

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Yvonne Hopefully Texas will come along & officially legalize CBD oil. I know there are still a few states that have a grey area when it comes to CBD oil, even though the Federal government has legalized it.

    Tracey Such a poignant, compelling story about Linda. Thank you for sharing that with us. So moving. She was a major role model for you and sounds like a truly wonderful person.

    Karen in NY I hope your "wing-stretching" feels good once it's over.


    My grandson is taking his first SOL right now. I intended to drive him to his test in our nice Subaru, which is always clean and spiffy and fun to ride in. It's mainly my partner's car. She is out of town right now, so I had my choice of cars. Wouldn't you know it, Monday afternoon I was driving the nice Subaru & it was rearended. There is quite a bit of rear-end damage, but by being proactive, persistent, and assertive, I have helped get the show on the road. It may be done as early as Tuesday. My partner will be back Sunday. I haven't told her about it yet because there was no point in worrying her & ruining her vacation (I stayed home because of our heart failure dog and SOLs). I will tell her on Sunday when I pick her up from the airport. We may need a rental car for 2-3 days after she gets back, but right now I am just driving our Honda Element. It's not nearly as nice to ride in, because we use it as a utility vehicle. So my grandson was disappointed when I drove him to his SOL in the Element (he dislikes it), but I reminded him that the Subaru was in the shop, and he handled it philosophically. Today is 7th grade Reading SOL.

    Karen in Virginia
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    (((Rebecca))) So sorry that happened to you!

    Karen in Virginia
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Barbara and Karen VA ... my apologies. I stand corrected. I shared information regarding a pet CBD product that is working for my aging lab. I knew that it used CO2 extraction and mentioned things similar to what Karen had recommended. It obviously does not meet the same standards.
  • lybarni
    lybarni Posts: 48 Member
    Hi! First time here. I’m Linda age 51. I
    Just started walk/run intervals to lose 25 lbs so I could use all the support/motivation I can get. Love quotes and mantras. I’m following a program called from fit to finish line which trains you to run a mile. I make weekly goals. My goal is to go to the gym 5 days. Run/walk 3 days and strength train 2. Anyone out there a runner?
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    bwcetc wrote: »
    Barbara and Karen VA ... my apologies. I stand corrected. I shared information regarding a pet CBD product that is working for my aging lab. I knew that it used CO2 extraction and mentioned things similar to what Karen had recommended. It obviously does not meet the same standards.

    Beth sorry
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,817 Member
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    Katia I was wondering about ms and mj. my bil smoked regularly before it was legalised but has ms. yeah and also it must have been good for organised crime to have mj be illegal.oh wow I didn't know if was expensive in the dispensaries. I thought I had read that the prices had gone down. maybe that depends on where you life. I didn't like smoking much and haven't seen about 20. I might like to try it again some day. legal might be quite different than illegal.

    Yvonne I used to love cc skiing. will you do annual ski vacations?
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    over calories and didn't get back to work
    I had a glass of red wine with friend but somehow it made me feel much more tipsy than usual. yuck.
  • trucker743
    trucker743 Posts: 393 Member
    edited May 2019
    bananas and … , yes. Things have changed a lot regarding pot! I suspect it has at least somewhat to do with the generation in political power right now. They tried it, they liked it, and have gone on using it - laws be dambed - with much fewer serious problems than with alcohol.

    I, too, tried it in 1969, and became paranoid as f___ every time. However with done coaxing from those of my kids and grandkids who know, I tried CBD oil for my arthritis and fibromyalgia - ingested, not smoked - and have experienced relief, improved sleep, and except for one time when I hurt a LOT and took a bit more, no high. Even then it was simply a mild floaty sensation. Quite pleasant, since I didn't have to be anywhere, and NO paranoia. One $50 1 gram tube has lasted me for over 3 months. I dispense an amount equal to a small grain of rice onto my finger and lock it off. Doesn't taste very good, but 20-30 minutes later I'm almost pain free.

    Lisa in AR, congratulations on your expected grandchild! 💞

    Beth, I agree with Machka, why not get a mid-calf or longer dress? Lots of pretty selections in stores now! It's become one of my go-to looks as I lose weight.

