It's amazing how many of you that don't pay attention.



  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    So when I see someone post up that they ate only 850 cals or something my response is typically "Good job- just dont make this a regular thing". Personally I am getting tired of the people who think that an occasional sub-1200 post is some sort of earth shattering event that will cause the individual to keel over and die.

    Ugh, SO with you on that! It's kind of ridiculous. I have had so many messages out of the blue from non-friends who were looking at my diary and telling me I'm not eating enough. I keep it public still though, because I am open to criticism.

    See. I closed my diary because I was getting the complete opposite messages. People telling me that there's NO WAY someone who weighs 143-145lbs can eat as much as I do in a day and maintain my weight. I was accused of photoshopping my pictures, lying about my weight, etc.

    Really? Who the hell has time for that nonsense? So. The diary is private and will remain private. Really - it is only for me anyway.

    I don't look at nor comment on people's food diaries as a rule (unless they have specifically asked me to).

    I have a little free time for some of that nonsense. Any takers? :bigsmile:
  • lloydmel
    lloydmel Posts: 259 Member
    I totally agree and get it. I know some people are just trying to be nice, but it's not the REAL nice, it's the fake - quick response- and I don't really care enough to look response.
    I actually go in people's diaries that are my friends... if I see what they ate and don't think it's a great job, I don't say anything. I don't just look for caloric intake but I want to see if they have a great variety of foods... or if they are just eating mcD's about 3 times a day and somehow are under calories. I see people eating barely anything, but because of what they eat, the calories are so high per serving or less that they can't eat hardly anything. It makes me wonder if they can keep that up for a long period of time.
    I mean, yeah... I have my off days... but some people eat that way every single day, and it's one of those pet peeves of mine... especially since it's very hard for me to lose weight and I eat pretty well every day... I eat a lot on my good days and am still under calories because I choose better foods.... but I guess it's what works for everyone...
    Wow... didn't mean to make your rant into my rant... lol
  • Bankman1989
    Bankman1989 Posts: 1,116 Member
    You have the wrong "attitude" toward this. If you are below your goals for the day or exercise, then it's an awesome feeling to have well wishers. It's for encouragement. We don't have time to go into everyone's daily diets.

    If it was more specific it would say "hey she is destroying her body by starving it. Don't applaud but get on her case". People STILL wouldn't because it's not our job to get down on people who aren't taking care of their OWN business.

    I only responded to this because it was one of the first "negative" posts that I've seen on this site. Others have people who may be sad or depressed because of their situation, but this is the first one I've seen that's actually malicious.

    I fall under goal everyday. One day I was 3,650 calories under. I burned 3500 calories one day and didn't eat enough to maintain it. I had people saying good job and I took that time to explain my challenges. I suggest you do this instead of criticizing people who are only trying to encourage and uplift you.

    Good luck to you. You're gonna need it. But change your attitude and you'll go a lot farther.
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    We are not responsible for you eating poorly. I don't look anyone's diary but my own. I am responsible for me and only me. Good luck to you.

    I don't really think it's fair of you to imply that she was blaming others for her eating poorly. She just said that it seems people don't even bother to look at how she's done before they offer empty praise.

    Simple solution is make your diary private then. If you are eating under 1200, unless under a doctors order, is eating poorly and not caring for yourself. It's rude to call people mindless especially for your own mistakes. It's shifting the blame, plain and simple.

    You are just heinous aren't you. I disagree. I struggle with an ED, having people call me out on what I eat is vital, I can't "just do it" on my own. It's not a "mistake" often it is a sort of intentional lack of eating. I don't think it's shifting the blame, I think its more like...picking friends who are helpful, and not friend who aren't.

    Heinous??? LOL Because I feel people are responsible for their own actions? Really??? Of course friends can be encouraging, but they aren't responsible to keep you going. That is your job. And the name-calling is just plain childish.

    ***Edited to add, just in case you didn't know...
    hei·nous   [hey-nuhs] Show IPA
    hateful; odious; abominable; totally reprehensible: a heinous offense.
    1325–75; Middle English heynous < Middle French haineus, equivalent to haine hatred (derivative of haïr to hate < Germanic ) + -eus -ous

    Related forms
    hei·nous·ly, adverb
    hei·nous·ness, noun
    non·hei·nous, adjective
    non·hei·nous·ly, adverb
    non·hei·nous·ness, noun

    wicked, infamous, flagrant, flagitious, atrocious, villainous, nefarious.

