Less Alcohol - JULY 2019 - One Day at a Time



  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,710 Member
    Thanks for all of the thoughts on the fake wine, lol, I won't bother.
    I seldom drink wine anyway, but when the fake beer turned out to be pretty good (also not a beer drinker, I like brandy) I was wondering if there were other things that simulated the real thing.
    The fake stuff doesn't give a nice little buzz anyway, which is half of the allure of real booze.
    All good.
  • beebva4
    beebva4 Posts: 130 Member
    Today is my 2nd scheduled "AF/Cherry and Chocolate" day this week. And I am committing to no drinks tomorrow too. That would make it 2 days in a Row. Strangely, I am not craving wine. I am craving Pistachio Ice Cream. And also Chocolate Cherry Ice Cream. Visions of Italian Gelato are coming my way. Funny thing is I don't eat dairy, never buy ice cream and am lactose intolerant LOL so where is this coming from? Ready to get in my car and get one or all.....is this the Thunder Moon doing this or what???

    I like this idea! On AF days replacing it with a goodie 😁 good job on making your second day!
  • beebva4
    beebva4 Posts: 130 Member
    July 15, 2019 2:02PM
    July 14, 2019 12:13PM
    7/4 - AF
    7/5 - bad :(
    7/6 - kept to my goal of waiting till night time, however had more than I wanted. But better then the night before so thats good.
    7/7 - AF
    7/8 - 3 drinks
    7/9 - AF - YAY! :)
    7/10 - 1 small drink
    7/11 - drank
    7/12 - drank
    7/13 - AF
    7/14 - AF - man did it feel good going af for TWO days! I can't remember last time I did that! I feel good, I didnt even feel like or think of wanting anything yesterday. I'll be keeping it up today going AF!
    7/15 - AF
    7/16 - 1.5 drinks! So I decided to have a drink (and by that I mean a small glass probably 8 oz) and I poured a second but as I was sipping it it just wasnt tasty anymore and I actually just let it sit out overnight and never touched it. That to me is a HUGE progress! Usually after one I keep going.
    7/17 - AF the lack of drinking has given me more energy and a clearer mind, I even worked out yesterday!

    Today's goal, another AF day!
    Happy almost Friday everyone! 😁
  • mainelylisa
    mainelylisa Posts: 375 Member
    This app is maddening--not sure how much more I can take.

    I should have put more context here. I usually use the computer app, and when tracking food, have been constantly kicked out, system down, etc. However, seems the Android app is much more stable, so will stick to that. Happy Friday Junior, Everyone!
  • syreina
    syreina Posts: 548 Member
    Thank you for the warm welcome and for looking after everyone, @MissMay and @Womona.

    My husband's birthday is two weeks away and my medication is done. No word to report back yet because I haven't had a drink.

    My weight loss progress (8 months of going to the gym and 10 lbs lost) and slow metabolism are good motivators for keeping drinks at bay as well.

    Keep up the great work everyone!
    syreina wrote: »
    I am not much of drinker, less than social you can say since I would typically have 1-2 mixed drinks and the heartburn would start. I finally went to the doctor in March to get it checked out and I am finally on my last two weeks of medication.
  • beebva4
    beebva4 Posts: 130 Member
    This app is maddening--not sure how much more I can take.

    I should have put more context here. I usually use the computer app, and when tracking food, have been constantly kicked out, system down, etc. However, seems the Android app is much more stable, so will stick to that. Happy Friday Junior, Everyone!

    I've never used the desktop version but the app has been giving me nothing but issues the last few days! 3 out of 4 times I cant open the community tab, it just says error 🤦‍♀️argh!
  • Alzzi_2
    Alzzi_2 Posts: 2,149 Member
    The app 'insight timer' is a big life saver


    For anyone that wants to give it a try
  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,588 Member
    Happy Friday Junior, Everyone!
    Happy almost Friday everyone! 😁


  • Alzzi_2
    Alzzi_2 Posts: 2,149 Member
    MissMay wrote: »
    Happy Friday Junior, Everyone!
    Happy almost Friday everyone! 😁


    Happy Friday back to u!.. thanku very much for your support here. It's been awesome.
  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,588 Member
    Today is the 200th day of 2019. This marks a good time to see what has happened to you since Jan 1st.

    I for one have been able to accomplish so many projects that in the past would have just been a wish list in my mind without getting any farther.
    The energy, enthusiasm and follow through have given me purpose. Purpose is a key to being happy in life. It also keeps your mind and body occupied, pushing boredom out of the way.

