Welcome New Members!



  • minhyun940
    minhyun940 Posts: 1 Member
    hello my name is iris i am new here i just sign in my goal is to lose 33 lbs by november
  • Rocketdog359
    Rocketdog359 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello all. In my 13 wk program to get to my 18 wk CIM marathon program at this time. Looking forward to the use of this site. I am a Special Olympics personnal trainer and will be doing a duos with one of my students (2020 LA Marathon) in March. My number one bucket list is to qualify for Boston marathon some day if God willing. (WE RUN AS ONE) Thank you!!
  • Okie_Gal82
    Okie_Gal82 Posts: 23 Member
  • doingthisforme16
    doingthisforme16 Posts: 36 Member
    Getting started with myfitnesspal and would welcome some new friends.

    The interaction with others on this same journey helps to motivate.

    I'm a 55 year old man. I'm a husband, a son, a brother, a father and a grandfather (and father to a black lab).

    I'm working to lose 50 pounds by the end of the year (2019), and 70 pounds by Easter (2020).

    Why I want to get in shape: Getting older + Obesity = Predictable health risks that I need to avoid.

    I've seen so many of my friends and relatives suffering from obesity related illnesses. The time is now for me to do something about my weight and my fitness.
  • melikim1979
    melikim1979 Posts: 8 Member
    Navallez wrote: »
    Hi, new at this again but determined. I have lots and lots to loose. Could use some buddies in the same boat. I'm at 340+ lbs right now. Don't really have a goal weight yet because I'm not thinking I want to weigh a certain amount, but for now short term I want to get under 300lbs for my BIG 50th bday in Sept. It's doable because I have so much weight to lose. I just want to be healthy, I have bad ankle can't do much cardio but I started looking at videos I can do at home.

    I know where you're coming from. I weighed in at 325 lbs on Thursday and I started doing walks on the weekends with a friend of mine who is helping to keep me on track. It's so hard. This is the heaviest I have ever been and I'm hoping to be healthier
  • Tibbyjoys6
    Tibbyjoys6 Posts: 2 Member
    Trying to get healthy. Have a long way to go. Hard to make the lifestyle changes I need to stay alive. Hoping this app keeps me accountable to some degree.
  • megpark7
    megpark7 Posts: 3 Member
    djw_50 wrote: »
    Day 1 starts tomorrow, 109kg is the heaviest I’ve been. Posting for some accountability

    ME TOO! I want to cut about 20- 30 lbs! This is for accountability because it is ALWAYS CALORIES IN vs. CALORIES OUT
  • jonaseva5252
    jonaseva5252 Posts: 26 Member
    zetababe_5 wrote: »
    Hello everyone! I am new here, checking out the MFP app features and logged into the community for the first time. I am trying to lose 35 pounds, using app to track my caloric intake. I wish everyone well on their journey and look forward to sharing my support!

    welcome to the group.
  • jonaseva5252
    jonaseva5252 Posts: 26 Member
    devika08 wrote: »
    Hello!! I am on a journey to lose 25 pounds and more for good! Would appreciate to be added in any support group!!

    I'm also interested
  • jonaseva5252
    jonaseva5252 Posts: 26 Member
    New here. Looking for motivation and to motivate.

    welcome to the group. If you need motivation, then connect other categories. I suggest you General Health, Fitness and Diet.
  • khris9224
    khris9224 Posts: 2 Member
    Starting out with a fresh mind! Hoping to keep motivated & find positive influences among the community. I have struggled with programs in the past & with maintaining a positive view of my current body image, but have decided to love who I am currently while starting to gain control through setting healthy & realistic goals with support from like minded individuals! The hardest step is the first step, but I’m excited to start the adventure!
  • amna883
    amna883 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello. Had the app for a long time, but didn't use it at all.
    First time ever I'm truly motivated to lose this weight, first time ever my BMI is on a line between overweight and obese, big wake up call.

    Tried doing keto for two weeks, and I hate it, want to find a way to eat good and quality food without following any strict diet, any suggestions?
  • doingthisforme16
    doingthisforme16 Posts: 36 Member
    I'm a 55 year old man and getting started back on MFP. I used the app a few years back and had some success, but dropped off and re-gained. Now working to lose 50 pounds by year-end.

    Hope to add a few friends so I can be motivated by your success.

    Getting older + obesity = a number of predictable health related risks. Time to take some action now before I end up with the knees and the back and the hip problems I see in others my age who are also carrying around too much weight.
  • probablysleeping
    probablysleeping Posts: 1 Member
    Hey y'all
    Currently working to overcome some disordered eating habits and negative thoughts I've been facing for a while.
    I'm hoping to become healthier physically and mentally. I really want to have a healthy relationship with food that doesn't involve guilt, shame, or anxiety. Hoping that this app can help with that.
    I've been a competitive swimmer for a while and genuinely enjoy exercise- I'm just going to continue working on having a healthier relationship with diet and exercise. I'd like to lose weight, but hope to do so gradually and in a positive way.
    It would be cool to meet people who have similar experiences with BDD and eating disorders, maybe we could help each other stay on track and brave the storm together!
  • tgeary007
    tgeary007 Posts: 1 Member
    howdy, i'm addicted to food. been doing this since late jan. 2019. finally got on the computer.
  • mahsa2006
    mahsa2006 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone. My name is mahsa and im 26 years old . I've 30 kg overweight and i lost 7 kg so far with helps of this app and im keep going . I'll be happy if know more friends here :)
  • CAS_53
    CAS_53 Posts: 31 Member
    Hello everyone, 66 years old,4.11 and without too much trouble climbed to 160lbs in recent years. Looking to get to 126 as a start.
    I'm down to 151 after about 6 weeks working at it. I'm looking for motivation to get myself onto the treadmill for 30mins per day. It sits in the bedroom and I just can't get into getting on the damn thing. I try doing it for 5min slots 3 times a day but then I give up after about 3 days. Must be more consistent
  • azitaz
    azitaz Posts: 3 Member
    Hello: I hope everyone is more successful than I have been.....21 days on 1200 calories and 12,000 fitbit steps a day...but have lost only 1 pound!!!!!!
  • glannin64
    glannin64 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone I am just starting and for my journey I will be have weight loss surgery done in the Fall veryexcited for this journey and to change my life around
  • cincisk8r
    cincisk8r Posts: 206 Member
    I'm not quite new, but I was gone for quite a while and a lot of my so called friends deleted me in my absence. Life happens. Although that was rude and admittedly it did hurt my feelings, life goes on I suppose. With that said, feel free to add me now that I am back. I have now lost 295 lbs over a 5 year span ( Been trying since March 29, 2014) Reached my original goal, then recently made a new goal :)