  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    You have the wrong "attitude" toward this. If you are below your goals for the day or exercise, then it's an awesome feeling to have well wishers. It's for encouragement. We don't have time to go into everyone's daily diets.

    If it was more specific it would say "hey she is destroying her body by starving it. Don't applaud but get on her case". People STILL wouldn't because it's not our job to get down on people who aren't taking care of their OWN business.

    I only responded to this because it was one of the first "negative" posts that I've seen on this site. Others have people who may be sad or depressed because of their situation, but this is the first one I've seen that's actually malicious.

    I fall under goal everyday. One day I was 3,650 calories under. I burned 3500 calories one day and didn't eat enough to maintain it. I had people saying good job and I took that time to explain my challenges. I suggest you do this instead of criticizing people who are only trying to encourage and uplift you.

    Good luck to you. You're gonna need it. But change your attitude and you'll go a lot farther.

    Very well said!
  • You have the wrong "attitude" toward this. If you are below your goals for the day or exercise, then it's an awesome feeling to have well wishers. It's for encouragement. We don't have time to go into everyone's daily diets.

    If it was more specific it would say "hey she is destroying her body by starving it. Don't applaud but get on her case". People STILL wouldn't because it's not our job to get down on people who aren't taking care of their OWN business.

    I only responded to this because it was one of the first "negative" posts that I've seen on this site. Others have people who may be sad or depressed because of their situation, but this is the first one I've seen that's actually malicious.

    I fall under goal everyday. One day I was 3,650 calories under. I burned 3500 calories one day and didn't eat enough to maintain it. I had people saying good job and I took that time to explain my challenges. I suggest you do this instead of criticizing people who are only trying to encourage and uplift you.

    Good luck to you. You're gonna need it. But change your attitude and you'll go a lot farther.

    agree 100% sometimes we are the ones that hold ourselves back becuase of our outlook on life is negative. stop blaming others and get over yourself!!!
  • kingtekrin
    kingtekrin Posts: 14 Member
    I do not leave comments on a "under his/her calorie goal" if the diary is closed but see others that do and I wonder, How do they even know that it was a "good job." They could have logged 1 slice of chocolate cake and nothing else and would never even know it.

    I love this quote...I started laughing LOUDLY in a very quiet place full of people... which made it even funnier.

    I had never thought about true...
  • kingtekrin
    kingtekrin Posts: 14 Member
    You have the wrong "attitude" toward this. If you are below your goals for the day or exercise, then it's an awesome feeling to have well wishers. It's for encouragement. We don't have time to go into everyone's daily diets.

    If it was more specific it would say "hey she is destroying her body by starving it. Don't applaud but get on her case". People STILL wouldn't because it's not our job to get down on people who aren't taking care of their OWN business.

    I only responded to this because it was one of the first "negative" posts that I've seen on this site. Others have people who may be sad or depressed because of their situation, but this is the first one I've seen that's actually malicious.

    I fall under goal everyday. One day I was 3,650 calories under. I burned 3500 calories one day and didn't eat enough to maintain it. I had people saying good job and I took that time to explain my challenges. I suggest you do this instead of criticizing people who are only trying to encourage and uplift you.

    Good luck to you. You're gonna need it. But change your attitude and you'll go a lot farther.

    agree 100% sometimes we are the ones that hold ourselves back becuase of our outlook on life is negative. stop blaming others and get over yourself!!!
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    Huh? What? ...sorry, I wasn't paying attention...
  • voluptas63
    voluptas63 Posts: 602 Member
    *sigh* I wish I had so much free time to commit to policing other peoples' food diaries more so than my own.

    Maybe I should quit my job?
  • lucky1ns
    lucky1ns Posts: 358 Member
    Who the f.... cares ? ... get off your high horse.
    Appreciate people were taking the time out of there day to acknowledge it and wish you well.