    Strive for one goal purpose today(does not not to be less alcohol related). See how it makes you feel after you have completed it. If it brings even the tiniest smile to the corner of your mouth than you followed through.
  • pennyks88
    pennyks88 Posts: 167 Member
    Hi all! I've been AF 16 days out of 19 so far this month. Feeling a bit down on myself today because the way I look in my head is not at all how I look in pictures. I just feel huge and I hate it. I'm eating extra calories because I'm breastfeeding and if I eat less, my milk supply drops. I'm hoping in a few more months I can start cutting calories since she'll be over a year old. It's aggravating when you hear people say the weight falls off when you're breastfeeding because that's just not true for everyone. Ugh.
  • beebva4
    beebva4 Posts: 130 Member
    edited July 2019
    7/4 - AF
    7/5 - bad :(
    7/6 - kept to my goal of waiting till night time, however had more than I wanted. But better then the night before so thats good.
    7/7 - AF
    7/8 - 3 drinks
    7/9 - AF - YAY! :)
    7/10 - 1 small drink
    7/11 - drank
    7/12 - drank
    7/13 - AF
    7/14 - AF - man did it feel good going af for TWO days! I can't remember last time I did that! I feel good, I didnt even feel like or think of wanting anything yesterday. I'll be keeping it up today going AF!
    7/15 - AF
    7/16 - 1.5 drinks! So I decided to have a drink (and by that I mean a small glass probably 8 oz) and I poured a second but as I was sipping it it just wasnt tasty anymore and I actually just let it sit out overnight and never touched it. That to me is a HUGE progress! Usually after one I keep going.
    7/17 - AF the lack of drinking has given me more energy and a clearer mind, I even worked out yesterday.
    7/18 - 1.5 drinks ➡️ not too happy about yesterday. I decided to have a drink after my husband did, that's my problem. Just because he's drinking doesnt mean I need to. He's better at having just one. I'm not upset that I had the drink, I'm upset that I went to get a second and had a munchie snack in the middle of the night 😔 however, I was so far under my calorie goal that even having that snack and that extra half a drink I was still under my calorie goal.

    I'm allowing one more drink day sometime this weekend, other than that its AF. I want to go for a whole week AF next week, M-F! 🤔
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,710 Member
    I am going to continue into July with a goal of 4-5 AF days per week. It is great to be able to check in here each day. Thank you for looking after us @MissMay : - )

    May - 18 AF days
    June - 16 AF days - Really had to backload that one! It was nearing the end of the month and I was only at 12 AF days. Maybe going to try to get more in at the beginning of the month this time, so if invited for wine or a cocktail party with gfs later in the month I can actually go.

    July 01 - AF
    July 02 - AF - Guess that I will start my tally at the bottom : - ) I realize now that 16AF days (4 per week) in a 31 day month is like having drinks every second day!
    July 03 - AF - Today was no problem to be AF, but yesterday was a long hard day and I really felt like kicking back and having a couple of drinks - I just didn't. I even bought some of that fake beer that I have heard some of you talking about (I got Grolsch) - but it didn't occur to me to go to the fridge and have it. I am not a beer drinker, so I guess that it wouldn't have really been a substitute for a brandy or a glass of red wine : - P
    July 04 - 3 drinks
    July 05 - AF
    July 06 - 3 drinks
    July 07 - AF
    July 08 - AF - Um, I saw Kombucha being made on a TV show, sorry y'all that like it, but whoa, ick! : - P
    July 09 - AF
    July 10 - AF - I had a nice steak for dinner and wanted a glass of Merlot or Cab with it, but didn't want to open a whole bottle (partially to prevent having drinks 2 days in a row) to have a glass or two. So I remembered the fake beer that I bought, the Grolsch and thought that might be a different thing to have. Firstly, it is 150 calories for one! I don't really drink beer anyway, but a light beer has like half of the calories of that. I figured maybe I would just drink half of it to save calories. Anyway, I poured out a bit in a glass and tasted it. Oh my, it was a Radler! I didn't like it, so didn't drink it. I may buy some more fake beer, but will be more careful at looking at the label. is there fake wine? Lol, I know that there can't be fake brandy, which is what I really prefer.
    July 11 - 3 drinks
    July 12 - AF - Had a fake beer, Labbatt Blue. It was actually pretty good. 50 calories, so it didn't break the bank. Mojitos planned for tomrrow, my mint is perfect in my garden. By this time last year I had many many Mojitos. This will be the first for this summer.
    July 13 - 3 drinks - haven't had the mojitos with my own mint yet, maybe next weekend.
    July 14 - AF
    July 15 - AF
    July 16 - 3 drinks - I think that if I am going to have a few drinks a couple of days a week Tuesdays have to be included. It is my long tough day of the week, and I have so far not allowed myself to have drinks on Tuesdays even though that is the day where I really really feel like it. I must say that it was really nice to have a few. Good taste, nice relaxing feeling, great sleep. It was better than a chamomile tea. Time to rack up some ore AF days now. I feel confident that I will reach the 16-20 AF days for the month.
    July 17 - AF
    July 18 - 3 drinks - It showed on the scale this morning. My objective for drinking less is to lose weight, and this affirms it.

    Running total: 12 AF days out of 18 days so far.
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,710 Member
    I am going to continue into July with a goal of 4-5 AF days per week. It is great to be able to check in here each day. Thank you for looking after us @MissMay : - )

    May - 18 AF days
    June - 16 AF days - Really had to backload that one! It was nearing the end of the month and I was only at 12 AF days. Maybe going to try to get more in at the beginning of the month this time, so if invited for wine or a cocktail party with gfs later in the month I can actually go.

