JUST FOR TODAY -- One Day at a Time .... Daily commitment thread for 2019



  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,249 Member
    I got the call!!! I am meeting with her boss Tuesday at 1030. She gave me some tips for meeting him. I’m nervous and excited now, but as she said once that’s done it’s up to the universe, I should know I’ve given it my best.

    YAY!! Good luck!
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,598 Member
    Recap 5/8 Happy hump day!
    1) Walked dog before work & saw/heard bunch of turkeys in the usual area, heard cardinals, blue jays, red winged blackbirds, geese among other birds / 3.53 mi 1:05:28 / stretched after = happy dog & happy me :smiley:
    2) Usual breakfast, lunch & snacks prelogged / decided on brown rice & eggrolls for supper and prelogged / have a little wiggle room but don't go overboard / net cals zero / 14c water = After supper ate 1 power muffin & 2 Hershey miniatures... not as bad as recent days. Net cals -105 :/ , sodium -477, sugar -1 yay, fiber low-ish, protein ok, 14c water
    3) Move hourly / stairs breaks / 5 somethings = Fitbit 15,491 steps, 250+ 14/14 boom! & 40 floors :smiley:
    4) Complete at least 3 of 21 folders & corresponding compliance rate sheet = Not as planned but progress. Got access issue w/ KeyWatcher resolved after 4 phone calls & emailed questionnaire I did not realize during observation phase that I needed. PY someone did not bring forward certain documentation so I'm flailing a little to do it right this year. :#
    5) Evening: mail cards/other on way home :smile: & rain did not pour until I was almost home / fold & put away upstairs line-dried laundry :smile: almost forgot / bake Kodiak Cake power muffins (use up 2 really ripe bananas) :D double batch since I incorrectly creamed double the butter with the brown sugar ~ ok bc co-workers always like food :smile: / wash dishes? :smiley: yes other? :smile: little decluttering done
    6) Unplug 9:00 :smiley: / FLOSS :smiley: / RETAINERS :smiley: / set/verify alarm for 6, BED & TV OFF 10:20 :smiley: in bed & NO TV 10p.m. & fell asleep right away ~ yay! (rain forecast so x-train before work R)

    JFT 5/9 R ~ Rainy, foggy day
    1) X-trained [weights/circuit] before work & muscles getting more definition = happy me :smiley:
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks / 5 somethings
    3) Prelogged usual breakfast, lunch & snacks / supper w/ BFF trying new restaurant that specializes in meals from 12 local farms, several brewers, a fishery, coffee roaster & bakery, all local ~ which I love to support ~ preview menu online / net cals w/i -100 / 14c water
    4) Progress on GA-B / change password for chapter email & let back-ups know
    5) Unplug 9:00 / floss / retainers / set/verify 5:40 alarm, bed & tv off 10:20 (walk dog before work F)
  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,444 Member
    nlmackey98 wrote: »

    JFT Wednesday

    - Up at 4:00 :smiley:
    - Weigh :smiley:
    - Gym by 5:00 :smiley:
    - Water plants :smiley:
    - Work by 8:00 :smiley:
    - Work stuff :smiley:
    - Lunch <300 cal :smiley:
    - Walk 2 mile loop at work :smiley:
    - Testing trials :(
    - Leave work by 4:30 :smiley:
    - Church / youth at 6:30 :smiley:
    - V singing after church :smiley:
    - Reasonable dinner under cals :neutral: I ate a little more than I have been, but I figured if it's not going to stay in, I might as well.
    - Layout clothes for the gym :( Just too weak and tired
    - Bed by 11:00 :smiley:

    Kind of late getting on here. I over slept for the first time in ages. Almost called off work, but I didn't want to call medical, I didn't want to waste my vacation and I'm mostly just tired and dehydrated. Tuesday I thought I was better. Yesterday it was back. I still don't have an appetite, but I did eat dinner. Just things I like the taste of which isn't very healthy. Any way, other than feeling very run down, the day was good.

