What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member
    Today I attended an all day back to basics bootcamp. With a variety of activities from tabata to circuits to team games to obstacle course. Absolutely shattered now.
    (And I ran a mile to get to the bus stop)il7amy9ewssp.jpg
  • aokoye
    aokoye Posts: 3,495 Member
    Nearly 11km in the weirdly rigged 8 sitting 7. It's the first time I've sat 7 in almost a year so that was interesting (the boat we went out in is currently starved rigged with an oddly placed bucket). Most of the club is up in Canada for a regatta so it was an interesting like up. This also means I'm probably not going to come down tomorrow given the selection of shells we have.

    However, now it's time for breakfast
  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,218 MFP Moderator
    aokoye wrote: »

    However, now it's time for breakfast
    Yeah, imma need you to tell me what that is and how I can make it. That looks amazing g!
  • jnomadica
    jnomadica Posts: 280 Member
    60 minute morning Krav Maga class- great start to the weekend!
  • aokoye
    aokoye Posts: 3,495 Member
    JustSomeEm wrote: »
    aokoye wrote: »

    However, now it's time for breakfast
    Yeah, imma need you to tell me what that is and how I can make it. That looks amazing g!
    It's a "breakfast bowl" from the cafe near the boat house that I row out of and my typical Saturday breakfast. While I didn't make it, it's two eggs scrambled and a handful of new potatoes halved, tossed in pesto, and roasted. They top it with cilantro I want to say (or parsley - either way, it's barely detectable). There was less pesto on them today than usual. And then the avocado which I could have done without as I'm not actually a fan of avocado).
  • aokoye
    aokoye Posts: 3,495 Member
    Workout number 2 of the day - 1 hour on Zwift. Power wise, just under 75% of it was endurance and below which was what I was hoping for.

    This week has been the week of testing out if adding cycling multiple days a week on top of rowing will be ok. So far so good. I was a bit worried about the idea earlier today, but looking at the day with regards to how many minutes I've been working over the past 3 months, there's been a gradual rise so I think it'll be fine.
  • pierinifitness
    pierinifitness Posts: 2,226 Member

    Rest day, hungry as a bear today.
  • taitan2307
    taitan2307 Posts: 13 Member
    Rest Day Today..Sunday Shopping Therapy B)
  • lg013
    lg013 Posts: 215 Member
    15 minute interval warm up on the stairclimber

    5x750m fast rows with 1 minute rest between (19 min active)

    15 min interval bike ride with going each spike I would push for a heart rate above 160 (1 min push/1 min rest)

    20 min elliptical interval cool down on machines

    Total workout time: 1 hour 9 minutes
  • warukimedesu
    warukimedesu Posts: 27 Member
    A 50km ride, which I try to do every Sunday. Partly as part of my weekly workout scheme, and partly to train for a cycling event in October.
  • aokoye
    aokoye Posts: 3,495 Member
    Zwift ride - nothing especially exciting. I opted not to go to practice this morning because most of the sculling shells are at a regatta at the moment. I suspect I will have a similar post tomorrow as I don't have rowing tomorrow morning either (due to the regatta). The same might be true Tuesday but I'm waiting on an email about that.
  • jnomadica
    jnomadica Posts: 280 Member
    Had my first try in many years with hill sprints today. It was much too hot to do outside, so the treadmill it was. I took it very easy, as I’m quite concerned about injury. Lengthy warmup all for 4 30 second sprints at a 5% incline, followed by a long cool down and stretching. It felt good, and I’ll continue to increase the number of sprints, or grade, or speed as time goes on. The goal is more power and endurance for my sport, and life.
  • CentaurusSoter
    CentaurusSoter Posts: 433 Member
    Workout Today:

    15 Squats
    15 Push-ups
    15 Sit-ups
    10 Miles Biked
    15 Squats
  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,218 MFP Moderator
    Today’s workout was an easy 2 mile walk.
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 998 Member
    edited July 2019
    Yesterday: 3 sets of 2,000 metres in the erg, with 4 minutes rest . Average pace 2.17, best 2.11.

    Then I lifted in the evening. It was quite light (55 kgs bench; 120 kgs deadlift.)

    Today 8k metres on the erg, 2.23 pace. I found it hard work because of the humidity.

    Then, later, 75 minutes bouldering. This was bloody brilliant. I got a lot of new routes. There is a sloper ladder thing, where there are no hand holds for the last step up. I needed to cling to the wall, whilst praying .
  • pierinifitness
    pierinifitness Posts: 2,226 Member
    7/21/2019 - another rest day and one week to go until Wharf to Wharf 2019 next Sunday, my upcoming 6-mile fun run.

    Next week I'll squeeze in three final running workouts gradually tapering for Sunday. My "wheels" are feeling good. Hopefully I'll have a cooperating cardiovascular-respiratory system on fun run day.

    Looking forward to the trip down memory lane. My son and I used to run this popular annual fun run over 20 years ago when he was a good high school track athlete distance runner and I was his tag-along Dad trying to be half the runner he was.
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member

    Today's slow steady work at the gym. Doing a nice job holding back for the longer workouts. Roughly 30 minutes on the rower, 30 on the StairMaster, 20 in the Stationary Bike and the rest just letting the HR drop back down.
  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member

    Had myself a rest day, all I did was run a mile to keep my streak going
  • CentaurusSoter
    CentaurusSoter Posts: 433 Member
    Had some DOMS yesterday. Decided not to bike once I finished my core work as who needs to risk an injury.

    16 Sit-ups
    16 Push-ups
    16 Squats
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,948 Member
    Animal Flow Daily 5
    Handstand Pushup - Pavel Fighter Progression (3RM) Day 10/20
    *On a Yoga Block
    5-4-3-2-1 (15)
    Pull-ups - Fighter Pull-Up Program (12R Max) Day 10/20
    12-12-10-7-5 (46)
    Hatha Sun Salutation - 5 Rounds
    Ashtanga Sun Salutation A - 5 Rounds
    Ashtanga Sun Salutation B - 5 Rounds

    Animal Flow Daily 5
    Handstand Pushup - Pavel Fighter Progression (3RM) Day 11/20
    *On a Yoga Block
    5-4-3-2-1- (15)
    Pull-ups - Fighter Pull-Up Program (12R Max) Day 11/20
    14-11-8-6-3 (42)
    Hatha Sun Salutation - 5 Rounds
    Ashtanga Sun Salutation A - 5 Rounds
    Dead Hang and Handstand Wall Hold Complex
    Hang 40 on 20 off Hand 40 on 20 off x 4 rounds - 8 min
    *Only got through 3 rounds. Grip was not there today…