Atkins? Anyone?? Am I the only one doing this?I feel alone.

Been on Atkins for a week. Its freakin awesome. I cant believe its really working!!! But i never see any of my friends doing it too. Am i the only crazy person that is doing atkins right now???? I just want others to talk to about my atkins journey. Add me if you are on it please. we can help eachother =D


  • idwoof
    idwoof Posts: 76
    Not many people on here are probably on it, because it is not really a balanced diet. It works and if you are willing to get on a balanced diet after you lose the weight it could work. But the reality is the majority of the time people gain back the weight plus more after they get off it. Nothing can replace a well balanced low calorie diet.
    I should add that I have no problem with it! Anytime people are willing to lose weight, more power to you!
  • It's great in the beginning for losing weight, but it will be hard later to maintain that type of eating style. Best not to limit yourself to same old foods. Plus can you eat stuff like bacon on atkins? That fat is off the charts on bacon, cheese, etc. Yes, it works, but once you start incorporating regular foods into your diet, your weight is going to shoot back up. It's been proven, you can eat whatever you want as long as you maintain a certain calorie level. Heck, look at the guy that lived on the twinkie diet and lost 27 lbs, but he kept his calorie intake to 1500 a day. Just be careful and be healthy and most of all be happy.
  • tigeratty
    tigeratty Posts: 75 Member
    You might consider paleo or primal eating in lieu of Atkins.
  • dittiepe
    dittiepe Posts: 557 Member
    There are a lot of us low carbers here :)
    Atkins is a very healthy way of life. I say 'way of life' because it isn't something you should start and stop. It's a lifestyle. You should be willing to continue eating under the Atkins plan for long after you've lost your weight.

    A lot of us are here:
  • dittiepe
    dittiepe Posts: 557 Member
    The OP asked if there were others on the diet, not for your misinformed thoughts on it.
    Really why do people have to do that? I wouldn't jump onto somebody asking about low fat diets and throw misinformation at them. It's not productive.
  • idwoof
    idwoof Posts: 76
    She didn't throw misinformed facts. I think it is well documented that a low carb diet is not a healthy lifestyle. It can work for short term dieting.
  • dittiepe
    dittiepe Posts: 557 Member
    I'm not going to hijack the OPs thread to go through the same tired arguments.
  • you can't really attest to the long term results or sustainability of the thing while you're still actively involved in the first step of the process
  • idwoof
    idwoof Posts: 76
    Yes same tired "arguments". It's not really an argument when it it is proven that one side is not a healthy lifestyle choice, and the alternative is a well balanced low calorie diet.
  • terrellc1
    terrellc1 Posts: 231 Member
    I am on Atkins, too. However, I have been afraid to post anything about my lifestyle choice because a lot of people on here are mean.

    I was diagnosed with PCOS in November. My doctor put me on a low carb diet and Metformin and told me to start exercising. Well, By April, my ovaries were in great shape, my insulin was great, and I no longer needed Metformin. I had lost 30 pounds mostly by dieting alone. I finally felt like my self again.

    I went on vacation for a month, and I didn't adhere to Atkins. I enjoyed some great food and lots of cocktails. I gained about 10 pounds. It took me about 3 weeks to lose the weight, and I even had to by a size smaller jeans than I wore before going on vacation! YEA!

    Two weeks ago I started doing about an hour of walking a day plus climbing lots of stairs. I feel great...both from Atkins and now the added exercise.

    Good luck on your journey.
  • dittiepe
    dittiepe Posts: 557 Member
    Yes same tired "arguments". It's not really an argument when it it is proven that one side is not a healthy lifestyle choice, and the alternative is a well balanced low calorie diet.

    Really? You just have to keep going, don't you?

    And then I could also get into how it helps diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis and let's not forget those that have a resistance to carbohydrates and actually GAIN weight following the standard 'balanced diet' you're preaching. You don't wear the same size shoe as the person next to you, or the person next to them, and so on. So why throw the same "diet" at people and say they should do it?

    Yes, low carb works. Yes, it is healthy. Yes, there are a lot of us here on MFP, happily and healthily losing weight without bread, rice, pasta, and other starchy, carb-heavy foods.

    Apologies to the OP for throwing the thread off topic. Some people just have it stuck in their head that the sky is purple.
  • SouLThinking
    SouLThinking Posts: 308 Member
    Been doing this for 5+ years and if you've read the book..which I don't think a lot of the people who are "anti-Atkins" really is a "ballanced" diet. I want one person to tell me why I need white sugar, white rice, white potatoes , white flour, and all the stuff made from these. I am almost to goal. I eat about 135 gm of carbs per day..good carbs. I have worked up the ladder like Dr. Atkins said to do. I am a success story. If I went back to eating the white carbs again. Yes I'd gain it back. But, why would I go back? I know several people who have done calorie counting, WW, and so many other "diets" who stopped and guess what?? They gained it back. So..maybe..the thought should be..Yes Atkins works..just like any eating plan it has to be a Way of LIFE not a "diet".

    Read the book
    Work the carb ladder
    and don't give up.
    You are so worth this.
    God Bless
  • SouLThinking
    SouLThinking Posts: 308 Member
    Thats because ATkins isnt a healthy diet to follow. Works for weight loss yes....for long term health. no.

    I wonder why I am so healthy now. I wonder why I don't take 7 meds (3 blood pressure, 1 fluid, and 3 anxiety/ depression) meds. I wonder why it's been over 5 yrs and I haven't gained it back..hmmm.