    Rori! I don't think it's just bones that cat purrs heal. Goldie insisted on crawling gently onto my tummy as I looked in my recliner after gastric bypass surgery. Once there she would purr up a storm. I had almost no post-op pain and very few issues with nausea and such. Put a thin cushion between your feet or a pillow between your legs at night.

    Machka, I suffer from dry eyes, but the lubricant drops help a lot. Be aware, too, of any air current that directly hits your eyes such as heating or AC ducts or fans. And if you don't already, start wearing sunglasses, not just when it's sunny, but also when it's bright overcast.

    Oh, Barbara AHMID! They don't slice them iff! They very carefully cut around the outer aureola, preserving the stalk that contains the nerves and blood supply. After removing the excess tissue from the lower slopes, they make a new opening higher up and reattach. Many are able to nurse children later, and most regain nerve function. I'm glad I had mine done. My neck and shoulders don't ache anymore, and I've reduced prime cancer territory by over one-third.

    RV Lisa, hang in there. I found meeting with a dietician was one of the best helps before my surgery! They can help you find good compromises for your list favourites, plan snacks, even provide tons of recipes.

    Poor Rebecca! Sounds like the mishap bug that's going around bit you hard! I hope the RICE will help your ankle and the rest resolve quickly. I'm afraid I'd be barking at your 29-YO! Clueless is a good word to describe that attitude.

    Tracey, your story regarding the loss of Linda sounds like it hit with a sledgehammer blow. I know that feeling well. It never fully heals, but we revisit it with live rather than intense pain after a while.

    Love to you all!

    Sharon In the Sun Near Seattle
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,715 Member
    lybarni wrote: »
    Hi! First time here. I’m Linda age 51. I
    Just started walk/run intervals to lose 25 lbs so I could use all the support/motivation I can get. Love quotes and mantras. I’m following a program called from fit to finish line which trains you to run a mile. I make weekly goals. My goal is to go to the gym 5 days. Run/walk 3 days and strength train 2. Anyone out there a runner?

    Runner here, including marathons
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,715 Member
    Barbara - Sorry for the loss of your friend. Hugs to you.
    I can do hoodies or sweatshirts, which would you prefer and which colour do you prefer?

    Felicia - I loved the waterbeds for the heat. They were so comfortable for that. Happy you didn't have to wait long for your test results and that everything looked good.

    Rita - The parrot is beautiful.

    Rebecca - I don't think anything prepares us for the work involved in a move. It is the going back to the old place to clean that bothers me the most, when that is done I feel more settled. Hope you can get a little rest once that is done and then take your time setting up your new home. I love that fireplace, I always wanted a hearth I could sit on.

    Sharon - I think talking about the losses and what the person meant to us helps them live on. I for one, love your stories and don't feel you are dragging it on at all. This is a story about the death that I still struggle with.
    I had a lady (Linda)in my life that I talk about to anyone that will listen to me. I met her when I started dating her son, I was 12, he was 13. He was the first boy I really liked. Of course, we couldn't really do anything without one of our Mom's driving us or picking us up and we mostly visited at each others houses as there were no activities for young people in our community. When we broke up we remained friends and still visited years later.

    In Grade 9 he disappeared over Christmas vacation, no one knew for a few months where they were or what had happened. Eventually we found out that they had moved to a neighbouring town after their stepdad beat their mother terribly. It took 6 police officers to get her out of the house safely, she had a fractured skull and was beaten terribly. I started visiting them at their new house and fell in love with their mother. My Mother was very childlike and I couldn't talk to her about teenage girls problems. Sex, drugs, alcohol, any of it. Linda, taught me about so much, how to respect my body, how to say no to peer pressure. I just loved her. When I ran away from home I ran to her, but she made me call my parents to let them know where I was before she would allow me to stay. I only stayed for one night before I was dragged home by my grandparents.

