

  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    edited May 2019
    Barbara in Oregon - sending many hugs your way.

    Heather - to you as well, for your friend.

    SueBDew - Vets must use the VA clinic if there's one within 50 miles, and only if you're further away than that are you able to use Veteran's Choice and see a civilian doctor (with an appointment-by-appointment permission garnered online). Vets are not on Tricare if they're not retirees, just the VA. They will send you to a civilian doc if a VA specialist isn't available for whatever your primary care doc refers you to - as they did with my knee replacement (thank goodness).

    Which reminds me of one of my neighbors many, many years ago who was listening to me getting cranky about my now-ex-husband (Air Force sergeant at the time) working another 12-hour day, and said something like, "but think about all that overtime!" Military members do not get paid overtime, no matter how many hours they work, of course. She also thought we didn't pay federal income taxes! SMH. At the time he made so little we were actually eligible for food stamps. We ate an awful lot of beans in those days.

    Another day begins... happy Thursday, whether it is in progress or in your past...

    Love y'all,
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,358 Member
    Ouffff! Tired today. Not sure why. Too much eating and drinking and not sleeping well, I presume.
    I dragged myself through my exercises and will go for a slow run this afternoon. :o I have a 'wet cut' at the hairdresser's later this pm.

    My friend was online early this a m, so I sent her a loving message. She doesn't need to reply. She has so many friends I know she finds it hard to respond to all the demands.

    Yesterday evening was pretty wild. The kids were exhausted from a birthday bank holiday and the two young ones were near the edge. Poor Bea was beyond tired and had a lot of shrieking and crying. DH came in handy with cuddles . Max was on good form though. The fish and chip supper was chaotic, but all ended well. DH and I escaped to our French Circle which was a beautiful young woman enthusing endlessly about Proust and an older woman singing French 'chansons'. Hilarious really. The older woman looked like a dumpy, frumpy granny who couldn't get herself organised, but her singing and banjo playing was terrific!
    Our next outing with them will be a morning guided tour to the old town prison, in the town hall. Meeting at a 'French' café before hand. It's all a bit surreal! :D

    Beth - I echo Machka with the maxi dress, but I do find that instant leg dye (a sort of brown gel you rub in and it washes off) hides a multitude of sins. I hate my legs too. Mine are thick ankled and super white. If I'm wearing a best occasion dress I either put on the leg dye until just over the knee with a suntan applicator glove or I wear 'hold up' stockings. They are good if your thighs aren't too big, but they were no good when I was fatter.

    Lots of love, Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,715 Member
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Beth that is heartening news about your pooch. Would you share the specific CBD product or link? Is it Karen in VA's bluebird botanicals? Scooter is still rallying, went downstairs by himself this afternoon for the first time in awhile.

    Barbara ...https://canna-pet.com. They follow the same protocols that Karen in VA has recommended but their product is made for dogs/cats.

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    edited May 2019
    LisaInAR wrote: »
    Which reminds me of one of my neighbors many, many years ago who was listening to me getting cranky about my now-ex-husband (Air Force sergeant at the time) working another 12-hour day, and said something like, "but think about all that overtime!" Military members do not get paid overtime, no matter how many hours they work, of course. She also thought we didn't pay federal income taxes! SMH. At the time he made so little we were actually eligible for food stamps. We ate an awful lot of beans in those days.
    Love y'all,

    Lisa .. I am appalled at the treatment our service members and their families receive. I learned not too long ago from a coworker whose son-in-law was heading overseas on a mission that he had to purchase his own meals on the boat headed over!! He was a marine and was on navy ship. It was a huge stressor for his family! This just boggles my mind. My coworker ended up paying for it.

    Machka ... I am looking at long skirts too!


  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Rori - sleeping with the knee newly surgerized and dead weight got a little complex for me as a side sleeper, as well, as I couldn't bear my other knee touching it. Putting a pillow under my knees helped some to allow me to sleep on my back, but I kept waking up incredibly stiff, my body just didn't like it. Hope yours is of short duration. Hope Mars' purring helps heal you quickly, as well!

    An entire 48 hours without rain in the forecast (fingers crossed). My husband came home soaking wet at noon yesterday - the entire crew had to unload a truck in the rain, and as it's a landscaping company, and the crews couldn't go out to mow, they just sent everyone home. Here's hoping they can play catch up these two days, it's been two weeks since they could get to most of their customers, and it makes it hard on all the crews. Lots of unpaid time off.

