JUST FOR TODAY -- One Day at a Time .... Daily commitment thread for 2019



  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    MLHC1 wrote: »

    Tuesday JFT:

    ✔▪Regular kiddo morning
    ✔▪Maintain baby's daily schedule
    ✔▪Prelog Food
    ❌▪Devotional Time
    ❌▪Prep for Lin. Alg Final Exam (Thurs)
    ❌▪Call & make PM arrangements for kiddos Thurs.
    ✔✔▪Exercise (2 DVD)
    ✔▪Regular kid afternoon schedule
    ❌▪Gym➡️inclement weather (1" hail and tornadoes)
    ✔▪Evening schedule

    Fairly productive day yesterday. I was discouraged by the gym issue and overindulged in venison jerky and a cheese stick. But I still worked out at home. As my husband says, I dont need to the gym bc I have the equipment here. However it has been a refuge for me to get some separation for my little one. (My counselor recommended it.) I can move on from that now I think. I'll just work my schedule out where I can do everything at home then no worries from anyone (just gotta watch my stress and anxiety bc I never get a break from the baby). I thoroughly enjoy my little guy but I need some me time too. I'll just try to figure something else out. 🤔

    Wednesday JFT:

    ▪Regular kiddo morning
    ▪Maintain baby's daily schedule
    ▪Prelog Food
    ▪Counselor Appt.
    ▪Devotional Time
    ▪Prep for Lin. Alg Final Exam (Thurs)
    ▪Call & make PM arrangements for kiddos Thurs.
    ▪Exercise (2 DVD)
    ▪Regular kid afternoon schedule
    ▪Evening schedule

    Gotta run! Have a blessed day!!

  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,501 Member
    So yesterday net cals were green until late evening when, overtired & wanting some peanut M&Ms, I ate the few still in the decorative dish. Then got out original container & ate some more. Then ate even more. I must say, I enjoyed them, they are my kryptonite. Stepped on the scale this morning for my wake-up call. Making a few changes: peanut M&Ms container is now in basement pantry, where I know I won't go for "just a few." If I have any, I will count them out and close the container. Actually, I might be over them for a while. :blush:

    Realized I never listed my net calories goals yesterday; think I haven't prelogged much since my Easter "break." That stops today. And stop the evening snacking. I am again prelogging for the entire day whenever possible. Today is possible. I eat lunches at home so I can see hubby weekdays, since he leaves for work in afternoons before I get done at 4:30.

    Recap 5/7 T ~ Spring in Wis. ~ temp w/ wind chill in upper 30s when dog & I left house & I wore my thermal walking pants. Had hoped to be done with those pants this season. :D
    1) Walked dog before work & saw pair of mallards swimming in ditch and turkey crossing the road / 3.2 mi 56:34 / stretched after = happy dog & happy me, even if sun wasn't shining again B)
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks / 5 somethings = Fitbit 15,468 steps, 250+ 14/14 boom! & 46 floors :smiley:
    3) Complete summaries thru 110 :) / set up section folders :) / maybe update compliance rate sheet :)
    4) Evening: grocery shop :) / boil eggs for snacks :) / other? prepped cards for Mother's Day (May 12 US) & youngest brother's bday, prepped pledge form to mail :smiley:
    5) Unplug 9:00 :smiley: / floss :s / retainers :s / set/verify early alarm, bed & TV OFF 10:20 :s (walk dog before work W) = Evening bed time routine has also been a struggle since my Easter break. :p

    JFT 5/8 Happy hump day!
    1) Walked dog before work & saw/heard bunch of turkeys in the usual area, heard cardinals, blue jays, red winged blackbirds, geese among other birds / 3.53 mi 1:05:28 / stretched after = happy dog & happy me :smiley:
    2) Usual breakfast, lunch & snacks prelogged / decided on brown rice & eggrolls for supper and prelogged / have a little wiggle room but don't go overboard / net cals zero / 14c water
    3) Move hourly / stairs breaks / 5 somethings
    4) Complete at least 3 of 21 folders & corresponding compliance rate sheet
    5) Evening: mail cards/other on way home / fold & put away upstairs line-dried laundry / bake Kodiak Cake power muffins (use up 2 really ripe bananas) / wash dishes? other?
    6) Unplug 9:00 / FLOSS / RETAINERS / set/verify alarm for 6, BED & TV OFF 10:20 (rain forecast so x-train before work R)
  • daneejela
    daneejela Posts: 461 Member
    edited May 2019
    Huh, what a night! Had an aweful toothache from yesterday evening until this morning when I went to see my dentist. I haven't had any sleep. When I did fall asleep for 30 seconds, I was awaken by sharp pain. Because we are ttc, before period I don't know if I am pregnant yet or not, so I stayed away from painkillers (since I am not sure which ones are allowed in early days). Doctor wanted to take an image of my teeth, but didn't because of the posibility of pregnancy, so just made a guess and opened the most suspisious tooth. It has turned out to be the right *kitten*, so it was an imediate relief. I am so grateful for not being in that sharp, pulsating pain anymore.
    I don't know if the whole precaution makes sense or it is overreacting, because I don't feel any signs of pregnancy..but I think if it, by chance, turns out to be the case, I guess I would be scared and stresses if I did something risky.