    JFT Thursday

    - Work by 8:00 :(
    - Drink water :smiley:
    - Work on Br issues :smiley: -
    - Work with lab on Cu issues :smiley:
    - Check on JFT Posts
    - Lunch <300cal
    - Walk 1-2 miles at work unless the storms come through first.
    - Should work until 5:30, but will leave early to take kid dinner before the talent show
    - Let the dogs out before the talent show
    - Talent show at 6:00
    - Dinner
    - Laundry - kid needs "blacks" done for her regatta this weekend.
    - To bed as soon as the laundry is done or at least the last load is in the dryer.

    Positive thought for the day: I have a job I can show up to an hour late with zero makeup on, and nobody cares.

  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,444 Member
    @lafayettenana I hope the surgery went well. Take it easy and do your therapy exercise. You will thank yourself in the long run.

    @cschmitz110515 Great job deciding it was time to buckle down. I usually don't come to that conclusion until I feel like I've gone too far.

    @Snowflake1968 : Your weight is going the right direction (Outstanding). You have a shot at a great job (good luck), and Roger's career my be taking off (awesome). Best of luck and I'm really happy for you.

    @Bex953172 : I get the overwhelming situation you are experiencing and I wish I had an answer that would pull you out of it, but I've never found one. For me it just has to run its course until I can get up the energy to force myself to do something. Once I start participating in my life again, I'm almost to the top of the pit I've been stuck in. I mean I would do things that absolutely had to be done, but I'd not really be a part of it. Maybe think of something you used to enjoy and just go do it. You may not enjoy it like you used to, but maybe it can get you on the right track. Much love and a virtual hug.

    @aubyshortcake You've got this! Just keep setting these little goals and fighting to meet them. I totally believe you can do this.

    @daneejela First of all congrats on the stellar weight loss. Secondly there is nothing wrong with not wanting to share a term of endearment with your MIL. It actually kind of creepy. It's fun to joke around and be flirty, but not when someones feelings are hurt. Sit down and talk to DH and tell him you love that he likes to joke around with you. I sounds like its one of the ways you know he loves you. However, telling him that you'd rather him not use the same phrases for you and his mom. You love his mom, but you are his wife. Just a thought.

    @MLHC1 Best of luck with your final exams. I totally stress over that stuff.
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    I won’t be posting much for the next week. The surgery went well. It’s been about 24 hours and DARN the nerve block has worn off so I’ll be managing pain now. My hubby has gotten lots of healthy food for me. Not really hungry yet. Take care everyone

    Best wishes for your recovery x
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    I am tired and frustrated and cranky. Had to stay after at school because of a storm. ALL STUDENTS were kept for an HOUR. Of course it was my largest, most rambunctious class. So, no workout. And I'm exhausted anyway. :P
  • wannabeskinnycat
    wannabeskinnycat Posts: 205 Member
    JFT 09/05/19 Thursday

    1. I’ll come back here in the evening :smile:
    2. Log everything and be under calorie goal :smile:
    3. Take at least 5500 steps :smile:
    4. Make time to be mindful for me :smile:

    JFT 09/05/2019 Friday

    1. I’ll come back here in the evening
    2. Log everything and be under calorie goal
    3. Take at least 5500 steps
    4. Make time to be mindful for me

    I’ve lost 2lb so I’m very happy with that.

    @snowflake1968 happy for you and your husband. Hard work pays off and it’s nice to have good things go your way. Hehe at troughing it. People will get used to my way of saying things.

    @Faebert what a week of football. Just saw Chelsea win UEFA semi on pens. 4 English teams in the European finals! One of my brothers in law is a Spurs fan so we had similar in our family. My mum & dad live in Malaga so we’re all going over for a week, 6 kids + husbands/wives + grandkids so it’s going to be mad. All the fellas are going to Madrid for the night.

    Have a good Friday everyone xx
  • cory17
    cory17 Posts: 1,468 Member
    I won’t be posting much for the next week. The surgery went well. It’s been about 24 hours and DARN the nerve block has worn off so I’ll be managing pain now. My hubby has gotten lots of healthy food for me. Not really hungry yet. Take care everyone

    There's a couple of facebook groups for hip/knee replacements that are very helpful. Will put them on here later, make a difference when you have worries or questions. Good luck with keeping the pain down!!
  • korina75
    korina75 Posts: 297 Member
    Quick recap for today-I am exhausted and ready for some rest.