  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    2pm check in

    ✔️ 1. weighed in, yesterday 59.1
    ✔️2. tracked all so far
    ✔️ 3. 30 min exercise
    ✔️ 4. five minutes meditation
    ✔️5.Spend at least 2h on long term writing project
    in process 6.produce at least 10-11 pages per day (until May 14th)
    yes 7. Take care of at least one shorter (1 pagish) writing or administrative task/bill, (union work doesn't count)
    not yet 8. At least 15 min cleaning
    not yet 9. At least 15 min filing/paperwork
    unfinished 10.average 1100 calories

    • Overall Feeling: not too bad
    • Tracking :yes
    • Exercise :I really didn't want to go to the gym, but it was fine and I'm glad a went.
    • 1100 calories net average : in progress
    • Long term writing 2hrs: yes, just
    • Long term writing 10-11 pages day until May 14th :about 7 pages so far, about 5 more to go to make up from yesterday;
    • Short term writing/admin yesterday : yes - I spent a big chunk (1h-2h) on union stuff today to send to union reps- before 12noon meeting that I just found out about. I'm really glad to be working in background rather than in front. the direction can be so unpleasant to union reps that stand up for having rules respected.
    • Bright Spots : the things checked off above, wine pump, old wine

    Grateful :
    1. decent work till now, starting at noon rather than 6pm
    2. supposed to be meeting a colleague I like at 6:30 pm for a coffee, etc.
    3. a couple of tricky work thing sorted out quite positively. big relief with little effort.
    4. I survived going to gym even though I really didn't want to go.
    5. great reps in this other school

    I'm aiming to do 5 more pages today. doing easy descriptive stuff.my writing is not top notch but it's pages being produced, to be improved later.
    also I'll be mostly taking stuff I've got here and there and reworking it.
    I'm gonna take a break and do the cleaning and filing.
    it's nice to take a break and not feel guilty.
    I'm a bit peckish whereas it's 2pm and I only have.
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    wow 4 pages of posts since yesterday !

    Kate that sounds amazing. how long are you going for?

    Katia I know it's state by state- I voted for one in 2016 I think. I don't smoke so I didn't have much thought about it but it seems to have good results. that is one crazy neighbour.he sounds like a real psychopath.

    I'm glad to be more up to date today than yesterday. And really I was feeling pretty glum about work but got a couple of other things sorted out. It's nice to have reps working for us whether it works or not. I'm glad not to be on the front lines. I've gotten a lot of grief these last years for defending workers' rights. I'm disheartened to see much lack of integrity and forthrightedness at higher levels - at the image of what can be seen politically in many places in the world at present.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited May 2019
    bwcetc wrote: »
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Beth that is heartening news about your pooch. Would you share the specific CBD product or link? Is it Karen in VA's bluebird botanicals? Scooter is still rallying, went downstairs by himself this afternoon for the first time in awhile.

    Barbara ...https://canna-pet.com. They follow the same protocols that Karen in VA has recommended but their product is made for dogs/cats.


    I just took a look at the canna-pet site, & there are 2 things that bother me about the website. One is that they list "mg hemp" instead of "mg cannabinoid".

    [This is like saying a Vitamin D capsule has "1 mg of Vitamin D oil". Vitamin D is measured in International Units (IUs) and the oil is an inert ingredient like soybean oil, so "1 mg of Vitamin D oil" is meaningless. Saying the capsule contains 5,000IUs of Vitamin D in a mL of soybean oil would be meaningul.]

    You have to know how many units or milligrams of the active ingredient (in this case cannabinoid) you are getting to make sense of it. To get this into perspective, the starting dose for most dogs is about 1mg of cannabinoid per day per approximately 5lbs of doggie. This would be about 4mg a day for a 20 lb dog. I saw one capsule product on canna-pet that claims it has "170mg of hemp", for pets under 20lbs, & you give 2 capsules per day. They don't tell you how many mg of CBD are in the 170mg capsule, though.

    The other is that they don't actually publish the third party testing. They make a statement saying the products have been tested, but haven't published the batch testing. For an example of what I am talking about, see spoiler:
    The canna-pet products may be absolutely wonderful, but the website information isn't rigorous enough for me.

    Karen in Virginia
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    edited May 2019

    in process 6.produce at least 10-11 pages per day (until May 14th)
    ✔️ 7. Take care of at least one shorter (1 pagish) writing or administrative task/bill, (union work doesn't count)
    ✔️ 8. At least 15 min cleaning
    ✔️ At least 15 min filing/paperwork
    unfinished 10.average 1100 calories

    and 1h break now and 1h writing again and then coffee with colleague and maybe more work this evening
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,715 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Rori: Sending good thoughts. I hope things go well with the orthopedist. :flowerforyou:

    Barbara the S Oregon Coastie: I hope you’re feeling better today. :star:

    Carol in GA: I’m guessing there are a couple of good reasons why the assisted living facilities expect their people to bring their own furniture. When my mom was moved into one, we brought some of her furniture. It made the place feel more like home. She was happy having some of her own things. We took her to visit her house a time or two. She used the opportunity to load up on cigarettes that she had stored there. She wasn’t allowed to smoke in her little apartment but she could sit outside on the balcony and smoke. Sadly, mom smoked so much over her lifetime that she destroyed her lungs. :sad:

    Bananas: We moved away from neighborhood with the cat poisoner nearly forty years ago. The cat poisoner, himself, has likely been dead for decades. If reincarnation is real it would serve justice for him to come back as a cat. :grumble:. Regarding MJ, I don’t smoke, either. DH used it for pain control for a while, and then was diagnosed with MS. The MS meds work very well & he hasn’t needed to use MJ for pain relief in years. :noway:

