July 2019 Monthly Running Challenge



  • eleanorhawkins
    eleanorhawkins Posts: 1,657 Member
    zeesparrow wrote: »
    @eleanorhawkins Have you tried to fly? *grin*

    I'm glad I popped in here this morning. I'm following the Higdon Novice 1 Half plan now and debating running my third day in a row today. My calves felt tighter than usual when I got up this morning, probably a result of my not stretching or foam rolling very much after my run yesterday. I was going to take the dogs individually this morning - I'll still do that, but we'll walk instead. Then at lunch I'll ride the bike before yoga. The road will still be there tomorrow.

    @zeesparrow well there have been a few aborted takeoff attempts but I've never mastered the actually continual airborne suspension part ;-)

    I'm not going to risk the 3 in a row thing, I want to do too much this coming autumn/winter/spring for it to be sensible to take the suck it and see route. Plus, as I was reminded the other day by the facebook post about my first ever 5 mile run just a year ago, although in my mind I'm an experienced runner and superwoman, I'm actually still very very green. Maybe in 5 years time I'll be capable of the 3 days in a row/flying thing with no ill effects.

    There is an art, or rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.

    My case, as my favourite band said, was definitely a case of 'Jimmy Shoes busted both his legs trying to learn to fly' so yeah, I'll stick to running. Don't wanna be Jimmy.
  • zamirasoni
    zamirasoni Posts: 89 Member
    @PastorVincent ..wow, I thought my building was bad. If the upper floors catches on fire, you get out. Life is so much important that the darn corporate reports. In my opinion, i can get a new job. I can't not get a new body is it get burned.

    @RunsOnEspresso My building has a similar announcement system. Except it totally failed us. There was an electrical fire on the first floor. So technically all floor should have been notified. We are located in the 11th floor and no announcement was made. All the way to the 9th floor was evacuated and I guess the 10-12 were not relevant enough to be notified. I was so angry. The way we found out was one of the employees started smelling burned wires and we got outside. Since, we didn't see anything, we just got back inside. Then someone came back from lunch and said fire dept was downstairs.

  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    Interesting article: https://www.outsideonline.com/2399632/self-talk-study

    I tend to do a mix of first and second person when I'm running. Maybe I should focus on YOU more than I. I probably do say I need to do X too much. I like the idea of you can instead.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,399 Member
    @PastorVincent - my husband can relate completely to that cartoon 🤣
  • bluesmanhart6679
    bluesmanhart6679 Posts: 55 Member
    kgirlhart wrote: »
    July goal: 100 miles

    7/2: 6.26 miles
    7/3: 5.51 miles
    7/4: 6.25 miles
    7/7: 9.11 miles
    7/9: 6.23 miles
    7/10: 6.25 miles
    7/11: 6.24 miles
    7/14: 10.04 miles
    7/16: 6.25 miles (Run in Peace @MobyCarp)
    7/17: 6.26 miles
    7/18: 6.26 miles

    74.66/100 miles completed

    Another 6.26 miles this morning. It was another hot one at 79°F feels like 83°F but the humidity this morning was "only" 67% and the dew point was only 67° so I guess that was a little better than yesterday which was the same temp but 73% humidity and 69° dew point. It was windier today though. It was a pleasant run though, just hot. I saw a few walkers who greeted me and I saw my coworker driving by. I also saw a tarantula crossing the road in right in front of me. I could have stepped on him if I hadn't been paying attention. I briefly considered stopping for a picture, but I was already closer to him than I wanted to be and I didn't want to have to stop and dig my phone out of my flipbelt. He would probably been in the grass by then anyway.