    Amen sister.
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    You have the wrong "attitude" toward this. If you are below your goals for the day or exercise, then it's an awesome feeling to have well wishers. It's for encouragement. We don't have time to go into everyone's daily diets.

    If it was more specific it would say "hey she is destroying her body by starving it. Don't applaud but get on her case". People STILL wouldn't because it's not our job to get down on people who aren't taking care of their OWN business.

    I only responded to this because it was one of the first "negative" posts that I've seen on this site. Others have people who may be sad or depressed because of their situation, but this is the first one I've seen that's actually malicious.

    I fall under goal everyday. One day I was 3,650 calories under. I burned 3500 calories one day and didn't eat enough to maintain it. I had people saying good job and I took that time to explain my challenges. I suggest you do this instead of criticizing people who are only trying to encourage and uplift you.

    Good luck to you. You're gonna need it. But change your attitude and you'll go a lot farther.

    Could have not said it better myself! WOW I also fall under my goal. Plain and simply put, if I am burning 1000 calories, and only netted 300 to 400 calories and I am full and do not feel sick....then that is what may work for "MY" body. I think maybe you are looking at this the wrong way. But to each his own. Good luck to you on YOUR individual journey and wish people well on theirs. That is what this site is about, our own journey and learning from others.
  • Kalrez
    Kalrez Posts: 655 Member
    Yeah, this used to make me mad. Now, I've kinda taken a different view. Hollow "grats" are my way of weeding out people. It's a little funny to see people auto-grats, though.Case in point:

    Last night, I took a short, leisurely stroll around the block. The weather was nice, and I just wanted out of the house. 15 minute leisurely walk that burned a whopping 77 calories. I got "Nice burn" comments about that. Nice burn? REALLY? It's 77 calories. That's not a nice burn. That's laughable.

    If I don't actually look at your food log, then I don't comment on your day. I do have a handful of people in recovery on my friend's list. If they are well below calories, I won't berate them. I'll comment on what they did eat ("Oh, Chipotle sounds great!"), or I will just not comment at all. There are one or two people in recovery who have asked for friends keep nudge them if they slip too far, and I don't mind doing that. But I'm not going to tell anyone that they have to eat more or eat less. Also, if your food choices look like *kitten*, then I don't congratulate you. (Ex, my choices today are terrible. Don't grats me for blowing 1200 calories at McD. That was a poor choice.)

    For those of you who "WTG" based on the mere act of logging alone, maybe consider changing your messages to "Nice logging today" or something like that. Your encouraging message is more accurately directed toward the act of logging rather than what the person did or didn't eat/log for the day. I can get behind supporting people to log honestly. That should definitely be encouraged. However, I feel like the messages should be written in such a way as to not be confused to congratulating unhealthy eating.
  • lucky1ns
    lucky1ns Posts: 358 Member
    Wow, she does go to Mc Donald alot.

    You should expand the amount of real food that you eat. All that processed and fast foodis not good for you.
  • kiesh82
    kiesh82 Posts: 131 Member
    I understand your point. But it's unreasonable to expect everybody to read everybody else's food diary every day. Seriously.

    Sure, but if you can't take the time to evaluate whether or not praise is actually deserved...why offer it in the first place?

    I have noticed before that someone is under their calorie goal, and they ate absolute **** all day. Like 2 oreos, mac n cheese, and maybe a ham sandwhich and NOTHING else. I need to double check on them, because if that's a pattern, I can't really be supportive of them.

    That's your personal choice and you're entitled to it. For me it just isn't that serious. I know how hard it can be to stay under goal and consistently track your calories every day and I will give praise when I see someone doing that. I'm not going to sit here and nitpick and make sure the person's food is up to my "standard" in order to say "good job." This is a website not brain surgery. Perfection not necessary!
  • ilovecreg120809
    ilovecreg120809 Posts: 516 Member
    the site is here for encouragement not to put people down. If you dont like that then maybe this site isnt for you. Even if you are under it's okay for one day. we praise people for that. yeah if its every day then we might say something. but you should really blame yourself for how you are eating...
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    Yeah, this used to make me mad. Now, I've kinda taken a different view. Hollow "grats" are my way of weeding out people. It's a little funny to see people auto-grats, though.Case in point:

    Last night, I took a short, leisurely stroll around the block. The weather was nice, and I just wanted out of the house. 15 minute leisurely walk that burned a whopping 77 calories. I got "Nice burn" comments about that. Nice burn? REALLY? It's 77 calories. That's not a nice burn. That's laughable.

