

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Barbara I hope you feel renewed with a lightness of spirit after your catharsis. Rid of evil vapors. (((hugs)))
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,807 Member
    went down at lunch and he was awake and ate his lunch with help from me, and then he was asleep tonight,and didnt want to eat, but I wait and got a whole can full of his campbell's pork and beans and root beer in him, Tom came and finished him with chocolate ice cream....
    I picked my granddaughter up and she is having her mac and cheese for dinner and I am tired.. lots of fresh air today..
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,715 Member
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Rebecca! ... Congratulations! She is beautiful and her name fits her perfectly!
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Congrats, Rebecca. Athena Rose is a beauty. Oh, those cheeks!
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,358 Member
    Congratulations Rebecca-beautiful little girl! Grandkids are the best!

    Nothing so exciting in my life today. Rested up from workweek. Got an hour and a half walk in and some extra time on treadmill. Did treadmill because I realized I was around 2,000 steps from having 100,000 for the week and I have never hit that before (and don't know when I will be that close again!). That was my NSV.

    Oldest brother and wife coming to town for his grandson's graduation this week so I am going to sneak some time away from work to visit. He lives near Atlanta so we don't see each other much. Luckily I can shift things around-probably take off both Tuesday and Wednesday.

    Going to bed earlier tonight so I get my sleep straightened out.

    Best to all,

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,424 Member
    Happy Birthday Athena Rose! Yes look at those cheeks. Rebecca - she is your Mother's Day present a day early <3 Congrats to you and Lee, happy Grandparents!!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Rebecca- congratulations! She is beautiful!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,715 Member
    Congrats coastalcosgal!!!
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Rebecca- congrats on your beautiful granddaughter. Amazing how they steal your heart the minute you see their face.
    Happy Mother’s Day.
    Suebdew in TX
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,810 Member
    Rebecca - CONGRATULATIONS she is beautiful and what a lovely name.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Rebecca Athena Rose is loverly! Congratulations, Grandma!
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    edited May 2019
    Thank you for whoever recommended "The Year of Living Danishly." Just the break I needed from heavier reading with the bonus dabble into another language, that is British English.
    Some of the new vocabulary learned:
    Battenberg=checkerboard sponge cake, with jam filling between layers, frosted with marzipan
    ceiling rose=circular device that conceals and comprises the wiring box for an overhead light fitting
    clagged=bedaubed with something sticky
    gilet=quilted (down?) vest
    Kurt Geiger discount card=footwear store rewards card?
    Lemsip=hot cold and flue medicine, like Theraflu
    lilo=air mattress
    Lurpak=Danish brand of butter
    Night Nurse=night time cold and flue remedy like Nyquil
    off-piste=skiing off the prepared trail, making an unusual choice.
    Scandi box sets=single package containing DVDs of a series of Nordic Noir movies/TV shows.
    Tardis booth=transporter disguised as a telephone booth?
    terraced flat=townhouse or apartment in row of town houses?
    I missed many of the popular cultur references, never did figure out what A-Z means in this context:
    "Where we were going, we wouldn't need an A-Z, a tube pass or my Kurt Geiger discount card"
    ~'90s defaced my back pack with the lyrics to the REM song... could she be referring to "Shiny Happy People"?

    Ah English, the common language that divides us!

    Karen in VA, have you no concerns about receiving CBD oil across state lines in violation of federal law? So sorry to hear about the Subaru, auto accidents are such a shock. Know your GS will ace his test, thanks to you!
    Beth no apologies needed here, glad it's working for your pooch and thanks for answering my question!
    Welcome Linda lybarni, please let us know your general locale to help us keep you straight in our minds from any other Lindas
    Sharon glad to hear the procedure has improved so much that many are able to breast feed and most regain nerve function. Still not interested ;) Love the image of fits of giggles about the floating butt! Ditto what NYKaren said about your son. I waited til Mama and Papa were gone to find my Mom, perhaps that's what your son is doing.
    Rebecca, one of my new friends, like Rori, thought she sprained her ankle during her thrice weekly self-paced fitness workout. She hobbled around on in for three weeks, even continuing the class, before going to urgent care. Xrays, yup, broken fibula. Please let's not wait to have your knee/ankle/leg/hand/wrist/arm checked out! SMH at your son's Lego transport ;) At 21" Athena Rose is surely a long stemmed beauty. Congrats!
    Heather ((hugs)) words fail on the sad May 10 anniversary. ((hugs))
    Lisa wow! Your apple sure didn't fall far from your Mama's tree. Glam! So glad your Dr really listened and started treatment while ordering tests.
    Allie happy you and Tom received the miraculous gift of DFIL's lucidity and feeding himself.
    Julie Well done on yesterday's goals. Glad you're feeling better.
    Ginger I :love: that cussin', persistin' pup!
    NYKaren are your concerts ever Youtubed?
    Tracey Brava on the Swimming victories. Bravissima!
    pip "first ride of the year from gym to work" Hooray! Happy Belated Birthday dear Floyd and get your mama to take that shirt OFF! I can imagine what spin single leg and backwards are, but crossover?
    Dana good to hear from you!
    Connie in KY ((hugs)) hope this thread can help ease your loneliness, it has mine.
    KJ I was feeling sorry for Trentin 'til I read your plans for his birthday. What kindnesses! Karen in VA said it best, " Pure Magic. A birthday to remember with fondness."
    Katla "half Siamese and half traveling salesman" big smile!
    Vickie "... eat my feelings" well said!
    Heather that Normandy Cider stew sounds so delicious, my stomach growled. It must have settled completely. Thanks!
    Welcome mikmurphy. I used to cry in the shower so Joe couldn't hear. Crying is not wimpy but cathartic... especially when followed by determination such as yours. You can do this!
    Ginny 100K steps for the week? VERY well done!

