get back to feeling 100% quickly.

    Yesterday 3/22:

    1. Stay within calorie goal 😞 I couldn't resist a pack of gushers my husband offered me lol, it was so good tho
    2. Go for a walk at lunch😁
    3. Finish work at 5:15😑 More like 5:30
    4. Clean out car (it's so grosssssss)😁

    JFT 3/23:

    1. Stay within 2200 calories
    2. Get a minimum of 4,000 steps
    3. Do workout
    4. Have fun!
  • tuddy315
    tuddy315 Posts: 11,523 Member
    edited March 2019

    JFT 3/22/19

    Log everything 😇
    Walk on treadmill
    Vacuum and dust
    Take dogs for a walk

    Unfortunately, when I got home yesterday, I was sick to my stomach. So, I didn't get the rest of my day finished. 24 hour thing, I guess. I feel fine today. So.......

    JFT. 3/23/19
    Vacuum and dust
    Rake twigs and limbs from front yard and burn
    Log everything
    6 glasses of water
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    I had a bad nite last nite ... got in easter candy, nuts, then popcorn. So, before our grandsons get here, I am posting some quick goals so I stay on track this weekend.
    JFT, Sat
    1. have one small piece of Dairy Queen cake ... and thats all
    2. if we go out to eat, make healthy choices ... and only eat half my meal
    3. concentrate on water
    4. do some exercise with grandsons. I'm sure we will ... they love playing basketball
    5. think positive thoughts. do not let one bad day make it a bad weekend, and a bad week. tomorrow is over

    I will try and read through all the posts later. .. I am so far behind again. But you guys all all doing great, and hope you all have a fantastic weekend!
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    JFT Friday!
    1. Log all food >:) going back now, deviated,from my,plan
    2. Waters! Refill now :)
    3. Eat packed lunch :)
    4. Remain positive and kind :)
    5. QT with DH before dinner >:) but after :)
    6. 10 wall push ups/bathroom trip :)
    7. Update this list later :)
    8. Plug in basement fridge :)
    10. Put away laundry >:)

    JFT Sat
    1. Log all food, including yesterday
    2. Waters!
    3. Positive and kind
    4. Go with the flow this evening
    5. Work until 4
    6. Put away laundry
    7. Move food to basment fridge and thaw freezer build up
    8. Update this list later
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,918 Member
    JFT - Friday March 22 Determined
    2L of water - 🙂
    Calories in green - 👿 in red by 200+ I was hungry
    Walk 1 Mile - 😒 not purposely
    Plank Challenge - 👿
    5 Fruits and Veggies - 3/5
    Only 1 evening Snack - 👿
    5 something at bathroom break - 🙂
    Write in Journal - 🙂
    Do not disappoint myself, be conscious of my choices - 🙂

    JFT - Saturday March 23 Determined
    2L of water
    Calories in green
    Walk 1 Mile
    Plank Challenge
    5 Fruits and Veggies
    Only 1 evening Snack
    5 something at bathroom break
    Write in Journal
    Do not disappoint myself, be conscious of my choices.

    It is an incredibly foggy morning here, I can barely see the neighbors across the street. I’m thankful I don’t have to drive anywhere this morning.

    I need to find something to do today, it has been a long time since I feel I have done anything productive.

    Last night I went to drive Lauryn and the kids to get the kids haircuts. I paid for one. Michaela’s was her first and it wa lbs quite special to see Kaitlyn doing it. She had a long rat tail in the back of all those citrus so it is evened up, and one long piece in the front was cut so it’s not in her eyes. The curls are still there and going strong! Jonah asked for a haircut like Young Sheldon, his hair doesn’t grow that way naturally so Kaitlyn did the best she could with it.

    They aren’t here today as they are going to a birthday party. I don’t know if they are coming tomorrow or not yet.

    Have a great Saturday!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,918 Member
    Faebert - I would find that very unsettling, I don’t do well around drunk people most are rude, vulgar or want to fight. Have a great weekend, you are doing so well. I gave into my snack attack last night.

    Mytime6630 - for a year and a half now I have worked on changing my thinking. I had become quite a negative person, always waiting for the other shoe to drop. There are still days and sometimes more than one in a row that I get negative, but I can quickly get it changed around again. It’s not easy and it’s taken a lot of work but it can be done.