    We kids all grew up fast, her daughter found out she was pregnant on the last day of exams in grade 12, she received her wedding invitations and college acceptance letter in the mail on the same day. I stood up with her and became even closer to Linda, I am Godmother to her three grandchildren. Her daughter and son in law got stationed in Manitoba a long way from home and I would visit Linda and we grew closer. In 1994 when I went back to school, we (my husband, daughters and I) moved in with Linda for 2 years. She wasn't able to work due to a degenerative spine disease and I needed help with the girls while I went to school. (My husband drove transport) My girls did and still do call her Grammie Linda. We moved out of her house in February 1996 and got our own place again. On August 30th of that year I looked out my window and her daughter was pulling in. They had been stationed back to New Brunswick at that time. I thought it was strange as it was the first day of school and they lived two hours away. Her daughter came in the house and asked me to watch the two oldest kids because her Mother had been in an accident. She would let me know what was going on, but would I please call her Mother in Law and let her know I had they kids and they had made it safely to town. When I called her her Mother in Law, (who I had known all my life) I told her I had the kids and that Lesley would let me know what was going on as soon as she knew. Her MIL, said "what do you mean? Linda's dead". I collapsed and started screaming. Thankfully my husband was home and we lived across the hall from his sister. They managed to get all the kids to her house and they were able to calm me down. I will never forget her and I miss her every day. She was 48 and too young. I dream about her quite frequently and know that I will see her again someday.

    Pip - I'll work on a card next week for Kirby and see what I can come up with.

    Carol - I agree that that is too much information to share on facebook, but I have found with some people that they post things out of desperation, they are really looking for a listening ear. I hope your sister and her husband work things out and it doesn't come to fruition. My cousin that I visit frequently had two friends husbands leave them last week, both had been married 30+ years. I can't imagine it.
    That is good news that you found a place for your BnL, I am shocked as well at what needs to be provided. It is good that your husband is able to help. I wonder what happens to people that have no family.

    Bananasandoranges - When Canada became legalized in October everyone thought it was going to be all over the place, the kids would be getting it, etc. Funnily enough, the biggest users are the people that were doing it illegally, seniors and people with medical conditions. I overheard a conversation at a craft fair in December between a group of seniors, there were probably about 6 of them. They were talking about different things they could make for edibles, how much it had improved their life and how thankful they were that it was made available. They were saying they had wanted to try it for years, but didn't feel right going to meet some guy in a dark alley. Here there are still a lot of guys in dark alleys, because the government has made it more expensive in the dispensaries. Maybe someday they will get it all together.

    Lisa - Congratulations on the exciting news!

    Lanette - that is quite the image you put in my head about having everything crossed for me. Thank you, I appreciate it. I can picture my friends and family all walking around with everything crossed and it is easing my nerves. I am trying not to stress too much, I have done everything I can do, now I just need to win him over and let things fall where they may.

    Ginny - I hope you managed to get some sleep, I never sleep well in a hotel on the first night. I hear every little noise there is, and just seem to toss and turn.

    Okie - Rant away! That is unacceptable. I hope they issued a credit or did something for your wait.

    Beth - Congrats on the NSV. I am thinking of buying a dress this year for the first time in a long time. I thought it would be nice to wear to the showers I'll be attending for our daughter.

    Rori - I don't know how anyone could sleep with a boot on, I wish you good luck. I watched the Tidying Up series on Netflix when my daughter got into it and started organizing her house because of it. I ended up crying through some episodes. My husband "watched" it while playing his video game and every so often would say, I'm so thankful you like a neat and orderly house. That's probably one of the only times he's ever said anything about my housekeeping skills.

    Machka - I hope the mask helps you when you get to use it tonight. I bet it would feel wonderful to close your eyes for a bit, but agree, probably wouldn't go over well at work.

    Katla - That is an awesome project to get built, I have never seen anything like that.

    Heather - You have a way of writing that takes me right there. I felt like I was sitting with you last night at your French circle.

    Lisa and Beth - I am shocked at the way military are treated. I don't believe that is the case here at all.
    I know that they have to pay for some things but do get reimbursed, but I think that if it will cause hardship on the family they can have it advanced.

    Karen in NY - Have fun.

    Thank you all so much for the well wishes and congratulations on the interview. I hope by the end of next week they have made their decision and I can either move on or look forward to starting. The unknown bothers me more than anything else.

