It's amazing how many of you that don't pay attention.



  • I competely agree with you...I don't know how many times I've noticed "good job" on someone who has only eaten bread and water all day. But if I have completed my diary right on the mark of goal..I actually got a "tomorrow is a new day" like I had done something wrong. If you don't have time to actually look at the diary of the person you are posting on, then don't bother posting anything. You actually might unintentionally be congradulating someone with a eating disorder!
  • I agree with you, but I don't see the point in this post. It's great to get encouragement through this online community, but to rant about people you don't know is pointless. If you don't like what your "friends" post, then just block them. To tell us that most people on this site aren't doing what they should is offensive.
  • RachelSRoach1
    RachelSRoach1 Posts: 435 Member
    Well, I praise people for the act of logging. If you want my opinion on your diary, then ask me. I am not here to criticize others diaries because I do not know their entire story. For one, I have had gastric bypass. I can only eat so much per day: about 800-1000 calories. I was getting so many people telling me I was not eating enough. I had to write each one and explain. Unless someone asks for my help with their eating, I will praise them for the act and effort to log and get healthy.

    My Dad had that surgery too.. that is also a good point. Good luck to you, too.. it is hard to come back from.
  • morganhccstudent724
    morganhccstudent724 Posts: 1,261 Member
    Mostly...I comment on diaries "great logging" I decided a long time ago not to play the "you need to eat this or not eat that" game. People are on different journies....who am I to judge??? Everyone should be logging what's going into their body...I am not going to fight with someone about making sure grown adults eat 1200 calories.

    Normally, I delete people who aren't trying to lose weight the same way I am.

    Good luck on your journey =)
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    I'm with you on that. That is a good portion of why I removed my ticker from my signature as i am now attempting to gain muscle and have been gaining weight. I quickly got tired of people writing me saying that's it's great that I'm so close to my goal. I possibly lost a friend or two because they thought I was failing at losing weight, but that's their loss.

    Another thing I don't understand. Why would you delete someone who is gaining weight? I've had some friends on here saying they're gonna delete anyone that's been gaining weight, and I just think that's so stupid. But, you're right, if they deleted you, their loss :)
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    We are not responsible for you eating poorly. I don't look anyone's diary but my own. I am responsible for me and only me. Good luck to you.

    I don't really think it's fair of you to imply that she was blaming others for her eating poorly. She just said that it seems people don't even bother to look at how she's done before they offer empty praise.

    Simple solution is make your diary private then. If you are eating under 1200, unless under a doctors order, is eating poorly and not caring for yourself. It's rude to call people mindless especially for your own mistakes. It's shifting the blame, plain and simple.
  • This is part of a rant... so if you're thin skinned then stop reading.

    But seriously? If the point of this website were to just give mindless praise without really paying attention... then most of you are doing great. When I complete my food diary at only about 850 calories.. don't say "great job" or "Way to go" to that.. if you had actually looked I'm sure most of you would say "That's dangerous" because it is. I have another friend who is trying to gain weight and having a VERY hard time. She lost more weight last week and a whole group of people congratulated her.. which is just further incidence of not paying attention.

    I'm not saying that as a friend you need to read into every situation and know what every diary says or whatever.. but I am saying that sometimes it would be beneficial to actually know what you are saying. There are only like 10 of my friends who will put a detailed comment or actually have something to say.

    Praise is a terrific confidence booster.. but when you realize how empty it is then suddenly it means nothing.

    Think about it.

    it is naturally safe to consume less calories in a day or even more. People do it all of the time when they have a dinner they want to go to, or want to have a cheat day, they stagger their calories and make up for the deficit. It is not about the calories consumed in a day, it is about what is going in and out at the end of the week...whatever that may be for each individual.

    Everyone should be able to eat what they want. People should be able to Lower their calories to whatever they want to lower their calories to. We aren't MFP police. Why can't we just say, "good job staying under YOUR goal?" so apparently, what people are doing is critiquing the food intake of others like they are nutritional experts. Even a nutritionist shouldn't make comments about the types of food, or quantity of food someone is consuming on this site, unless specifically asked. People will ask for help when they want it. Doctors don't go around looking for people to care for. People look for doctors. We didn't join MFP to judge someone else.

    I do find it funny that people love to comment on the diaries of others. Why? What is the purpose? Really? MFP is here for everyone, regardless of what their calorie intake is. This site is about the individual, not what others think someone else should be consuming.

    Yes, this is really an aggravating topic for me. I guess you have people in this world who think they are supposed to control those around them.

    Logout and read who MFP is for..... EVERYONE regardless of what diet they are on. Read what MFP is all about.

    MFP is NOT a program. It is a site for journaling and finding others who are on the same path as you are. Everyone isn't on the same path.

    MFP is a lot like Jesus... arms open wide to the food-saint as well as to the junked-out-sinner.

    Just leave people alone!!
  • RachelSRoach1
    RachelSRoach1 Posts: 435 Member
    I competely agree with you...I don't know how many times I've noticed "good job" on someone who has only eaten bread and water all day. But if I have completed my diary right on the mark of goal..I actually got a "tomorrow is a new day" like I had done something wrong. If you don't have time to actually look at the diary of the person you are posting on, then don't bother posting anything. You actually might unintentionally be congradulating someone with a eating disorder!

    lol that is sad.. but a little funny too, sorry.
  • swordsmith
    swordsmith Posts: 599 Member
    Per my doctor an occasional low cal day or even fasting (every couple of months I do a "mental reset" witha 24 hour fast) is not dangerous. What is dangerous is someone who logs that amount of calories for days or weeks- THAT is dangerous not the occasional sub-1200 calorie goal that mfp has decided is dangerous.

