
  • AKdogpile
    AKdogpile Posts: 14 Member
    Good morning ladies. I overate yesterday, but logged it honestly. Today is a new day, and me, hubs and the canine companions are going hiking. I have a small pork roast and cabb age in the crockpot. Ever onward.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :)Barbara, the reason I find it easy to include meditation every day just like brushing my teeth is that I've found a time in the day to do it regularly. It happens while the oven is preheating for my supper. It used to happen immediately after my breakfast but now I sleep later and don't have the time before my friend comes to walk with the dogs and me.

    :)Lanette, You reminded me of how grateful I am for my neighborhood with private roads where I can walk with the dogs or with a friend with almost no traffic at any time during the day.

    :) I gave up alcohol completely after it caused me more problems than I wanted. It was a good decision, but not an easy one.

    petting-poodle-smiley-emoticon.gif Barbie from NW WA
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    Regarding alcohol ... I've never been a drinker. Had my first drink when I was something like 27 years old, and didn't really like it. I've been a drink at Christmas and maybe our anniversary kind of person.

    However, since my husband had his accident and we became aware of just how bad alcohol is for the brain, we don't touch the stuff. It's been over a year for both of us since we've had any. His Drs attribute some of his "remarkable recovery" to the lack of alcohol + fitness. :) He's not 100% and will not likely ever be, but he has come much further than initially predicted!!

    Regarding fast food ... with the exception of Zambreros and occasionally Subway, we hardly ever go to a fast food place. Since 2015, we decided we'd rather save our money and go to a restaurant with better food. After not eating at a fast food place for about a year and a half, we stopped in at a Hungry Jacks (you know them as Burger King) ... and it was awful!! So we haven't done that again.

    However, we can still overeat other food ... as evidenced by what the scale is telling me recently: :open_mouth:

    M in Oz
  • efricke1
    efricke1 Posts: 42 Member
    Hello all-

    DH and I went to a friend's birthday party last night and I didn't overdo it! I was even able to have some carrot cake! Lifting weights in the morning helped! Today is a running day-I probably shouldn't call it running-more like a very slow trot:). I was initially following a training plan that called for running 30 seconds then walking for 60 seconds 10 times, then building up. I'm doing my own plan now. I've worked up to 9 minutes running, 45 seconds walking 4 times. I've really hit a plateau, but I'm fine with that! I don't love it, but I don't hate it as much as I used to.

    I haven't had a drink (alcohol) in almost 20 years. Don't miss it or the calories!

    Best to all,
    Elizabeth GA

    Lose that blasted 5 pounds!-was under on calories yesterday! I weigh in on Thursday mornings
    Post every day on MFP-Here I am!
    Cook dinner at least 1x a week-New week-need to plan!
    Start meditating again-OK, today is the day I start!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,618 Member
    Walked into central Hove for lunch with my girlfriend. About 20 minutes. Had a fabulous kebab lunch. I asked for a half portion of rice. o:) Just an espresso for dessert. I did have a beer.
    Then we walked into Brighton, about 25 minutes, where my friend bought three bags of stuff. :o Came back to my house on the bus. She's gone home to beat the rush hour.
    I'm counting 150 extra bonus calories for the walking. :D
    500 for the lunch. So not too bad.

    Will go AF tonight. I have fake pink wine in the fridge. It's delicious. Low calorie too.
    I'm cooking seabass with a spread of Gotchujan sauce, broccoli and mashed butter beans with garlic. DH has potatoes.

    All good.

    Lisa - Don't you just love a new car! The warranty on ours includes 5 years free service. They even come to your door to pick it up and bring it back! They clean it etc. We have not spent a penny extra on any of our cars after purchase. And the trade in is good too. DH only uses it for his journey to cricket, but it's good to have peace of mind.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,089 Member
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    Sharon Near Seattle thank you
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    Evening check in
    ✔️ 1. weighed in
    ✔️2. tracked all
    ✔️ 3. 30 min exercise
    not yet 4. five minutes meditation
    x or not yet 5.Spend at least 2h on long term writing project
    x or not yet 6.produce at least 2 pages per day - debatable
    x or not yet 7. Take care of at least one shorter (1 pagish) writing or administrative task/bill,
    x or not yet 8. At least 15 min/day filing/cleaning. probably
    ✔️9.average 1100 calories net.