    I admire you all mothers, how you are handling everything with your little ones, I feel overwhelmed before it even started!

    Hug to everyone, you're doing great!

    @Snowflake1968 You are such a sweet and positive lady, thank you for all of your wonderful comments, you know how to make people around you feel good about themselves!
    Congrats on your statisticss, I think you have mastered sustainable weight loss and commitment!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,217 Member
    I am still trying to find my last post!! @Cschmitz .. how did you say to do that? I've gone back like 6 pages, and still can't find it! such a active thread!

    Well, I have 3 weeks left on weight watchers, but I am not going to pay the $45 a month... so I will be back to logging my food here. I did lose almost 12 pounds while on it, but I need to be better.
    It does not help that hubby thinks I look great, and tells me not to worry about it. Last nite after a stressful day we had margaritas on our patio. Then ordered dominos pizza because I was too tired to work. So that was why I liked the WW because of having to weight in front of someone, but I will get back to recording my weight here ... and be accountable to you guys!

    So goals today are simple
    l. log all food
    concentrate on water
    go out for a walk since I skipped the gym
    get back on here everyday ... be accountable.

    weigh in is on saturday mornings... so start recording weight here each week.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,786 Member
    @daneejela - Thank you. I just wanted to comment on your apprehension in case you might be pregnant. If you are trying and aware that you could be pregnant I think you are smart to use caution. However, there are 100's of thousands of healthy babies born all the time that were unplanned and the mothers didn't take any precautions.
    I had two unplanned babies, I missed a pill both times. I know that I did drink not excessively but on the weekend, I also had a stressful job and chewed pain pills like candy to alleviate a constant headache in those first days as I didn't know I was pregnant and still had beautiful healthy girls.

  • daneejela
    daneejela Posts: 461 Member
    edited May 2019
    @Bex953172 haven't seen you last days, I hope you're doing good. Sending you a big hug!

    @Snowflake1968 thank you! I intuitively agree with you and I think that I might have been overthinking it.
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    I am really, REALLY tired today. Not sure why.
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    I am really, REALLY tired today. Not sure why.

    Rest. Sometimes we need to listen to our bodies. 😉
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    MLHC1 wrote: »
    I am really, REALLY tired today. Not sure why.

    Rest. Sometimes we need to listen to our bodies. 😉

    But. I'm already wearing my workout clothes. And if I don't go work out, I won't get my steps in today... unless if maybe I can get the husband to go for a walk with me. But it's hot out.

    /whine ;)
  • wannabeskinnycat
    wannabeskinnycat Posts: 205 Member
    JFT 09/05/19 Thursday

    1. I’ll come back here in the evening
    2. Log everything and be under calorie goal
    3. Take at least 5500 steps
    4. Make time to be mindful for me

    No idea where my last post is. It’s been a mad few days with Liverpool beating Barcelona in an absolutely perfect game. I’m Irish and we moved to Liverpool when I was small and I’ve lived here this time for nearly 20 years. Was born a red ⚽️❤️ Watching the other semi final now. C’mon Ajax!

    It’s Weigh Day tomorrow and I’m nervous. I don’t think I’ve lost anything but I haven’t been troughing it so that’s a bonus at least. I’ll try and catch up with posts but I’m pages behind :smile:

  • littleblackskirt
    littleblackskirt Posts: 967 Member

    But. I'm already wearing my workout clothes. And if I don't go work out, I won't get my steps in today... unless if maybe I can get the husband to go for a walk with me. But it's hot out.

    /whine ;)

    I must be tired too lol. As I was reading this I thought you meant you wanted your husband to go for a walk in your place! Oh if only exercise worked like that :)

    I've been very good today, had salad for tea. My son has just come home and is eating a pizza, the smell is so tempting!

  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    MLHC1 wrote: »
    I am really, REALLY tired today. Not sure why.

    Rest. Sometimes we need to listen to our bodies. 😉

    But. I'm already wearing my workout clothes. And if I don't go work out, I won't get my steps in today... unless if maybe I can get the husband to go for a walk with me. But it's hot out.

    /whine ;)

    Draining yourself can be counterproductive. But if that's not what you're doing then Im proud of you for persevering!! Just take care of yourself as well. 😉
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    *hugs* Thanks. I think it was more of a mental thing than physical... though exercise is still hard! We're wrapping up state exams, and I'm as done with it as the students are.
  • cory17
    cory17 Posts: 1,383 Member
    my post poufed!
    @snowflake You are doing such a wonderful job!! steady downward movement, lots of applause!
    Wt today is down a bit. Anytime eat out (favs are Thai & Indian) this happens, not sure if those cuisines are more guilty of higher levels or not.