It's amazing how many of you that don't pay attention.



  • melindacook
    melindacook Posts: 2 Member
    My thoughts exactly!
  • voluptas63
    voluptas63 Posts: 602 Member
    Just like the old WW message board days.

    A good, old fashioned melt.

    Want some fries with that melt?

    Now I'm wondering who this could be ;-)

  • This is part of a rant... so if you're thin skinned then stop reading.

    But seriously? If the point of this website were to just give mindless praise without really paying attention... then most of you are doing great. When I complete my food diary at only about 850 calories.. don't say "great job" or "Way to go" to that.. if you had actually looked I'm sure most of you would say "That's dangerous" because it is. I have another friend who is trying to gain weight and having a VERY hard time. She lost more weight last week and a whole group of people congratulated her.. which is just further incidence of not paying attention.

    I'm not saying that as a friend you need to read into every situation and know what every diary says or whatever.. but I am saying that sometimes it would be beneficial to actually know what you are saying. There are only like 10 of my friends who will put a detailed comment or actually have something to say.

    Praise is a terrific confidence booster.. but when you realize how empty it is then suddenly it means nothing.

    Think about it.

    Also.. if you're the kind of person into a "snappy" comeback or whatever, the person inclined to defend themselves to me.. don't waste your time. You don't have to read this.. and it doesn't matter what I say if you don't consider what you're doing in the end.

    To me it makes sense to ask for what you need from support people, get a few friends on MFP who know your situation and leave the rest of the world to pollice themselves.
  • EKarma
    EKarma Posts: 594 Member
    I'm bad.. I only read half of what you posted.. But I do agree with ya.
  • melindacook
    melindacook Posts: 2 Member
    Joined Aug 2011

    Posts: 55

    Fri 08/26/11 04:02 PM

    "As long as you think that the cause of your problem is “out there”—as long as you think that anyone or anything is responsible for your suffering—the situation is hopeless. It means that you are forever in the role of victim, that you’re suffering in paradise."

    — Byron Katie

    Love that quote !
  • in all seriousness, i can't f****** read the small font, i'm like a granny. when i use the caps, i'm doing myself a favor LOL i'm squinting as we speak.. going blind for you mo'fo's, right now!!!

  • lucky1ns
    lucky1ns Posts: 358 Member
    Just like the old WW message board days.

    A good, old fashioned melt.

    Want some fries with that melt?

    Now I'm wondering who this could be ;-)


    I toyed with the idea of posting this on the GDT but then came to my senses.
  • Eve1972
    Eve1972 Posts: 297
    This is part of a rant... so if you're thin skinned then stop reading.

    But seriously? If the point of this website were to just give mindless praise without really paying attention... then most of you are doing great. When I complete my food diary at only about 850 calories.. don't say "great job" or "Way to go" to that.. if you had actually looked I'm sure most of you would say "That's dangerous" because it is. I have another friend who is trying to gain weight and having a VERY hard time. She lost more weight last week and a whole group of people congratulated her.. which is just further incidence of not paying attention.

    I'm not saying that as a friend you need to read into every situation and know what every diary says or whatever.. but I am saying that sometimes it would be beneficial to actually know what you are saying. There are only like 10 of my friends who will put a detailed comment or actually have something to say.

    Praise is a terrific confidence booster.. but when you realize how empty it is then suddenly it means nothing.

    Think about it.

    it is naturally safe to consume less calories in a day or even more. People do it all of the time when they have a dinner they want to go to, or want to have a cheat day, they stagger their calories and make up for the deficit. It is not about the calories consumed in a day, it is about what is going in and out at the end of the week...whatever that may be for each individual.

    Everyone should be able to eat what they want. People should be able to Lower their calories to whatever they want to lower their calories to. We aren't MFP police. Why can't we just say, "good job staying under YOUR goal?" so apparently, what people are doing is critiquing the food intake of others like they are nutritional experts. Even a nutritionist shouldn't make comments about the types of food, or quantity of food someone is consuming on this site, unless specifically asked. People will ask for help when they want it. Doctors don't go around looking for people to care for. People look for doctors. We didn't join MFP to judge someone else.

    I do find it funny that people love to comment on the diaries of others. Why? What is the purpose? Really? MFP is here for everyone, regardless of what their calorie intake is. This site is about the individual, not what others think someone else should be consuming.

    Yes, this is really an aggravating topic for me. I guess you have people in this world who think they are supposed to control those around them.

    Logout and read who MFP is for..... EVERYONE regardless of what diet they are on. Read what MFP is all about.

