
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    On Pets - I too hate the feeling of loss when a beloved pet dies. However, I strongly feel that the joy they provide while we have them far outweighs the sorrow when we lose them. I don't know if you are familiar with bloat in dogs, but simply put it is when the dogs stomach twists. It is deadly if not caught and treated quickly. Our dog Sam's stomach twisted in July after my father had died in April several years ago. We caught it late at night and took him to the overnight vet clinic. They confirmed bloat and told us he might survive with surgery, but certainly no guarantee. The surgery would be expensive. I looked at my hub and told him I could not handle losing Sam so close to losing Dad. He turned to the Dr. and told her to do anything she could. Long story short, he survived and was the picture postcard for recovery following surgery. It was a long 6 week recovery with him coming to work with me every day and not being left alone. It was SOOOOO worth it, we had him with us for 5 more years after that. It has been almost 3 years since we lost him. I still miss Sam, not just having a dog, so I'm not ready for another pup yet.

    Happy Friday Ladies -

    Okie (back) in the TX Hill Country

    Okie One of our neighbors lost a truly wonderful standard poodle this way. It was heartbreaking. Now they have a new dog that looks so much like their old dog, some people don't know it's a different dog. They have an invisible fence, and they live on a corner near the entrance to our community, so everyone knows about "the house with the black poodle".
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Heather Yum!
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,310 Member
    On Pets - I too hate the feeling of loss when a beloved pet dies. However, I strongly feel that the joy they provide while we have them far outweighs the sorrow when we lose them. I don't know if you are familiar with bloat in dogs, but simply put it is when the dogs stomach twists. It is deadly if not caught and treated quickly. Our dog Sam's stomach twisted in July after my father had died in April several years ago. We caught it late at night and took him to the overnight vet clinic. They confirmed bloat and told us he might survive with surgery, but certainly no guarantee. The surgery would be expensive. I looked at my hub and told him I could not handle losing Sam so close to losing Dad. He turned to the Dr. and told her to do anything she could. Long story short, he survived and was the picture postcard for recovery following surgery. It was a long 6 week recovery with him coming to work with me every day and not being left alone. It was SOOOOO worth it, we had him with us for 5 more years after that. It has been almost 3 years since we lost him. I still miss Sam, not just having a dog, so I'm not ready for another pup yet.

    Happy Friday Ladies -

    Okie (back) in the TX Hill Country

    Okie One of our neighbors lost a truly wonderful standard poodle this way. It was heartbreaking. Now they have a new dog that looks so much like their old dog, some people don't know it's a different dog. They have an invisible fence, and they live on a corner near the entrance to our community, so everyone knows about "the house with the black poodle".

    I love standard poodles! Actually, I love all poodles. My parents bought me a black toy poodle before they told us they were divorcing. She was a fabulous companion. I had her for 16 years. We had a standard poodle when I was in high school, someone stole him out of our back yard!

    I'm so sorry for you neighbors loss. Bloat is an awful thing! I'm glad they got another pup quickly. I think that was our error. We waited too long.

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,203 Member
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Rebecca ~ That looks like great storage space.

    Heather ~ The puffy crust looks delicious.

    Pets: We have spent a lot of money on our over sized Pomeranian. But, we love that dog to pieces even though he is spoiled rotten and rules the house. He will be 10 in September and I hope he will be round for 5 or 6 more years.

    Carol in GA
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,060 Member
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    Very late evening check in

    ✔️ 1. weighed in today 59.5
    ✔️2. tracked all so far
    ✔️3. 30 min exercise (cleaning and little walk)
    ✔️ 4. five minutes meditation
    ✔️5.Spend at least 2h on long term writing project
    ✔️6.produce at least 10-11 pages per day (until May 14th)
    ✔️ 7. Take care of at least one shorter (1 pagish) writing or administrative task/bill, (union work doesn't count)
    ✔️ 8. At least 15 min cleaning, (15 min ironing, and 5 min basic picking up)
    ✔️9. At least 15 min filing/paperwork
    ✔️ 10.average 1100 calories - ok for today, average 48 calories over per day, or291 over for 6 days, mostly due to going over 395 over yesterday

    • Overall Feeling: much better
    • Tracking : I think so
    • Exercise : just barely enough
    • 1100 calories net average : for today yes
    • Long term writing 2hrs: yes
    • Long term writing 10-11 pages day until May 14th : yes
    • Short term writing/admin : yes, wrote to taxes
    • Bright Spots : colleagues were helpful and sympathetic, this one girl who has not been nice for some time was warm and supportive - we had a good connection

    Grateful :
    1. colleague's support and good suggestions this evening
    2. was able to use old academic blog from 2015 to produce pages
    3. comfy bed
    4. stayed on track today
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    I hesitated to go out and meet colleagues today. So glad I did. one gave me the good idea to add in some good old stuff for the stuff I'm sending this Tuesday. I had almost forgotten about a pretty decent academic blog I was writing in 2015 that I put on blind post. that gave me 30 pages. I have to relook at some of it, but...
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    Lanette I'm in France. Thanks for the welcome. I'm still quite overwhelmed by the very many posters. I think I might love the Tai chi video;

    Anyone have a notion of how many we are? 20? more?

    Katia interesting about MJ and MS. I think it usually works for my BIL but I have seen him be very paranoid.

    Elizabeth, congratulations on realising you are at your goal.

    it's 1:30 am and I'm tired. I hope sleep comes to meet me.
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    so if you have a couple of crackers at 1:30 am (not having gone to sleep ) do you count it for the new day or the previous day?
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,310 Member
    Banana - Count it which ever day you want. Your body doesn’t know which day it is.

  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,387 Member

    Beth-I so remember when I stopped having to buy in plus sizes and could get clothes in the “regular” area—that is awesome!

    Tracey—sleep was so-so. Exhausted tonight, but wanted to catch up. Early night tonight. Rooting for you on job front.

    Rebecca—glad knee and ankle feeling better. Falls are scarey.

    Linda (Lybarni)-welcome. I’m a walker more than a runner. Sounds like you have an active plan!

    Rori-can’t imagine a boot 24/7. Glad you found way to rest.

    Elizabeth-congrats on goal weight. I don’t know how I will be selecting mine.

    Grandmallie—great news on FIL. While his time may be limited, that is a great memory for you to have.

    Got home late this afternoon. Conference was good but exhausting. So looking forward to crawling into my own bed (and will be doing so soon). Just want to try to catch up on here. Think I made good food choices and got lots of movement in. Logged everything as accurately as I could. Hopefully weight agrees, but now I am home and can definitely stay on track so I am not going to stress over it.