    Yesterday was a good day for our family, I had the news about the interview and Rodger received a text in the afternoon from his boss. He has made provisional status with his job. I'm not sure of the full definition of this, but it means a raise and in the Fall when they are hiring for Winter workers he can check a box on the application that gives him priority over others that doesn't have it. It sounds like the position he is training for this week might become available full time as well. That is a $10 an hour increase in pay. Hopefully it all works out, we will both have jobs that last and we can start getting ahead.

    Today the Maid of Honor and two Bridesmaids are coming to my house to craft for the Bachelorette party for Kaitlyn. We are making shot glasses, shirts, wine glasses, banners, signs and I'm not sure what else. I am so blessed that these young women are including me in their preparations. I am invited to the party as well, but will probably only go out on the Saturday afternoon and let them party on without me. I will see what my daughter thinks. It would be nice, they have rented a house on a lake and it looks very peaceful.

    My friend that asked me to join swimming lessons with her and paid for me to go has texted me that she will not be attending this week or next week. Last week and this week she is sick and next week she has a grad. I hope she can start attending after that, it is a shame to pay and not go. The money is non-refundable, but more importantly I was looking forward to doing it with her.

    I need to get off here and tidy my house a bit before the girls start arriving. I am sure I will have time to spare, they are a late bunch. I don't know how we'll make out getting them all to the wedding on time.

    Tracey in Edmonton

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    bwcetc wrote: »
    Barbara and Karen VA ... my apologies. I stand corrected. I shared information regarding a pet CBD product that is working for my aging lab. I knew that it used CO2 extraction and mentioned things similar to what Karen had recommended. It obviously does not meet the same standards.

    Beth sorry

    Karen ... my apology is sincere. I should not have tagged you in a post ... which makes others assume that this was something you would endorse. Your research is correct and the products are not the same or at least not presenting the same.
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Rebecca- sosorry about your fall. Rori is right you need to get checked. My son came home from College at Christmas after walking around on what he thought was a sprained ankle. Took him in and his foot was broken.
    We are actually celebrating his birthday tonight in Dallas.
    SueBDew in TX
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited May 2019
    bwcetc wrote: »
    bwcetc wrote: »
    Barbara and Karen VA ... my apologies. I stand corrected. I shared information regarding a pet CBD product that is working for my aging lab. I knew that it used CO2 extraction and mentioned things similar to what Karen had recommended. It obviously does not meet the same standards.

    Beth sorry

    Karen ... my apology is sincere. I should not have tagged you in a post ... which makes others assume that this was something you would endorse. Your research is correct and the products are not the same or at least not presenting the same.

    Beth Let me explain something about me that might help a little. I am a scientist who relies on evidence-based research & facts in my work. I don't need to be a bulldozer, though. The products you use for your pets are probably great. The company has enthusiastic reviews and support from many happy customers. Anecdotal evidence is compelling when it is overwhelmingly positive, as it is for canna-pet. And I am intrigued by the "Entourage Effect", which I plan to look into a little more thoroughly. I hope that helps. (((Hugs)))
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,297 Member
    Tracey - So sorry for your loss. Linda sounds like a fantastic lady. I'm glad you had someone in your corner when you needed her.

  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Showered after an interesting day at work, and the hubby is picking up dinner on the way home, he'll be here soon. Dr.'s appointment is tomorrow, so hopefully soon will at least have a place to start and at least get some answers, and hopefully treatment. Not much hope of that tomorrow (hoping I'm wrong about that), but eventually.

    Speaking of which, Rebecca, I'm on the side of you getting checked out as well. Much better safe than sorry.

    Tracey, my dear, I'm so sorry about your Linda's loss. Some people leave ripples throughout our entire lives, and it sounds like she was the one who did that with you.

    Sharon, always love to see you posting...

    Speaking of which, for those who remember her, and there are still a few, Damit Janet (or DJ) still occasionally posts on Facebook. I miss her. It's always nice when folks like Rye pop in to say hello and let us know how they're doing.

    The weather's starting to get to me - weeks of rain, we're getting a whole 48 hours without, and it's still dark and gloomy. Rain slated to come back Saturday morning, early. Bleah.

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,982 Member

    :)Rori, I don't know what kind of boot you have to sleep in, but I wore these on my feet for a couple of months as a remedy that didn't work for something that was later corrected by surgery. I was so glad to not have to sleep in them any more.