    MFP is NOT a program. It is a site for journaling and finding others who are on the same path as you are. Everyone isn't on the same path.

    MFP is a lot like Jesus... arms open wide to the food-saint as well as to the junked-out-sinner.

    Just leave people alone!!

    Totally agree!
  • RachelSRoach1
    RachelSRoach1 Posts: 435 Member
    I'm not one to generally post on things like this but... You seem to like to eat and have drinks from Mickey D's alot... That don't seem to be to healthy on your part!!! You might want to cut that out or maybe just take a few less trips. Anyhow thats just my opinion. I hope it gets better... Good luck on your journey!!!

    LOL I found this waaay funny. Only because often times it is the easiest option as my Husband works as a Manager there and I end up spending quite a bit of time there.. and he gets free food every day. At least we're making healthy choices though.
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    i havent read through any of the replies but just wanted to comment on the first post... i usually just put "way to go" and "keep it up!" on food diaries that i have looked at and i think are healthy and are in a healthy calorie range. and i have a lot of MFP friends on here so that being said, that would take a freakin' long time to do. haha! so i just do that on a few here and there and i mostly comment on the exercises .. i usually just scroll down the first several pages of the main page and congratulate people on burning calories and on keeping their bodies moving! that way, i know i am congratulating them on the right things!
  • RachelSRoach1
    RachelSRoach1 Posts: 435 Member
    Lol and as the OP... what if I just enjoy some healthy debate and fired up people? What now? Thanks for the great read, guys.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    I'm not reading this whole thread so I won't comment on any s=debate, but I just want to say I agree with the OP and if I can't see the diary I will not comment. If I CAN see the diary and is below 1200 NET I will either NOT comment, or offer an encouragement to eat MORE. You only get a "WTG" type comment if you are above 1200 net and healthy food..
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    Lol and as the OP... what if I just enjoy some healthy debate and fired up people? What now? Thanks for the great read, guys.

    "What now"?'ve got lots of time on your hands.
  • Absolutely. We're not on here to get down and dirty with each individuals personal goals. It's nice to have contacts (That you probably dont know at all!) giving you compliments. Gives you the impression that people are on here looking through your goals and what not.

    To the original poster of this thread... Don't worry about it. People dont really care what everyone else is doing on here. YOU KNOW what your goals are, and if your not hitting them, then you need to change them yourself. Doesn't matter whether or not the comments match up with your ideas of fitness. But when they do... take it as a nice bit of extra esteem.

    We're all on here to kick butt. SO lets do it! ;)
  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 956 Member
    I'm stopped commenting on one of my friends diary because she is always way below her calories. When I told her I was going to stop she insisted that she still wanted feedback - I'm like, what's the point, you really don't care or you would make some serious changes. She's still on my friends list, but I'm debating deleting her since It's not someone I continue to want to support.
  • Also,

    Some people DO need to be eating less than 1200 calories. Some bodie types do make this scenario appropriate.
  • solpwr
    solpwr Posts: 1,039 Member
    I make the assumption that people are on track with their goals. I do not interject my judgements into the way they are using MFP. Comments that I make on auto-generated posts on the news feed are either positive or humorous. The only time I don't comment is if it is clear that the post is counter to their goals. My MFP friends are generally like me. At or near their goals, reasonably fit, and are trying to improve their fitness. I look at others diaries to glean ideas on food choices. I don't feel I have the right to judge their diet. I'm not a nutritionist.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I didn't read the whole thread so someone may have pointed this out already but, the entire reason the auto-post lets your friends know that you were UNDER your goal is so your friends can encourage you to meet your goal (eat more). People don't get the point and end up congratulating everyone for not meeting their goal (which means possibly undereating) instead. They're your goals, so you can set them to whatever you want (500 calories a day, 3000 calories a day, whatever!). You're supposed to try to meet your calorie goals, folks. That's why it's called a goal and not a limit or maximum. :wink:

    If my goal was to eat 5 servings of veggies a day, would you congratulate me for only eating 3 and not meeting my goal? See how that doesn't make any sense?

    Anyway, all that said, I opted to turn off that auto-post because I have a problem with how misunderstood it is.
  • I agree. This is why I don't have "friends" on MFP, because it is nobody's business but your own. If you are looking for community, get on the message boards.
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    I sometimes think its silly to say well done when someone ahs netted like 700cals in a day. Its not good for you, you should have at least 1200 a day so any less isnt healthy so not good job really is it?

    Holy crap! NO!!! Not everyone needs 1200 calories.