    2019 races:
    2/2/19: Catch the Groundhog Half Marathon - PR 2:15:17
    5/18/19: Run for 57th AHC Half Marathon - Cancelled due to weather

    2020 races:
    5/16/20: Run for 57th AHC Half Marathon

    Be careful babe, they will jump. But, that might guarantee a new PR
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,001 Member
    kgirlhart wrote: »
    July goal: 100 miles

    7/2: 6.26 miles
    7/3: 5.51 miles
    7/4: 6.25 miles
    7/7: 9.11 miles
    7/9: 6.23 miles
    7/10: 6.25 miles
    7/11: 6.24 miles
    7/14: 10.04 miles
    7/16: 6.25 miles (Run in Peace @MobyCarp)
    7/17: 6.26 miles
    7/18: 6.26 miles

    74.66/100 miles completed

    Another 6.26 miles this morning. It was another hot one at 79°F feels like 83°F but the humidity this morning was "only" 67% and the dew point was only 67° so I guess that was a little better than yesterday which was the same temp but 73% humidity and 69° dew point. It was windier today though. It was a pleasant run though, just hot. I saw a few walkers who greeted me and I saw my coworker driving by. I also saw a tarantula crossing the road in right in front of me. I could have stepped on him if I hadn't been paying attention. I briefly considered stopping for a picture, but I was already closer to him than I wanted to be and I didn't want to have to stop and dig my phone out of my flipbelt. He would probably been in the grass by then anyway.


    2019 races:
    2/2/19: Catch the Groundhog Half Marathon - PR 2:15:17
    5/18/19: Run for 57th AHC Half Marathon - Cancelled due to weather

    2020 races:
    5/16/20: Run for 57th AHC Half Marathon

    Be careful babe, they will jump. But, that might guarantee a new PR

    That's why I didn't stop to take a picture!
  • Teresa502
    Teresa502 Posts: 1,733 Member
    July 1 – 5.18 miles + 9 miles cycling + 30 min weights
    July 2 – 30 min kickboxing + 30 min Pilates
    July 3 – 5 miles + 45 min Yoga + 11 miles cycling
    July 4 – 4.09 miles – Red, White and Boom race
    July 5 – 22 miles cycling
    July 6 – 10 miles + SUP
    July 7 – rest
    July 8 – 5 miles + 30 min weights + 10.3 miles cycling after work
    July 9 – 30 min stretching + 30 min lower body weights
    July 10 – 5.07 miles + 45 min yoga
    July 11 – rest
    July 12 – bootcamp
    July 13 – 13.1 miles – The Scream
    July 14 – rest
    July 15 – 4.31 miles
    July 16 – 15.8 miles cycling
    July 17 – 5.01 miles
    July 18 – rest
    July 19 – 0.86 mile + bootcamp
    Total – 57.62 running miles (Goal 110 miles)

    Quick run before bootcamp this morning. Hot and humid….again. Anyone have a race this weekend?
  • Squish815
    Squish815 Posts: 150 Member
    @Squish815 I hate running any time of day except first thing in the morning. I hate getting up early, but I've found I hate running later even more! Unless it's a race. I LOVE evening races. Maybe I'm just a bit crazy :-) Try it and see, you don't have to commit to doing it for the rest of your life if you don't like it!

    I don't mind running a bit later if I've not been at work but my energy levels after sitting at a desk all day are near zero. I'm going to try an early one next Wednesday rather than an after work one. I don't think you're crazy though, everyone has a preference!

    01 July - 1.6 miles (treadmill)
    07 July - 4.1 miles (outside)
    08 July - 1.4 miles (treadmill)
    11 July - 1.6 miles (treadmill)
    12 July - 3.2 miles (outside - and beat my 5K PB by 19 seconds)
    14 July - 6.8 miles (outside - and beat my 10K PB by 1:42!)
    15 July - 1.2 (treadmill on incline as we don't have many hills where I am in London!)
    17 July - 4 miles (outside)
    18 July - 1.7 miles (treadmill)
    19 July - 1.8 miles (treadmill)

    Total to date: 27.4 miles (Might actually hit my target of 40!)

    I am supposed to go for a long run tomorrow as I'm not sure I'll get a chance on Sunday but I've done something active every day for the last 6 days. Not sure if I'll have the energy to make it 7 days. We'll see!
  • Tramboman
    Tramboman Posts: 2,482 Member
    Finally cracked a segment on Strava. I’m embarrassingly proud of myself:


    You have the right to be proud. Sub 5 minute kilometer is outstanding!!!