    So when I see someone post up that they ate only 850 cals or something my response is typically "Good job- just dont make this a regular thing". Personally I am getting tired of the people who think that an occasional sub-1200 post is some sort of earth shattering event that will cause the individual to keel over and die.

    As for people trying to gain weight that is another problem entirely.
  • candb
    candb Posts: 238
    If those comments bother you, then you can remove them from your friend list since you're not getting the support you need from them. I get what you're saying, though. If I were to say only eat 500 calories on any given day that would be dangerous, not just to me, but to my infant son as well (since I'm breastfeeding). It would look foolish for one of my friend's to congratulate me for doing something dangerous. Most days I don't 'complete' my food diary because I keep it for me, not for anyone else. I want to know how I've done for the day and complete it only when I feel like I *may* want to eat something else that night. Completing it makes me think twice about late-night snacking.
  • jmehere
    jmehere Posts: 108 Member
    I have seen this, as well. There was a young woman who was obviously already on the lower end of normal trying to loose 15 pounds. She was asking if it was normal to have no energy from doing a calorie deficit. I looked at her profile and one of the things I saw her saying was that she felt "....very in control using MFP." Classic anorexia talk. A lot of the responders didn't bother looking at her profile, just rattled off some pat advice.
    By the way, your post isn't offensive. It's the truth.
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    I agree with you, but I don't see the point in this post. It's great to get encouragement through this online community, but to rant about people you don't know is pointless. If you don't like what your "friends" post, then just block them. To tell us that most people on this site aren't doing what they should is offensive.

    And that's why she was kind enough to point out that it was a rant, and if you're easily offended, don't read it :)
  • RachelSRoach1
    RachelSRoach1 Posts: 435 Member
    Many of you make valid points. Understand I'm not doing this to make enemies.. just to make a point. I guess calling it a "rant" was bad form. I like to make people think.
  • datguy2011
    datguy2011 Posts: 477 Member
    Not sure how to take this.... some ppl ***** cause ppl talk about their diaries... some ppl ***** because ppl don't... hmm...
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    So when I see someone post up that they ate only 850 cals or something my response is typically "Good job- just dont make this a regular thing". Personally I am getting tired of the people who think that an occasional sub-1200 post is some sort of earth shattering event that will cause the individual to keel over and die.

    Ugh, SO with you on that! It's kind of ridiculous. I have had so many messages out of the blue from non-friends who were looking at my diary and telling me I'm not eating enough. I keep it public still though, because I am open to criticism.
  • I competely agree with you...I don't know how many times I've noticed "good job" on someone who has only eaten bread and water all day. But if I have completed my diary right on the mark of goal..I actually got a "tomorrow is a new day" like I had done something wrong. If you don't have time to actually look at the diary of the person you are posting on, then don't bother posting anything. You actually might unintentionally be congradulating someone with a eating disorder!

    lol that is sad.. but a little funny too, sorry.

    Yeah..I laughed a little too. I realized that this is the internet and I don't really "know" anyone. I just brush it off and move on. So when I get to post that I lost 2lbs this week...maybe that person will realize that I didn't have a "bad" day..LOL
  • Mamoonie
    Mamoonie Posts: 328
    I agree with you about not paying attention.

    I just can't stand people commenting a "wtg" or whatever, just because MFP says "under calorie goal". It's like they do it automatically, just because!
    Either you check out a situation (diary, goal, circumstances,...) and then make constructive comments, or you better stop it.

    I prefer to have 3 comments telling me what I did right or wrong over 100 comments saying "congrats".
    And that's exactly the way I behave towards people in my friends' list. If I don't have anything else to say than just "well done", I don't say anything. I might not appear as supportive or motivational as other people do, but I prefer to think about what I type, and why I type it.

  • RachelSRoach1
    RachelSRoach1 Posts: 435 Member
    So when I see someone post up that they ate only 850 cals or something my response is typically "Good job- just dont make this a regular thing". Personally I am getting tired of the people who think that an occasional sub-1200 post is some sort of earth shattering event that will cause the individual to keel over and die.

    Ugh, SO with you on that! It's kind of ridiculous. I have had so many messages out of the blue from non-friends who were looking at my diary and telling me I'm not eating enough. I keep it public still though, because I am open to criticism.

    I keep mine public in an effort to keep me accountable. By knowing that everyone can see.. I generally do better. But that is just me.
  • joseph9
    joseph9 Posts: 328 Member
    850 calories? Great job!!

    Um, that was your point, right? Your post was sort of long, so I skimmed it. ;-)
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    We are not responsible for you eating poorly. I don't look anyone's diary but my own. I am responsible for me and only me. Good luck to you.

    I don't really think it's fair of you to imply that she was blaming others for her eating poorly. She just said that it seems people don't even bother to look at how she's done before they offer empty praise.

    Simple solution is make your diary private then. If you are eating under 1200, unless under a doctors order, is eating poorly and not caring for yourself. It's rude to call people mindless especially for your own mistakes. It's shifting the blame, plain and simple.

    No, not really. She actually made it a point to say that she knows what she did was no good, and found it strange that people were congratulating her WITHOUT looking at her diary. That was the point of her complaint, she felt that people were just congratulating her without even taking a look at what she ate. I think a better solution would be to delete the friends that give mindless praise, personally, rather than feeling like you have to hide your diary. Some people keep it open because they like the criticism, not the praise that was obviously hollowed. And so she generalized, and probably misworded. You can't honestly say that you've never generalized something when you were upset, and if you can, you're lying to yourself. It's basic human nature.
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