    You are doing so well! Enjoy your grandsons, have a small piece of cake and then take the boys for a walk.

    Clicketykeys - I need to start walking like that. With purpose, I always smile and say hi, so people tend to start talking to me.

    Hegoddard0928 - I’ve had a concussion, no fun whatsoever! Take care of yourself and get better soon.

    Maryrobinson40 - new glasses! They make such a difference, they are so incredibly expensive though.

    Jeschepp - sorry to hear about your acquaintance. There have been 3 men my age that I went to school with that have committed suicide in the last three years. Two of them were brothers, one one year the other the next. My heart breaks for their parents, it must be so hard on them. I wish that there was more help and education for mental health and so much less stigmatism. Enjoy your shopping day.

    Bex953172 - I think you are onto something about skipping lunch. I can skip breakfast and wait until lunch to eat quite easily, but if I skip lunch I seem to eat much more in snacks trying to curb the hunger.
    I hope things calm down and you get some quiet time. Does your new house have a fenced in yard where the girls can play outside alone?

    Littleblackskirt - sounds like a good outing with your SIL, I would count that as mental health care. I need to figure out some things to do today as well. I feel like I’m wasting my days and I’m tired of it.

    Aubyshortcake - have fun, there is a Brazilian steak house here that everyone raves about. I haven’t tried it yet.
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    Faebert wrote: »
    So last night I had serious cravings for carbs but managed to avoid giving in to the bread! I worked in an extra small snack (some apple and cottage cheese) and forced myself to go to bed. Pleased but also a bit annoyingly tempted this morning. A small part of me wants to skip my exercise class this morning and just eat loads of toast with butter once the girls have been picked up by their dad! But I know how that will leave me feeling. And I know that it might feel like I’m treating myself but actually it will be damaging. I’ve done so well the last couple of weekends so need to stay focussed - especially as I will going to see bf and we generally don’t eat v healthy foods when we are together.

    Thank you for sharing your toast struggle...(although, you did make my mouth water :) and the steps you took to push through it. So often we get so consumed with that particular desire and we don't pause a moment to

    --consider the consequences (how it will leave you feeling, the damage done to the progress you made).
    --consider if you could fit it in (No, because you will be indulging at the bf's.)
    --consider what your next action should be (focusing on the target and what needs to be done to get there.)
    --and then getting away from the temptaion (you were going to go exercise)

    What was the outcome? Did you push through and re-focus or did the call of the toaster win? ;)

    There are days we must do these steps several times as we are being bombarded with temptation. Else we find our selves in dispair saying, "What did I just do??? Why didn't I say no??"

  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    toaljasa wrote: »
    Faebert wrote: »
    So last night I had serious cravings for carbs but managed to avoid giving in to the bread! I worked in an extra small snack (some apple and cottage cheese) and forced myself to go to bed. Pleased but also a bit annoyingly tempted this morning. A small part of me wants to skip my exercise class this morning and just eat loads of toast with butter once the girls have been picked up by their dad! But I know how that will leave me feeling. And I know that it might feel like I’m treating myself but actually it will be damaging. I’ve done so well the last couple of weekends so need to stay focussed - especially as I will going to see bf and we generally don’t eat v healthy foods when we are together.

    Thank you for sharing your toast struggle...(although, you did make my mouth water :) and the steps you took to push through it. So often we get so consumed with that particular desire and we don't pause a moment to

    --consider the consequences (how it will leave you feeling, the damage done to the progress you made).
    --consider if you could fit it in (No, because you will be indulging at the bf's.)
    --consider what your next action should be (focusing on the target and what needs to be done to get there.)
    --and then getting away from the temptaion (you were going to go exercise)

    What was the outcome? Did you push through and re-focus or did the call of the toaster win? ;)

    There are days we must do these steps several times as we are being bombarded with temptation. Else we find our selves in dispair saying, "What did I just do??? Why didn't I say no??"

    I went to Warrior class! No toast! And it was a super tough class and I made it through and now I feel great. Thank you for asking - it has reminded me of my ‘win’! 😉
  • HEGoddard0928
    HEGoddard0928 Posts: 824 Member
    I totally forgot that I was going to post goals this morning! I've already done a lot! Anyway, here are the goals!

