Welcome New Members!



  • cincisk8r
    cincisk8r Posts: 206 Member
    I'm not quite new, but I was gone for quite a while and a lot of my so called friends deleted me in my absence. Life happens. Although that was rude and admittedly it did hurt my feelings, life goes on I suppose. With that said, feel free to add me now that I am back. I have now lost 295 lbs over a 5 year span ( Been trying since March 29, 2014) Reached my original goal, then recently made a new goal :)
  • esealjme1
    esealjme1 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm Jamie. Been married ten years and realized I have gained 60 pounds and need to make a change.
  • sparkle43
    sparkle43 Posts: 19 Member
    Hello . I am new into the fitness groups now actaully writing down food intake. Plus can only do two exercises from my therapist for now. Having a Rotar Cuff tear and brittle bones. Given Instructions for eating proper by dr. I am 77. So I see there is a group 50+ would be benificial considering others are much younger in other groups and can do the very exercises which I can not do for health problems. I applaud the ladies for being here and testimonies. When I was young and in my 50's. I did what you all do. When you hit 50 to my age. Especially 50. You dont quit you go on the best you canor your bones will be stiff.
  • tom2620
    tom2620 Posts: 2 Member
    Tom2620 Just starting
  • KFit50
    KFit50 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I quit smoking last year & gained a bunch of weight - like 60 lb. Then a couple days ago, i found out i have high cholesterol (236) and borderline high hemoglobin A1C (blood sugar) so I'm almost diabetic. 48 yr old. Doc said start exercising, increase fruits & veg so that's what I'm doing. Started walking yesterday. Fingers crossed I can keep it up! My plan is to walk every day.
  • Xiao_Ya_
    Xiao_Ya_ Posts: 495 Member
    edited May 2019
    Hello! I am just joining today, and am determined to gain some weight back from what I lost unhealthily. I will try to eat more, and healthier, as well as exercise efficiently. Good luck on all of you guys' journeys! Edit: Oops.. I realized I posted a reply. You can see how much I use technology haha
  • tasnim1357
    tasnim1357 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello! My name is Tasnim and I’m hoping that I can find supportive members on the same journey of being consistent and living a healthier lifestyle. If you need a friend to add, I sure do as well!
  • jorben1990
    jorben1990 Posts: 18 Member
    Hey all, been here for some time but never knew there was a community! Anyone from the houston height area?
  • 40gdale
    40gdale Posts: 7 Member
    Hi I’m Deb and I’m a newbie
    I’ve been using this app for just over a week and I’ve gained 2lb!!!! I’m mortified. I’ve been under my calorie goal all week and I’ve still gained - I don’t know what I’ve done wrong! Any help would be greatly appreciated- thank you
  • FoxyJedi
    FoxyJedi Posts: 20 Member
    My name is Jazzmin and I’m a huge video game nerd that needs to break my lazy habits and become a healthier me. I’m tired of avoiding the mirror and being less social because I’m ashamed of the way I look. I’m here to break the ugly habits I have from the inside out and find the self love I know is inside somewhere it’s just covered by the negativity I can’t seem to shake. So here I am ready to try (again after many attempts) to conquer my goals and break barriers. I’d really love some supportive friends who carry similar struggles so we can do this together. Who’s with me??
  • marezac6815
    marezac6815 Posts: 69 Member
    Hi, Im Mary, Back after 2 years, new account... a year ago i majorly broke my leg and knee, 2 surgeries,3 plates, 21 pins, 4 months in a care facility... My mobility is still slow, but managing, needless to say it put me in a total retirement position, after owning and operating a restaurant for 25 years..So, no more 70-80 hour weeks!!! I have what to do to keep up with household chores, now, with my slow pace... Hard to imagine a person's life can change in an instant!!! Looking for supportive friends.....
  • greenbeantracie5872
    greenbeantracie5872 Posts: 1 Member
    Morning all, so while I have had this app on my phone, I have been halfheartedly using it! I am needing to drop a few kilos and am struggling with the cutting out of sugar, I am not generally a sweet tooth person, but it is more out of habit that I munch on little sweets through the day. Any advise
  • Keyareuhh
    Keyareuhh Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, my name is Kiara. I just really want to live a healthier life. I need to establish consistent habits, because I keep getting into these slumps where I'm just gluttonous beyond belief and it makes me feel horrible, physically and mentally.
    So I'm going to try and make incremental and small changes so I can change my life style entirely and permanently.
  • jennifersculpts
    jennifersculpts Posts: 3 Member
    Hello. I've had this app for a while, but just started using it. Prior to gaining 100lbs during the past few years, I've never had to worry about my weight. In fact, I had to struggle at times to keep it on. I have no idea how I'm going to do this. I'm terrified I won't be able to lose this weight and have been really hating myself. I know, not helpful. It's the truth, though. I also know I won't succeed if I don't try. I've made it through other very difficult things in my life, so I know it's within in me to make it to the other side of this challenge. I'm glad to be here. I hope I can offer support, not just get it. I'm ready to do this.
  • torimangion
    torimangion Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Guys and Dolls, I'm a nube and SO appreciate y'all being here for each other xx. I had a Mini Gastric Bypass Bariatric Op on the 20th of December 2018 and have lost nearly 10sts so far (OK I've lost EXACTLY 135lbs so far). I have approx 5sts to go and I hope we can all help each other get there, I know for sure I'll be there for you me beauties.

    For now Asta La Vista babies
  • allisonmoede1
    allisonmoede1 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey! My name is Allison, and I'm currently recovering from a 2nd full hip arthroscopy. I want to get back to my original weight before surgery, which was 140 pounds. Since running (my usual way of maintaining weight) is off the table for now, I'm using MFP to pay more attention to what I eat. Anyone else with a similar goal?
  • nickyreesrodda
    nickyreesrodda Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I’m Nicola this is day 5 for me also doing sw. just need all the help I can get to help me lose the weight and a better attitude towards food and healthy eating. Good luck everyone in your weight loss journey x
  • livethelife2019
    livethelife2019 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all - I'm "re-"new. I had used My Fitness Pal previously but....lost track of it. I need to get my weight under control and, in turn, my blood glucose. Long way to go, but I'm taking steps.....
  • mikej63082
    mikej63082 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone today is my first day starting wish me luck