    If I don't actually look at your food log, then I don't comment on your day. I do have a handful of people in recovery on my friend's list. If they are well below calories, I won't berate them. I'll comment on what they did eat ("Oh, Chipotle sounds great!"), or I will just not comment at all. There are one or two people in recovery who have asked for friends keep nudge them if they slip too far, and I don't mind doing that. But I'm not going to tell anyone that they have to eat more or eat less. Also, if your food choices look like *kitten*, then I don't congratulate you. (Ex, my choices today are terrible. Don't grats me for blowing 1200 calories at McD. That was a poor choice.)

    For those of you who "WTG" based on the mere act of logging alone, maybe consider changing your messages to "Nice logging today" or something like that. Your encouraging message is more accurately directed toward the act of logging rather than what the person did or didn't eat/log for the day. I can get behind supporting people to log honestly. That should definitely be encouraged. However, I feel like the messages should be written in such a way as to not be confused to congratulating unhealthy eating.

    Crappy walk burn and terrible lunch choices, WTG! :drinker:
  • ilovecreg120809
    ilovecreg120809 Posts: 516 Member
    Also, some people are full at 800 calories. I could eat 1,000 and sometimes less and not be hungry the rest of the day. I could burn all those calories off so i would have net 0 or even a negative net and i wouldn't be hungry. i do agree that YOU dont deerve a good job though for your horrible eating.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    We are not responsible for you eating poorly. I don't look anyone's diary but my own. I am responsible for me and only me. Good luck to you.

    I don't really think it's fair of you to imply that she was blaming others for her eating poorly. She just said that it seems people don't even bother to look at how she's done before they offer empty praise.

    Simple solution is make your diary private then. If you are eating under 1200, unless under a doctors order, is eating poorly and not caring for yourself. It's rude to call people mindless especially for your own mistakes. It's shifting the blame, plain and simple.

    You are just heinous aren't you. I disagree. I struggle with an ED, having people call me out on what I eat is vital, I can't "just do it" on my own. It's not a "mistake" often it is a sort of intentional lack of eating. I don't think it's shifting the blame, I think its more like...picking friends who are helpful, and not friend who aren't.

    Heinous??? LOL Because I feel people are responsible for their own actions? Really??? Of course friends can be encouraging, but they aren't responsible to keep you going. That is your job. And the name-calling is just plain childish.

    ***Edited to add, just in case you didn't know...
    hei·nous   [hey-nuhs] Show IPA
    hateful; odious; abominable; totally reprehensible: a heinous offense.
    1325–75; Middle English heynous < Middle French haineus, equivalent to haine hatred (derivative of haïr to hate < Germanic ) + -eus -ous

    Related forms
    hei·nous·ly, adverb
    hei·nous·ness, noun
    non·hei·nous, adjective
    non·hei·nous·ly, adverb
    non·hei·nous·ness, noun

    wicked, infamous, flagrant, flagitious, atrocious, villainous, nefarious.


    I wasn't name calling, I was describing. Also, I know what it means, that's why I used it.
  • But seriously? If the point of this website were to just give mindless praise without really paying attention... then most of you are doing great. When I complete my food diary at only about 850 calories.. don't say "great job" or "Way to go" to that.. if you had actually looked I'm sure most of you would say "That's dangerous" because it is. I have another friend who is trying to gain weight and having a VERY hard time. She lost more weight last week and a whole group of people congratulated her.. which is just further incidence of not paying attention.

    I'm not saying that as a friend you need to read into every situation and know what every diary says or whatever.. but I am saying that sometimes it would be beneficial to actually know what you are saying. There are only like 10 of my friends who will put a detailed comment or actually have something to say.

    Have you considered changing your settings so it only posts things you specifically want to share on your newsfeed? This way your calorie count, etc doesn't autopost for people to mindlessly comment on. Additionally, if the comments are coming from people you have friended, wouldn't this rant be most appropriate in your newsfeed so the offenders see it and can change their behavior?