    • Overall Feeling: medium
    • Tracking :in green today and yesterday to make up for big red on Friday. exercise helps a lot
    • Exercise : 14000 steps, walk in woods with friend
    • 1100 calories net : in green
    • Long term writing 2hrs: no
    • Long term writing 2 pages:
    • Short term writing/admin :no
    • Bright Spots : walk in woods with friend, lots of exercise today, in green

    Grateful :
    1. long walk in woods
    2. light splurges
    3. gf oatmeal (still/again)
    4. raspberries
    5. fresh air
    6. turquoise curtains in bedroom
    7. meditation
    8. water
    9. coffee
    10. tea
    11. little apples travel so well
    12. fairly decent health, knock on wood, enough to go for a long walk once in a while
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    trucker743 wrote: »
    Heather, i never will forget how startled the elementary school cafeteria was when my mother asked how many calories were in our lunches. It was, as a matter of fact, her misplaced concern about my weight that started me on a life of being sure something was wrong with my body. Even when I did store modeling in my mid-teens, I was sure something was wrong. Part of it, however, was the notion of being singled out by her about my weight. I was just at the beginning of an early puberty, when many put in a few pounds to prepare for the growth spurt ahead. My grandmother was obese, and my mother had always been embarrassed by her, I believe. I think programs like the ones in a number of places that are focused on helping children see that moving is fun and that we should pay attention to what we eat have a much greater chance of being successful.

    Bananas, whom I now know as Julie, thank you for the insight into who you are. It sounds as if you’ve probably had a clear idea of what you wish from life for some time. Good luck with your ph.d.

    Rebecca, my husband donated his body to something called The Genesis Group. Their conditions were similar. When they had done putting his body to use, they sent me the cremated remains and a nice long letter detailing all the ways his body had been useful. It was SO satisfying! That was precisely what he wanted to happen. To be of use to the utmost that he could. And nothing cost me a penny. I don’t qualify - not because I have too much metal in my body. I have two knees and my left hip replaced, and 8 discs fused, so I get very special treatment at the airport. Langley, on Whidbey Island, has a green cemetery. No embalming, no vaults, no heavy coffin. They open your chosen gravesite, your loved ones wrap you in a favorite quilt or shroud, and you are placed in the earth, covered, and nature has its way with you. I like that idea.

    it’s been a lovely day outdoors today, but I’m saving my energy for tomorrow, when I’m meeting a new group of women hosted by a friend for a Cinco de Mayo potluck and Bunco party. I’m not sure what Bunco is other than that it’s a game, but my friend is a lively cheerful woman, and I gather her friends are the same. One of the group will be missing tomorrow, so I’m the fill-in!

    I weighed in at 190# even today, so another 2.8# and I’ll have lost 75 total. I’m very pleased about that! I’m also enjoying finding out who you believe you are!

    Sharon Near Seattle

    Dear Sharon,
    What a nice thing Genisis did, sending you a letter and all. Yes, the cost (not being a burden to my family), and not making any impact is my goal. I was a blue baby when I was born, so its only fair that the medical community get my physical body. But I also like the shroud idea. I will look into that option since its on the island.
    You are doing so well Sharon!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,006 Member
    edited May 2019
    Im beat... I'm supposed to go see Toms cousin Joyce with his other cousins this afternoon,I just dont have the energy.. I found 2 wicker ethan allen chairs down in Westport which is an hour from me, and went and bought them.. made 2 new friends in the chair owner and her boyfriend we had way so many things in common and they loved Alfie.. only bummer was that Alfie threw up in the car..
    So Francine Amodio ( my grandpa ) used to call me that hauled the chairs out of my car and down the hall and into my place and then had to rearrange furniture.. but they look great... I got back from Westport and then went and fed my DFIL Tom and I tag teamed and got shepards pie down him...I will let him do dinner tonight..
    I honestly think I will get in my jammies early . and just relax.. I am tired...
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,819 Member
    lhscapil wrote: »

    And my goal is no longer about weight on the scale, it's about getting and keeping healthy. And fitting into my jeans. <3

    SW WA State

    Lanette ... make that "fitting into sexy jeans!" B)
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,819 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »

    Regarding fast food ... with the exception of Zambreros and occasionally Subway, we hardly ever go to a fast food place. Since 2015, we decided we'd rather save our money and go to a restaurant with better food. After not eating at a fast food place for about a year and a half, we stopped in at a Hungry Jacks (you know them as Burger King) ... and it was awful!! So we haven't done that again.

    M in Oz

    Machka ... I ran into this while traveling last week. We stopped at a fast food restaurant on the way home and I haven't eaten fast food in years and it was my only meal of the day under my 19:5 eating plan. It was my turn to drive shortly after our "meal" and I was only able to put in about 60 miles when the stomach upset started. It was horrible!! Never again!