    JFT, 3-23-19

    1. Log all food
    2. Food Shopping :smiley:
    3. Walmart :smiley:
    4. Clean out fridge :)
    5. Organize shelf/pantry/top of fridge
    6. Drink 4 cups of water
    7. Start laundry
    8. Eat lunch!
    9. Put food in the crock pot
    10. Make rice
    11. Take a shower
    12. Do first load of dishes :)
    13. Dinner/Dinner dishes(I want to go to bed without a single dish in the sink darn it!)
    14. QT with Matt
    15. Bed at a reasonable time.
  • sunshinemomof2
    sunshinemomof2 Posts: 2 Member
    Today I'm planning a mall trip with my daughter. I only go to the mall a couple times a year so this is a big fun thing. :) works been burning me out the last couple weeks and I need something special. Daughter's been extra needy and asking for a mom and kid day so I figure it will be fun. Disney store yay! The big problem I have with the mall is I go way overboard and always without fail break my diet and budget. Today I'm tell you all so that I'll hopefully hold myself more accountable then usual. Hope everyone has a good and wonderful Saturday!
    Today's goals;

    No bread/grains
    Input all calories into diary.
    No cheating
    Mall walking counts as exercise :) so input the steps
    Stay within budget money/calorie
    Buy cute outfit that fits the size I am today not what size I want to be in the future.
    Turn negative internal hate into self loving acceptance when in the changing room.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,918 Member
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    Faebert wrote: »
    toaljasa wrote: »
    Faebert wrote: »
    So last night I had serious cravings for carbs but managed to avoid giving in to the bread! I worked in an extra small snack (some apple and cottage cheese) and forced myself to go to bed. Pleased but also a bit annoyingly tempted this morning. A small part of me wants to skip my exercise class this morning and just eat loads of toast with butter once the girls have been picked up by their dad! But I know how that will leave me feeling. And I know that it might feel like I’m treating myself but actually it will be damaging. I’ve done so well the last couple of weekends so need to stay focussed - especially as I will going to see bf and we generally don’t eat v healthy foods when we are together.

    Thank you for sharing your toast struggle...(although, you did make my mouth water :) and the steps you took to push through it. So often we get so consumed with that particular desire and we don't pause a moment to

    --consider the consequences (how it will leave you feeling, the damage done to the progress you made).
    --consider if you could fit it in (No, because you will be indulging at the bf's.)
    --consider what your next action should be (focusing on the target and what needs to be done to get there.)
    --and then getting away from the temptaion (you were going to go exercise)

    What was the outcome? Did you push through and re-focus or did the call of the toaster win? ;)

    There are days we must do these steps several times as we are being bombarded with temptation. Else we find our selves in dispair saying, "What did I just do??? Why didn't I say no??"

    I went to Warrior class! No toast! And it was a super tough class and I made it through and now I feel great. Thank you for asking - it has reminded me of my ‘win’! 😉

    Woo-Hoo! You have been a huge encouragement today. Have a great time at the bf's!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member

    How dare you... 😂
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    Yes we do have an enclosed yard, we have a shared (with our neighbour) alleyway leading to the front of the house (with another door that can only be unlatched from the inside) just to take the wheelie bins out. Its literally 2 foot wide, so we each have a gate on our fences into that. But i know for a fact marley can open that and shes being a little bum with opening things at the moment, especially the front door (thankfully chained) so i could put a bin in front of it. Also helping herself to the fridge, dhe ate all our strawberries, 2 yoghurt drinks AND grapes!
    Shes so sneaky, she hasnt figured out that if she wipes the red and purple stains from her face though that it would tske us longer to find out, not to mention the yoghurt pots randomly dotted around the house LOL!

    But the main reason we havent let them out yet is because the previous dog pooed all over it, which weve picked up most we can, then we mowed the lawn so we just need to throw some hot water out to wash it away, and lay some grass seed because its very patchy and muddy in places.

    I dont mind the mud, thats as easy as shoes off at the doorstep. Just the poo,
    Goddamn poo lol
    Poo is literally the centre of my life LOL!
    Dog poo, baby poo, toddler poo!