    July 01 - AF
    July 02 - AF - Guess that I will start my tally at the bottom : - ) I realize now that 16AF days (4 per week) in a 31 day month is like having drinks every second day!
    July 03 - AF - Today was no problem to be AF, but yesterday was a long hard day and I really felt like kicking back and having a couple of drinks - I just didn't. I even bought some of that fake beer that I have heard some of you talking about (I got Grolsch) - but it didn't occur to me to go to the fridge and have it. I am not a beer drinker, so I guess that it wouldn't have really been a substitute for a brandy or a glass of red wine : - P
    July 04 - 3 drinks
    July 05 - AF
    July 06 - 3 drinks
    July 07 - AF
    July 08 - AF - Um, I saw Kombucha being made on a TV show, sorry y'all that like it, but whoa, ick! : - P
    July 09 - AF
    July 10 - AF - I had a nice steak for dinner and wanted a glass of Merlot or Cab with it, but didn't want to open a whole bottle (partially to prevent having drinks 2 days in a row) to have a glass or two. So I remembered the fake beer that I bought, the Grolsch and thought that might be a different thing to have. Firstly, it is 150 calories for one! I don't really drink beer anyway, but a light beer has like half of the calories of that. I figured maybe I would just drink half of it to save calories. Anyway, I poured out a bit in a glass and tasted it. Oh my, it was a Radler! I didn't like it, so didn't drink it. I may buy some more fake beer, but will be more careful at looking at the label. is there fake wine? Lol, I know that there can't be fake brandy, which is what I really prefer.
    July 11 - 3 drinks
    July 12 - AF - Had a fake beer, Labbatt Blue. It was actually pretty good. 50 calories, so it didn't break the bank. Mojitos planned for tomrrow, my mint is perfect in my garden. By this time last year I had many many Mojitos. This will be the first for this summer.
    July 13 - 3 drinks - haven't had the mojitos with my own mint yet, maybe next weekend.
    July 14 - AF
    July 15 - AF
    July 16 - 3 drinks - I think that if I am going to have a few drinks a couple of days a week Tuesdays have to be included. It is my long tough day of the week, and I have so far not allowed myself to have drinks on Tuesdays even though that is the day where I really really feel like it. I must say that it was really nice to have a few. Good taste, nice relaxing feeling, great sleep. It was better than a chamomile tea. Time to rack up some ore AF days now. I feel confident that I will reach the 16-20 AF days for the month.
    July 17 - AF
    July 18 - 3 drinks - It showed on the scale this morning. My objective for drinking less is to lose weight, and this affirms it.
    July 19 - AF - I always feel like having drinks the day after having drinks, but I like not having a puffy face and belly better and I have somewhere to go tomorrow, plus I have tentative plans for Mojitos some time this weekend so needed to rack up an AF day. Also, no drinks 2 days in a row or the 3rd day is really tough to accomplish.

    Running total: 13 AF days out of 19 days so far.
  • beebva4
    beebva4 Posts: 130 Member
    edited July 2019
    7/4 - AF
    7/5 - bad :(
    7/6 - kept to my goal of waiting till night time, however had more than I wanted. But better then the night before so thats good.
    7/7 - AF
    7/8 - 3 drinks
    7/9 - AF - YAY! :)
    7/10 - 1 small drink
    7/11 - drank
    7/12 - drank
    7/13 - AF
    7/14 - AF - man did it feel good going af for TWO days! I can't remember last time I did that! I feel good, I didnt even feel like or think of wanting anything yesterday. I'll be keeping it up today going AF!
    7/15 - AF
    7/16 - 1.5 drinks! So I decided to have a drink (and by that I mean a small glass probably 8 oz) and I poured a second but as I was sipping it it just wasnt tasty anymore and I actually just let it sit out overnight and never touched it. That to me is a HUGE progress! Usually after one I keep going.
    7/17 - AF the lack of drinking has given me more energy and a clearer mind, I even worked out yesterday.
    7/18 - 1.5 drinks
    7/19 - 1.5 drinks, again not too bad (only a small 8oz glass). I honestly could've gone without it tonight so I wish I had, however I feel like I've made great progress this last week and a half. My weeks are WAY less drinking than they used to be, even if they're not all AF days.

    Tomorrow I will allow ONE drink then AF Sunday and all of next week is the goal.

    Keep up the great work everyone! Looks like we are all making personal accomplishments! 😁
  • AbandondedKSCharger
    AbandondedKSCharger Posts: 562 Member
    Happy Actual Friday, everyone! Yeeeehawwww! 3 weeks AF today and feeling pretty damn good. Woke up before my 6a alarm (if you live in Maine you understand it starts getting light at 4:30a). Headed to a tennis lesson at 7:30a. Tonight, I'm going to a pop-up bar in a gorgeous former church, and then to get my 80's dance on at Bubba's. I decided I'm going to drink. Tonic! I'm splurging with calories. I've already danced sober, so I know I can do it. Hope you enjoy your day and night! And tomorrow morning. ;-)

    I'm so glad you followed through with the tennis lessons!