    Please forgive if this is a duplicate, but Michele posted this update two days ago "Please post in group. Everything's fine. Been a bit busy, hopefully things will calm down. vince is planning to leave tomorrow but I'll be here for a bit more. Thinking of everyone. "

    Feeling a bit better physically. Enjoyed catching up with the posts. Thank you all for being my "tribe"!
    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    walk one more step 10/31, 60 g protein 8/31, rx/vits 9/31, meditate 1/31, knee exercises 3/31, SWSY 0/9, play with Tumble 8/31, hang up or purge art 0/4 AF 8/31.
    Word for 2019: "GOOD" good attitude, good food, good times, good choices, good enough, feel good, GOOD! Word for May "pause" Thank you Barbie!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,358 Member
    edited May 2019
    Rebecca - Absolutely GORGEOUS,! <3:D

    Barbara - An A - Z is a map of London in book form. It has a big index at the back so you can find the page and grid reference. It was originally written by a woman a long time ago (can't remember when) You could Google it as the history is interesting. It was me who recommended the book! :D

    Lovely day. We are off to our pub lunch and walk in a few hours.

    Much love, Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    Morning check in

    ✔️ 1. weighed in today 58.8
    x 2. tracked yesterday
    x3. 30 min exercise yesterday
    ✔️ 4. five minutes meditation
    x5.Spend at least 2h on long term writing project yesterday
    x6.produce at least 10-11 pages per day (until May 14th) yesterday
    x7. Take care of at least one shorter (1 pagish) writing or administrative task/bill, (union work doesn't count) yesterday
    x 8. At least 15 min cleaning, (15 min ironing, and 5 min basic picking up) yesterday
    x9. At least 15 min filing/paperwork yesterday
    x 10.average 1100 calories yesterday

    • Overall Feeling: not great
    • Tracking :nope
    • Exercise : only 2400 steps
    • 1100 calories net average : no
    • Long term writing 2hrs: no
    • Long term writing 10-11 pages day until May 14th : no
    • Short term writing/admin : no
    • Bright Spots : very sunny, SV

    Grateful :
    1. SV
    2. a few pleasant colleagues yesterday at a work thing
    3. very sunny day
    4. gym is open
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    Ginger thanks for the explanation. I have never been to Texas and imagine it as dry and desert-like.

    Barbara I'm so sorry you were not feeling well, and so glad to read you are feeling better. Interesting for the British words;

    Went to a work thing and it was fine but I found the dynamic stressful at the end. there was a drink and many use the time to network. Since I'm adjunct status in non-main subject my status is low. on one on one people are friendly but in networking scene people want to speak with people of similar or higher status, and for those of us with lower status it can be uncomfortable. Probably even below us are some of the support staff, and so on. I did work for free for oral entrance exams, basically for the networking opportunity (90 teachers are there), and found it rather so-so whereas it took up most of the day.

    My thesis director is not supportive at all. I really had to insist to get an appointment. I've met with her one on one 1x in 4 years. She's pretty negative, well has favorities and there is some corruption. in fact her big favorite who gets all the opportunities, finances, etc, is a beautiful young phd student who's been sleeping with one of the top directors for 4 years. I was just looking up level of corruption per country. I think USA falls in the mid high teens (like 17th least corrupted country in world) and France falls around 23.

    I'm finding it's everywhere.

    I feel bad about it on a world level and really bad about it when I encounter in professionally which has been happening a huge amount these past years.

    Then there's sexism, (most of the teachers in 1 school are men who lunch with men and hire more men) and I feel so discouraged.

    Great for SV at least. didn't track at all yesterday as we had work meal and snack after. had a glass of wine alone when I got home rather than at work function.

    going to gym and then will work on thesis all day today and tomorrow.