    If you look back into marijuana history, the alcohol and tobacco manufacturers put out a movie called Reefer Madness. It was racist and degrading & portrayed African Americans as addicted pot users. The purpose was to demonize pot and degrade African Americans so the manufacturers could sell more cigarettes and alcohol. I think this was done in 1936. I saw bits of it in the long ago past and it was 100% degrading BS.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • efricke1
    efricke1 Posts: 42 Member
    Tracey-Everything crossed that it goes well!!!!
    Rori-Interesting about the cat purring helping bones heal! The way my boy cat purrs, any bones would mend very very quickly :)
    Beth-Congrats on moving to Misses! I second (third?) the idea of a longer skirt.
    Lisa--Congrats on the new grandbaby news! I got to hold a 6-month old this past weekend and he was so cute and snuggly. I never wanted any of my own, but I will hold someone else's until forced to relinquish!

    Best to all,
    Elizabeth GA


    Lose that blasted 5 pounds!-Ugh. Plateaued. Really need to keep a closer eye on food.
    Post every day on MFP-so far so good!
    Cook dinner at least 1x a week-Already done
    Start meditating again-4 days
  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Today is Lost Sock Memorial Day!

    "How often have you reached into your sock drawer or laundry basket, perplexed to find one sock, but not the one that matches it? Chances are that you have held onto your lone socks, with hopes that someday their matches would return. Lost Sock Memorial Day is for looking for those lost socks one last time, honoring them, and then letting go by throwing away or putting to another use those unpaired socks that have been lingering in your sock drawer." It always seems to be my favorite socks that split up and go it alone.

    Tracey - Your pop-up cards are amazing! You are SO talented.

    bananasandoranges - I do love cross country skiing, but I wish I could find something to replace it now that I live in a place where it doesn't snow! I've never found another sport that I enjoy.

    Allie - Alfie looks like he's not quite sure about those new chairs!

    Kelly - We'll all be singing a different tune come July, but really I've had enough rain to last me awhile. Wish it would quit. Thank goodness we don't get tornadoes here very often... those things scare the stuffings out of me.

    Beth - Congratulations to your son on finding a summer job he's excited about!

    Karen - I'd love to try good CBD oil but it's not legal here and all the hype surrounding the products that are legal (industrial hemp oil, full spectrum hemp oil, etc.) is just too confusing for words. So far I haven't seen any results at all from hemp oil spray. If we get to go skiing next year, maybe I'll be able to bring home some of the "real deal" to try. In the meantime I take glucosamine/chondroitin and tumeric for arthritis.

    Barbie - I'm with you on pets. They are beloved members of my family and even though loving them eventually leads to heartache, I wouldn't trade away a minute of my time with them. To be honest, I like my pets better than I like most people.

    We are working on something fun: Philip is sponsoring a charity fundraiser for a local organization that provides prom dresses and tuxes for kids that otherwise wouldn't be able to go to prom. The way they raise money is to have local businessmen volunteer to get made up and dress in prom gowns and walk a runway. It's a ton of fun, but we're having trouble coming up with a good stage name. Miss Candy Apple was the winner last year but "Miss Magic Fingers" is probably over the line even though he's a massage therapist. This is a small, conservative town so if we get too racy it could hurt his business.

    Trying to get out of town. I dropped off the foster pup at the kennel for the weekend and now I'm frantically rushing to get all my work done and get packed so we can leave. Hope it doesn't rain the whole time we're gone or it'll be some long days in the RV!

    -Yvonne in TX
  • rvfamilyfour
    rvfamilyfour Posts: 26 Member
    April goals went ok. Had 2 weeks of losing weight but then didn't lose weight the next week. The last week of the month I gained a pound. When you first start a diet it is hard to stay motivated when you are eating healthy and gain weight. But since I have been diagnosed with Diabetes I have no choice but to stick with it. These are changes I have to deal with for the rest of my life.

    With that my May goals:
    *Not focus on my weight as much. I have decided to weigh myself once a month.
    *Continue working on figuring out recipes that are low in carbs.
    *Meet with my dietitian at the end of the month to go over my past meal plans to evaluate.
    *Boost up my exercise plan. This month I will do water aerobics twice a week. I will also be doing yoga on Sundays with my daughter.

    On a fun note:
    My garden is coming a long. A few more seeds to plant in the raised beds. All my seedlings are planted in the green house. My apple tree is in full bloom which brings a smile to my face. I also just put up my butterfly/bee house but now my daughter has informed me she wants to paint it so down it comes.

    Favorite Recipe last month:
    Smashed Potato Pizzas
    Red Potatoes
    Olive Oil
    Marinara Sauce
    Ground Turkey
    Sweet Peppers
    Instructions located at https://www.diabeticfoodie.com/2015/08/smashed-idaho-potato-pizzas-gluten-free/
    For my recipe: Calories 231/ Fat 10g/Carbs 19g/ Sodium 272mg/ Fiber 3g/

    Would love to connect.
    Hope everyone has a good month and "Happy Mother's Day" to those who help nurture others!