    I wonder if anyone can tell me that they have actually read the book? and then say it's not healthy. NO I don't think so.
  • ido10612
    ido10612 Posts: 51
    Thank you to those of you who answered my question. I will def check into your suggestion. Thanks for being nice!

    Thoses of you who oppose Atkins... you should really learn to keep your opinions to yourself. People do not post topics on here to be ridiculed or made fun of. They are simply looking for support. . I joined MFP to find others that would support my lifestyle. As did you, im sure. You should not be poking fun at others for there lifestlye choices. I dont make fun of your diet. Sorry you have nothing better to do with lives.
  • SouLThinking
    SouLThinking Posts: 308 Member
    Yes same tired "arguments". It's not really an argument when it it is proven that one side is not a healthy lifestyle choice, and the alternative is a well balanced low calorie diet.

    Hey ..look over here..Success story! Proven works. ..No more meds.
  • SouLThinking
    SouLThinking Posts: 308 Member
    Thank you to those of you who answered my question. I will def check into your suggestion. Thanks for being nice!

    Thoses of you who oppose Atkins... you should really learn to keep your opinions to yourself. People do not post topics on here to be ridiculed or made fun of. They are simply looking for support. . I joined MFP to find others that would support my lifestyle. As did you, im sure. You should not be poking fun at others for there lifestlye choices. I dont make fun of your diet. Sorry you have nothing better to do with lives.

    Do what feels right for you. Like any change it has to be for life. It's not a quick fix..(no way of eating should be) It's a real life change. The nay sayers are proven wrong by the people who do it right! Not the band wagon jumpers who never ever follow the rules or read the book. I for one look in the mirror and into my childrens eyes everyday and I know it works. I am alive. that's proof.
  • idwoof
    idwoof Posts: 76
    Ok, your first link is about how low carb is better than low fat diets. I didn't argue that, it's not the 90's anymore SnackWells don't work. We know that.
    Then you go on to say how it helps diabetes and arthritis? And losing weight in any fashion doesn't help those diseases???
    And who said anything about eating white carbs, and processed sugar? I wouldn't consider those part of a healthy balanced diet, because they aren't healthy. There are carbs that aren't white, I hope you know that.
    For the few that have some allergy to carbs, or something that makes it so they shouldn't eat carbs, then fine. They obviously aren't included in this. But be honest, the majority of people on low carb diets are on them because they want to lose weight fast. Which is fine as I said in my first post. Just don't argue to me that it is a sustainable diet for the rest of your life. It is unhealthy in the long term, and most of all why would you punish yourself for the rest of your life and not eat good carbs?
  • idwoof
    idwoof Posts: 76
    Thank you to those of you who answered my question. I will def check into your suggestion. Thanks for being nice!

    Thoses of you who oppose Atkins... you should really learn to keep your opinions to yourself. People do not post topics on here to be ridiculed or made fun of. They are simply looking for support. . I joined MFP to find others that would support my lifestyle. As did you, im sure. You should not be poking fun at others for there lifestlye choices. I dont make fun of your diet. Sorry you have nothing better to do with lives.

    Ok I want to get it straight that I'm not poking fun at your diet. What I do have a problem with is people ignoring science. Your body needs carbs.
    If I was to get on here and say "is anyone on here doing the olive oil diet, I drink 1000 calories of olive oil everyday, and its working" I hope somebody informed would get on and tell me that it's not healthy, and I'm not going to be able to do that the rest of my life.
    And I do apologize to anyone I offended. I mean no harm, my parents, uncles, aunts, grandparents have all done atkins and lost significant amounts of weight. They all gained every pound back and more. It wasn't until my dad got on a balanced diet that he lost weight and kept it off.
    Any person trying to better themselves is fine with me.
  • SouLThinking
    SouLThinking Posts: 308 Member
    Ok, your first link is about how low carb is better than low fat diets. I didn't argue that, it's not the 90's anymore SnackWells don't work. We know that.
    Then you go on to say how it helps diabetes and arthritis? And losing weight in any fashion doesn't help those diseases???
    And who said anything about eating white carbs, and processed sugar? I wouldn't consider those part of a healthy balanced diet, because they aren't healthy. There are carbs that aren't white, I hope you know that.
    For the few that have some allergy to carbs, or something that makes it so they shouldn't eat carbs, then fine. They obviously aren't included in this. But be honest, the majority of people on low carb diets are on them because they want to lose weight fast. Which is fine as I said in my first post. Just don't argue to me that it is a sustainable diet for the rest of your life. It is unhealthy in the long term, and most of all why would you punish yourself for the rest of your life and not eat good carbs?

    Ok we are talking about Atkins. NOT just some LOW CARB quick fix. If you are following Atkins you are cutting out white processed carbs. Who said anything about cutting out all carbs? That is not Atkins. I am currently eating up to 150 gms (usually 135) carbs a day and still losing. 86 lbs gone forever. Yes all weightloss can cure those illnesses. Some "diets" are easier than others some work for one set of people others work for another set. I ate 1200 calories a day for 6 months and never lost. I was on 7 meds. My Dr. told me about Atkins. I read the book number one! and I did what he said to do. Do I feel deprived when I can eat such good food? No I don't I haven't. I eat in moderation like any "diet" says to. I have my ups and downs. I am not perfect but I can tell you that after over 5 yrs. I for one say it's sustainable. If you do it right. If anyone says they are doing Atkins and are doing "no" carbs. then we aren't talking about the same eating plan. Your only restricted in the beginning. And oh yea Dr Atkins tells you to eat your veggies..those are carbs too :)