    JFT 5/9 Word of the day: Intention

    30 minutes of exercise-whatever my body is feeling :) Did 45 minutes of steady running, so proud!
    Eat for fuel for bfast/lunch/snacks :)
    Eat for joy & Fuel for dinner :/ Dinner was a rushed affair and definitely not joy.
    no alcohol :)
    Breathing meditation x2 :)
    Mindful eating-put away devices :( Definitely not. Ate breakfast in my car driving down the highway, ate lunch hunched over my computer at an inspection, and ate dinner standing in the kitchen. Not a good mindful day but I did stay within calories so there is that.

    JFT 5/10
    Tackle my to do list and get it out of the way early
    Date day! Enjoy my lunch date with hubby
    Eat for joy but mindfully for lunch
    30 minutes of exercise-whatever my body needs
    REST and relax and enjoy family Friday night.
    Shut off computer by 5 pm!

    Five days until my BFF gets here and we fly to Antigua! I cannot wait!

  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    MLHC1 wrote: »
    Thursday JFT:

    ✔▪Regular kiddo morning
    ✔▪Maintain baby's daily schedule
    ✔▪Breakfast➡️enjoyed breakfast out with hubby (high calorie 😔)
    ❌▪Prelog Food / Stay under calorie limit
    ❌▪Devotional Time
    ✔▪Lin. Alg Final Exam (1-4pm)
    ✔▪Exercise (Rest Day per DVD sch.)
    ✔▪Kids PM schedule will include after-school care so I can complete my exam
    ✅▪Evening schedule➡️my wonderful teenager made dinner tonight bc im feeling ill so Im having tea and calling it a night

    My day will revolve around my final exam today. This is the first of 3 final exams to finish the semester. Luckily my DVD program happens to allow this Thurs as a "Rest Day" / "Soak in Hot Tub" Day! 😁 This is helpful so I can focus on my exam. I hope you all have a blessed day!! 🤗

    My calories are off the chart today, I feel sick but I did good on my final exam. 'till tomorrow, be blessed!!

  • hope25
    hope25 Posts: 188 Member

    1. Wake up in time for a short work out- yes
    2. weight my self before the day starts- yes
    3. walk after work- no
    4. no afternoon snacking- no
    5. no sweet tea- yes, but I drank a Gatorade :(
    6. 10,000+ steps- not yet, but I am about to change that before settling in for the night
    7. stay within green on calories- no, but not as bad and i thought I had messed it up, that afternoon snacking can get dangerous fast.

    Friday Plan:
    1. Wake up in time for a short work out
    2. weight my self before the day starts
    3. Special luncheon at work- be reasonable, don't go overboard on desserts, avoid drinking calories! watch the portions
    4. walk after work
    5. no afternoon snacking save those calories for dinner!
    6. no sweet tea
    7. 10,000+ steps
    8. stay within green on calories
    * tomorrow is going to be tough, busy and lots of food around, I will have to work and not over eating!!
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    Morning all! It’s Friday and I’ve done my run - yay! Going to enjoy those calories later 😉

    Quick goals as already at work and the small people will arrive in the classroom soon!

    Thursday goals recap:
    - up early to pack clothes and snacks for school ✅
    - morning warrior class 6:30 ✅
    - home lunchtime for car and shake ✅
    - leave by 4:30 ❎ 4:42!
    - sort kids’ dinner then head to parents evening ✅
    - parents evening 5:30✅
    - laundry✅
    - bed by 9:30 ❎ 9.43, it will do..

    Friday goals:
    - morning run ✅ and more speed improvements! 😃
    - pack snacks and milk for work ✅
    - home lunchtime for car and shake
    - send docs to conveyancer ✅
    - GaG certificate before leaving
    - health food store and tan after work
    - Pick up L from play date at 6:15
    - bed by 9:30

    Happy Friday everyone. Have a great day x
  • ZizzyBumble
    ZizzyBumble Posts: 1,679 Member
    Friday 10 May

    Catch up on my logging estimates
    Go for a long walk
    It's another beautiful day and the sea is very calm - be prepared for midges!